w-~ievms-c~wv r~~r -~ Theb Canadien Champion, Thursday, lune l"*, t960 CAMPSILLVILLE LOWVILLE Refus Pacers ezonigM.s . Wi \nHolai ess Over ~ 100 Atend a ,,,euePces eoig. e etroit u -u To Affernoon Branch Showr in Church s Conllsued froim Page One a utaa rea for commerceB Neabyreidet ie Tneli r nd atr, o lo fromes. auts entS.aS.udN. and 12. pwercommunications, lu-vapttr atn n bak nWdiay one St erAf- s Over 0atadfao llcein said ha worked three years to ~~ esano eesadaut rmSS o 0adB.Iain ad trmtsotrtW*, rthfng. Tua legreup mi A«. foe rn fS. ereseu hwrfr Margaret Early filt sawer and water service, study of the problems hy the No. 3 schools. under the super- whictt portray the major rispects Iran lfe as livad, helng ýpresarv- W.A. 1met et the homne of Mrs. prioir f0 lier niarriage fu Donald a than "a church and a factory" board, toin and appeltants. the vision of George Avry, principal in the liroat and development cdi an history and tradition of Campbiell Winn in Acton. Blacklock in Ebenezer Church f aprang up onfh eh ide of his town mnoved to change their re- of S.S. No. 10, journeyed on of the United States from pio- the Unitad States.P The meeting was openedhy the schonl roomri. She raceived many homne on Ontario St. 'What li quest from the C3 zoning tu Ml, Friday, June 10, at 5.30 a.m. to scer days tu the present time. Confortable Ride prsdnM. ronHrivieadueflifsfrthr my houai going tu he sorli' tu conform with the Ministers Detroit lu visit the Henry Ford Here the group saw objecis The group enjoyad a Comfti Margaret LePage gave the Bible ncw home. ha ekdfi or. -aprv o lcM oe Ho- Museum and Grcenfield village rangng fromt pracision elactron- ahie ride on thte Mason>s Dreareadtng. Mrs. Margaret Parry enlerfain- Noe umee ever, the board roîrd a saparate at Dearlioro, Michigan. tes cquipmest f0uflic multt-eng. coachi hus, Guelphi, sifl a comn. Mms. boibal in hem usuai in- cdi at a surprise party for Mar- M o.esiuinsanoter n-haaring woold have f0 lbc callad Thc 14-acre museum contains ine aimplane sehicli carried Byrd patent driver. Ail seere safely larsflng yway gave a portion of garer at lier home in Eden Milîs arS. Wrkisn, said sha rt-afiter sulimission of a nese by- vast and varicd collections on across the South Pole. tucked in bads hy Il p.m. Friday the Study Book on Africa, and Prasented lier with a hand- arc t esdnsi s po 0w. agriculture, crafîs, industriat Three Sections theainse day, and att had en: Pl"fent some swivet chairand a clip and cd flic plant on fli grounds the .1 am in sympathy %ith the machinec.v, sicam and clecîrîc The Museum i, ttivi'ded icto joycd a wondcrfut day. During flic business portion of dip set. area shoutd lic completely es- towns unemptoyamcnt anti need thrcc maie -ections, the line Final Meeting the meeting plans wcre mode to Eheneer Choir alsoicave Mar- dhal. he xplerand she pur-au0 ndustriesliait dt ni ld 'e di g.llerv lie sîrcetoficarly The Jonliadtfinaimeeting î> caler ta the Mutuai Lite As-ar. farcit aiffte surprise one cran choaed i15 er preeland bultacon grant youc motii said ASH Ameri eauihap-., aid flec mcch- lie seasan of thc St. Daviis ner Co. picnic at Ccdar Springs lue alter choir practice alt he hom i 152lifor ficted asclairman Jamieson. ttl departs anical arts hall. Girls' Groop was heid ut the and a committea mas appoinîcd home utflier parcnss Mr. andt annsc toth fonlio rcet 10fer fromtflic tramewock of..i Thec roup visiled compteteiy homne of Margaret MePliail with 0mkilnlo aBricu r.Wlim Ery r.H Iy noise had liecomea anuisance. your bisyîw Celebrate euppdslos ta asesSsa Geoyrrsigg.I ~1 e's hdo u ne 2hat St.Savaep ras on tflihoir b. E. Brrett tId the huard ha Factors in Dealelon maker. carpes fer. viotin maker epaed with a poenm, The GraatestGoreCurlskeafwmdsnfiiri- wa asuadIh aeama rsi- Ha cited the failure to notify ' 'Ily ae.moultio Fmre,~act. The meeting ciosad and a oveîy hait asti presented lier witha entiai when ha purchased there, Mr. Sewcll, flic confliet ofthelicJune Blriiiuays miltiner and tinsmifli. Mrs. Murray McPhail gave flic lunch was sirved heli hostcss lovety cors flomer crystoil cake but counicil imposed a subivis- hy-faw wvitli the officiai plan., aiyhrldy a ede te Greenfleld Village topie on the life of Rev. Ema. flic and anjoyed hy the mamhems asd plate. io feeein198 hchstper Afaiycirhaywa fed l fesienoyisg luschi at filicson of a witcli doctor, nom a seviatvisitors. The staff asd fctiow 'vorters io feee n 95 shîlistppdand flic question ut luicol tond flic home ut Mr. and Mrs. Lou cafeteria, al arec tiogiminister ot the Preshyfeif rthoee hakd r. in n e o.. oili. pre sd ir hlm from davetopine flic arca. se and compafabilifv wif h theiRechert ai Peru. n h anar O t Grecss Dlbl hake Ms.Win Me aidthee ws pant ofrai- urrounding fend use, os factors hase îvliose irîliarsar riv enieciiVillage, shichlis Cliorcl inisNigeria and shealaso for opaning ier home and ente-mtialvt luadppu wa rsag vialf n 0r hedcsonJn.Tle nidd ae nan îcspirisg village vividiy pur-. lad is prayer. wîaisisg. clckan wyfotg vialanse intedcso.Jn.Te nhd Mrs. J. Mc-tryig le meianliriag. edls evtinatostr viceahia for this industry, north Mr Dick said Ilie town cool d amef, Mca. Morjarie Reid, Lloydti tnssthe ot 100 bueifdigs, Pae amliw edindaoton of tu as ia1 Highway 401. prove this was the licst use of Cargo Jr, Cari, .Lvns asti ou hiosior t 0 uidns en asa e i eoin Miltas reai estafe agent Brtan tL odaduge crn s ecir n Mr otat n rc homes, sirops, schools, asd gave the inanciai report Best spoke in support of fl ic00 as possible f0 facilitai eflic Meredit Il. milîs, stores and talioratories asd Jeas Etia gave the sacretary's application, nofing that othar sfart of construction liy the ViorwthMsWmMLcsicorerisg 200 acres. Thece are repor t. Roll cati mas answer d M industrial properfies sn town Company. Mr. McWifliams dcc- aisacur Edga r,. MLi.siaia Bur radesiîpcraîing asi of Henry hy flic word Thasbs. Janet Mit.~ M lare anMI reawoul beors LiFttrd's and Thomas Edisons cheit ctosed the meeting witli are~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ unufhefrtafri, ird nM rasoi i Osingion andîlGeorge Marshal un tILvi. miiiing, glassbioming, silli prayer and a social FRUT & Gm coe y S OR Not for Homes t han a C3 arca. and warced Sa itirdayLiiit Mr. andîlMci. Caîm- making. tisivping, prinfisg, mica- fotiosard.hatou The C.N.R., flic added, is ex- "my objections wilIlibceveen croc Marshall, and Ralieci Mar-FR I & R C Y ST E pasding ifs main ise fromt Ham- more sfrenuous" ogainsf an MI sa i mgi aLidDtfLso - îmsiv.i . '~ v :ilton 10 Barrie, whîcli made this application, Lhil Wii Macsl,îDold DotuMc.anti -wyr~ Id Mr..and cis. Gordton Hat-ris and RanncETJIYSWE LRD Mi lrd veevstr o u-H lon's Resta rn p ig Make New Rezoning Bd .. oKicday. Mrks irtd i Sc urn peigSunkist Oranges GRAPEFRUIT Catlse eo PgeO ecd liy commercial ose, members Little Robin Howadti GandmtT d y i ro t t1L cto Good Size 5 FOR 29c f0 wthdram and resohmitlthe of counici suggested f ley couolticelelicaîcd is fil liiriliv olics% for flic atenicg of ftle mlies trac coffeeanad donuts appltcatton Io a naw lieartng. sec nlo opposition bu t eercedlTuesdav.1 ness- Hîlson's Restaurant on mililiae gises amay. Over tie, 29C DOZ. -Me expresscd the hope the new the mat fer tu flic planning board. Theîe are a feu cases utrmca Brodte Si.. Milton, scercetisai- meekesd, ail patronsmiii lihas-e a' _____________ harn wouId lie arranged Cierk Costigun warncd thaf os oIes ib tis distictt. iedtl Iis occl and flic nese treclhance a iluclir drLîm prizes.! CANADA DRY sliortIy, ~~long a fel d wasz - dci Mc. lacPelleriti antI Jo-m. huilicg uI lieb opes to fttc CfeheMuaKUNR iTGN E L MlieRosi taydetono cmecactf dMiss lice P-el l i vnn Tusa) C e uMasKUTYKS trac, ceeftons ladfa zoed on-public ls rcie T -cdaî The restfauan f miI felur ALEr P e. î .00 m 9.achmlucesad il fcaur Counciltor Charlton reported building moutd lie a cactraren- speci Ls i iscekecdti h Mi-. antisack7.00ces la 9.00 p.m. erel or '"discussions ifli Dr. C. A. Mac- ion ofthfli zosing liy-iam. Mis. Robhert Wlicelitîcd aintl ,m- Normas 'Cy' Hilson. Briît ineals. caieîigfr sriing SALE PRICE ý,otie cosnine Ptown Racepane-uBui'.s eSt., is the amner and Bill anti tram a calice stap ta lamitv 15 oz. Tin l1ic Plus Detuasît 0f fic Mlîsie Plza Rndpres "Buinea Venura Mc. GurtdotcCiton LictMissi M.ari Hisan iisrttmanage the tincccs. tlos-il]i emain apen,______________ -.entiy in need of repair. Ha not- ire Waketield Road properîs- Mauc cccDeMtis (A miata.rsatciiLft iie evie60 am a iugitt,î-e-Ct. of 6 35c -ed Dr. Martin liad indicuîed lie omners in ao tier ta courc-it. spcîî tiiscekeitf%%si 1 Mli. ai cýt a rihanduit Diliervficep0 i.mS o iit i aenx-K RN m'ouid puy part fothfli cosi of rccailed fliaf mlec if5505 irs, Mis. B. Oatîes antI gls. aiii'Ie ciels Angfîs Lîctîrs 1.00 a.m. tif midnigbî. YR RN -mrepair and if mus suggcsfcd un pcoposed fa self 12 tee t o pro- Cnrgtoa ii -areme iewrkdof.Rev eîy0 heero hirrsi- S. ogreîo ltFet silMsBelli Jones, and Mis. RO BAN agemn e okdot.Reeprt iterero hirrsd S.Lattes Anglicani chuIru h ai-c AînclifBasseti, Mci. E. Hamil- ____________ PORK & BEANSAR WBAN "Desjardine objected t0tflictomn- entes ftliem it mai hougli htîtiiug lhiifan imiI ciii-gt z.- tn ,tnd Miss la-Aniie Dain.Oc iar 0a fsPA -ýposition of the committea ce- lie a transaction ut tansenienco lacitpîîîcMitssitirsinP,î ,viewing flic malter, made op of ttprie."f uvppasliii Stîndr. MdmBIdn SANTA CLAUS FUN FAIR "-the cliairman aoflice finance tomn- falie a business venture.'fM," the MrS thiiePeliei'A ltng Couonierspacc anti se%-. DÂ,JUElh2 FOR 29c Lg. 20 oz. Tin 14c cittee and fthe clairman utfli iter sad. atin flc a isiiet Sud h 1caiblhes campfise flic vcsîauî- a h streefs and maths commiflea. Ha coutd "il] atturd $19 tocor asfip Mr. and Mrs. Il. PrFsc-ifit Finithe suggested if mas a road commit- ai tond tirat has nu commercial 1ut Br.tcipiac. - s f, ia iie nsiote aif. PR ALTNE AECND AER tee probiem. value.' The ltl er asked fliaf the- 1___the__ icbuilding alohiliîtses atTNEFAECND AKR Ater surmaediscussion the S25 porcliase pricelie luocreti uPatitndrepLicihiip Lantd lrge _____________ A DC O E A Mayor ugrecd f0 0ltr tflictomn- tu$15 fa accommadafe fthe cîsî -Spricl i'cis rcýiiirceti Tuiics garage lit the rearlicfo iiisL RDrtcDHA miteà aflcsrfî adm t hutflcdeetl anti surs-cy. dac[lierLi a ocuipic- 'di iic lus tat- ÎTaiL ti rtucks. geoop and fituhe n clerli. Mem- Couociltur Jolinson is-andereui sence.1 Thucstl,îr cgitîfs apen hause, I N S UR E 16C LB. 89c Lb. Siced bers offlice sîrecfs commifîe arc ifthfliCemeferr Board ss'utd iT 1- ,,Counciltor Wilson, Reese Des- follie flic 5rip ut land bordlering _____ jardine and Councilfor Rid. flic Prince St. ccl rance ruadi He _____________ CANADA PACKERS CANADA PACKERS Waat Commercial nofad flics il mould sol lic ne-,: itIt*the safAM A pefifion frmm 0es f 19 cassary tg bave a surry antI MILTON MILTON . ~ c BOLOGNA Cottage R<ôItg proparties on Main St. eskad re- lie mure use lu fthe lomc fvccc-[Li M zoîjng 10 commercial. Ment, aliy. Mv te_______-R.-A. UE29 b Sia 4cB hems monderad if flic zone change Hs lcPneTUS.FI-AlN 1-1S -.IN SURN E wold iscrease assassments on "Give if10 flic Cemcîery Board NUA C -the ProPerfy. Assessor Pranki and ltlthcm moree fli lnce "TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LIFE-C.Clor CMBLVU E ? ~ ~ o u. MeNisan noled if mould nct un- bat. Depuîy Reere Pet it suf- Wîîh GORDDN SCOTT PhaPeULLLEr .21 I Fiwy ~ I V J R44 lcss the ose cliangcd. The pat. gested. PhnIlrtr427 Dli E T V S jol lion mas refcrred lu the Planning Members agrerd tu aller thie Plus "IMITATION GENERAL" 8" Board. parcel 10 flie Ccmefcry Board.1 The Board of Transport Com- Couscit agrced fo accePI flic' Viiti GLENN's FORD missioners advised council fli cocntinuation ut Wakefield Road C.N.R. passanger sersice woutd fromt the scliool huard i n return i MON.-TUES.-WED. lUNE 20-21-22 be disconîinued, Council liedtacu grading and difching esiim- "IN FM RAHN oo cachier agreed 10 this. afad et $300. GA TO AAH N oo Zýonlng En-or Wilh IT5VE REEV'ES Coni idct u t pproval -eay fgadrc nvd tis Iîi"MDVL NWMfS Sa ajiA.letter f rom son tu0heflcPanning Board il h pour diring cunditions, litac- and a Caroon lis, request for permission f0 cidents w-rcai a minimum. _______________________________B a b r .a bioid a commercial building ad- ar ar .. jaent f0 flic former Milton Pc' vole Hospital. Dr. StevensonJ zosed for govcrnment use libc.F V R D /6' 'cause of thie Post office acd lie GU TFOPs . - mas undouuliedty an errer in lic ., original zoing. ~WI 7~ I. Il mas poinfcd ouftflic pruperfy '~ Ie I Id ~ id office but tlcy lied dropped tlie a aaaaa aa .ss f option, deiding sot lu purchseCetlos additionai properî y. The toms UE NZiWsoE*D J frm.r fou lied indicaîedi if mas nof t inteeested in rcnîicg the area ai --Louise-a- w--n-n-- for parking., Dr. Stevenson noted flic pro-.OSTP EV O.W a na ,~ Posed plan woutd cuIt for cm- FATHER'S DAY IS ALMOST MERE AND FOR THOSE WHO RATE hopOPS TOPS .4W.ed' .E4A aWON.se -pioymenî ut severai people i SUREp yueno commercial operaf ion. The ex. DERFUL ARRAY OF SR TO 0 BE APPRECIATED GIFTS.ti atr ~ L.~t~4 i.o' .u*E44 c. iafing drive would bhaelusd hslte and threc garages et flic marof Pakn ould lia provided in ,si Ir frn flie.lbulding. EA SY dues /f.. - as uch ia 0en wIdo cew ý Noting flic arca mas sorround saU>4oned of7Lue 141 11 yeam aid custamera, VVJ~ J. -~ VVflil ea tudani eit-JO 54.14- i L UNEN P ÂNTS Uninvtia s2'7e Avalah c sn atnst shades of Gray, Ciarcoul, Tan andPulccaa -,U.4 .g/.i. COME ~Bge. Szes 30O-40. - TREE GROWERS'f$59 MEETING -a HYDE TRACT OF WENT. ,'SO TR AD L Te4.e WORTH COUNTY FOREST -(On Hi lima 52, IIA mites SHIRTS PYJAMAS -nomîli o Ra:iton and Roclitos li In attractive strîpes and is hlai way trom Gait to ASSORTfD COlORS Plain stiadus. Suas 38 - 44. -Dundas) cai &OO..U &eM9oâSpim.,DsT. $3.95 - $4.95 $3.98 YES.B3arbam ... .The EBNS Imows how exn ive a DNisDA UN 2, 96 MEN'S SUMMER STRAW MATS .............. .$295 horse can be. So-dcn't worry about your ....y... ýW.'ftabo Protection r -cm Inseets, Dis- - IES TO COMPLEMENT YOUR WARDROBE .. $1.50.S$2.go aeo tutlyuaeal obyyu ou "a,_icA = land Pire, lnitvi M&'l l %ivei, % SckolCnef Popils from Fairviee, KlibrIde and Balla uschonla joined seita atudents fromtflirea other central Burtingtos public sehoola for a npring concert in the Burlington amena Thursday evesisg of lant mach. The concert mas one of four lomn sehonl concerts, R.ss M.Brocli, munie super- visorn cofîducfed ith. individuai and massed choirs flimugli sas- erul numbers, IMEMORIAM D onationa a upport re I nearel n cancer can be a iconstructive tIn Memoria. *Your local Uasdertaker seUl offlelal reecpta *b Wall Tii. OSeptie Tanhas 0 Bilîdozicg O Trancha0q 0 Sand * Graeai0 II EDGAR HOWDEN Ph. TIt 8-258 L. , Miltan Cempb.IIviIe Sid.rad keep the weather out with ROM FLUX- PROTECTS HOUSES AND FARM BUILDINGS Esss RanifaButy Fiax ater. prueis ccd weatlnrpraafa matai, ftdf, wuud, brick and cmsnt surfaces. Use Itfor prntecîmng rofs, preaervng lance pnnsts. Hasdredsaofaues crcund fie tarai and hume. IROOF PUTTYI tIn handy 5-galion dans ecd oenmklae 45-galion drame. ALaSMTem Li eîreum ro n.E T E A. HENRY MILTON