Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 14

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14 TIo Canadi.n. Champion, .Titurday, June 1 6th, 1960 Fred Bell Wins Silver Tray in D.H.I.A. Annual Contest *Fr-ed R. Bel, Mllon, wa - awarded a silver tray by te Junior Farmers Roary Club of Milon fur the T u e nn Junior Farmers D.H.I.A. member making theT u e n g Active in Sportse on ""e tTtwo o.ther0 f Conservation Activeon bn thef~ lote C aiyub i v-ONER fine lu ftue Teami have been seiected ta order tu ogn Rtary Clbil CCNEVEfrIefî rrenu Haton this month ai Herd Improvement Association c tierovinial Field Day aI the program. need loday but wc should leave On4trio Agriultoral Colege. in selecting the wiruscr. ail certain amouent tu reproduce O~lp.phascs of production arc con fr lite coming year. The varlous teams were pick- sidered, including production, O-OBSERVE. Many peuple cd at lthe Halton Junior Farmers feeding efficiency, labor ff je- drv miles tu look ai thc wiid- antiualField Day held at Hornby icncy, capital use, size of herd, fle [biat may bc secn in fihir =ak~ Saturday, Jonc Il. Bill net reluens etc. trascis. Oine might say ibat ihis is IA'bl, pecident of the Hal- RUral-rban INpu the une way many peuple enjoy tont Junior Farmers, was chair- The award was prescnted by the fruits of wildlite provided by Mm of ltse sports day. vic-prcsidett Howtard Griswold Nature. .. Soltbi t lî ai the annual rural-orban dinner N-NATURE is hlping lu sup- There wsa keen cumpetition 'iponsurcd by the Rotary Club of port the sildlife doring iheir lu te boys' softball, with Mii- Milton. stages ot gtowlh. lu addition lu ton Junior Farmcrs winning the wThe speaker for the cvcning supporiing ihcm il also helps lu flet gnewt Parm 1-3sas J . W. McCullough, agricul- proieci thein. an kUcfia gam wit Novaurai represenlalive for Peel 5-SURVIVAL. lui ail wildlile 1"'. Humvai Jiors defeated cuonty. Mr. McCullough gave sec have sobal is k nuvn as* 'sur- Acton 12-4. Pitchers for the four is impressions on somne of 1'vvlo i ils-..iede tents wre: Milton, John Wiii- days farming probiems and dis- ostes ils survivai from %volves lu inut; Norvai, Bilt Richardson- cussed some of Uic future trends ils fletness ut tool. Aclon, Harold Watson and Pal- in agretulture. E-ENJt3Y-ihe enjoyenent tai ecmo, Don Taylor. ail huniers and fishermen cci by In te girls' sfibali, the team Otd Orton Station spnding a few bours eacitseek miate up by members of the infi field. Miton and Paermno Junior in- Nowhere Near Tracks R-RESTORE. Conservatiotn stitutes, defcaled te Acton Jun- If traveliers on te Orange- belps tu resiore te populations ior Institote tearo by 17-3. Barb- ville Roati near tbe Fftb Line of stildlife. aa Biggar pitcbed fr the wtn- of West Garafrasa township sud- V-VALUE. There are dillerenl aing. team, and Jonc Daidson dcnly iboogbl ibey had arrived values ibai ove reccive iront our, for Acton. iu Orlon village, il wouidnit bc sildlife. One ut the ntanv im- Ontario FilId Day surprising. portant unes is in tbe Norîbere Atrthe gamnes, boys' and Across fromt the famed "Sheat pari ut Ontario stbcre mauy oi gil'tams were picked tu re- of Wheat' (an oid pioncer but- thte residenis couid nul sur-vive prescrit Halton counly ai te cl is tbe former railroad station te ruggcd Winters if tbey werc Ontaro Junior Farmer Field from Orlon - amusiugly, witb uenable lu gel meat from the for- Day being heid at Guelph on tbe sigus ai ctber end stijl in rois lu ide tbem over util Saturday, Jue 25 place. Sprinig. Other events etercd in the C. Chamberlain bai te ld A-ATTENTION. Atv specie'. Guelph Field Day include horse rcd building movcd dowu fruen ut stldîtte drases attention from situe pitching. lug ut war, rifle Orlon by a cotractor and it isitbe public wben ibese animal' shooting7 and girls' and boys' uudersiood bc plans lu make al arc ubscrs'ed in te bush or fields. badminton. dwelliig oui ut il. and iis is als a greal assel lu H A 1. TO N Weed Cnh V. E. MCAILTHIJR, COUN' Polaun IaY Purue manspoison ivy ha. feweual.Il i.s col tbe kilI-i e tisaI tter benlock is anti il may noe affect as macy peuple as ragweed, but il ducs mostly ntIelwshen peuple are un vacat- lit. It bas becu responsible for closing vacation camps in miti- Il bas spoiledth ie bolitisys of thousactis of childeen sud aduits anti bau cosl many Ibousantis ut dollars in lune ime, cotrol measures, ointmecls, medical and even hospital tees. Saine peuple becume su susceptible ta poison loy thai mere cunact seitite volatile fumes froin broken or bricg planes may cause infection. Others secin lu be praclically immune. las Clhnala Rare Poison ivy Ihives eqoally well lu nouthern Ontario anti lu tbe lise roeky higitiacts outhlie cortit- cru vacation areas, Il is nult ilt- ficol t recognire. Think ut Vie- glua creeper sithit is whoris of riveleaves t poison ivy bausume- what similar Icones lu Irees. Il is sometimes misusmeti "poison oam". Portualely, Ibere is nu poison a in Ontariu. itere are a test precaulions lu ensure sate anti happy vacations, free froin distressing iritatioues ot lvy poisoningu (1) Every ciilti shoult i laru lu reognize poison loy. (2 vry cottage sud resor osecer shoulti eratilcale pison ivy or pot sarning sigus in ar. cas shere il is abondant, Sbold Repor (3) Every resident ut Halton county sho indo patches elîber ou public or privale properly shaulti reporttem lu te seeti inspector. For Idetitfication of thte plant. cîreular 243 sili ha tounti usetul. Il also inclutico hinîs un te ~PTLY IMOm COM0LTem COUNTY truI iNews TY WlEiED INiSPICTOR I presentuon of tufectînu au treaiî'enl for te relief ut the ilcbing causeti by poison loy. Severe cases shuiti. ut course', receive medical attention. Tiis circular is available fron te eouuuy agriculture repres- entalive, Onaru Deparîmeul ut Agriculure, Milton. Waada Iln Pance Rowa Eariy Jue is te ime lu kili steedo lu pour teuce ruses. Use une pounti ut 2 4-D amine (or os vlaile eser) per aere lu 40 galions of sater for biosti leut seceds. Ose anti a liait poutîts of brush it it (2, 4, 5-) per acre in 40 galions of sater seul knock out te bard-lo-kili seects like miikseeed, seliticarrul anti eeu ssalitaseibornso .spGen An- tiersun,. OA.C. Fielti Husbaudry Depariment. About $4 lu $8sel buy the malerial eqededt l spray ail te teuce ruses un an avec- age 100 acre faon. T-TEACH. Il is our DUTY a cilizens ut the Counltry, Lu teae'l conservation, su flit in the fu- ture lte youoger getteration ma.v appreciale and enjov the oui- does and our uildlite. 1-INSURE. By tbe use uai cun- servation ste usure ourselves sud our ebildeentlitiseweull bave wiidiife in tbe Province fur many years lu comte. O-OWN. This is seal you me- ccive out ut conservation yourvell. N-NATURE unspuilei. 1Tbis musi be proiecled inut-rder ltai se and others may eujoy il. Rock ENle l Wn Aaqthe-ro»eof.1 Gd r litte Ji.îvyerd ut Kett,,eli 'L. Ella aîîd Sons. Hornby. lte cis Rock Ella Star Lilyv -219174- i.ýlassilicd Escelleut, bas iuvt bren issueul a Ton ai Gotl cerlilicale. lu 1461 d.îvs Star Lily produceui 2,367 lit. of ft. She is a winuer ut tour silver medals. lhre coldi medals. une ion ut goid and une 4.000 lb. certiticale. 1 To qutlity for ibis awat'da ycow must produce atIclasi 2.000 lio. ut fti n tour cunscutive . 4cyo ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS F ULL CHEGUINO PRIVILEGES *NO SERVICE CHARGES 5wv.co on GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for 3,4 or 5YEAR TERMS 0 Exculoar and Truta. undar WiIIs 0 Adminlaîrtor whara thora la ne WiII 0 Pansion Plana for Self Employati 0 Morelle Loans - Inquirles Invilted Halton & Peel Trust & Savings Company J. 1. W1ITILOCK, MGR. IURLINGTON BRANCH 451 BRANT BT-Phone NE 4-1028-(Evenings TR 8-9535) 30 4HClb ebesAttend ODTuARY ton of Gotd, Two 4,000 Povnd 300 -H lubMemersC. Howard May, 65 Parents' Safety Night Meet Was County Wardo Certif icates f or M. C. Beaty Herd' Titree hundred 4-H Club mem- cd te tte film "A Day ie Court" A macnseho held the higiétea Inl the Jersey herd of Maurice lactation 80946 Ibs. of mill, *nd bers allended te Halun 4-H wic tteiseditei.mnportance count ulier lu 1944,C. Howeardi C. Beaty,,Hilton, the cow Liedale, 4,373 ibs. of fat. Al ltese caws Parents' Safely Nigbi t eitionos ut o iod tti ti isi littuctle flu May, 65, died sodcleniy in Bram. Beacon Duchess 2G -245752- clan-j are bred by Maurice C. Beaty, the grandsiand ai Milton Fait s,leiy unth ie hitgiiw.y. pion ou May 30. iticd Excellent, bas jui been Milton, Ou.. Grounds un Jue3. Dîiî ie puri oi Mr. May was Haluon county awvarded a Tuen t of dcrite seardeninI1944 He ita ncrvedaie. In 1429 days BeacnDcciteos To qualify fur a Ton ut Galti As a result liteac-ie-ni Tiompsout a vtcog litriner irtîni as reeveuof Esquesino towshiip'produced 2034 lbs. ut tai. She i certîticale a cuse must prodoce ai surveyycnrriqij oui in Haiiutt iSctiand i siviîg Ontaieuon u rîte eas e fone Suce Meda. - lasi 2.000 its. of fat lu four con' cooiy.ilseç tunt ibi ari (e tti, Jtitite lai itl exet,îe Soîn otfte laie Mr and Mrs. Twu cuws ie the Jersey terd ut secuîeyas maclîinery and iS igitva laej- rtan,. gave ite 4-H- mesiters Wesley May, lie was l;ore on thei Maurice C. Beaiy, Milton, Oui. eiwreiuutihetustii niPae vtit e i'ia.t ieltniiy itumcsiead uuw operaiecti have been issucd 4000 lit, certifie-, portaet causes utfujripp.. type oftl ltt'tlie- ite- onint iiSeul- hv Iisbrother Lawrence He.aies. Liedale Basit La Lucile Jnd! Demontrale 5 lptn ,îdttîliîiîîg lite stock ic>,îlîv itieritlte lothitnhe an lut 1-19413-classilieti Verv Goud,.pro.' MO0D E R NI1 Z E H. E. Wright, vile-tv vîte-eilvlii.it'.ii.' t.ttvec and tîîlitait -tclite îtstoina ai lui istu,,tited lit 10lactations 70616 lb-. YOUR H ME lstrliteOîi,îîiî De1î.tiîî,-îî ,ittî.Heiîe-Y-~î ,,tvtttt l, tqitesitt, e -ovitra»mstlb,îîand4,218 lb-. ttl fatî. bte Agric leti Pitt otnti ileteit . îeile-t u e-vy aie. t. telielii 1lieitte-t. St11,ititi tatt1i'CttWtt vvithatiseutelilde]lof acet iltîl'.University Lectures Willia"sti uvai is nowuisuoer ul Bî'e11tst tu 13,il Wat l107304. OitncLcanaid c tort lu tilitu a steselal ut et lic tai j Lindtile Be,,eun Fait y 207295- uoy buste.Catilia Oiansfor avecof assa lthe w etpttt CaforGeogetwn I Rettredt u Brampton ciassed Very Goud. pridtieeî o FoeEuiino at dt9ni ieucidedlu iheir maximum wii tetct ,ttil a,.vtttclil a[ltliring Irom tfarmlug about abl* V . oe lilleati, vears agu, hi. muvcd lu0Ne Ho s 10 prevee thie tractr truttittt etctur ete eett t e l.llov lOî'aîip litît ostiare bead since YOUTHFUL VETERAN Alaais rolieg over. atdi liee-tii e- iatmeetinge ittlt.gîî vli en tgttr tae J. A. Wilouogit' Your daugitier is quie Yvung *Tua le oar proce'dure lu tullusuvlîetta trii W ti- titt îvveî iyW. J. h l ste- vate irm. lu gel married.' said a ltarso enRom tractur is luck. Me:CliIilî. MA.. dit-e to 1Ille-lite leive--. Itiv sieElsie Wai lur a moiber. 'Du vouu il>t ita hes *0Kcin Cablnat Cousiderailetie \ma s i, 0evl-tî.t i-teitteî ,MeMt i l;v:oni a oltar Betty Mrs C ri.adv lor the baille outflt?' ico aie lli tein n fipuri a ii îî 'e- l'li icijl- ita . /lk m o a couver, E C- Site' 1 vicar, sbe ouglit lu itc. igt c aîic i,îeittary Ldl'îtî,i ldhidrnaod itu brut- S'salready itee itrugi Mr. Wi tt d tvi rti îi'e i i,,iititie p ilc'11%b\'ii))'lui*s i ., Lsartne andt Artur. lb rece eeagemenis.' r'effective mtie rials, i1icitil Kîiiiiie- attdl be-tn iîi'v tea Rauev . . .Enutîs îol Grace Uni- ights and tetiactiva peilîl'l titteit v îîîît i iî, t .~l e \011)t ;t' titiCituteit uliciated t thie tuu shul b u lionte îe,îr oul iti'tevti( Ilttlikiltiiitiieiv ial ur-vvie aafBramptoneand in-'J L I T slost musig eqtipmeol. dîi citee1 lu..tet atîu inv eHilicrevi Ceme- J. A.ELLIOT Work Shecbn tuo titirltuei, h-iax b iiutscio- t r l-v. Ntrval. Palihearers stere LRAYad Actinea A uvuîk siteettvs e oui iiliv te-vi iii, and Phvi u ielos-îiivGeourge Ctcae, e.o oserve-d sttit aicnte tio-Bulineonrctr eaeioth e ia4-1 lub i it-titev. upitiv, i iilt i u btitelv. iii .vastatownvship i.uuuiiit ad utildEng ESATE Limite euuerieg thi'e'egulatioî i )'tt v l,ît ie il id- th. îe îi--.it l ,îJolittt t, oat. Roitert, Johnt andtELiSA ELi ie fari wvbeivl ît,'etra .ttIlit,- îtt.îsenior ti..iî ve-.- tîiiit AtteasvonîMay.PHN TR .23UL 4 2 3 iigitsay aud cittitet iti .touitu.ttl ldPO E R8923 U 4 2 6 ut importance t,, vuîtig iut .lite-i(lit'.i -uiuttiti uutt -t si-i il[ ti eltutl: tUe VîtcyMILTON BX59MLO This uterial wussileitaitiiievtt i- 1 our lviii.iiel.lvveu ppis : 1 )y Ni ý 1 wMý . . . . . . . . . . . e ý ; - - - 1 . Il 11 - - ý 1 1 1- c - ý ý ý

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