Al RIG HT ARO UND HOME Jonc - tite tradilional munt rime 10 sers-etee Crearn Star of brides - or su il usailtor be.1 Cake, osing tresi t srareherries Today stalisticu show us itai anti sîrawbiereti ice cîeam. As Jonc rates third as te munt'finit iakeris cake, or one ut chouan for maddings ivit Sapl< voue omo,is iccd. cul mb owadg-c ember and Ortber ptacing finI a s anti îuranged lu torm tae and second. Airgîtt rîtol a close 1star.f fourt and Mardi comas a ta'e, tee Crem Star Cake 9 andi, îccording lire eaut numiter t round (8 inch) grîlc laver i of meditrgi. cake, trustaitS 1 tquart trevi t sratterrv ice c June is aiso te monts ut t plott rait straiterries. titanc stramberrics and wmi etaI h eri aailarit ,For Plureats On/y Special Father by Nancy Cleaver You itad an exceptional tart-jfonit. Ftitr rosistac thliti nis er. Some dayI i ir you iiutd 1 oe pers>onspeak at une livra. ointe about binI' an ld Fer lwe h,îclsurie tncl is gos friand mitu itad Inoîrîrour 1îtîssitins on ali'kinîts uottopiîs. fawitv foc yeat s. said racent, Une itînter ttier rcurageît Io me "Theman intitchnose in, cachotitîs t» rcacite tiili titis day is souoten pushed naîspaper and tatilitrietis rite aeuund or laugited ai! But vour piere of naîts wi itntinteraslttd Dati mas especled its te scite us most ai (lite upper tatite. community and be reatty sîork- Famutly Worsiip cd t iteing- a fater!' 'Attr teeenrtg ng aa suas Titera mere four ciildren in ovr later askeîtfor "h oue famity and tl never occur- Book" and île hatt tamitc s%%or- red lu us taI our dad "woekett ship. Suntime.v iwe sanga ut iteing a faîhr. Boys and. hvmn. Occaionaits île îhitdren girls, aI lansI miile titey are in - hait a turni n reaating nrom tr public sctiooî, more or îass ac!,Bible. t can t ecttt mv t.iitats rapt taeir parents as tlrav are., wuscral i oiraas he oalruni We did knuw talrt atr sharal trom te Psatrns tir sîrînaiof te bis eisure lime suit os unît haothe:r ine passages in ite St. mas almav gùoud cumpany. 1lJamesiversion. We kîteeled icien FiaMing Wa Treat 1ftuber liravieai - anticran tae What ton ste bail iiking in! rît»ngest ut us netica tltitis te mapta 500Or bush in te iras reit prai-ar. sprngor searcting for hec ch- trots in titi aulomn! Dad iras an Ans-one îhticaure tnt»otîur ardent fisitarman und a Satur- hume uas aaiiea tait.atitr îtay utteenoon fisiingaexpaîtition andi mrîter %tiare happipn thair wit hi wa a rea trat. martied lite. Tites tidnt laite mut tim as grei tral. lime lu lait muhaitoauîtnern- He toi-ad ait afnmais, tut bterstf a tarits hine etinvidc- torses mare hiî fuavorites. 00e aie and rival. tey litai t consideredouorui-l es i-ry lucky ile traillitin home heing aliti- if il mas our bm 10 ogo lu one ut lie istand of lui-e and secrit the nearby Fait Pairs miten tart- sel in te ide ucean of lite. er sitowed is standard itrad, Fbtreastmdasft Fairy Winkle. uriîîm. Wicn uta liera n aiîs Porealmoir imo decaras me trrpunisirment ruas taire ven il lived in a big manse wiit lotso rmeiesemeît sera. But ut ground aruund il. Thare nar- soiniritttîd irtare er is an end 10 culin grass 1"affectioan. Noîr tidîthacicr vaem me sumelimas grumbled . We 1 tuner in iis faîit iius tai kneîv rigitl wattltaIfatrerx-îe r tu gol t uhauau pecled us lu do agood juob.Hacitizans, hadi no use for slip-siud wirn. First Big Feed lTae satury ha reccieiad as Long bat oreaie slarled 10to esvtitan $2.000 a eaur. [lia anît seitool. me mare alumad lu itatp motter must baie scrimped rît fatitar put intae garîcen. A sire order tur gie us a iigiter eduî-t guI older. ha loitad mit us on "lion. But I neyer mentionaît earing for te plants. Wa bailtitis hing a hurden. quile a struggte mt tileh Ue oy. Nos Relief grass gering intu tae sîramiter neliii lyJune tay. frtterl mv patrit. But avey Jane me itad matciad trceaotfiis chititreni a farniîy catebraîlun ovar oor gradoara, une in rheotogy, one in1 irst big "tead utifvîramitarries. madicine,.u n narts. An ai- Fater almayi quolted, . Ottl-qoarniance ai te gardan parte lass God couud bava made a bet- ramarked. "Tiosa viongstees orît tee harry. but douhtless Goît yoors must baie cst apr-rrv naine did." sitrn! t apect vstittra relierai! 00e ivad 9011e a distance fror tai ihir crittege dat-s arce ir- te iciool and vo tere as-uvlnia muei tima otue tanion meut. 'Nul t al,' father ansmral But sopper mas 'mitre tivorety quiekis. "l'itha gtad I lite and vscafait ookad turmard tu te temtlt river again. Thiis tae conversation as weil as tae pretaiday of mv lite! REAOR ONTARI HOSPIAL O- havent one, cunk yosir emtployer or rti. ONTARIO HOSNPTAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, oNTrAmo Cul cake imb 10 madga-shaped piecas. Form a star by arranging sevan cake medgeu in a circie or a large uerving plate, mt point- cil edgeu of wedgea tumerd 'titi plate edge. Jut before seeving tilt lthe centre utfltae starmiii generou scoops of srawbrry icecreant. Witan barries ara la seasun, itaap fresit steambarriet over lthe ire eream. Tise entera cake maîlgas mas ha used fut extra guasis or tue second serm ings. We enjoyad a trip 1 lite Hum- ilion Rock Garde ns os-ar titi îekand. Atithugithlitagardant lea nul aI i tae hast, use dii sevoma beastifut hails ut iris atitng the edgas tif ltae poion lThese iris arc a muirt mattai andrirtîier ftîîmer titan titi gardntaittiici vas lvi knîîuî tirant Noticeît a vign un ltae mas oui rî th liagiritns frr ltae Royal Btaiciat Spriii GCardans. Wî touglit il rave g.-r-itns itoud zalsu ha pasiitlerhast suaîl id nul goîin. Wc wer-u-arydisap- poinreci mien reaîting lthaHm- ilto pager iliat eîening lu dis- culer rue traitmissaî thelt ri- Shtiurin lthe Spring G,îîdans, îvure a itispiai ut 600 uariciea tait 250,000 single bloattis oftri aceai fitir havi. Salad-Cool Style Printed Patternl 9042 I Colald strmrnng as atfras salad! Scooup nackina ivaîrrîed io ceeateta ltatlaring illusion rît vies aes. Simple Ioi 5cm, lîeal ton gas. aitacked giogisam. Feintait pattrn 9042: htun i v as of 14, lis, 18, 20, 22 and 24. Sica t6'îrerquires 4 * yards 35 nct tabiric. Senti iorty cents (40c)1in coins isîarnpv anorta eacceiedi tor tis patten. Plasapeint ptainty vite. utarne, udilness, style trum- ber. Senti voue ordar lui Marian Martin, cane rut Canaciian Chsamp- in, Pattern Depi., 60 Front St. W., Tronrto. Juvi out!l Big, neor 1960 vpring and. sommer catalogue in vivid toitlanutor - fln-r 100 soatvietvss ait sizav, aitlioccasions. Senti nor1 Oiy 25c. Lost Weight, Looks 10 Years Youngor COBALT, ONT. mSeen mcnits ses t atarted lte Naran Plan and havetlost unsverageof 4 tho, awment alune. titane tout 28 Ita. and ilhas ot loft me meait- ened ocr ernou.taacn numnaort ail lodysud etiti fuat gand. Ny griends uap I boit tes peurs ounger and 1 fiel tat cap tan. t have tlitnn off 6 incites arud lte mulet, t have rcaanmended thc Nucun Flan 10 my friands sud acynnewmio bhu alta u eve ap on otiter ccdsing plane. Witit lthe Narun Flan pou toiteslte meightoff mitente u ant itst cneoff." F. A. Desjardins, Cu- baIt, Ont, Dun't tnt excesaive weigit tire u ast, naie pou Oaci rus damn sudcaier thon pas arc. Yoar an- ticare tînaton tifs all fimprove if pou lotte mcs.taigitt, yns witt toril paunger, fet poungea and regain tire enthitnr that aonirn nAit h90Jout ht.Wby let sylhiii as .I;iutîy Imprtn-taus piurteei nnd appeace te tan t'i lCtnir t t lIt xcea of-ad-i.Tu-ylte Nocon Flan ta- da, itt1%salnon a noty tuait guricntan. What cen pou loac? tNntig but natight he Canadien Champion, Thursday, June i éth, 1 960 NOTICE Hydro Interruption n order ta make a coanptete annoat chectk ofor suibsation î t lb e nacessary 10 înterropt goor itgdro service. (Weatiter Permttingl. SUNDAY, JUNE l9th Prom 4.00 a.m. to 9.00 &r. Titis mutl affect aitlutarners mtin the crporation. We regret this ternporary inconvenience and reqocat pour co-operation. Milton Hydro-Electric Commission HE JUST DROPPED OFF ta check tihe Fath.r's Day Speclals in Black and Docker tools und f ishing equipment MILTON HARDAR Tise annul meeting of tIhe Mil. At lte Aprtt meeting il mas de- tan i4aigisîa Hanse and Scitoot cided 10 present a gif t lu our ? Association mas fiteldan Jane 9 onty gradoating grade eigiti stu- 1 kand opened witi tise singing of dent. I 0 Canada. Thse minutes af te Mr. McNeit, scitool inspector, %ý ast annuat meeting were read gave a very informative taIt on and tise treasaters report was 9h ioeuiotsne.Asl given. wau sang hy Bitty Cargiti and a i Thse annual repart of te yeae's song ith ie Double Trio. t mort mas relud. Miss Griffin pre- Naminees r sented te gifl lu lite graduating At te May meeting a nttmin-,T student Christupher Powell. The ating comittice tvas turmeît iti president W. Ctarkstntn htnkeît select n>iitnae, tor lecon teexeroti va anît mcierrias fit»r t" mot-k in te pasi year. Itieeitrholit ritiîen, >ncitar lice 9 Offcers amed irection ut Miss Home, presenti The ne eea Nedfo teut a deligitîtot Spring Festival i t Tse cm neutie fr lteinetuding a plaîy, square dancing,o caming year mas instatted by rhtvhm band t ninîhes anît soîtgs i Miss Hume and lu as follom:- iytvhie Junioîrs, andthlie seniorc president, Mrs. S. Thomas; vice choir. i tpreident, Mms. G. Hilson; vice _______ ypresident, Mes, C. CargilI; serre. î ary. Mms. 1. Powell; treasurer, Associate Members L ýqMrs. W. Ctaeksstn. Execute c arommitîc, W. Ctarkuon, Mrs. C. M e Nt NM S ,rMcCready, Mrs. A. Krantz, Mrs. MTit Alrto AniiaM .. J. Anderson and Mrs. Hcec. The uter Pnaulsilcît churcit rsC.CrIlt presented te held ils associale memîrers, giflu of a travelling clock 1t tea-nmeeting in te Sondas scitîot chers Miss Hume anti Miss Gri lormuitun Jtne 9 unrrîerite tad- in vitu are leaving scitoot itiSs rufMis. t. ET.rc d New Preaideni Tite meeting mrs wirat atend.- ýs Mes. Thomas addressed te aitand fliac roup %sas lrcnt i.members as te ern presitetr tn sectîrrng as is gîctevspîeaker, rThe meeting wrts closait uilhthe tirMis. Wnt. MuFititen. Her irîpir esitrgiîg tite Oucen. W rt>1l> .tts o>d Tîtrea wîm Annual Report ci".i told rtheuss Nrîrîrith t Foltomingis Ilira annual reporet 1 Pesi nti , it îo ier»;an forctireMiltron Heiglts Home Ires s greairt; ctl iti v trabv iei and Sctoril Associatioîn hz,irtg ifonaSr rt tia ua Li cumpleted ils firsI vear. a etaec atSilo îîpîrrîrîîrniîis ti Tise organiziationat meeting strchlle ntg r e l slipoit, itien m. as haut on Jane 25, 1959 mitt 18 Ihein aird encîuîri igernan i vere vît icharter memiters. Our tîrember- b.rît vnccîtcd. sitip bas incteased titrorgi t ttc Ose ou'the liglitigitis ort tiis i i î d mieetingilsruasoviit) hu-Miss mit- In hepas var vehel sxoea-rai. Wilvson, usinh aitu ,venitseî S grîtar and ltue esecotise ri- tý vir n n 'itentaitea. At tha cin. sigo. Thse ti-st ragotai meeting, I riorn rît Illte moeing.reest mvas hetd in Octoiter. Botite'1nint uire serre(itadasca Octoher and Nosemiter rreeings ý lthotirefl(%ei osera usgd tol giva us a munitbhl- tee- undeestanding orîthrite t h- ing înethods osait andîth ie %oh ils taken. Tcacitaîs Miss Howv andt Miss Griflin rîrnîtîeît hos s e s si ti rs. Fonds Cr Ostfita We haut a auiclire part. nOi libear 201 andîta Rrrmrnae andt Balke Sale Nianiitei 14 t ie iimsen taidsfi.i tiecuit lplave> FUIcdý rhyvttnm bandt otitit. Bonli el sucesso.Wisen tise TV pîcture shrints lTe Januars- meeting itascr>- and ypuse igits din mites ccaltit iiuing lu had iveathei. another appliasîce fsltard At te Feitt-uaitv meeting Mike un - Youu eecilatter flouse. Leutîitit stowed sîrme sers ronter- power! esring anti ettoationat suides rit his trip lu Trtit'cldr. Engl,înrî, IF IS t;t ECI'RICAI -CALt. France unît Suiteertand. A duel US! 1H olse cietai ,cei icas sttng iy CittKitiaMcTtastili taI cvitirrioteia s iatt aînd Glenna Frceenan. A ecitre irai tutifuîlltiiisrpiiitr. mas hld un March 1. Fuît etectritIiiig çaîlis forr Heuiti se modern, a.tuteîatctiti>ng. In Marîitve had as guesîspcar ber Public Hlealtti Nurse Mis.R. Grîsliîîg tutusprîke ton ataiin 'te Hume. Mar-go Clark son cri. tertaineti mils a Hightlancdrrîc Pircitse oarecoird pty,tiW _ it.s cumpliceet. aionaterIia t iti ELECT ihvtim batt it titi Oh cit TF.iic78 MITc ýniaic iv te nrîtiers. WEST ENDMRE WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN THE PRICE WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOO ROSS HOLMES, PROPRIETOR DIAL TR 8-6501 m by SENUALF0008 KITCINUN Hret sa way ta eapture ttc retcasing favnr ai titse detiesa stresiteeries for ait-year-raacd ensoyment. if's a queuet. sa aeipa Cee ttrawten-y Frasrvea whiet lale au lempting as il ianita. STRAWBERRY PRRSERVES 6gaspe muli-whut errieo aboutas vis. jtrm ripe nosierawerrdaa) 34cu es ter ia ae M buttle Cecto fruit peau.x Prepare ttc trawberricu. Hall aitnut 2 quarts amal t amierries. Meauare 6 aeusnatale hearica ltlamiy paaitnd sitioteatraseiis) min a vnry large neutepas. Add male and snar. Nots, maRe yarpccn Placeenneriighesiasdý'iig teaa fult roting hait, tiraing raretutty ta itacg trait nabote. Reducestest un bit grntly 3minutes. Semas-c fr,,;m ebransd et one stur le Certa. Skim nif Inana siitt metlspan.. Titan lai coul abouit 1heur, ta tetp pannent foating trait. Ladie ltt -gtene. Cuver prenarnea an ente miitt Vsainet batpacafflia. Matas abtot 10 medium gleaura, Ksua cut pecin uîrPIlie titejeilinq mi dosefsniin ailfruits ie varynouamntn. Certo ta Crelix eciraird fruna fruits riakith iis saturaI substance, tires rejtsed ana- casaentcatrd. lItes VusfoltalewaM trated GraIn reipe, caur jamsa anad jeUres al-ave cri juil rivât., - - ,ý An p. troblete uî iat jets and lait msaitisg0 WUBe l ead taoitelp. jaai d drpuse a line, Ornerai Pastds Kitcena, 44 EglinionAu.W., Torunto. P.S. Be sare le match Car ttc aperaat, iteulty rotorrd Preerr- isg KatileJurit in titis paper nr01 week. t. contains tleu reripes Cr deiriaur lema and jetties! Make this A "trA reJ a pecial occasion... with a wondlerful ca ke An old-fashioned chocoiate layer calte with light choclate frosting featurea a yellow rose on top and "FATHER" in gold lettera. Sdsarc decorated mith chocolata sprinkleta. FRISH ta your door this Frlday and Soturdoy - ONLY 694 Xj PHONE Formosan Mi'ssionary Speaker At Area, Preslyt(ïrian,<hurches Last Sunday the congregations tern Ontario, Weattinater Tio of Buston ndOag brehter. lu ical Seminory, thse University tan churchen heard the Rev. Clare ?N torth Daikota an4 tise Réa- McG!11, B.A.;' B.D., speak on his nody Sýcisol af Missions, Miart- îvork among the abriginaI moun- fardan tain, peuple un Furmosa. W =.1Mo haîibaso~n ably asslat- His work mas to redace lu writ- cd ln his mark by bis wife, Grace ing, by fient creating an alphabetS a anaiefSuathm , the language of the TyaIletibe aad a graduate of Wheaton Col- niumbering about 20,000 people. lege' iith a Bachclor of Science This ha did, finally prouaing a in Nursing. Her Bible School language primer, a hvmn itrrîk alraining and linguistic studies cieliiiand poir>ion (JI lhe make ber an invalaable parîner Ni-rt 'Iiti>tiiii lit I vat >0 î11 1heir missiirnary wrok. gue. ~Mr. i 1Mis. McGilI spent Sun- day alternuunaut a Feluwsitip Mr. McGitI spoke on lthe Huur in Omagh Citurch, where impurtance ut' the written Wurd sldes were shown un Formosa, ut* God fur the Church, saying and Mr. McGill spoke and ans- thal whera lthera is nu Bible the wered questions on bis work. The churcit surgi dies. Ha also said ladies uf the citurch served a cap Ilt witare the Bible is Col read of tea at the end of lthe Infurmai and siudied by thte indis-idual meeting, Christian haree s nu 'growih in ________ grace", and no srenglthu river- CLEAII 11CR ROOM corne teflintatioin. A sick rumisboald bc cleared Five Yeara la Fornmosa of atnonsisentiat furnilure and Mr. McGiIF is a native uf Ont- uther ubjecîs. Persons helping lu arnu, and bas serviii for the pool rare for the ins'alid shuuld nul lv crinFormosa ander the uch Iheir uwn faces or itair Board ofr Missions tfitha Prcshy- misile allending the patient and turivn Cht>rch in Canada. Ha pre- shud wash their bonds Ihor- paraîtl'or tris pi-usent wurk by oaghty immedialely before and sau>lîing alrftie Universvity ut Wes- afler alttnding lthe patient. 5CX) MAIN ýýtANj IL TON OMI'111 mélcenol Cor tibrsr4p Tam AC=erson tsituan uilacltied question for lthe Milton Pubic Librut-Y board tiis wgt, and Mm. SImithisabeetan tatin *ve lthe litrarlens arge antiSper- mnannt arrangements cen be mae. Mr, Anderson bau taten ae is- cary position mils lite Depari- mcci of Raforna Institutiuns and lu data, lthe board tas bi-an un- saccesîfut in ticding a qualifiaI maplacament daspite un intense .>tlterivu'sng progrrni. The board is currentty loves- tigating eo-opecain milstce Oukvitle huard on tibrarian ser- vice. "Wa hopa lu bave soma- titing daficita soon," said citair man E. W. Poiler.