Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 11

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PRUTTY MAJORETTES Mi Mi Champagne and Marilyn Carlam mere among dozens of local studenîs of the Mary Seedls school of dancing who performed for a large crowd of parents and friends t the high school Friday. Special gonnss mere tome residenîs of Haton Manor mho receined free seuls far the show. Gras Pennt Dotter Porks W. G. avsM.P.P Pee)an- Roadways and parking tri. i nucd ls(week tha he gos mwiii hi.gravetîrd .Impronu.menls ernment of Ontarionasappris'. miii also 6e macle 10 1he pond cd twîî granîs ta 1he Credit Val- watl antI dyke and a dam mutl ley Conersation Aslhoriîy. bc connîî'oeîed utth1e aultlof 1he Terra Colla conservation the Big Punit. accu. 310 acres in Esqnesing and MrDai lo nouce Chinguacoustonvnshipswmut, due rc ai me aniici to a gonere ment gracl et $7,750 'hat a change hiose sili ie 150 pur cent. of estimaîcd cosîsi, holi .îtiti. Bi.iaitin Cson- bc dnveioped thin ynar. A change the rit TAe ut 1erks t iii house and etreshmenn hooth 1C îcibt. 16 lergacentren,00il mut hiecocslrncîed for isilors ocîteribs5ofe ib t.aor 3.000 tu the accu, white the picnic ar- ttr oi t hsu ela nu nilt bc sodded and landscap- repairs 10 the stone and con- cd. crete dam oin the properîn. e.u.ce'~.~a"Belfounlain,' M. Davis. saut.d 4aoie.id"nvas acqnire.d in 1959 hv the NAMED FOR JESUIT Crndti Valley Conserva tion Au' Father Point, 185 miles clown Iharinv and with tlire adidition cf the St. Lawrence fcam Ooebec the chrange hoose. manv thous- City, was named tor a Jesuil, and ceoiieiri ofth1e ara, ansWeiîl Falhcc Nouvni. nltai.i.ii.rati.d as isilots. shoua d hi.abieti. 1ui. thi. fîî sIMass llriri. i M63.joyeviteîin 1960. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ACCOUNTINO DENTAL EARL G. BLACK DR. G. A. KING B. Comm.., EtA., C.A. Dna ugo Charterenl Annnostantetl ugn 113 Main BSteet Oicne le Royal Bilding, Milton Don 40 Miltone,Dnt. HeureI-5 Tltiangle 8-6542 X-Ray Berviee Tel. lB 8-9762 LEVER & HOSKIN Cbartered Aeeonansts DR. H. P. GALLOWAY Phones: GL 1-4824 EM 4-9131 Dental Surgeon 51 MainSt. N. 212 King B. W t55 Maie Bt. on street fl1cm Brampton oTrontu er e6pm SURVTORSX-Ruy Service _________________________ Tel. OfficeTE 8-1201 BOWMAN. BLACK AND HRPAT S SHOEMAKERC9IOIA Os Ontarin Land Surveynrs and Enginners MacDOUGAL Main Office: Bnanh Offie. CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC M0 Douglas Sit 163 Main t Guetlgh Dnt. Mlton. O-rt X-ray - Lairat,,:'y TA 2-4031 TR 8-6830 Physiiiutnragy -lîractiîon Manpulation - 35 Dun M. North, Oukville. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Vîctor 5-2291 (tRevese charges acetngi.dl CANADIAN PACIFICC AILWAY tndard lime _______ ______ Ging Eat-7.12 a.m.; 2.40 g.m.; LEGAL 9.27 pgm. Coing Wet-8.55 a.m.; .535g. KNEH .0C daily. KNEH-.DC Barrister, Soiitor, Notary Puablie CANADIAN NATIONAL 198 Main Street RAILWAY TlpoeTt849 Standard TheIceoeTE849 Gise Nntl--8.17 aBm. Gina Bnth-7.12 c.m. T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. Daily enceetntBaday. Bacrinten, Solicitor, Etc. OFTOMETRI8TS 131 Thomas Street __________________________Milton ARTHUR A. JOHNSON Telephune TR 8-6551 184 Main St.. Mitonn (Lloyd Davia Jemelcry) GEORGE E. ELLIOTI, Q.C. Phone lB 8-9872 Se. TE 8-9678 Britr olctr oayPbi Tueaday asd Friday movings arte.Oletn aayPbi Eveefings by appuintnseet Ofic - 207 Mary Street Telephonee TR8-9282 PUBLIC LIDRARY HOURS SHARPE and NICHOLS Mnady -1............10 ta 5 g-rn W. S. SEARPE Tuanday 1.30-5 p.m, and 7-9 gmri. A. J. NICEOLS Wedneeday- .930 arn, . 1 pgm, Barrister,, Sollettrantd Thunaday .1.30-5 Pgm, and 7-9 g.m. Nnlartea Fablie Frtdey .309-5 gm. ted 7-9 lt-m. 146 main St,. Miltan Saturday .......... .30 -. 1t. 6. Telephane TE 8-6071 ftNIERAL D8RECTORS . DAVID THOMPSON OcKERSIE Barrlaler and SoBecitar FUNERAL HOME 189aaiSOtreet PROBE Ta 8-M48 NIGRT o DAY TiU 8-9351 Eleesn-% Couniemus mVif. Ruulenf. TU 8-M8 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Env. A. L. Calder, BA, BD Interim Muderatut Mca. R. Wrighit, A.T.C.M. Orgatist and Chir ManIer "Came thuu mth un and me miii du thee goud." Namhers I0. 29. SUNDAY. JUNE 19bt. 1960 1000 a.m.-Brn.un Behaut. 1%,00 a.m.-Nursnîy and Kiedergar- ten. Junior Onhnul. 11.00 a.m.-Mririg Wuiitli. Gansi spe.enRv. J. R. MeFaul, Oabvilli- Juuuv 31. .30 pin. - Cru',iuavi Grouan pt îrh nuaien eet- ng ai'Mrs. Charles Acdenuuîi'u. GOSPEL HALOL 254 Ontario St. N.,Milttun TE 8-9009 StJNDAY. JUNE 1lOti,. 1960 7.00 p.m.--C'rtpnl Sevicen. thmnald Dart aîîd Fr'ank l'car- Theieiriievatueitini"i'nutim cntntue nitly, lodtay te Friday, ai n p.m. Chldien'i meeting cent, Frudauy culah-t t 7 p.cî. To al theive ctsino uaarn heartuy invitnd. lhn Bie Pays, "Fur Cheuvt alsn hath oncte sttred tursinen,lhn juat fui-Mheunlual fiat Bne might liing ue lv Giid bhng pst to deat in tire fnsh. bti iîkennnd hy tin Spituit." -I Pntnr 3.18. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Maie and lame. Sta. Milto Mintaten. Rev. J. Lurne Graham,. B.A.. B.D.. C.D. NUNDAY. JUNE 101.. 19(10 11.001 a.m.-Miutnicg Wnîii. Si- monî suiniect, "Hum Arn I Dii- ing?" SUNDAY OCHOOL 9.45 t.m.-Baeuday Sebsul for att Young people 9 yeaes of age ted aven. 1 .00 a.m. -Nurery Degartiment millmiet inchurnhhbouse. 11.00 tarn-Att boys aed girls milI alled eharch ih t etn cor- etaned nucced tn tIrh Bn day Snnlrn t 11.15'à m AH Are Wecme EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCN CommencilBt., Miton Churc eli nn'nary: Ms..Geo. Monton. TE 89716. Sludenct iruinîne: Mu. CI:iytoci Cler, Jahannsuorg emniy, Pi-dodoa, Soui'h Aturina. SI.NDAY. hUNE 1117. 1c60 .30 a.c.-Suuday Snhoul tor al 11.n0 a.m.-MoinncaMaoins-. 7.00 pgm-E-anceteSeBrvic. Friday, n .r.-Young Peuplet,. Wendey - 7.15 g.m., Yu9c PennIes Pi-nye and Bible Study 8 g-m., Adulîs' SereIne. Oeial Enenta Friday, Juane 17-W.M.B. meeting at te ohrdh,7 - . dfaîp, Wi.-d'iedav, lune 22 - Annual amui-thbuinet mneting. Att meminers are uîrged ta attend. 9'iday ue 24 -7g.,Younng leuple Baniuet.9neaom altatet. AIlYauang peuple mateama. GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN Milton' Ontario Rentnn: Ren 0D. A. Powell SvNtnAY. JUNE 1011i,.1540 1.,t SINDAY AFIEI11051 ilP ;i'i . B,Iv Comuinioin. 9.45 aut --oeuî'av Seliiil aind Bible Clasvi 11.00 uni.--Malt ns ced S"nurn. 700 p.iu.-Evcnur..guuand Se'iniiii. LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWEYA (ANGLICAN) Enclot:REnv. E. P. E. Jettates, Camgpbcllndle ULber 4-2577 SUNDAY. JUNE ita, i400 TRINIT1 Si. J,'liî'u Clua'h. Nas.rngarti'y;i 9.50 .un. Maltint, Se en uic . C;iii 'chsc Sinol. SI., Gnorut', Chu-eh. Lruvillr- 11.15 artn.--MntLiîu and Setmon. "Ainnal Memnnl and Cter met Dnnnîatiuiî"*. I4IGO4WAY GOSPEL CHURCN A t.oat u.emnntly oi TIIE PENTECOSTAL ASSIlME- LIES OF CANADA Canner Wkefield ted 25 Nlghmty Paste: Nen. M. Chettetuen SU'NDAY. JUNE 10th. 1960 10(1) .m. Stuîîîday Bi.hunl. Ciavret' 1.- ail ages. Il am.. 7 ..m.-Sîmnual EvanüIi'it i-lc ie nunvi-n muir the "Ihinsk Evun.untietin Faîily." Fidoty, Janv 17-At 7.30, Muiclu Bî3ur 8.0.~, film, "Secounds l Midn ý1t. esm BOSTON AND OMA014 PRISBYTRIAN CHURCHIS Menisten: Ren. S. A. Neete. B.A SUMNDAY. lUNE MOi, 1510 11.004aoi-Boulaso: WnruiigSnr- 7.30 Iiri.-Bobun: Eveiiig Mue- No Sunîdum Sulinol or Wnnchip ail 'Tiiî ciiesi rîpeaher aI 11mw 14016i Annieveuîry Onveorna iii bt lire Env. A. E. Bditc.y MA.. Ansista'nt Editai'. Buard ut Chisitian Eduaaiun. CHURCI4 -OF CHRIST, OMAGH Na. à idrtnad and 4t6 Lite Tr-afalgar SUNDAY. JUNE loth, 1110 10.30 arn.-Bible Salinal. Classes Ici- aIl agna. 11.00 a.m.-Murninig Matulis-, Fridoy, 8.30 p.r.-Bitte Stady. YouaAne Alwayt Welirame 'Listetata"Hei-ald o ut -ul",CKEY Torno. Sanday, 9.15 arn, See "Nentld cf Trnth' oneTV Channel 7, eseny Sanday, 8.54 *AI-A'O WORLD FAITH Baha'la heticvn - in Religiouu 'nte' pruphela af Gud have conte lu unita tire ehtîdres uf men and nut diapersetem; ta ustatlieh the lam of lave andl eut enanity -- Baha'i ting ~I.ï ýutu re inrtena.tad. gploeasetI ary S"d* ic.Rackt fr Four girls won tresphies Friday "Sword Dance", white Marilyn ai the "Pallies 1960" ae Mary Carlaw and Mi Mi Champagne Seeds Sehool ut Dancing. The sen- were ln "Drumt Majorettes." ior ballet lraphy went ta Gale .Ga901 Stinkle white the junior ballet Gy98 trophy was awarded ta Lynn Wat- wThen came the "Gay Nineties' kins. Donna Love won the senior with Wendy Krens and Lynn Wat- tap trophy and Wendy Kress kins, tollowed hy the "Dutch came throogh Withte ie jounior tap Girls" with Mary and Kathleen amard. The ochoot dancers enter- Aesander. Siarring in the "Irish tained a large ccowd in the ligh Jh8' mere Margaret Craig, Miran- ochool auditorium.« da Fergtîson, Evelyn MTear and Mrs. Seeds lhankod Mis. me- Sheila Penrose, leur lot eu assisiance .andîl%,el- rire"iiiin' umhcr slaî'îeî conned kt ev ge-sshrom the Hal- Bonnie Currie, Elizaheth Hamil- ton Cenlnnnial Manar, ihanking ton and Daren Ferrier, white the Kinsmen Club for suppiying Donna Love sotoedl in the "Skip. tîansportatiots for ihese guents. piîîg Ropn lap," and Betty and The program opennd wiîh Lynn Nancy Love dîd a dont le "High Smith, Sandra Cons and Shirley Steppers." Appnaring in 'Shean Christie dancing lu "Shy Little lruibhas" were Miranda Pergus- Panda Bears" and was fottowntt on, Margaret Craig. Evelyn Mc- hy "The Dancing Clowns" hy Kim leur and Sheila Penrose in their Bennett, Sharon Cathotîn andt fourtl and finai appeaance of Vickin Ket. The "Highland the ce'ning. Fling" came nesi wiîh Margaret pacNm r Ccaig, Miranda Fergoson. Evetyn TpTeNme Mlear, Sheila Penrose. Ann Mitl- "Waltz of the Flomers" wan lant and Violet Finii. donc 6y Gain Stickie. Nancy and Gain Stichie purtrayed "Çeis' Mary Lou Branchard anti Bur- ton" in "Lip Singing." music fr'omt uta Mactis mhite "TIse Did Soft Gigi. accompanind by Nancy Shue" wstsepped out hy Donna Branchard. Barbara Martin, Lvce L.ove anti Marsha Wilson. Myrna Watkins, Mary Lou Brancharti Wilson and Lynn Watkins tip-lîînd and Myrna Wilson. lirîotîgh "lThe Petit Ballet" white Foilonsing camec Suten Peurce appeaî'ing le flice final nîîmher and Lao'i Lucas in "Dantcing Diii itemc Mat'yanîi Bîîerman, Donna ies." anti Margaret Craig. Min'ar' Levingiair. Marsira Wilson anti dia Ferguosn. Enetyn Mlear and Donena Lune ans1th,"Drom Sheila Peniîîse rnappeaî'ed in the Majais." r. .,. . , ...e... oror,. '.Z> Save Halton Co-op Former Policeman Minor Fire Doused1 Milton lîtenien s.îvedl Halton Dies at Walkerton îDeîaseSupprliesn traihle Melvin Edgar Hadfiid, a toc- ng igîited hy a ininour lire nesi mer Milton policeman. died ott ou tlic retnebuilding ai the cor- Jone 7 in Bruce corty Getîcrai .rer of Main and Bionte Sîs. on Hospital, Maikertoit. alter' a l.tirdav. briel ittncss. He nias in his 71si Tic lie trucks sped la ttrc year, and 6ie had aiso svorked ai reencet)c exlinguish a pile of' loin- Miltan Brick fur a numhcr of rer ns hich wias igniied hy i tîhislr years. iieing bornIner6e he bilding, Mr. I'adfietd liiesi wilh his rccortiing la ire chiet A. E. Cic' son Edgar in Maikerton tor the mient. Ilhe dptciriennlnias cal- pasi invo sears. Bis stile. the cd ai 2.55 pus, hliteti chielt frme'r May Ethel Draper. died nase ta danrage estimiale hecattin 1949. Besicles his soit.l6e i% the lui îîber oas oui anîd not surnived 6v lus imo tiaugliters, muntniocîr. Mis. Litiaîî lTurner and Miss Jeant ailorîînto. He %%as borie A NEW EDITION Atigusl 17, 1889. Georîge De Witt ga ati Fanerai service was field ai abrout a'riva'~l tr a siarring note lie McNah andi So un itcai n i ne T V fayote: "Whvhrue hoître on lhui'stav ollfast sscek heimt lir 16e paît? Hes n flitc up' ilitu e Res'. J. L. Gî,aîn ni o- coniing edilion ot 'Wlir's lii.ating. Inici inît stas i'n Es'- lhrough'." rircecncemeler. THIS SUNDAY'Scj Church Calendar ~ The Cana.dian Champion, Thursday,.Jâme. i 6t6, 1960 r# W r and WattY Coxe 21, Stuart T ho- raN al lype mas and David Pettibane 20; In- termediate. Paul Ferris 29, Bill Stewart 28, Brian Brush 25; jun- /laI DayNoN ior, Don Hearos 14, Demnie John- At JUCk S hoé, son and Scot Williamson 9, Peter A t D ck S hoo Marh Senlear Tearn WIns Students ut the W. I.Dick putb- Top team on the day's events lic school he d 1hoir annual tah- was Brian Senicars îeam wlth laid-type track and f id day last 172 points. Membcrs were JlI wcek ut the schuol, and winning Sampson, DelliTubhman, Judy teamts were deciarect ai the etnd Snirh, Michael Thomas, Lynn ut a day of fun. McCintock, Doîn Rowley, Sheila Individuai champoschsnP nrose and Le,' Anc Sales. op. points gîincd wre irls sec- Roes in ffivrder lhey ptaced ioî, Edlria Baýsset 28,.Shiî l-YwcIc [lire lîlloîîîn y: Waynie Cas- Hoririv 27, Madeline F.îrlev ,andsocl sîiai,167 punis, Lee Mc- Pal Bai brooke lied for thiîd ivih Phail. 163; Johin Glbert, 159; Ric- 21; in termrediale, Pa IcaSm-kv Rowiev, 158; Shirley Hornhy. son 28, Vikki AddJison 27,SNuca 157 Kathv Nohle, 155: Peter Me- Hearns 25; junior. Dawn HayteylDuf;fe, 154; Edna Basseli, 150; 10, Ruth Waiden 8. Boys-senor, Boh Heathereeuton. 144: Made- Rohert Basseit 22, Wayne Casson 1lI ne Fartey, 140; Bran Lec, 138. -NEWS- BALE R TWINE 10,000 FEET PER BALE ..._ .........$685 TH-IS OS TOP QUALITY TWINE 10 BALE LOTS ................ -----$670 at Halton Co-Op SuppliesH ronte St. Milton Tif 8-23911 M aij j .~II Read how easily ENVOYocan solve them! Whal's yîeur miaîtpncîhtnîîîin thinkitte ahout a cew car? If ils IîRICL, put il nuut yout îiind: Envay is designed andl cuîgiiicered tluc te liriftient bay onn heelsl if youa'recccc-rîed about PERFORMANCE.., a test chi, se t yaur Ecvay duil.tc's stili cunvince yeul If yoa'in Iluiîkicg ahout STYLE, retîsenîher that Snvoy is the ty~le ader in ils pice clas-a eut deigced for >oua ta bc proud otitiCRAI.1SMANSHIIi? Envey is nîicnluusly pl.îuîîed i n ser y det.til-C.îceidiae-sîyie culon, iiîciy-liîîîslied delait, sii'ely glînt iii 'roîund: Ibis Litta tifcarcfut car-huildiitg s ani Esoy ialitrerk. Su 'tirgelttanbe car-huyiutg prableits. Sec)saut iriEy dealet se. a.1- .uc- i ~' V the new t'ish arie deararmd end hut IE M N/C 'nr AnoherGeneral Matant nota. BELL BROS. LIMITE D PHONE TR 8-6380 MILTON, ONT. ."Io éowqý THE ISH JIG was one cf four numbers performnd by Evelyni Mclear, Miranda Ferguson, Margaret Craig and Sheila Penrose aI the Mary Seeds dancing tchool recitali n the high school auditorium riday. The girls are shows in their "h0' cos- turnes. The program inciuded 18 numbers by local students. si. Pul'Uited Chwfch 01 Caeusé MAIN AND JAMES 515. MILTON SUNDAY, JUNE 1 9th, 1960 11.00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP Sermon Subjeci: îîHOW AM 1 DOING ?? ?" lThe Sacramieut ai Baptim mii 6bc Adminisiued COME TO CHURCH WIT84 PATHEA a

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