ed W Il sed The Canadian Champion, Wadnêsdy, Dec. 14, 1966 7 M a nwoman i n lu. d W dasdnlsofpodc «te 0 doil m dy Some of the more populan lts and Pekisipercoators C There te no more poululr mottets have 100 plece wa-dro- lu golf clubs, sports Came and in ee 's acc d e ts Christmas toy then tise donI hes tnctudlog ewlm sulîs, tx- telephones. the -North -Haton area were in- flamnes. The engine caught ire young girl. Produins dotîs is fins. easy for a f-Ilver ta spesd vestigated by Miton O;F;P. just outside Adtos. Losmas a big business. But perhaps ai- Addltsi.llny 7 0don more "oon' the dati tien "for" during the past week. An Ac- estimated at $1.5W. moît as important is the hast reqaîre" thele own personal the tiott. ton mas and a Canaphetivilte asgaweya resident IlIta area moman mere injured. Jean Locke suffereti face and Lte MAosn fternon son chet inuries in aone-car ac- I NT E R NATIluNAL eA kE R COMPUTE WITH PONY-DRAWN CANT (il was rough flying weather for reindeer, and Ru- dolph was laid up with a bloeish inge is is nos.) Sant& Claus and Jo-Jo the Clown paid a surprise visil la Patrons at Mohawk taceway Salurday aflernoon, sehere he disîribuled bags of reals la the kiddies. Santa and Jo-jo mare almosl mobbed whes ha set in th insers' circle t0 band out the giftîs 1 the childees. Higbmay 401 at the Milon on- erpass, thr most serioas crash of the werk sasv a 36-yrar-old Acton man. Alan John Con of R.R. ,Acton. hospitalized mith wv-sclte.îd injtitîes. His east- hesîtîd car leit the ighway near the overpass, - it a De- partment of Higbways sign, ttavrlied a considerabte dis- tance. flese oser 90 fret in thr air and rlled over. Mr. Cox wss rusiied 10 Mit- tan Dstrict Hospital. The 1963 Vulkswagen recrivrd 51,000 da- mage to the roof and aIt four fenders. Const. L. Knraie re- ported. Mr. Con seas laser trassfrrrrd to thr Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Bsrlington. An R.R. 2, Rockmood. manss car cotlided mith a deer on the Guelpb Line a mile soath of 30 Sideroad earty Friday mors- ing. causing $250 damage and killing the deer. The driver mas Ross Gordon. Game war- drn Jim Milfrd mas calird to, dispose of the ders carcass. Fire broke out in the car 0 Cbarlr-s E. Wright, 188 Church- ill Rd. S., Acton. os Highway 7 near Acton Friday rvrning. and the car %vas demolishrd hefore J. A. Turner, Director of Ed. Dais, the Board wil e tegat- ucation for Toronto Township, Iy incorporated. mas elected Chairman of the Those named [rom Halton FOURTN ANNUAL CHRfISTMAS Board of Governors for the County include -Mr. Ostier, OI new Colrge of Applied Arts president of the Canadian Met-P and Technotogy for Area 8 at er Co., Mlton; Reene H. H. OP EN HO US E the first meeting of the Board Hinton. Actos; H. C. Merry, os Tuesday of last week. Reeve of Oakvitle; Rev. Canon J. W. Oiller ot Milton as J. A. M. Bell, headmaster of A T N C U Y PUS M T ise Inaugural m eeting of the F Rae, president of Local0 0 Board was calted by the Cous- 90593 of the O.C.A.W..U., Bar- in Kelso Conservation Area, Milton Heights cit uf Regents for Cotteges of lingtos; and John C. Ronson. Aptsied Arts and Techsology. manager The Steet Ca. of Cas- Enjoy tea and Christmnas goodîrs by the cracking ftre is a Dr. tH. H. Kerr, Chairmas of ada, Buringtos. cnl-ipecnena els the Councit, and D. B. Suther- cnl-ipecnena etn land, Esecutive Secretary, out- Those named from Peet ined to memhers of the nem Countv inctude Mirs. J. C. Arm- huard their duâties and respon- strong truster Central Fetl DEC. 17 to DEC. 23 Inclusive siiities. as set out in the Act District H-igh School Board of and Regutations. setttng up the Strretsvitle; Wiliam J. Krtly, encepl Monday. December 19 Cotteges. departmrnt manager, Casada ý N. A. Sisco, Drector oi Ap- Fackers Lsd., Maton; Mr. Tur- ptted Arts and Technotsgy ner, direter ut education, Tor- HOURS - 2 se 5.30 p.m. Branch ut the Departmest of osto Township, Port Credit; Educatios, discusse-d with the Wrdes Leavens, editor of the Foe informaion cli direclor Moi. Newman, Milon, 8549868 Board the educational goats Boton Enterprise. Botos; and whih the Cotteges have heen Dr. D. C. Witiams, Carksos. designed tu meet. ý. a.ee.*9.*-.i~~ Tii. flrst peoblemn lacisg the nem Board is thé e .retronsf d naine fr the College. Oftce' a the same bas becs otttciatty z.pprved hy the Couscit of Re ctsteHn iiagents and the Miister of Edu o da in accidents n >t ALRY#/M FES Carbon monoide is believed ta he a factor ins severa t unes x-bU~ FUI .<R CR ptaised car accidents in Ha- T *T.LAVWRE R I & G O E STORE ton recenty and -Haltos Cout ty Crows Attorney Peter K. a ALI. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL DECEMBER 31 0 McWitiams bas asked police asd coroners sn the county to FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES ARE ARRIVING DAILY FOR VOUR investigate the possihitity of carbos monaside pisoning in HOLIDAY MENUS - ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES I other accidents. The deadly fumes of exhaust systemts migt have caused e- erat drivers to "black out" and 9 Flavors 2 Boxes for Crushed, Stîces or TId Bits Ig. 20-os.Tins cause accidents wich to date have sot bren easily esplained.. uncan Hines CAKE MIXES 79c Lee Brand Pineapple 4 for $1. Burington Poice are check- 4-lb. for KY Brand 15«o. Tins ing a 192 E uropeas car in voledina ovebe ftaity Moarh rand Margarine ... SLICED PEACHES 4 for $1. to see if the driver may have 8o.Tn htacked out fromt mososide LbysTmt.Jie. or$. Ligs2".nTins fumes, possibte due to fouîtyv LbysTmt ue .3fr$. Lîg h ose cossectios. * ' arhmaIo 4 hug $1. MINCEMEAT 39ceue. ..veowy'ars %ao a lon Aylmer Il. 2-lb. Jr M 0i4 ,PMI! Trust SSîlverwood'a.....Ga..lon Deluxe ce Creamn......99c TABRYJA 9 vii Wrash ro#Jm Suprense Llgiil Aytner rn ia it. hesitI Christmas Cake .. 2 lb. for 97c CATSUP 5 bottles for $1. J. W. Oster, chairmas of the Board of Directors. announced today that Hatos and Fret Chrisma Cs Fruit & Vegetables Trust and Savings Company of Rock Can N U.T.S.me9c Ilbc ion ta the Miltas District Hos- Chirstmas Jelles andNUTS Tangerines 3-dz. $1 pitaI building fond. L. L. Butter Creams .. 39c lb. New Crop Red Calfornla Skuce, brunch manager, bas requested the fonds he used Lowneys Assorted Mixed Nuts 49c lb. Grapes 2-lb. for 29c 10 furuish and equip a private Coclts1b.ox9eTlyOe anrI room in the nem wing. Cooae 1.bx7cTsySetMnai The hospitat bas 15 private. 214-lb. BOX ............. 1.98 Large Oranges$.9ce semi-private and ward rooms MeCos-mleka Chistsmss lb. Waînuts. 59c lb. $2?ce lu furnish in the 40 hed addit- AsrtdCooas59 Green Fresii ion. A number of service clubs, AsrdCooae 9 Fresii Roasled Head Lettuce 2/29c organizations and citirens in the community have aray BuIk Chocolates 49c lb. Peanuts . 3-bh/$1.- No. 1 Ont. 10-b. bag requested rooms of varinas si- oaes....39 zen he reserved for forishing -Ptte 9 in their nime. Bronze inscrihed plaques fUI 5 will lie erecîrd on each room - MUÂT -PCI L SPECIAL indicating the donor, Mr. Ost I Va-b. Tins Fîrst Quallly ler reported. MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAMS ....$159 NYLONS -- 3 for $1 LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS ....---69CeIL FREE DRAW ARTHUR A. CN D AKR EFBRE ..5cbON JOHNSON,'O.D. CND PA ER BEFUGR . Stuffed Animais Otmts LEAN -PFAMEAL BACK BACON.---- 79e lb. AND Tuésday Aft.rnoon, MAPLE LEAF WIENERS----------..... 49ceIL Aynsley China Thursday Evening MAPLE LEAF TURKEYS, 10Oto 24-1h. 45c lb. Snack-Server MOE 7&M 7144 R S T IVO' DISVR cident on the Nassagaweya-Es- quesing Tolwn Uine Susday. Her car received $500 damnage when it skidded into a ditch, siriking a tree and some rocks. And an R.R. 2, C.mpbeliviile man, William George Pickett, had $200 damage to his car when it skîdded on a carne and landed in a rock pile on the First Line, -Nassagaweya, Saturday afternoott. Mfikea Pharawcy 246 MAIN St. 978-2343 ICOSMETICSI Elizabeth Arden Prgaations Du Barry-Max Factor Chanel No. 5 Agency for LAURA SECORD CANDIES 115 MAIN ST. E. 8 78-9 79l' MILTON J Christmas Specials " Plain and Decoraledl Christmas Cakes *Assorledi Scotch Shortbread *Fancy Chrstmas Cookies *Marzipas * Almosd Peste * Cars asd Trains for Slockings * Assorled Chocolate Figures * Kerslkrgnzen *Slaves * Weinackslolle F I . I Milton man vice-chairman Community College governors