mas MILTON POLICE la lhe Bantase league is Rush, Kim Mountain, Water Weise Td m coached by Ted Kennedy and manageti by nedy. ln the bacit ros, Bob Sargent, Jim Ray Andrens. rnt ras, lugeai Mllet, Bob Dealli, Haroldi Sales, Rick McTrach, Blt Clarke, Waltace, Bob errier, Harley Pickering, tob Stu Roerson asd Bab Miller. - --&tan iset MOWB5AY IESO FUELS is coached hp Jon Brown, Dereit Greffths. rnt ras, Danny Wilson. Back rose AI Klep, AI Duvras. Guy Wilmott, Tom Bradbury, Gerry Timbers, Perrv McGinnis, John Roberson, Bryan Wilson, Gins Capuo, Doug Strath, Jeff Smith. MORNBY tas ere guess on Saturday ticheeddisg of tunr siere, RvéqII ~ Ssas Peck ut Port Credit. Ho or M rs. BraMe.ynd Mrs. Douglas Les leand famnily muved entc ut bithda par y thir sem home os Saturday at bitlda p rtoen N. 10 ieod By Mes. JamneHamilon The St. Sephens Anglican Churcli Wamens Association beld Ieir manîbly meeting ai the hume ut Ms. Mary Mas- mell an Tuesday night, Dec. ember 6, itb sis members ai- teading. Tir president, Mes. rank Wller upened the meet- ing ili the usual rder ut ser- vice. Psalm 146 was rrad by Mes. Lydia Rapre. Casas James Maxmell spuke tue a tcw mis- aIes an the Depariment ut Fa- mily Lite. A discussion of sur- aus tapics wus beld. Tie meeting clased itb prayer and lunch mas scrvcd hy. lIer bastmss. Tise Evenng Unit ut Hurn- by Ujnited Cburcb Wamen icld licir Christmas meeting utthIe hume ut Mes. Barbara Ssoss- an Manday night, Decasher 5. Ms. Huzec Reid, the presidesi. melcomed the ladies la tbe meeting. Mes. Millie Craig gave a Christmas devolluet. The raIl ral Yaur favorite disb' mas ansereed hy tic 23 members atlending. The pro- gram caesislcd utfumes and rani esis cnjoyed by al. Tie exchunge ut gifîs was mel, tllasued by a buffet lun. The nesi meting mili he beld t the hume ut 'Mes. Leslie King an January 9. The weekly eucbre parly of the Northi Trafalgar Eucire Club as hld an Satardey nigit, Decetiter 10. There mire nine lubies ut eucbre sn play witb lie prizis ging ta the tllusing inairs - Mes. Hilda Kingshoii, Juan Craig, Mrs. MayOelle May, Clifford May, Ernest Munisn and Tho- mas Stickiand. Mrs. Elmer May and Mrs. Ray Break were in charge ut the evînisg. The nsxt eucbre iii be an St- urduy nigt. December 17. Ma. iaene aundera beld a surprise irihday party recest ]y in banar af ber maîber mir celebrted ber irlbduy on De- cenber 4. Those attînding mere Mr. and Mes. Wittree Tbampsun, Mr. and Mrs. Liv Sampsan, Mr. and Mrs. Car Saunders, Mr. and Mes. Ton Given, M. and Mrs. Deibert Damas, Mrs. Jessie Appleyard, Mr. and Mrs. Dint Appieyard M. and Ms. William Bradley and Mr. and Mes. John Brad iey. The eveittg sas spet plat lng eucrî iti the winners af folases - Mrs. Deheri Damne Tam Gises, Mrs. Lim Samrpsor antI Liw Sapsan. Foliamini cards, Mrs. Bradey alliai ber Tnse ciels- vgis and ex- lendeeel ire hasks tee Ailfor he glu, .aned serprise. A delir- ieu, hullet lech %vas serscd iv ile. esc A usteer.. is reetiigs 10 M. snd M, ! hemes Hoedeet, eheeee: leb di-;tle ue ssced- ding tit e.esOs eMondas, Deeeee19. Get l etteises ta Mes. Fred luItlam,ee.eets e.ý ovalescisg ailic heemel i ri-daugile and sore-eel,tue.Mr. and Mes. Murrae eu e (ee.eiltiiete, M. and Mste. Fce HBellerd mcc Phyllis ItradîeI e: the arrivai of their soi, Petel3rt. A heu- ther tfo r rdley. Mr. el ndIs Gares Humil- Bllty Hoseden mas the lucky siser of a tarkes last wccl ai a draw beld ai the Milton Legios. A festival of carls asd Ici. ,u ssîll he ield aI Bethul Us- ted Clurcb os Sandayesven- isg. Deceniher 18, ai 8 p.M. sith tie comb5incd chirs o ftoreshy aed Beibel cîturcee direird hy Lloyd -Wrser. Rev Keîth Haswkes and William Te. versull bhein charge outîhe service. A social boue asd rn fiesimesis mili follss sn the ciurchb basement. -Gui a sem 1967 caleseht vci? Dusi bfrgentee irl e soars 5;, ats the date ut tie sesi local bloetd donorcli nie. t thie Legion Hall. Sourd At the Monday iglit meet- ing ot Milton Public Sciant Board, tbe huard: e Approved tie appoint- ment of business administraI- or for tie Ontaria Sehoat for the Deaf, Arhur Brillais, us tie hords representative on the Milon District High School Boa.rd. lie w il] replace W. Gazely esho i., reigsisg, e Accepted the resigoatios of Dion Bayer, oral French tea- cher, mis has bruites is con- tract agreement wilh lie huard ta accepi a position at Etmvale. effective December 30. e Approved the ulttendance af sume hoard memnbers uithti Jasuary 15 ta 18 canterence of the Ontario Association of Sehool Bsiness OfficiaIs. e Apprased umaunts paid front the curres t accounut pre- siaus lu the meeting t $23,387.79; amoants paid front tie additional chpital accous t ta L. J. Zanatta t $1,800; and amounts to bce paid tram the currest accouat ai 12,993.28. Autbority was also grasted to roser urcoun 15 due up ta De- cember 31. e Acepted a tender fram J. C. Wilson and Co. t0 supply the hoard witb disposable pa- per peodurts tar 1967. e Appraved the installation at a heat cirratating pump in the lihrary ai Martin St. ses. or public scboot, wirh milI cost $145 instalîrd. proidisg the prarticahility is obviaus to the costractier, S. A. Puy and Sons. e Deided to seck intormoa lion os the replacement or re- pair uttithliser dock and bell system sinbe Matni.Stses- or public srbaol. e Rereised a report ram ai. tendance ofirer W. B. Elsley far the monili af Nosember. e Learned tir root us the Martin St. senior public school s romptetely satistactony anc welI drained, escept in area- tbe rostractor. Beauiru Roof- isg. is already attending ta. e0tirard chairman il. P Johnson thasit the hourd, tn spectir L. McNeil and secre. iary Mrs. E. Martin for tibri support and guidanre ibraugh oui 1966. e Learned that the attend anitalthle esd of Novembel futr9UMailMtas Public Scbaoli mas 1,N92 pupils. Averagg dailv attendaure mas 976 pi Y puls, compared ta 987 the prev oas moti, the decrease ailei y huird ta il beaith the previier k montb. n e Vicwed a film rostribui ed and ayperaîrd lis Humai, s- Norsewurtbv, Milton area rer MfAiltea Phoeawcy V. 246 MAIN ST. e878-2343 PRESCRIPTIONS Pîcked Up & e Dlivr.d FREE DELIVERY IIIU:IIeeeMi..::i:m :iseu.iîua mu m - -mua Ma M autI FABIAN (Milton) FURNITURE FACSALE CLEARANCE _________ THOU$AND$ 0F DOLLAR$ 0F MERCHANDI$E - MUST BE SOLD - NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED " BEDROOM SUITES 0 MATTRESSES " KITCHEN SUITES 0 DINING ROOM SUITES " CARPETS 0 BROADLOOM AND MUCH MORE W. Hve Lesed a Building Next ta the Canaidian Tire Store Opposite the North Entrance to the Plaza Especially for This I Liquidation Sale SALE IS ALSO ON IN THE PLAZA STORE FABIAN FURNITURE (In Milton Plaza) Open il a m. to q~ p.m. 878-2091 resenlulîve ot Culligan Water Saftening, but declded ta. maive Mr. Nrsewrthys affer ta make the equipment avait- able. e Received a ltler tram Bruce Street Scboat principal Rap Mrrison, expressing bis appreriatios uftheIbehards action lu obtainisg safely markig s ousisrcert sused by ciildres lrom the scoot. 0 Heard a repoPt tram Fire Chef A. E. Clement in- cluding tbe evacuatian ime for the huards uchauts during fire drill. Il mas learned Mur- tin St. Senior Public Scbaol Karen's Fower Shop opens'in Plazaz store Somnething new lias been ad- id :n the art of flower errangt ded to the services provlded ia lng, bave opened SKaren's Milton Plaza on Ontario St. Plower Shop' An tise store next Watf and KCaren Nowait, bath doar ta Lobleses and inl thete experienced and highly train- first three meaits at tise store, business hisubeen wondertul". The store purchases com- evacuated 240 pupils la 30 sec- merciel floseers daily from antIs; Broce Street Publie Horaby Greenhouses, and ros. Schant evacuated 178 pupils in es, glatIs antI orchîds tisrough 52 seconds; the J. M. Denyes the Date Estate in Brampton, School evacuted 466 pupils in and traneforms them, tata 80 seconds; and the W. 1. Dick beautiful dispisys r a n gi1n g School evacualîd 241 papils f rom dainey corsages ta large sn 85 seconds. Chief Clemnent floral wrealhs . . .. somelhing also made some eecommend- 10 suit cvery occasion. aîioss for improsemesîs in Mr. Nowak is the son Of the uchools sud the hourd Henry Noaai, manager ut tîarned these are heing attend- Harnby Greenisouses. He went ed ta. 10 Germany ta leera thse trade, e Learned councit saught antI verked twa years lna ebig a draft 1967 budget by Jana- Toronto flower shop. ta 1962 ary 31, 1967. lie returned ta Cermaav for eurther mtiles, and whil worldng in tishre at flomu store b In klt etKaren, who was aialml hlarfy train- ed and worldng Is tise mamn store. Tise Nuseeka have moved to Milton tram, Otkvtlle ince apealng thiser store. KCaren hea worked tbree years In an Oak- vtlle store. TP-R4M It's Christmas tise year round for Ernest Thouer and the whote wortd lm toylmnd. TIeuce, e buyer for F. A. 0. Schwartz, spends hlm time searchtàng for whbinsicat, logea- lous and extraardiaary toys. He finds tbem ia Smitzerlad, in Basania, wheee toy making is a year round famity enter- prise, in Japan where families paint miniature tes sets An their homes. Me mey tomn up asywhere antd everywhere hi tinAs unusual and interesttng toys. LOOK TO- !ý=:- FOR COMPLETE HOME LAUNDRY SATISFACTION CANADAS FINEST WASHERS and DRYERS " Power Fl. Mluid Drive iTIfr 319ilLd Powermafic Transmisuion __ --*e e t~ 0 oient Six. LinO Trap *H.avy Dufy or0 High Air Volume and Lew TLamer12u1h- rLaat Madel W73 Similar ta Illustration Reg. LiaI $339.95 SPECIAL s.9' WITN TRAMI Drying Modal D73 Similar ta Illustration S P E CIA L 169.95 2 YEAR PARTS WARRANTY MEET OUR FACTORY PMoiWU feri RN SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE 1 REPLACEMENT O peuhMmie Meemdafl i only Simplicity Deluxe MIR. OINO BRAZOLOT - Simplicity Pactory o mle$lkV'ma Automatic Dryer. Sales Representatîve will be in aur store »m Demonstraf ion Mcdej tecember 16 and 17 - Friday Evening and Reg. Lst $22995 Saturday, t De onstrate and Ans eer any O I $ 3 3 8 Questions you may have.010-nl $3.8 WHY PUT UP WITH THAT OLD WASHER ANY LONGER You Can Buy Canada'. Wringer Washer - GUARANTEED COMPLETELY For 2 Full Y.ars (Parts end Labor) - For as Low as $119.95 With raède 12 YEARS TRANSMISSION WARRANTY] Modal 22-24 with pump sl33-88 WITH TRADE Modal 22-34 With pump, timer end Oînt filfer $148-88 WITH TRAME Modal 22-26 With pump, imei, Une filler end double wall tub. -158-88 WITH TRDI NO MONEY DOWN -EASY MONTHLY TERMS 181 MILL ST. CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES TEL. 8784221 9 - - on Si D s m r 'u