DKCOIATI1NO THE CHRISTMAS TEE at the Grace Anglican Church junior school Chrismas party on Saturday are Lamaa and Caleen Reichert, Julie Ann Casulich, Phillip Gray, Mark Goulding and Marianne Cosulich. Those in classes up to Grade Two enjoyed the annual outing, which included a visit fram Mrs. Santa Claus in the absence of her busy husband. OMAGH Presbyterian women Christmas meetings By Mrs. Cents Pattesson meeig cosd wmh prarby The ladies of Om agh Prby-Mr .C. K. a .A sl o teian W.A. and W.M.S. were the W.M.S. as hetd, totiomed cntertained ai the manse in hy a deicious bllet lonch Miton mhen Mc', S. Smth op mhich 'vas enjoyed by ai. cnest er home toc the Christ- Thavks ws espressed tu Mcs. ma s meeting on Thucsday. De- Smith tor her hospitatity, cember . Tter was a good Sory ta repart John Wisor atîcodance. is a patient in Milton Hospital. W.A. presîdent, Mcs. J. C. Ray Smith, mho undersuent Marsba11, 'îpeved the meeting >ocgecy on his kn:eeimo seeks sith a short praser. The Scrip- ago, had lu returv 10 Miton tarc tesson, theme and prayer Hospital on Wedvesday. iii mccc given b y Mes. Henry Peu- complications. cock. Letter', ofthîavks sure As iis goes Io press, me are rcad irom Mr. and Mrs. Fred pteased tu report ihai Grant Wright and Mr. and Mv', Clar- Dliv underment heaci sot- ence McCann tor bank books gery on Thursday and is dois: opened in iheir iniant sons' meit. mîmes. Mrs. Hlman sen t a Omagh liends are sorcy tu noie 'il thanks tu o itser', sent ber that Mr. and Mrs Nur- tu hec. mav Lasson o1 Milton are Te adies decided to revec both patients iv Miton Host- th10bcitint The Cham- lail. pion pop-c toc Ernest King Birthday gectîngs ta Mur Mailer, aso 10 prepare the us- Curtis, Dcc. l6. Lisa Stover Ul bo', of Chrismas gzoodies Decc 3; John Frry Jr., Dec C17 toc an ldecis nimember ofth1e Mrs George MeMattîn. Dc.9 congregation. anvd John Ridgsway, Dcc. 1. The Sanda-',Shoot concert The amnusas banquet and se b hein on Sunday. Decem- meeting oft ha Hatton Fedier,. berr il, invthe church. Cash lion ot Agriculture mas beld donations cetoabu sent ou the iv St. Pauais Christian Edui. r Scott Mission and Evanget ticn budina. Miton, itha r H-tii. Toronto. good attendance, on Tuesday -A vote of thanks mas tender- Dec. 6. Fotiocivg a dciciot cdîto ait holding ottice in 16e diner served by t6e C.W. if tmii soucties in 16e pasi year. St. Faut", church. a prograr Mr.T. Som rportcd on of-scus gicen.' Devzin Lawrence icer', tomes t 3ar anîd ait but presidevi. ecomcd 1e gcoup ove postiov n a', ited. Tom Atîerson îtroduced ilt Mrs. C. Patierson icecomed head tabe guesîs. 16e ladies and presided toc Reports mre gican by Ri3 W.M.S. busines',. Mes. Smith 'cuath1e Glat Tidîngs rayer. Reports b', rc.îsurMr.-R ber Marshîal, shoe h h groupbhad cotibutd agond ilatiotn arnd akdafn bale. The Christmasîî.î', ul lndin 16e G idinsd a toiioîsed. sitb llmebr loking prt. Rol alwr 'love'Imus sceti .Th _____PROCLJ WELDING CIVI C1 GASES TU *SUPPLIES*, *« DECEMBI *Everything yau nvend M for welding and eut. M * is8: Liquîd Air iv. a a ment and supplies, *B X *protective clthîng hra tameiga * safety goggles. etc.9' * 16easunaIît aetngbeld i * MILTON WELDING * t sas resolved that Tues ( Ernest Battyl Day) be and the saeaiv hg 1 97 MLL ST., the curretyaan h l * MILTON * Cnperadtt * Pi 87-923 * a proclamationi a These are, therefore, ta me th 1e afaresaid resoluttan December 27 1966 (Bo; GODi d d it e p. i', Coutter and 6e ivtroduced 16e guesi speaker, Gordon Genneti. assistant depuis mivister of agriculture, uho gaveatfine tlk uv 1he chavging scays in 16e agricuttorai tields. He vol- cd that there arc only 23 tarim ers iv Nassaga uesva tuiay. and ranstantly tarms tbroughoul Hait on are being ',old tu ha uscd toc other than tarmîcg. The Ossiarlo Fedieration last ycaacsponsocc'd 1he tarotstead and rural impros-ement ccv- tensial prajent. Consener El- mer Foster reporled that ovor 1,000 tetters aoiicerning ibis mere sent tu Haitn larm osîn- ers, and 27 entered the projaci but only 225 completed. Judg- îvg mus luoked aller by Don Garbuti ot Georgatownun Sepiember ut 1965 avd agatu on 1966. Ha reporied much hast been acconiptished by ai partici- pants and ihis mould do mach tu make Huit on coun ly more attractive. Bruce McClure ai Georgetomn ma- s tîcipriz mînver. Dîher mitîrers in 1he tîrst lice mccc Ross Lamrence, Cecii C. Parîccsîîn, and Denzîl Law rence. Mir. Foster emphasized that nui.h ian stili bc accîîmpiish- ed and atthougb the conte',t i over. osvvers moutd do mcli tu matie turiher imprUvements tsi beautity their rural lands. Attl arme rs are members ot ha Hulton Fedieration of Agri- culture and perhaps are un- amure ofth1e mavy benclit', the' mu', derive trom Ibis as. sociation. IIALTON MANOR Churcli services take yule theme fly Miss Lottie bloome ansd Mns. M. Wsrbaasks -Tise chssrch service on Sun- day, November 27 seas con- ducted by Rev. Larve Graham of St. Paut's United Chttrch. Mrs. Harold Magee was or- ganist and ptayed quiet music prior 10 the service. Mr. Gra- ham opened the service witti Psatm 95 verse 6, lollowed by the 23rd Psatts. Carat Donaidsoitandi tecil Bates sang as a duet that love- lp oid hymv, -Hom Great Thou Art." Mr. Graham's sermonumas based on the pain and sutter- ing in our mies. Thse service ctosed with the singing oftwio Chrisîmnas hymns. Tise residents were treaird 10 a five program ot mosic on Tuesday evening, Nov. 29, when the Commovity Choir of Bur- tingion visited the Mavior. This s a nemi', tormed choir under the direction ut George Pierc*v. Among the choir vombers inere Deur Land of Hope, The Lemon Tree, Weepivg Wiiiow, Desert Song. SomnewherL Mv Lite IRussiavi. A Christmas Song, and a speciailor Cev- tenniat Year, The', Cati it Can- ada but 1 catlilt Home.01Cilr numbers mer olos bs0. Broadbent and Miss Maurcen Moore. Mis', Moore is ont',12 years ofage avdhas arudy won mon', amards toc hec singing. Mr. Broadbent atso piaved a piano solo. Mr. Vig- gers, a resident piused the banes. John Bentie', s the choir pianisi. Miss Lottie Moore thankeri the choir for a mot enjovahie evenivg. Retreshmnevts mccc sersed 6bv the Manor Aosiliar'.. Insta 'nt plotography - Drap ln Kodapois cartrlige - pop on o rototlng flashcaba - lois. 4 pîcisres ln blac onmd whte, clor prînts or sildea, mthout changeg baîbs. Kada. pais CX126 cartrldge (12 ep.), Sylvanla flash cube and 2 boiteries. Alsa sans on resh KODAK Filem. i. Faam-Filled - Provdas comfoet ond protectton ogoînat whlp.- losh. Smart vinyl leotlserette. ehocironicolly soasicaver. Chrome platesi brocket asiluets to Indtivducl helght requIre- monts. 5%" x opprox. 12W' long. Red, Blue or blocke. Famous WINCHESTER Savel RAY.O-VAC h iehSc, 5flOW, S" CED' Batteries 9 Volt Battery Defroster Go COMPAR Save 1 An se. muPICAL .6 99e5 fiAL 3-66i 1/2 forFiee a. aO.Vie. asitedln canadien Tie .o îisîe.s steel. Shila, siingis, pO--Vas Fa-freed bot ail, deitesetor i. Wime oe dn~o V'cm.ln t bie«. dams. istagi ltte12 voit acigre bateries Get ftr t.sbtlghs r on 4 p oiardof4etg.r$.2.04 iohtor. Motdd plastic quet. wt b.nserp opiseid Ch rs tys. "V'CO rdvMt)Rl.e60eu . iise tpr, vsrrp.att pack.. SPECIAL! MOIRS "DIPLOMAI" Chocolates l4 Compara at $1.99 - Sae sL. This ottroctiva box of delîclous chocolotes miliib. wsîcomsd by tde whole famlly. A fine assartmont wth hard andi soft csntres that wmli surely ploie thae most discrtminatleg of tts. etier hurey for thîs buyl CHOOSE NOW WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLE Handses chromre lsted 3-settar top wnesnt srit l.Esende te à fati 34" Wtri. Looks taCanadien Tem for §It yorD itemottve mee KODAK (MIMODGE - G.!. FIASHCUBE Camera Kt9 .99 SPECIALSAL E I mcwom OMUT SAVINOS IN A FLASHI Tokes 12 lambo block md white or COlorPmata 20 color ildes toot Instant hoodino Kodak film coninidgs. G.!. Fiash-cabe - toise 4 fahpiclua mitsout eloodleg. Savel 14 Transistor ouceau uses Type Portable Radio Tire Gange CO 1& 66 imm 51 1 -Ht'Cditt" mitet bp Mter. Cerent pres. e eraut stira crai. îitrnat powr cir onte lita. Aunante, .r"fto-id dutl .arpts. stm, e'ot7suht». miisues i4 ap te 50 lb,. a2'. Tops graein eor cainng. tire prusure. EXTRA! Cash and Carry U MOULDED PL&ST= TOT ROD et Ma» an BONUS COUPONS L__.CREDI cqqv ý-- SOYLER BROS. LIMITED M8 MAIN $Y. i. MILTrON 878-2349 AMAT ION HOLIDAY ISDAY ER 27, 1966 NG DAY ,f6te Council of 16e Corporation of on the 5t6 day of December, 1966, eday, December 27, 1966 (Boxing hereby fined as a Civic Holiday for r te Mayor b. authorized ta pubtish i i connection therewith. take known that in compliance wlth t do hereby proclaim Tuesday, sexing Dsyl as a CIVIC HOLIDAY. S. 0. CHIWDS, Mayor SAVE THE QUUdN «NMMFMURMMRWM 1 »-à 1 THE TIME IS NEARI imirHE Gii=irs ARE HE'RE SAVE! New Kodak I.sta.atk SAVE! FOAM FIU.ED DEUX! SAVRII3.Section 104 Camera 83 HEAD R L3T.7 CAR AERIAL With Color Crtddg. C1mpara R $li5.3 3