Gordon Bennett guest speaker at Fedieration of Agriculture HALTON AND PEEL FARM SAFETY COUNCIIS held their joint parîment ni Agriculture and Fond farmn safety speciatist Hal annusl meetings in the Department of Agriculture office in Wright. Mr. Connor fief Il and Me. Wright are shows witb Milton Thursdsy. Guest speakers inctuded District 3 O.P.P. Haton Farm Safety Couscit president Mrs. Tom Alderson as Traffic Sfety Co-Ordinator Conist. At Connor, and Ontario De- they look over a "Doc Safety" echilit on display t the meeting. C6The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1966 Corn competition Claude Inglis has high yield By H. J. Stanley, Agric. Raeres. ide Inglis, R-R. J Camp- le, won the Haltun Hx1'b Corn Campetition spon- hs the Hallun Suit and lu proverment Associa- The 12 campetitiors susu- cor mure acces utgri ith samples taken tram lds priar ta harvest. Dc- ha reativels pour grass!- muilins larcocrn in Hal- ls car. ihe averagcsicid lis cumpelition îuxs80 s per acre. BEctiep, ww vs, ut Jersey mm~ A-hgrovc United Church "as the gatbertng place for about 45 members, friends and guesîs of the Haltun Jersey Breeders' Association on Fn-. day, December 2. commencing with a deliclous banquet sec- ved bv the ladies uf the charch at 12.30. The president, Ernest Alex- ander, presided fec tbe annu- ai meeting and in his address outlined the manv activities carried out îhrough the past vear. Severi] awards were presected for the Parish Show sinners. Master Feeda fStewarttowvfl presented au award for the highest individual BCA made hv a en owned by a Halton Jersev Club member. Tis waawarded lu the cuwv *'Bruvnlace Ravlas Josi' osvned hv Lamne Ella ut Roc EII.t Jerseys uf Hornbv. The guest speaker, a recent trip wirtner tbrougb Junior Farmers aclivities, was AI- bert Taylor uf Gall. He Show- ed slides and poke on ways uf agriculture in England, Ire- land and Scotland, where be had spent 10 werks. Short reports seere gtven by the direclor to the Ontario Cflu-h. Ken EIta; Dudley Oli- ver, secretar y manager of the Ontario Jersey Club, and Ru- bert Hall from the Canadian Jersey Club. The associate agrîcultural representative, John Cockburn, reported a 100 pr cent coo- pletion for 4-H members show- ing Jersey calves. He aso, congratulated the breeders for their achievementç through the year. ioicrre Tise electiosafofier e sulled as follows: gant prest- denl, Ernest Alexander; presi- dent, Eccles 'MClure; fiTst vicepra:sident, Mrs. Eva Har- per: second vic-president. HE IMVENTED TOYS Sic lsasse Newton, Engls phystolst, matlsernattclan, phil- osopiser, greted is firul Chrismas, and is (lst daBy, in LineOInshire, England, In 1642. Fesîl and slcly asua youtls, he devofed sssny txoylsood Dec- embers la lnventig sud malt- lng Christmsas bOYe- The Plast Foud Couaicil ut Octarioi provxdied hallififlite price excsofsxi8001 This xxii lc tii e crit xx lb,, ,hcaxiu ilicexing i theiiHaltatiSuitland (C,,, tcipt,etient Asoci,,. Funks 43A ancd United 108, 1001 bxus,; Russell urcan. Camp- helville R.R. 2, Pride 5, 90 xx, J. Reid. Georgetowsn R.R. 2, Funks G IA. f4 bus; Nor- innSmith, Camnbellville R.R. PURCHASE HOLSTEINS A. G. H aster ut Bucinglon pid $510 toc une mitking te- nale and Roc MuePherson ut Georgetown buughl ttxthcc toc $500 mhen tIssu isîcin sales wmcc bld lst su ,ct it Hlays Salcs Aena, Oxkvile. Thea Hay< l19th ,xvxîxer.sii sale reaziixeci Sf840 o-rc2JJhcad ora ieag f$411 ach, suhile the 59 putebrexîs in tie Straihelair berd ol i. A. B. Sitielait ixf SauiîtSte. Marie hraught $20,925 ot a $355 aver- age. Top pritec aSi 735 pxd hs Earl Osborne o u xkseuod fîa Strxthctati xxîs.-x i anxd sccondvhigh pi iccssv,sS55 paixtbevMr fts,x.,Iiie txa bicx heile car or vour temper. -Fac ceai damurs imîestinx sale Iv. Agrlcultural Representattve f 'Peuple in the past baven lended lu take food for grant- cd", staxed R. Gordon Bennett,P Assistant Deputy Minister forE Ontario, speaking ut the annuat meeting uftIhe Halton Pedeca-n lion of Agriculture, on Dedem-p ber .p He siressed. "hie ebuice out lodhs been greatin it Iisa coiit ,cand uc hvtsIhef cheapesi food in the suold.t Huscever, Ibere arc prublems,r -ucb as lack ut maspumer,i sitb unly six per cent ut thea abor force in Ontario wurkicg? uan larms. Witbin the past yearr n Canada, 57,000 peuple have lit the facco - a decline ut 9.5 per cent. Thece bas been considecable unrest un larcos, regacding the ecunomic conldi-1 lions. it is ime lu sil down1 and determi ne un a lusg-term 1 btsi',, the anssser u thee pî ublems."1 Mr, Bennett fit there mas ai goud future toc agriculture, bc- cause peuple had lu ha led, but therceare ging lu he terrifie changes un the tarin. This is suherc hc fuel, larm rgaviza- ions cao help - i he cundi- tîuning ut peuple tu change. Educatîttn muet bhe ecphasiz- , sith the future lacm uper- tueqtiing a mach helter eductlîun han in the past. Unte ut the problents mas- iuned by Mc. Bennett, was hat ut convincing peuple thal thes% sbuuld bc invlsed cn or- ganîaattuns, r>ing tu impruve 1Ibei nduslry and standard ai living. "tNu longer," hc stcessed, s'ae cocnsicder uni Vcesslts. tcy working îowards s comn- mon goal." At the 0000 luncheos in St. Paul's United Church, Milton, Rimer Foster, Chairman of the Hallus fiarmstead Improve- ment Centennial Competitios, presented certiticales an d prize muney lu the 25 com- peliturs. This compelitios was ajoint projecl by the Halton Fedieration oi Agriculture, and the Ontario Depacîment of Ag- riculture, and promoted the impruvement ut the appear- ance ut the farmstead. Bruce McClare, Georgetown R.R. 3. receîved top prize moneY ut $50. Th,- nesi four campeltlrs ivere George E. Readhead, Mit- ton RKR 2, $40; Ross Laworence, Milton R.R.1, $30; Kenneth Rita, Hornby R.R. t, $20; C. C. Patterson, Milton R.R. 4, $10. Mr. Poster ststed that he. buped Ibis mas jusî the begin- ning ut improvements 0on farms tbruugbout Halton County for tbe Centennial. Don Garbaît, Georgetown, the jadge for Ibis competition cumplimienled those t a kin g part, on the considerable am- bition shovn by eacb os ico- pcovicg their farmsteads. Roy Coulter. Secretary ut the Halton Fedieration ut Agricul- ture for many pears. mas corn- plimented on beisg elected as seeond vice-president of the Ontario Federalion of Agricul- ture at their last annual meet- ing. Diractors choses for 1967 Oakvillc, Denzil Laworence, Frank Hall. Tom Alderson, Esqueslng, Chsester Esel y, Roy Curre, 'Mc. and Mes. Spencer Wilson, Nassagaseeya. Clifford Brown, -Mrs, Mary Browon, Wil- liam Mabon, William Hoey. Burlinglon, Harold Middle- brook, Mc. and Mrs. Harold Dawoson, Tom Poster. Elmer Foster is reticing as a drectur. after mansv ears og Pollck andW ICampell S Manufacturrs f IHIGH GRADE MEMORIALSI MEMORIAL ENGRAVINGI 62Lr erSiN o thGAJT Telepisone 621-1580 -faitlstul service tle seHallon Federallus of Agriculture, PIETRO 7o<'e/i, PERU CONSTRUCTION Building Contractors *RrSIDINTIAL *COMMERCIAL *MASONRY *STON *BRICK *BLOCK MILTON 878-2294 R.R. 3, MILTON noni, Iox bcheidonxxVcWdiicsdas., 3. Wat-wick 263, 8t bus.;Bob Jjnacxii Il, in the Ma,vxe Mcccrv. MltnR.R. 5,Co-Op Ha. ii Mîxxî 1101, 79 bus:; Ralph Cuvnivg- Lt x de lnhîx scxxrxtPri dc5. lian, Çcc tuwu ý,nR.R. , Uvit pi îied xit 1,0 plants pxet- edl10. 76 bus., Grdas Malmu sce,ît i36 ixh xiirws. tromniMilluv'iR.R. 2. Uited C - P0 0 0 iildcdn109 husb s per acres. 10,67 bus; Lever Brîss., Camp. 0 bi.it placivt.s isccx. betîille, D. K. 401, 6 u. Hýte x ix s , ii e oigei xxxii Dase Sargent, Miton R.R. I fR', ,iiiicxl 10811* 14 bus,; 0K. XL 30458bus;iohn Wil T. Faslii lhiipblcisîit. R. 3, lxxxi. Mitosn R.R. 1, DeK l 7 sekrConcrete, QdrSa spilwkerand ila ~Netiflg ta-BLOCK Lxîcve 1-li; secciirtret as K S tirer, Ernest Aleander; Oct ct anis Club iireclar, Ken Ella. . COOKE (Coflcral@ Bloces siecto, Bruc xiv aoner, L L T::D. ImmRC s ml eahal odan etalI sl Ime-y [lio amSrt oni, N -73TOASTE PCERC This deluse modal trypan lis of ligisseaigist aluminuas Brue Nxo. Mndi ad bie ta cei.This double shaît spice rack tibe. Ils Il' square seth edaqcoscmpteil12 sunburst inerar finish, ýJ9 oiklngnike crofl§# wpnspcefile jrslaballed Modal S21 $ 3 q n wat"Làdemp dsIh . O ready for use. and Isa _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ f res ait ifcîjf!t fo? Efi istmas ~ Q lWIt, allab«"mot"con-of shandy dramars VACUUMé STEFLONCOOKWARE su7mw8Wnn m"q e and2sll. olnn son kîlcisan Rcdbie busaur ktaisenamm'acka c lîfa For sickfrecookng thls Teflan$1 4' CbNaTeST .temssbmbsclas aasads ____ e.En cuigfin$ 1 4 icvorkthnasprln itModal aN FM MBA vec - use Teflon. . ihti oprclrcnitrvg95 1 set. Seaml ess for BANKOFMON1RX-EAI G <=>CRICKEIlEorModernlow silhouette, Isea brusb plisser. Mmla cusofi etebaillafor fast, brigist, emootis pollshlng o ardod FOI r.Til g ca eut sawlOm d UOATCEKRC zntal mter. Ceenter ratatlng brushes ive baller -PD I~f~MI*-SLCTION, od K48 $13 Fr vseau kse ruasîs, steamo, $ --blanches, steme and bakes- a ConstacI Fow ssîem loncg lite and avec beat. T ILS tuas tInca as mach ihermostat cuntrul main- STELS O K AR u.mem .~~Steam-D0 ballon snaps l sdscdba BUYA ~ CElIRCATE lflp7.f0r steam duin furNY > Msaetolati lai fetima thie sel wlll net tsensh- HUccu uta CE6e moFOtat oa dry Mayshrlght fte eyassSet consiseof 1filt. cave- Your Investment Grows byOne-Thirdin SixYearsl pecaven-beal 50 aplaIe _____________ pn double ballerceard fM tub usekIllal and Duteh aven. 284 Onmtrtprhsr fthese Certificates wfl s Sturdg ea est KITCHEN STEP STOOI.SO C-P O rcecve $ 10,00 for every $7.50 nvested. This ep. s ultan noake #il aeshghcp/ dshnd OW I DCUNR resents.a retucu of 4.85% a ya compounded andaISI Bm l ae sf spoaeisanudy $8.49 TOWNGSAN OJT evecy six monthu orsausimple cale of 5.55%. c~tç huil for long litafe.SAIGSAD VALUE Caîbable at any time. The fuît este su obtasned aI ______ matuity, but your rertilicate cen bc cashed! at any *eqsGE.PralMir trne; aler the flots ix mouIlleoana graduated cale. M EILON 878-2391 FicElceiePocablecisx erol L itu =-- - -~GEORGETOWN 877-2271cange, Tiscea spaed amitei and 1 h% ester ejector ai your tistmb thp. - Avilele in amountefromnqOtuOOjOO ERIN 833-2222 Exclusive mispplng etaeny brench of Canadas Rist Bank -IIII ORANGEVILLE 941-1880 h s19.9.5~ --------------------- .UNITED CO-OPERATI! Q NTIO -HLTON ËBRANGI Modal M7 Ctauc yietd( sured1 lion.7 cd ivs 1 he ic spite t igcor ton îhi n th bashalý CHRISTMAS SPEIAL Pony Saddle wlth Hoood ~Sflrrups Matchlng Brui. - Martingale Suddle Ilanket - Halter Luthor Load wlth Chai. Curry Comb - Mono Comb Hoof Pick - Tin of Saddle Soap Total Velue at over $78. 69 5 Speclal Until Christmas .... . e. 5 RIDINO EQUIPMENT AT iii Cross Harness Shoi Coe fN.10 Slderoad end Hlghway 25 878-2952 &L L I LON MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO SUPPORTED MEfIN THE RECENT NASSAGAWEYA SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION Mrs. WilIe (WiIIie) Essery