Jim's Jottings by 1jlm dil11 Sugar and, Spice b y b 1 1 ml1l.ey 0*RMnymuslipalties tisat bave beld elections Ibis year bave again faced tise problem 0of amali turnouts af votera. Il seema internat in -municipal affaira is sometising masy féecijase issi snecessary. Ose of tise ideas expresaed ln tise Plus' kett Repart is tisaI larger -frma af gav- erument of tise regioaa nature, witis grealer responsibilities, will stimulate minreraI at tise 5011sflevel. 'm sol sure tisaI is a vaid concept. It seema tisat vatiug in tise nely-costituted barougisa arouud Trnto mant su overwiseimisg. Perbaps before: local guverumeut is ens- larged us anunsuound assumptias il sisauld ise cialleuged tua. 0 Dicusion an mater meters isas been setved ta tise firat of 1967 n0W jr, Miltas. White I agree tise intensity af activity in December la difficuit ta cape witis, tise Imu year termn for councit was proposed sa it would sut interfere witb tise normal municipal business every year aI clectisu ime. Naw witisout as etection, issues arc stitt beisg faistcd asto tise sciedule far a new year. Per- isapa tise problemn is tisaI a poticy bas not becs establisised aunsabetiser com- milIce personnel wiul chsange aI tise ie- ginnisg ut 1967 or continue far tise îwo year term 0of councit. 0 15 làahalaya pleasant lu iear wurds ut appreciatian and sisce aur tasI issue te many fine commenta t bave A CROWDMAIN ST. mond tise lues ofthtie century mas pisotographed t ram tise Toms Hall tomer bt- Fetiestone, alocal phatograpiser ufthtie dat-. it mas Maasey-Hmrrit Deiveet- Day, mises Il lise implementa tarmers lu tise district ismd ordered more siipped lu on a spe. iseard oan aur sesa tetisad ut pristisg bave certaisiy becs appreciated. and dznsa of readers wenî aut of tiseir way ta express tisat appreciation. As tise pro- cess ecome more famitiar amusg aur staff, perisapa furtiser improvemeuts wil bceis evidence. Tise weekty "strugge" la mainlain aur delivery ime ufthtie pa- per is contining, and if t-aur caps is a litelt n arriving at yau ncesdealer o)r in yar mail box, t1isape t-au wil understand. e Tise current big prajeet of tise Miltas Cauncit s lao imptement tise sug- gested cisanges in tise zoning by-taw. A public meeting is scieduted for Jauuary sa tise cisanges may be esptaised ta citi- zens. Previaus public meetings us sucis a subjecl bave sot altracted ant- signifi- ranI allendance, but il is tegisiatios tisat affecis everv pie,>l af praperty in tise tosan. Pralesîs afler il becomes lase are prelt-y difficult ta aciiese satisfaction an, and tise publie meeting is a marIs- saiile esercise in demacracy - if tise cil zens rare. e Notîing blîgis a famity Cirist- mas like a Iraffie fatality. If you're driving daring lise sasy isolidat- seasun, ise fir lo vourseli and utisers by mais- lainingf hem contrai oser att y aur sens ns, Dani et tise social drink or tise oser- imiiing gel isriind lise wiseel itis yau. Everyone's Christmas will bcte ieteter lur il. Down[s] in this w thro dw s Corner "TIme Is ut essence" somte great puet once wrole 10 gel a ise lu risyme ils "preseuts". Il was a catcby ltIle lise and i guesa some barassed semapaper editor, some ime back in tise lasI century. once re- peated ilta a cuis reparler wiso was aigty tardy tn getting a stary ready for tise press. Il caugit on tises, and bas been uaed a lt ever amnen. Every ime some- tiîg is slow or laIe, sumeone invariabît- comea up wils tise quate once mare. Tise quolatlon wsmaronnlng tiseaugis mn.y miutise otiser nigisi wien, driving 10 a meeting, t useriseard a radia ram- mercial announcer iving a piagfofr une of tisose "instant-as" televisian sets. Tise mrried annauncer mas expiais- ing isaw mucis ime tise average Canadias fsmiiy cas seaste in tise periud ut a year, juai waitiug <tr tiseir "aid fashisined" TV set lu marm up and give you a pic- ture. .Did yoas kuosail takes about 30 sec- ondatronm tise ime t-ou ailcison t-aur sel. ustil you've gaI a picture? tise an- nuancer seas moaning. Du you know isosemucis ime tisaI sastes in a vear?, ise wasled lu kuow. Aftr a biris outhse TV sets e was trving luo el, tise announcer lt us in ou tise secret, If we tamn on aur set jual once a day, every day of tise year, sec wilt mamie over tisece iours, ise reparted. t figured iloual myseif. An enset 30 seconds, once a day for 365 dsys a year works ast ta lOVA minutes or Ibren isours, Isea minutes and 30 seconds ut masted ime in a year. O getemessl Tise ime af lite is shourt. - Sisakespeare. Did t-ou ever consider isuw mucis more sac're waialing wisile msiting for liings ta start? Hosa mucis lime bave you tost wbite wsiling for vour car la tarI (four sec- onds) ait a cold dav. for a meeting cstied for 7.30 ta gel ging Isometimes 12 min- utes and 37 secondai, for a wsilress lu serve t-aur meal luise minutes, six sec- ondsaaccording ta my surveyl, in line-upa n stores or ticaîre lobbiies lyuu gansa lise figure herel, for people ta ansmer a ringing lelepisone lusuatit- 51 least une or lwo rings), for stopligis tlucissuge (op lu a mnute), for cotten ta cool ta lise drinkable point (one guy I knom seils 15 minutes or more), for a kettie ta boit Idependa onlise newnesufthlie appliance, i fîndi, aud for long trains ut crassinga fane particutar point tisaI an- noys me no end). If yaur a buler you seait for game 10 show ilseif; ilt-ou fiis yau cas spend agonizing isours wilis nary a bite; tise hsockey player seils for tise pasa; tise football star for tise iike; tise ballerins fur tise orcisestra ta meach ber eue; tise factory seorker for quitling ime; tise ciild for Chisitmas; tise writer for mords: lise leaciser for cvissaoom silence; lise galfer fur lise foursome sisead 0f iim; and su on il gana. We are a waiting socint-. Wait for Ibis, wait for tisaI. And isow do you spend yoar seaiting lime? Gramisling? Tiinking? Duiug su- liig? Enjoying tise slace? Planning saur sent mose? Loafing? Tisougist la frea. - Shsakespeare. And i agrene sitis aid Witl 100 per cent. Tise ime of life lB sisort. Tisougbt 1 frece. Wisy wsenimn seaiting for tiinga la isapper. Tara tisose idie mo- ments inIa ime for lisougist. And enjut- lisem. ciut train and tiset-ail drove liseir teama cf bornes la tise station ta pick lisem up. A Main St. parade of implements usualit- toilomed lise deliveet- sud this lmisaItishe pisolograpiser depicled bore. Photo courteat- Spencer Wilson. A PUROCIOUS MONSTUR tramn the pisolograpiser Merle Ganby tosnd lu a deep? An aprigist alligator about ta stamp tence on his farm. speak? No. il's an oddly-sisaped brancis -Photo On W. ManIa Osanby ~3~îon Chaèe~ièe~ lace6 M ,dace6 ilualis programa ander tise direction of Dr. Archie F. Bull, tise Medicai 0f- ficer of Healtis for Haton for tise pa 14 t-cars, bave advanced cansiderabît- fOcm lise ime in 1952 mises he look avec the position. Annoascement ut is resignatian recentit- crestes s vacan- et- in lise coant- rganizalion tisaI miii be difficaît ta fi. Statimîlca cas prodace lise benI proof of saccesa lu redocing communicable diseuses and impiemenling contrai mea- sures as Ibet- sare made avaitable. Tise Salk vaccine pragram tisaI siasised in- cidence of polio Iraugisout tise cous- t- mas organized tiscoagis lie Healtti Unit. Dr. Bal bas filed is position weli us an adminisîrator and as a persanabie and communicative individua. Tise gcawlis sud expansion of tise Healtis Unit in line ils a capidiy expanding caunt- mas abit- cscied out. We'ii misa Dr. Bal lunbis raie as coont- Medîicai Officer of Heaitis, bat moaid certainit- mîis biseevery sac- ces lu is nesa position ils tise On- lario Depacîment of Heaitis Wisie mure osnlise suis ccl of cous- îy personnel changes, sac wauid be re- misa if me didu't siso note tise advance of yeass as aiso brougist on tise ce- iremeut Ibis t-esc of Ford Rogers as roont- assessar and Roy Smiths as cous- t- engineer. Bats issue been part of lise count- arganuzolian for mant- teues aed tiseir service bas spsnued years of advancing rates of develapmeut. Tise chasnges came, t00, ut a lime mises compiete areas of gavecument are under revies ansd tisose mis asre foiloming miii bave nes aislenges la face sud nesa grosalis tacontend wmus. As me sasis tisose wmisaisve served, pleasant years lu tiseir cetiremeut, me sasis tiseir successars mellinlutise dat-s aisead. let t/te C/ti tmoi 4dfiame~~ Bethslehsem - a same otten iseard aI Ibis season - conjures ap for mont of us quiet besaît- under a deep star- staddedast-. lu ceaiily. tise ancient toms is mare lise a tactreas tisastise settiug for au idyli. Higis ou a plateau. mindamept sudausiere, stands lise Cisurcis cf Nativily lunmisose cave-grat- ta, tradition sut-s Christ mas bars. Tise chancis above il is vert- aid; il dates bacS ta Constantine lu 330 A.D. Tise preseut door. stackl'j simple sud vert- cm, mas so built in tise lime of tise Crusades ta keep rampaging isorse- mes tram ridiug is ta massacre tise morsisippers. Itiss agrim reminder tisaI Sacaces sud Cisristianslet btood isere, Tisaugis tiese realities of geagra- pht- sud issory sisatter tise trauquil im- age cf tise Chistamas toms, tset- bave s sastaining qatin stiese dat-s of vio- lence sud sabconsciaus, if sot uveel. tear cf tise fture. il lais esrtening 10 remember tisatishe thriliig sanig, "Feace o a escis t mes cf good-miii", rang cul t iraI iv an occupied cousnt-y ut tise tes- siou-tiiied lime cf a isaled ressata- iug. Tise augel strains wme n ol ieraida cf Utopia; lset- mere a Ibruat of ligisI untc darnss, sud He misase birtis me celebrale, tound tise caad tram Bethlie- hem ta Cuisant- bath short sud bitter, Yet tise vaices sang trait-. W. are sol msolit- u thlie meret- cf aur circamsau- ces, As Omigist Stevenson, a coutem- poruet- American han poiuted out, "lise giont-ofthtie Chisitian faith lies sn ils abiiity ta mark mises forces are bas- tle ta il." Time sud again, wsansd privileg- ud mes, misa bave foud in lise Baba tisuir purpose sud tiseir peace; sud pooc sud appressed musnsaisahave touud is Him tiseir isape, bave cisauged iistory. A Woodrom Wilson sud a Hammacîk- aid isavu set aur fuel, isasever taller- ingt-, an lise raad ta saarid gavera- meut. Tise Tcipuddie martyrs (Methista lat-preaciseral misa died for tise rigisi cf sacekers ta orgasmze, bave left as a leguet- cf euigiteued lubor legisia- ion. Martin Lutheur King sud tise mur- dured Civil Rigisîs champions are tuacis- ing as, soseer siomit-, tisaI black or white, me are irrevacabît- boud ta- getiser. Arthuar O'Sissugisnessj. reminda us: "Ose mas ils s dresm, aI pleasure Shahl go forth sud casquer s cramu And thcee, ils s news sngs measare, Cas trample an empire dloses." Maythie Chistiamas sang put courage in us ait. -Coutcibated. To isear tise ast astrosaut cresa tell t, tiscue dat-ais a racket is su morse tissu 24 boucs ou a ru-dosas raiiroud. Tise camputer compietes tise conu - sion cf tise feliosa mio neyer uuderstood lise lide cule, ultiser. Building a smimming pool, il mat- be agreed, is a more amiable mayt- t ielp a situation tissu caliing oultishe troaps. Couspicucus causumptian, mat-be, is serviug an eigist-tool saedding cake ta gaests misa areul isungry. Weve bees lalking about it for a long lime. Il would mean a major upisea. val in tise family. But its two agamast une, and Ibis is a demnocracy. Unleos, of ccurse, your wlfe bappetss tu constitute the minorit5i. Tudav 1 applied for an exchange îeac'iing job, for une year, inlihe United Kingdom. t must ise out of my mind, but t did. t)sughter Kim is ail for il. Witb tbe adventurous spirit of lise y'tung. and tiseir comptete tack uf participation in ail tbe mark unvolved, sbe gluws aI Ibe pros. pect. Atter ail, Esgtaud is tise land of tise t3eatle3, tise Roling Stoses and liseisigis- est mini-skirîs. Englmmd, as tise gong gays, swings like a pesdutum do, TisaIs for Kimbo. Ssed ike notising better tisas lu spend a year abroad. Nul acquiring a broad educatios. Neyer' Sise looks uou educat:on as smatl boys douou wasb- isg; tise squarest sud mast uselesa ting foisted un tise vousg by stupid, loving parents No, misai sbed ike ta pick up lu Fngtasd is a Carsaby St. wardrabe and a Lverpool accent, su tisat sise could knrci tise local kids dead wisen she cornes borne. Tise "mad-look 0f Car. saby is bad esougis, but tise dialect uf tise Liverpsdtias is surely tise ugliest In tise axrtd, outside tbe pure Hottentot. Wisaîaise doom'l plelure. and I baven't tise beart ta telt ber, is lte fruttt. If tise deat gues tiseougis. a year fr) ro vssaheil isewadisg tiseougistise fog in[Little Muddiing, or clinobisg tise cliffs an tise Isle o utflIt.complete witis ruisier boots, raiscuat and sou- wester, approxlmately 3Mf social miles f rom tise Rsgland and Londou's West End. My wîfe blovs bot aud coid. One wveek, mises tiinga ara particularly ob- sosious aroand isere, ses fairly keen. Sise sees a ssug cottage. mitis vines aud a casy fireplace, siining brasa. and an Englisli gardes out back. Sise envisag- es a jaulIt inta Laudas every weekesd for piano tessosa. concerts, lunes and tise tiseatre. Mmise niIwaek, dus' been talkiug lu someone miso bas just agessi a year tisere asi1 was baîf froues for 12 mustiss. Or sise says flatly. "If you tiink lmi going lu leave my cumfort- aille bomne, treasured plauêý studenta sud ail my friands, to go and live lu some eold. clammy dunsp among a lot of strangers etc., etc." Somelimes, sise %avera, and asks me misat England la really Rire. Tise trDuble is. I bavent becs tisere for ou- e 20 years. About aIl 1 cas do la des- cribn some tiraI-rate pubs, and tell ber buse easy it was lu lose your girl ia tise fc.g or blackatt, unlesa you clung to ber. Sumebose, Ibese descriptive gerna don"t fan bier ardor for tise trip. As 1 ald, nanm lu bis rigist mlud manIa to spend a yeae lu tisa U.. I know l'Il came borne cuber riddled witb riseumatism or la a wooden box mils a siseen of fog on il. And il isn's sentiment. Admllîedly, tisere are a few old pubs Id liSe 10 re. viail. But tisey've probably cisangad la. ta raucaus road-isousea tisat serve mar- tisis isstead of balIf-and-isalf, sud tise waiîresaea are insolent papa instead of buts.,t barmaids wisu cailed you "Luv" or 'Muîsk". (Continued us Page if) Pages of the Past f raom ch am pion file1 20 years ago Taken ntra islse of TisaCanadlan Chsampion )eemaier 12, 1946 According ta Eiimood luisustos, pre asIdent i olise Halttn Junior Farmers. tisere la a alrosg iketilsood tisaItise Ontario Deparîment ut Agrilure mill isotd tiseir annuai sort courses aI Adtos during Janusry. Provtding a sufficient number ut applications are received lisere salit bsea sisort course lunassme Economies for lise young ladies, sud one n Agriculture for tise yaung mes. Bath courses mitI bc faur meeka inl mgIs and are open ta ail. Tise Loanville Fsrm Foum betd Ibeir sanekit- meeting Mosday evesing aI tise hsome ut Mes. George Readisead mIls a large allendance. Aller tise discussion a program mas gises by Mes. R. Elieulon. Mes. Rut- Coalîe, Mes. V. Nurris. Mar- ion Readisead, Shirlet- Coulsos sud WiI- da Roisrîsan. Milton lisearen-guers wiii bave su opportluityy lu sec familiar scenes mises tise film 'Tise Mapleville Siuey" camnes lu lise Princesa Theatre iluMMtas Mon- dat-. Mapteville lsas mytisical sud com- posite amati Canadian Iman parlraylug lise lite sud business institutions tisaI calIstiv any amait coommusily is Ibis countryet-.i l an stîýCasadias product- ion, isy Associated Seresn News. Mil- las Main Street sesa pbatograpised by a camera crese earty Ibis sommer. Iu ad- Jîhion la Milton Ibere la a long abat of Orangeville. a eburcis in Brampton, a scisolin Newe Toronto, a gelIs millInl Slreeîsyilte sud a sase miii aI Gren- villc. Ik s a pictare ufthtie commuitîca sen ail kuowse au entisud tise farmlug districtsaaurroundîug lbem. 50 years ago Taken tromtlthe Issue ut The Canadian Ciampon I3enemiser14, 1916 E. G. Paige, Game Inspeetor, guI a report latly tisai tiegat sotisg mas go. iug au near lise Darbyvilte Scisool, Nas- sagaseacy. He made enquiries of tise pu- pila and anas toid tisaI Navember 23, tisey issd seens a mas tram Georgetowen sisoot a black saqtireel of sebicisIbet- isad made a pet. Me. Paige fuund tise mas aI tiseisome of bis braIser, ucar liese cisol. He denind bsviug sisol a squierel but said bce isd sisal a rabblt. Mr. Faige bis fisc suspect ta tise scisoOl sebere tise ciildree idenlified iim. sud lter laid an information butare R. 3. Campbsell, JP. The mas came ta, Mitou ast Friday and pteaded guitty lu Imo cisarges, sisoolluf asaquirret and carry- ing a gus sere lisere mas game ouI ci season. Ne seas fined $15 on tise tIent and 15 ounise second, selfs a ttaliof $9.60 coals. Mr. Paige la au tise lookoul for lasebreakers, and ml i tveatîgate ail complalula sent bim. Me. Campbell amys ise seul fine tise sext mas convicled by iim more beavily. Do uotalaltos mud ta stay us a ncw motar car overulgist. particularit- for tise tiraItneseneta. Tise tinishis labrand sewan sd vol aeasuned, sud lise mud sili atm ast sureIy gel lu ils defacluf mark if iti 15 ixes s chsance. At Mandat-s umeeting 0f lise Couuty Coascil Gearge H. Goodeebam. Cisaîr mas of lise Torontoansd Hamilton Hîgis- aay Commissin, presedfor actionlIn lise matîeaftie Broute BrIdge. but fi mas refused. Tise propased cail for ten- ders for lise Branle Bridge mas puaI- punch. 100 years ago Taken front tise Immseaiof s Cdu m Chamnpon D =een 13 I, I1U& WisaI are lise diractoen 0f tise Me- essuies' Institute doing la promote tise 0,bjeet outhlie Society? Itlooks5 almoat as If lhiel greal objet mas oblalned wnesîiey gat tlisealues elecled, as me bave sut iseard offitherdoing anytitu ince. A vigaroun effort sboaîd be made lu put nelite mb oas instituion cal- cilaled ta do 50 mueis good. We issue secs a leiter tram the Mil- ltia Deparîmeul stallng la substance tisai tbe Nassagameya Rifle Company miti be recognized. At fient Iisey eeftssed ou lise grouod lisat Haiton isad more tisas taie abare of companies. misicis allisugissert- complimentseyt- ta cr lu catity, did sol saliafu tise Nassagame- yiaus, as îhev repliid tisaitishet did sol tbink il s taie distribution tisaI Esques- ing sisauld bave Frue companies aviile lset- havenvoue. On lise sleengti 0f tis rcpreaentatiuv it mas adjssdged proper ta aceede ta tise dernanda .,tf Nassagame- vau. We bope tisaIt tey mat- du credit lu tiseir Tomnsip. We bear lisat Jobs Deware mili rua for Rs-eve ut Milton, sud tisaI Me. Mc- Goffin, lise preenut Reeve, multrthes m3yalaty. W. D. Lyon, misa bas so elfecientît- fitird tise office of mat-or la reliring tram municipal honars. If tiss arrangeenet be earried outIslailkeiy tec i Il Se no contest for Reeve or Maysr. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Publlised ny lise Dfla etnina sud Pubismisg Co. Ltd. Maaaging Editar - lames A. DIUs News Edilar - Rat- E. Duwsu Adverfiaing Mgr. - Ht-de Parkey Pobîisised eveet- Wcducsdayyet1191 Mais St., Miltas. Ontario. Member of tise Csuadisu Weekiy Nems. papers Association sud the Ou. laria Meekît- Nemapapera Associa. lion. Subacription rates payable sn advasce, S4.0 luCanada; $700 in al cauntries atiser tisas Csuada. aixersaltstes sueateaS us th. m55151a. thataInbhea:Vent e It 'aoemhmsse. that suons n ta.ci th ain etu ueeuetýYthe n 5amývmsa t=se, = «O atm nmusbal asesan 1or iatase, dI t 51O. haged or tuathaeIbmbaSanas se thn &dvert-taa W int Sa palorPue lIh. Pplilete l IanstheaussI t f àypogaphmelat 'eaa- n5'5151ngs1 ouas or macutcensAtiasamas apIe a or unsertesma no sut adst. na a I bIFsan offre tlIOUn. Autborizcd as Second Ciaus Mail bu tise Post Office Department. Ottawa PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST