CAMPBILLVILIJ Carol singing, seasonal readings at Institute Christmas meeting -mn phm NASSAOAW5YA RATUPAYEUS had à chance: showse s ho tellte crowd of about 60 about to hear end meet the new candidates running lanning progress over the past year. Orxfy for township council and scitool board posi- one present councillor and no presexî schoo: tions Thursday, at a meeting in Ligny hall, board mnembers were invited ta the meeting. Planning Board member Maurice Newton is Lowville P. L. Robertson Girls Decemiter 9 Decernier g9'Ladi Higit ladies, Linda King 617 Ladies' iigit single, Della Me- Bucke 1232, 205) and 'Martene 'Moron Phail 266; ladies' iigit triple, ArIene 295 (575). Higit max, Stu King Audrey Hamitly 716. Othe 688 (315). Otiter good triples: Delta Phittip Olter gond scores, Met Day- McPitail 694, Glenna Rusk 634, 217 i les 647 (253). Bll Pegg 623' Marie Mueras 625, Katht Cool- Porter (246), Jack King 614 (247). ex 591, Doris Lamwson 561, Joan Pal Sn Joan DeForest 567 (217). Arn- Smith 561. Ot lIta Bassett 517 (226), 'Bill De- Murray mon 5 for 24; Mc- Bure; Forest 578,'225), Berha Bridg. Pitail, 7 for 23; Seeney, 5 foc 506 Pe max 513, Ciris Harris 521, Met- 23- Wilson, t for 17; Grenke, oris 'King 209, Claude 'Paqurîle 6 for 15; Brusit, 2 for 13; Coul- Arti 239, 'Berlta Powell 511. Dianne ex. 2 foc 13; Heipel. f for 12. 50; Fa Allen 205, Hart Pegg 201. Met3; y Hood 234, Shirley Dunecs 209 24 Club 39; JLt Haruld MorIon 559 December 7 33;6. Stu ing mon 2 for 43; Linda Ladiex' higit -single, Pilly King. 5 for 41; Marlene MorIon,' Cannon 259; ladies' iigit triple, 5 for 39; -Ml Davies, 2 for 39-1 Polly Cannon 636 and Bilego Jack King. 2 fur 39; Austin Domns 636. Hiscock 5 for 37, Bill Pegg,5 Otiter good singles: Eleen for 35, Bill Dforesî, 2 for 35. Domns 236, Doroty Faubert Earl Bine - 60M9Glad1McÇrie 608' Ladies' iigit single, Hildu Iryxs, 2 for 53; Flureoces, 7 Parkinsun 282; ladies, iigi trip- for 5I; Ermas, 0 for 24. le, June Goulti 667; mens IthigitE single, Dean Grav' 264; mens Wêdnesday Niters EL1 higit triple, Dean Grav 699. Novembre 30 Otiter Lzood singles, Norma Ladies' iigit single, Deanne 1! MaoMurpity 212, June Goutd Ferrier 289; ladies' iigis triple. DI 258, Audres Mason 227, Reg Deanne Ferrier 612. Gray 217, Joan Waters 228, Les Otiter good singles: Joan Elel Wills 238, Sadie Thomas 229, Donc 224, Lynne Burke 227- Don MacMurphy 220, Jack 209, Muici Gray 207.* Goutd 250, Jacit Parkinison 241, Oter goud triples' Lynne * Doroty Pichet 245. Bucke 606, Joan Doer 537, Salty * Oter good triples, Hilda Laing 523. Paye Eaton 505, * Parkinson 650, Joan Waters Siirley Hall and Virginia Wil- * 634, Les Wills 605, Jack Goulu son 484. 6W., Jackt Parktinsont 652, Aud- StandinxgF rell Masox 634, Arlene 7 for 53; Leone 7 foc E Dorotitv mon 5 for 23; Hilda, 45; Paye 0 for 37; Murg 7 for 2 for 31; lune, 0 for 14- Audrey, 37; Lvnda 5 for 34; Susan 0 2 for 23; Dave, 5 for 18; Les, ', for 29; JoYce 0 for 27; Vera 2 for 17. for 21. Decernbec 7 lies' higit single, Lynne se 241; ladies' itigit triple e Hallis 591. ir good singles: 235 Vera ips; 223 Sally Laing; 223- Aelene Haltis; 213 Joyce r; 212 Joan Dor; 206-204 Smitht; Ruth Sotrimon 236. her good triples: 557 Lynne e; 516 Norma MacLeod; ai Smith., Standings lene 5 for 58; Leone 5 foc Fye 2 for 39; Marg 2 foc .nda 2 for 36; Susax 4 for tyce 3 for 30; Vera 5 for ECTRICUTY SOUR BUSINESS M'l b. a Tlnkererselis trclly. CalI am expul for rHMATINO rWIRINO rNEW CIRCUITS rADDITIONAL OUTLITS rOUTOOR LIONT EATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-U78 Ever noticed how quickly they grow? This Christmas give them a Growth Savings Certif çae.... Dscla nawto glu th.mi the oft wahtuuure.L a Growtt SavlxgsCerlticste.ln Syear,teyll elv 41.0forevrys7.Soyou lnvot-sojtlsrwla e ClrWsmaGrowtt S8mdhbrl8lcÏt doàWsJobuy, obie eanytime. Ask aboutetasny Commerce rsndK. 9UAeNKOF COMMERCE 10 attend teitome intecior decorating short course in Mil- ton on April 4. Att mere urged 10 vole on Mooday, December 12. Mrs. Lloyd Crawford and Mes. Orner VanSicitte presided foc te Ciristmas prgram teiitite latter giei-pga paper on "Give As We Rucei e"alrIr lte former conducîed carol ingiîîg. A negro spiritual trio, Mes. Reginatd Austen, Mes. ,Murray Maiton, and te pianist entectained mit "Go, Tell il os te Mountain". Mes. O. VanSiekie titex gave a eeading on Te Wondrxux Tradition of Citristmas Plants. A ltte etIlten came in aînd saxg "AIltI Waxî For Christ- mas ix my lwo Front Teetit." Mcx. L. Ceaseford condocted a lucky xamier conîesî and inners were Mes. Gardiner, Mcx. Steele. Mes. V. Cockram. Mes. A. Moore, Miss Rita Huit' iteet, and Mes. S. Cramp. A deliclous lunch wasxserved aller te Oucen and Grace, un- dec the direction of te lunch convener, Mrs. T. Watson, and iter committe. Rev. D. C. Nicholson conduci- cd a baptixm service on Sun- day aI St. David's Presityterian Churcit miex Samuel Chan- ning, Sabreina Louise Exxery, ansd Heather Violet Coutter were itaptized. Happy irltdas greetixgs 10 Dave Howard, Phityltix Frer- tIan, Mrs . Douglats Freeman, Dor,.'oeIngli'.. Ellen Hurren, Donald Currie. Edgar Cairns, Judiit and Janet Ferrier, Mur- jonce King, Mariox Inglis, Doris Lreis undt Ross Caciterl. Thse C.O.C. Citildenonf lte Citurcit, met foc titeir Christ- mas meeting in lte churcciton Saturday, miten Brendu Colt- ing peesided and opexed mt a Bibte verse and te singixg of te iymn 0O Holy Nigitl, O Pracetut Nigitt. lTe roll cal anxxeeeed ity 25 girls ansmer- ing mitai liey xeould like for Chitxmas. Te iirtitday xong w as sun g for Janet Gardiner, Ellen Hur- rex and Christine Coulter, mitit lte first Imo receiving te of- fering miticit mas dedicatcd by prayer by te president. CARDIGANS "lextured yacn" girls' cardi- gans mit rit xrchitand, maist and cuffs. Washaitle colors, miite, pink. blue and red. Sires 8to 014. MINI PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Litle or no ironin g, soft wool Ji ke, perma slay collac, fast color, mont shrink. small, medum, large, Ex. ,. ler arge.ofotSie $7.95 Boxed GIRLSFANELETTE PYJAMAS Sîes 4, 6, 6x .......... WHEN IN DOUBT of Color or Si. On. of Our GIFT CERTIFICATES S5 SURE TO PLEASE L BUTTURFLY NYLON HOSE lTe toxe taI are made mt lte smart sîde ouI 10 gîve vou taI smarter, sitrer loit, in lte season 's ness est sitades. $1.25 PAIR 3 PAIRS FOR $3.69 SP4 Herei styles. pattern c lTe Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1966 55 Beenda Cramp rad the sec- cetacys report. Mes. Roger Mahon gave the financiat re- Port, and ilustcated 1 h e Christmas &tory by pictures, also lte orighx of the Christ- max Iree whirit fottowed the devolional peciod by Mrs. W. Elliot, Carol inging was en- joyed axd Mrx. K. Moore clos- ed wilh prayer. An excitange of gif ix and goodies was enjoyed. Anne 'Mahox mas pianint. Weddiasg anolveruary greel- inax 10 Mr. and Mes. Harold Deoxis, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffe Bill, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Greenlees, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Frice, and Mr. and Mrs. Homuox Lush. Mrs. Charles Welheralî ix holidaying mt Mr. and Mrs. Smiîîen Carrde, also Caîhar- ne who ix off hec fret foc sevex weeks wilh a broken axitte. Sympalixy is exlended t10 Thxomas fgubbard and <amily otf R.'R. 1 Canxtbetlvllte duelng their beceavement titis week in the ban cof a mife and mo- lter. Bus shelter Milton Lions Club sel up an- olter schoot 'bus shetter on lte Guelph 'Lne noclt of Campitelîvilte Wednexday of taxI week. Te club hax distrihuted sev- eral of lte wooden shnllees aI intersections where groups of children mail for scitool bus- es. Lion Chief 0ev 'Molowell, siteller projecl ehairman Den- xix Rowley, and Lions Sam Nia- dalim, Bruce Hood and Maur- ice Miljour wece on itaxd 10 uxtoad lte nemesi sheltîe Wed- nesday. ýORT SHIRTS This Chiristmais ian in rgulr r tpieue Give Him Strîpiscitecks, or plain A FORSYTH SHIRT xs Sires, arge or entra large. DRESS SHIRTS Forsytits quality brand mitt $50 Up dress shirtscsupeý,rly laitored from higit ount itroadclotit, sanforired for lastixg fit, choie e MINI uf regutar or lapered style, MENImîit short fused cohuer or :ARDIGANS dune, 2 may cutis. Sires 141 Made ity Penmun's and Warren Knitt inlte nemest styles andi cotors. $7.95 Up ÀPYJAMAS Good quality flannel- lI elle, 2 piece style. 34 to 20. $2.95 Pair MEN'S STRETCHY DRESS SOCKS Famoas 'Toughies" dress socits, choice of nylon and combed ciallox, or 100% 2 p'y $.0 r vtrelch nylon. Plain shades or panel designs. ~ P~ Fit, sizes 10-13. A perfect gift. GET YOUR ENTRY TICKETS HERE FOR MILTON'S "500 A WEEK" SHOPPERS' DRAW -- -b b b- - - - - bkA FRED MILLS MEN'S, BOYS' AND LADIES'. WEAR 216 Main St. Milton $5.50 9U A 01" THAT IS SURE TO PLUSE MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Hîgh qualily meli xapped, in striped or figured patterns. Sizes A, B, C, D. E. $4.50 Boys' Shirt and Pant Sets Corduroy punIs, mide bell loops, double knrrx, sit 10 match mitit double el- itoms, plaid collon flannet. Sires 6 10 12 yeacs. $3.95 Per Set Boes'Llnmd SPolished Cotton Jeans Boxer aist, double kores, cotors green, IraI, iblack. Sires 4 10 6x. $2.95 Pair SEE OUR RANGE IN THE NEWEST STYLES 0 Top Coats 0 Sport Coats *b Windbrealcers " Suburban Coats " Jackets LOPEN EVERY NIGHT TO DECEMBER 24! 878-9541 By Mns. George Ingib Te Ciristmas meeting of lte Campitellville Womnens In- siuie mas iteld aI lite Masonie Hall on Wednexday evening mt itevice-president 'Mes. Stewart Cramp in charge, mito opened with a poem, lTe Ligiti Before Chitsmax. Mes. Lloyd Crawford %was pianisi focrte singing ol the Instilute Ode, and te repeaîixg of te Mary Stewart Colleci followed. Mes. Omer VanSiekle gave te secre- lacy-treasucecxs report, and Mcx. A T. Moore te chee ce- port. Memitees mere asked lx at- tend te 4-H Achievement Day in Milton Januacy 14 at St. Pauls United churcit.lTe colt cati wax ansmered oit a gift for a mental patient hy 25 la- dies. ýMes. Reginald Austen ce- porîrd on te purchaxe of tacking tables, and Mes.« Mur- ray Maiton on te table service. Mrs. Campbtell Agxewxs memiteesiip mut ite leansfer- eed 10 Acton WlI., mitere site nom reides. Village st cee t -.ip-ns are now up and numiters mill ite availaitte soon for al Plans were made for te f in- ance committer te epn subIe foc situtins aI Citristmas, and needy families. Il mas de- cièed to asit village leustees foc proper signing in lte village witichi i legal. Att arr urged A. T. MOORE INSURANCE CAMPBILLVILLI 854-2271 F Get i ut HazeI's '~10% OFF AUL CHRISTMAS CARDS Dy Norcros, LevoIy Sololtn of Choie. c'smsBOXED CHOCOLATES WRAPPID 0 Toys OE 0 Gomes IVUY IVININO " Novolty AND Gifts ALL DAY " Smokers' SUNDAY Supplie$ " Cosm.tics CO'IEBAR " Film AT Hazels "% Variety Store ,~ MRS. HAZEI. BRUSH 192 MAIN ST., 4-jk s -o I --- - -------------- ----- ------------ 1 WISII TO EXPRESS SiNCERE THANKS TO MY NUMER0OUS SUPPORTERS IN THE RECENT NASSAGAWEYA SCHOOL BOARD CONTEST. HORACE BLYTH