ý.. 1 M Tiie Canadian Champion, Wednosday, Doc. 14, 1966 Ul *L.t's Play Bridge. by bill cota( Suppose tat you were in j choce of lwo pays in order to take 12 trtcks. The first play offered a 30 per cent chance f success und the se- cond play offered a 50 per cent chance of success. Whîch one woutd you choose? t know tht the unsiver would seem obvious but il could ýbe wroxg. Thse correct axuwer dcpends on what the play; are. Lts taeaa ok ai lthis hand which occurred in a tub- ber bridge match. The dealer ix North and North - Souh are vuueruble. Northt S-A J S H-A4 2 tC-A0 J9 4 WMe Suth aul S-96 S--010842 H-0 97 H-Jt106 D-0OJ 109 6 2 M-~85 C-7 3 C-10 65 C-K 8 2 c The bidding: Noth PatSouNth West 6 T ilPass3NT Ps 61T UwaasttlgNrd o n pu-teras imy fvoritpart- xater w my it.itpeart-n ctÈb or-m il.o eaton ec clubyfoa wox rsmprand- plad a weak oubeton dia- mod.awa oblnda 'oxtttrenoium i Sohos 16-1 pot axd adn myows16l points and aive ar mx6iitaisd alite litreen sutpI die the 10 51 no Woal edirete do ix.od xe Wund dte imd beln. Tndte are I riadk opn.o aTwo hanM cs onteoptt andt heurts irithesplthtrr Thte ea 30 per ct lc hne) ohrie s 0pder cfihnese)g orkth (ad0fperscent che) w'Declýar5 ercenchanted)a maIl hreu r d ty ed oa t-rmldommy.Wand l-yda 3 pr ccx chance fit? hean-0 per cent-cac itrsmpte aflit qpuein tesfitslefthe i 100 ae test altehert st. Bt if itet hertsdot spUt.cucaiflt ts-y lite spltude inse. - ryJh Opdefiesie odro pas moren tmportuloftitan rite choance ota success th ch l limsue u ue pa ai conîruebridge atepltiti aintrmd.idgo, hae Ith* piavs n.mImd. deethc oxe ' vstin fit-sI on ie buis lieotaIiflfis, outcun lii) M t-vlifit isecndoe. nst L te sekcn n. alt LAloBrideCluwinere: i ted Atonridge JckCurts ud Geo frgeso, Jacntit Pl efa- es and Cum Sinclair; third, Kav Cum.tbell and Bill Coals. Sombre omens of Christmas 'tMerry' Christmxas? Not ai- vays, according 10 some anc- ient beliefs once asuociated wiih te du. Take, for in- stance, te old belief taI caI- île and oter stable animais sere given te power of speech on Christmaus Bye. Axy petson seitaheard te animaIs speak would die wilh in a year, o superstition laid. Sombre amenas of deat sere read int sall other Ysle- tide legexds. When te Yle log bxrxed, bystanders were told 1o wulch te uhadosuon te seul. tf te hadows of any pet-- sons appeared tlxlbe headlssu, tiis supposedly meant deatit for those persons, again wilhin a year. Sai wasa "ao aid 10 have te power of frecstlng lIfe or deat, shen used in (con. nection seit Christmtas. The test could be made by leaving a smllt mound ofsaui on te table on Christmas Eve. If te sat melled during te niitl taI, too, meant deatit within 12 monts. If te salI emained un melîed, te forecasl was for a long and heallhy 11e. SHEPIIERD MAIDEN Shepherds are familiar fig- utes in Chrismas sories anid curoIs suci au "Wtile Shep. herds Watcbm.t Their Flocks by Nigitl'. More novel, but equal- ly establinhed intradition, ta teîlot-y of te shepherdes who vited the stable on te irstI Christma ndt. 'o vietw.ju. berdere? (4or 'a4sanca cotrne lypu, sitatiltd niai detq?") u trosugIt t 10Can. a# biste 17115 cetury by er ly Pretdis»Mters. la 1thece roi, a questioner ssliste shepherdes where site bas been and what uhe bas een, 16ae in lutndetct'lbes te ro ss brancier jewelleryI 'e220 MAIN E. MILTON 878-6341 0 OPEN 'EVEINGS UNTIL 9 PM ~Bot you've nover seon a Chrlstmas soluction like this. 0 GIFT WAPN 0 WE GIVE MILTON "500 A WEEK" SHOPPERS DRAW TICKETS 0 WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS IBARMAT f4 -J5'MAM 17 Jessis. toit 7110w, 17 Joial... nuualIdesign.21 For te n i. adaunlmon. 1155ts oi, oist nati Swish.ped oau 91.,t, OuS Waterprof gmat sut 0us Ysix Il700..or*tspnxt. ty. 7Is.I.. iii top patelin Osi lltao.eco101snd i. 05whitexld. Cabser se50 01115 dOOiids. Fuet .93 d., ullu'ablo$755til a Expansion Bond. $U.93 $595 FROM OUR BULOVA COLLECTION Smart nec sMales end catch tyles - created Let us hlp pou select the gIaift o ha praud by carld-tamous Butons designers - make 10 gixe at Christmaestlme. Cornein. Lot aur Blaya the pettect Chrismas gift. Ruiove Watch Experts show yotenmodern tlmeiteeplng pridas lit i n fine catchcratt - taking extra- ram aur Salctiar ut ine wetches In aur ordinaty cars ta, creato timepllecos ot prestige Blaya Collection. and proclsoan. Wiou inox htnMnnre. a manthnt ... yaui fia ouias." 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