Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 7

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Actei& Mitýwe iWiiemawth'esr cupee ntes en se d.s wy Actai and Milton represen- tatiVe5 ta thse North -Halton Urban Board cannpared find- Ings an the Pluokett Revew of Loca Governasent at a meet- ing in Milton last Wednesday. Geasgfetmrepreseacatives sent regrets at not being able ta bc present due ta thse cor- cent election canspaign un that muo4cpality. Mayor L. Duby pcesided in the absence of chainnaus J. Young. Thse draît of Miltai rom- ments ta be subusittesi tu the Minister 0f Municipal Allairs was reviewed. It was agreesi thse boundaries propased seere tnnatural and bth municipal- ities indicated a basic desire ta bave Haltan re-orgaoiaed as a unit rather than emerge witb Peel for a division. itwas also suggested a sin- gelevel 0f gavernsent was nat desirable. Tise representa- tives presented varied opin- ions, however, on what ser- vices should be attocated lu eacb of twa tevels of goveco- me.t they proposed. Mayor Dusby ceported Acton Councit met eachier that nigisî ta consider tise basic draft of that towns subeission on tise Piun-kett Repart. He soted Ac- tan iaitlalty pcoposed retain- ing Hatton as a unit but since tise Plunkett proposais had been received tisey had fett competled ta comment on tise division pcoposed. It was also repocted George- towen was nul happy with the 'baundary proposais of Mc. Ptunkett, but a detailed review of tbc report iad nul bees possible in lisu t mno. A briel from tise Georgetown District Higis Scisool Board ex- pressed cise importance of han- ing Brampton and Bramalea included in the proposed curai municipality af Peet- Haltan rather tiai tbe sautisero sec- tion propased as Mississauga. Councilor F. G. Oakes of Ac- Ion cautioned membecs ta be alecl la tise economic passibil. tien of the proposed rural municipalily. Wiile Acton now pays 2.4 per cen t of tbe couîty rate, in tise larger municipality it would pay 10 pic cent. Mil- ton nase pays 3.2 per cent and Ibis would become 13 pic cent. IILRIDI Home, School plans two special By Mes. William Wataon The KilbicdiHumc aid us Scisool Association enecralise i members met recnty in tie ti scisool staff* coom lu plan tise s December aid January meet- ti ings. Tise hisigtigsuotishe De- c remiser 20 meeting wiil bu a Chistismas progsram put un sy ot lie students and earisers ul -t tie scisotti. At tise iansary 17 meeting,' Len Kav. Principal ul Mapie C isarst Scisout will bc gue- speaker aid use as his's topic.'c Pioncer Village - 1967 CentenD niai Year. A culuccd film ac rompantes is brici talk. Presi dent Mrs William Trenithi l uîîounrc-d tisai Mrs. Richsard Sceiele, social cunsener.his resigîcd aid Mrs. Allai Ibiks U arcpled as assistant ta Mcs o Stan Crman. Tiirîs six lamîiltes iadH bougisl membecsisip rardsaih liehebaisber and Nuvembcr meetings. Hot dog dav for the2 moit tisaiDember seul bec seid i Dec. 21. l Tise lovai Association ol tise t Firsî Kiliside Girl Guide Com- pany beld a sarc-cssta t ucsce Gf pacif ai tise roimunity cen- ue Ire Salacday, Nosenîber 26, r% wiîis 1f tabtes sel up. Prizes ns ifor cucre Weit ta Mcs. Dureen Si Andecciek. Mcs. Brenda Burn,t Fate Kuaak aid Waller Wilson. A Duor prizes ment ta i-orace R McArîbur, Doroîisy Dalton, Wil- gr lium Pcgg aid Gladys Wilson. g meetings Tise Men's Group Cummîlîc il the. t4tb Burlînglun Cuis Pack is seîling Cisristmas crees. Tise Icees can be pur- cbaned t rum Donald Coalsan, Cedar Springs Rd. aid aI Wat- uons Essu Service. The sacrament ut isaptisîn (nSondas, November 27, was îîlnistsced bs Res. C. Robert Wsragg lu Lesa Louise Bye, Su- san Janine Bye, Randaîl ScuIl usverdalc aid ScuIl Alvin Ki nîcar ai Kitbiscde United Cisacisaid lu William David Clagston, Tisomas Roy Furde, Donald Jcttcey Harper, Deis trais Aine Jbisas. Keitis Doug- as Munru. Nancy Jean Robin- uon, Kelly Aine West aid Rics- crd John Wiliemsen ut Carlisle United Cisurcis. Mcs. Bîrdie Broutes dîed Sut- irdas, Nusemiser 26, aI tise 'fendiersun General Hospital in tac 761is year. Foîseral service sas iseld Tuesdas. November 29 [rom tise C. H. Smiths Faner- il Home, 92 Packdale Avenue. Nisrtis, Humilton. Inlerment otiuwed in Witie Cisapel Mem- trial Gardens. Sisevas thiscvtesof'l e aI lte Gleorge Broutes aid tise matis ur ut George uf Hamilton, Har- 's ut 'Kiliscide, Edward of Han- ton. Evcîsu lMrs. Ricisard ikeses I aid Helen Mcs. Tiso- nus Cain) bots ai HumilIai. Ilso sursiving arc uin- braIser. Rus of Western Canada. 17 trandeildren aid 14 greal trandcisildren. Board defends library home econoi Nasgwev sobor' cleisin u iclde lbrav hosme ecunumirs aid manual traini tisiinslcuct iun sven lise lfl adto s compleecît nesît lt ai BriiokrilaScisool, is istseti oi soit ilprinciplas aindtis a stcp in lise rigist uic %ciion tuiviiti aetmplele, ait- toiiti ettîcation tlotwnship stiteils. lise Bitnt said Mon- titis. In a sitlemeit Its Iis nesîs- ptlper tltusing ileir nceting suIs Tustslip Ctiie-f or ap- prova liste S292.194 proiect liattissill tîttît nue rusms t Ilite pieusent if-raimu scistol. lise Boardttucil: * Home economies anîd in- ilustritti arts pros-ice pi'.ctical tsaiing toi-titi rhiltiis.i. *Tises de-enstîlasize tise run- ceplut ais-ttlc k letscîiîg. * In lementtaî'v sciosual i childran taise parIt in saris classes, ssiilc lu secondas-y scisool il is ai option. i Suris courses in lensen lacs schutils inci-ase tise participa. lion in tisacorases inlise sec- undary scisoul. Inlise ptîst 2f vears tise Pc ceantage ai stu- dents luking iigli scisuol edu- ration bas increuscd frusu 37 lu 74 percent, aid oser hall ai Name soldiers Sonne ai tisose saidiers in lise photo 'Peeking unta Mii- tans Faut in last seaek's Champion bas-e ieen idenlil- ied. Cisarlie Kennedy reports lie men aiflise 761is Bataltion, ear- lier tie Hulain Rifles, inclad- ed R. M. Cements in lise iront; Peter Brady an tise left ide af tise pictare; Bob Parker, tiird fcam lef t Ted Hardy, lauctis irom tise rigist;aid Mugs Milîs standing in tise doorseay in lise background. Joe 'Waters oi Milton also ce- members sonme oftise boys. He verified Bob Hardys identifi- cation, tisen added Bob Wicks foacti irons lef t; John Patter- son seventis from leii, Hugis Miles rigit; and W. Allai sec- ond fram rigist. mics, shop Campaste eoda scîtoats pusavida isctîuer opps'- lîîniies foi tisîsse listechni- :ait aspiraitions - aven la uni- ser-sistîsadmission. *Jais appui îîes tire siti- flari sinci-caseit. * Tise coursses bnlp studanis (1lesi'liet' tbutt tieir ahice t i cricer. Tbay ulso lUssist veeetîrs sciso tlea- clicrs inltras-v.ctiiig secam- ittettiiiions tabout Ithe slutict's troik ta Iligis scitout slficials. Tise Board te inrlîsîiig a lis- sasrittlsst'siu iniithletirsad- dtion it is isopedth ie liiscacs clin bceismttle tivilbie fisc ces- ie.,ut i iîsonshsip, and lise Deparincn i sfEduration is eticioctaigttiis isîasier tise of th lise tbs est s iite TWELVE MEN graduatesi on Fridaf from tise tiird course offered atuthlieieauf equîpment scisool, locatesi on tise Siotis Liii Nassagaweya, nortis ai Campbellville Sideroad. Tise scisool began operations in tise spring aid tise com- pletion of tise third course marked tis enid of cour ses until Aprîl of 1967. Clifford Llofd, principal ai tise Provincial lîstitate oi Trades Inclement w blamed fori Pour dising conditions, lim- ted sisihilils andidcy couds were partis' vlamed for a cash of accidents inlise Norths Hal. ton accu pulrutled hs 'Milton O.P.2P. oser tise pasl week. Frot Tisurndav tlu Mondas', tf- firers iisestigated 20 accidents ubhicis raused $9,330 in proper- nv damage. Four pacsons, Imu ut them tram Milton titi distrct. seere o a ced. Six-year-oid Munira Ssîsnîîss ski ut!Miltai Heigitss uttecec a hrukeo ]cg Salucîlas ailes nonusnea iraerissome. Acarcdri- san hv Aine Mue Collinssou Milton, leasing lise Remît Con- servatio Acea, slruch a stop igi aid tise sien it tise girl aifise teg. "Mumwrav AMcConnell af Ontar- ioi St., 'Milton, ecised a urenchcdthackin aione-carcac- cdent (i is e BaseUe Mon- das. Mandas sas a slippes s day and ocroftsflie dass clebs as- rîdents bappeied on Itigissas 401. One iîvulsed a trucs ssisicis ioued user aid luis men in it recisedijuries.An- uthie r trc risrled tiser ainil e' reised $400damage. lu une accident, a tlceks luailgale lait open and aload of grascîspill- cii ounlise ruastiss.causiog $1501 damage lu lise glass%.and painI ii a car. Tisure were fiue accidents oni Tissîsseas, lwuFidus, tua Sas- ardus aid lis ec ion Suîday. Dussng lise week Nus. 27 t De". .personnîelof tise Mil- ton Delcrmeil. Gîtarts Frits incial Police.,îs'uced a titaltit f99 isîurs. and darsug Ibis pur- iod. ti total ut 9.209 mile-stof iighasssere patrolled. As ti cesul. 29 trattie echarg- e eelit antI 2fsitîltion uwarings tsurc-issucci. lu ad- dition,. Iwo pers uns u'crc cîtarged ithîls impaiied dtii- iug" anti une person sth Ici a- ring te seeof an sercident". Five l quor seiurssser madie andt ise chasges preter red tmiler lise Liq titisContrlt Art. Theîc e-e 3 general occur- retnres repurtet iniehluiig tiselI oi gassline trîîm Jihisais andi Occupattons presented certificates Ioth ie gruduates. Mr. Lloyd is shown talkiig ta, three ai tie gradluates, Allai Laie, seated and Faut Hyslop aid Robert Caudie. All tise equipmenî ased ut tise scisool is supplied by tie Ontario Roadbuilders' Association, lacis of tise three coasses lusted for 10 wects. reather crashes WîciîuisYard, Esqiessug-Er- sui Tissu n:tî e fItiof cleetrîr itto, Il s te cons trusction site ii tise Christisîs ectrni 1Chus cli. ttu . n 8 Esqîcsing 'l%%p; 1t1seit of an Glsmpîque Ski2Dîtý, fFin prupecîs ot MtIIi Aihisan. Htv. 7, Esqiies- ig Ttîp.; sescral rasrai mail- 'uts es titis syrdi n Neissaga- titi Esqursiug Tssps.; on tisestlcitseisle %%,asrecises- et] forIolier police tiepart- ie1 andth ie cemaîndes strie lecuitesces tof a minos A blond encart was euîdsîct- edtio lsmBrîsuitu tahIe Milton Disit icI Hosspital. Sgt. W.J. Grant suid mtsns accsients wuealtrihuted ta lise inclement meatiser aid ma- lrssare îîcged lu diveite i lesd Cross hlood ec/mjc on Juuuy 5 As -s as Chist smasisovr, ciivýtfMiltoîn aid district pac Ios"sroll up lheir 1 i iinnual Red Cross loodct i cs sili ise bid ai tise lî,gittu t ii iionTisucsdav. Jan- ui.. linteesînsenet Paul Ketof lîsîs ReidCrassai- i stir e-k Memisets ît ie Red Crsss eld tîtîcet. i lis ltee rioitlas plais lits il, îî eda tîel lnie Tise-ses lItiscles of tbi Catsoir Ws, asic tsi Il, ie bc assis;irig s1, lit te sie i lt n f i-k i lit im chu & U fineMuemOuaaia Aan«,I FREE Have Red Hot CANDY TOY SPECIALS CANES A good selection fer yau to, eheose from For the ChIldren If Accompanlmd - LAYAWAY NOW - Sy as Adult Seo Car Toy Specials Today 1 - 1 * 0 ON OUR 2nd FLOOR HARDWARE Authorized Deal1er - Don Merrîtt, Owner 8 7 6 l1 *Lay-Away Il Budget Plans MILTON Wrd.a on TV Ateri lie ' sperial euunty council meeting Mondas' aller- touai, narden H. 'H. 'Hintun was înlarvicîîed oni CBC TV aisout cîotispndingon en- leclaimnot lHe appeaced ai lte b.3t urus ion cisanci6, espccssîog is feeling tisaI al lise cspcîscs were iustilied. -Sisop in'Milton stores, wieresvalacs aid setection are tise iesi. itiAkes 19 Optionat satellite ai speakers available 0 AM/ F66- F66 SIer 0 Garrard 3000 chat diamonsi stflus. 0 22 transistors and 0 Deicrait cabinets a' waiîut, Swedis tique, custom brou aif. 10 551/9"svide, 253/' 19-7/16" deep. "THE FONTAII Wth one year free se NO, j CHÀ The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 7, 1966 Chamber, University Women pledge support of council's Plunkett answer Support for Milton Councils vided witi s sme gitarantie if tise Plunkett boundaries 'sbeission on tise lunketi Re- tisat industr.i and isausing de- wece apptied, tihe impassibility view af Local Govecoment seans elapment eould talle place as af a balanced assessmenî, and espcessed by Milton Cisamber desirable. tise future use of the prisent i Commerce in a letter ta Tise dlffleulty ai pcoviding county building. counicil Monday. The Ciamber equat educational apportonitv Tise Club& eOnclualee en- also offei'vd ta seek petition ssas cited if industriel develap- docsed tise meention of thse support. Council accepted Ibis ment was nul permitted in tise pressent caanty boundacies, and aller. nortis accu mithisfis contribu- lise estublisisment of a Caunts A suisminssion tram liseUni- lion luuIlocal taaion. Bourd of Educution with rep- vers itv Mumens Club alsu es- Otiser ceusons cited for re- resentution on tise basin of pressect support luttise sugges- laining tise preserit coonty population, assessment, and tion of cetaining Halbi uand Isoondaries inctuded: tise im- area, and tisat a close link be Peel coueties us separate our- potance of green belt aceas maintained ils eaeis tacatity. isdictiuns. for arisai dwelters. tise sense Mayor Ciilds expressed The sessen page suismission ot identits citizens bave witis councils appreciation ta tise fronm tise University Women's tise prescrit coun ty Oils, tise University Women's Club for Ciais of Milton and District additional cost in amending tiseir submissian, and promis- %v'as presented by Mca. F. Mc- mupu, voting arrangement and cd a copy seould go ta tise Min- Out, scio noted tis ad been schiooI tests, tise diffecence in ister of Municipal Affairs as prepured by a study group of tise ruants rate betveeni Peel svell as opposition leaders in tise urganization and endors- amd Halton, tise cuttiig of wu tise provincial bouse and lise eC s tise club. lccsbeds tisat woold taise place coui îy courieil. I sOropinionît batansi- _______________________________ tiacs division ut tise Issuex i'.tiog Haloi and Peel count- Lock pour car tics, as proposedl, ita __________ tiest mueicipali ics on(tie sale baisoPolice lan, urlwrnofgi hft ist iiterest ufthlie accu or Tisece arc ew ions ta mates Christmas 1966. Police are dis- lis pratinre ... Iltssuld sectn tefeigo ele n m rbtngfyr ann hp esisîlto cioutinuetaciss tise I oc btcomes wben pers tlufate entra precautions isasis fi-î Issu suc tis inîe %sua bave rumpleted saur ai Chistismas limie. ts p[tl Chisîm.îs git isbuving safari lac aite" he-pr sg franulier vear. gested.c- Tieeae fs mo L ac o ns A slgnlfleant part of tise renîs o s aIealso e ma. 1 ac i nt part deatuI ilis pcrisions forttc i a litme lu matcIl tise edilurca ti o n administration. sik, emysfeeling souel oduring montl, .Tis club fecîs . .. tisaItihc "'len oc etacn ta tise car aoma iono lacgct units of and fiid tisat sonseone cIsc îs Mtlton Poltce report a ttal Atministraiun f or eduaationat enoving tise prescrits voua bd uf 12 accidents accucred dur- pupsswill iscîclit tise isild iineddfoc saur tamils- and tng tise moitis aiNovetilser, lu tobce ducaled." Il was fciends. caasing $2,605 property dam- enpisaste.ed, bsswes'er ' , lci- Woudn't If bave -ieen a age. Tisis bris tise total for tiser a local huard ttr an assit- maris iappier Chistismas for 1966 ta 161 accidents aid a ta- a tis te dircrttr uf educa- souail sou bild lockcd tise car tultlo i$38,545 damage, seili ios nesessars' is eacis acca aid ut least stsawed duwn tise une moitis ta go. îtt pcttvide a closes tinkhb- bief as be made bis rounds? No injuries or fatalities esere Issertise buardl ut educaiin Dunt tmakte lise mistaise tise repocted. and lucal rtîens. ouners of $4,000 wortisof mer- Tise report di sagceed %vilis riandise in ibis area made -Cisarcis gcaups are busy tise prinripîr ini tise lakett last yeac. planning Sanday Scisool par- Repoîrît ofseparaîing indusîcial Lors f our car. Let lise criti- lies aid pageants, seiicis begin aid rural accus. Il ibis is in-iaIs bus Ibeir ossi presenits. Ibis weekend aid will last ai- rs table, issîmeser, il saggested Miltton police risief Ras Aid- iltCisristmas. ttdditianal leritocs lua lise cess urges esersone la lacis bis -Next Red Cross iblaod clin- sauts uofMltun sbuuld isc pru- ocbiercrcwuhite shopping for ic s scisedated foc January 5. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE CANADA'S FINEST STEREO i ]ELE OTOHOME "THE VENETIAN" f rom the êlallmark Collection For thse ftnest Christmas yet and continued pleasure for many years to corne. see this superb euample of Elecrohomes uncisallenged leadersipin stereo Hi-Fi. The Venetian s in tasteful lialian Provincial with a quality crafted fully transistorized chassis for reliable performance and pure, transparent Sound. Tise precisely balanced speaker system captures every subtle shadle of beauty in the music fou loue, ,d remote to match. tao Radio ,ger with 14 diodes auiable in n mahag- ...... ONLY $49995 Wth ose gear free service and parts warranty NE" f romi the MEDALLION GROUP This is perhaps the most remarkable series in the entire collection. Yoa will be surprised indeed to 4tleari how mucis quality can be yours for a very modest price. Etectroisome and Deilcraft engin- eers rerognize only oie standard: Perfection. 0 AM/FM -FM6 Stereo Radio 19 Garrard 3000 changer 0 20 Transistors - 12 Diodes 0 Storage for 30 records 0 Deilcraft cabinets available in watnut, mahogany, burgundy fruitwood, ciao- ýaineS150sic fruitwood and antique ivory. Y $399.95 50" idle, 28" high, 17" deep. service and parts warrensy MONEY DOWN - EASY MONTHLY TERMS IASES HOME APPLIANCES - ffl-q d it ed v e r i- k- s n e

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