t, DF$.ÇET PASTINO dlown the various elements for a page replaces the assembly of heaxy reetal reaterial in the new offset process. Murray Scoyne dem- onstrates the process. RIEPRODUCTION prooifs of linotype material are printed and clipped for pasting dlown. The final pasted up page replaces a 100 pound form of heavy metal. Bob MacArthur is showe operatixg the press. A CAMERA almost unreal plays a vital part in preparing material for an Dffset newopaper. AIl material in tItis issue mas first photographed. ADJUSTINO negative material properly in the hacls of the vertical camera is important ta the final praduct. The full size negative is an exact reproduction of the pasted.up page. DEVELOPINO the large negative is done le solo- A PLATE is mode by f irit superimposing the tions on miticl, the temperature is critical1ly con- negative over a thix aluminum sIteet. An arc trolled. A t "variation cao destroy the quality light activates exposed areas, transferri ng the of the negative. negative image ta the plate. DEVELOPINO the plate to bring out the areas ta be printed and the application of a protective gym concludes the preparation. The plate is then mounted on the press ready ta print. 'Page 5 1