Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 3

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Cudkr's là. Refuse suggestion of committee to study spiralling tax rate A letter to iMiton Councilt this mach from the Chamberr of Commerce noted their re-i port on extpansion had heen z considered critical cf the 1 couneil. The stbimssion had 1 been made to be hepfut. tt was pointed out. The ChamnIher asked if thez rounicit had plans to set up a1 cominittee 10 study the spir-1 alti8 tax rate. C#*nbIWor C. Johnson obser- ved he had trobably criticized the report the 'most. and he hati flot changed his mnd. HUe coted the Chamber had en- dorsed construction of a $2500000 runk semer lice and development of ail areas in the toms limits. "It could be short siglted 10 i crease spen ding in OBITUARY J ohn McLaughlin John McLaughtmn, a resitient ut Miton, tietiNovember 25 i-t Hamiton ai the aguj of 70. le muis hors in Kelso in 1896. Mr. MeL.aughlin joined te 76th Battalion in the sommer of 1915 anti sont usereas in the foltowing -pring. In Sep- tembureut the samne vear, 1916, he was wî,unded ai the hatte ut Somme. It 1917 atter ce- tacnicg from dtuy wiih the Cacadiat Armv in the Firsl Wortti War, ho marred the former Annie Prytte of Miton Hights and workoti as a bricktayer. Ho was a mcmber ut Graee Anglican ehureh. Surevlng are is wifc Annie andI six chittiron, John Prs-de if Gardon Cils-. Michigan, Frank uf Miton, Mr. Bob Coatos INettie)oftut Aos, Mrs. Martin Keltly (Anniet. Mis. Le. Sates iOcant uf Miton, Mrs. Len Huit, (Dona)of Burfiig- to. He wa- pro-ctceoo-od bit Editih. Ho also cave- tour hetthors. lsaac anti Witiam uf Mitton Iloiglit-.. Martin ot Brunte andi Fiuoytut Peteroruigh. Ho s%,as proeea-,ott v James andi two sistors, Etute undt Margar- et Ann. Fiuocra t service ieiuk place ai McKorsie Fsinoi at1Homo Nunemtîer 28, wjth Rev. R. P. JetTaire-, iiticiaiin,2 Iniormeni %%s at Exorgroo'n Cemetorit. Miltton, xith N mitan tîison. Joîhn Bootht, Don Koorses- Bilt Kottv. Frank Sthannon anti Po- toir Crevtin os paiboarors. Museum teas j atoceouniy maseumn dir- ecuor Mai. 'H. J.' Newmnan is ptanning the usuat Christmasi teas again ihis ytar. There wil 'e an annoacemeni neni week. tht hope of euiting cosis." He rcatledti here hati -een hope accexation moutti 6e granied and sahsequenty ihai the Plunketi Report woutd he betpfut, neither uofxhicb mai- criatizeti. Councilnt B. H, t rtttod an auditrs reporit had hoon re- ferred tu the fincancercommit- tee five or six weehs ugo, but no repurt bati yei heen pres- entedtoctueoneil. "The onîy thîcg thai seemeti iu ho of inieresi ws athe huitd- ing ut 100 nete brune-. I icouodtaktue a tlot of resideni- ut] tenetopmenî in pay for a $250.000 trunh sener," Councit- lut Jobhnson argurd. Mavur S. G. Chittts agreeti there shoulttibh a repot frnm the fi nonce committe on the auditors report reeeived in the sommer. Couneittor Hesi suggexted he councit titi not buve tiefin- lie pulicios. 'We speni S4.000 miariuziititîbN, its Whs t t 'ttielvor er ie "We embarketi oc an engi- neering sceonie iii enetit ,orme people. Wo noe ted dotthie garden patb on an- notaîiun. Du a itite -oui sear- cbing ton thai. Engineering r-t-is tecthe n ig ons- " Cou n. cititîr Johnsorn cbatienged. Mombors agied ti n dvise ho Chambor boh'ever cn- scirtius t he spiratling custs, andi ni pcialttcîîmmiitieo Os CIGARS AND SMILES -sert prese on Mondait enenng nahen ututorioux candidates in ihe fxquexîng Township eteution shownd up ut ibe Administration Buiding. Thomas Hill, rentre. ted the counu il polis. C. (PatPtierson. leti.and James Goodiet, rîghî. the uther iciorînux cornu il candidates are xhown us îhey otter to light Mr. Hilixs three cigurs. Pruise 'loutstunding werk" I of retiring MAOUX Dr. A. Buif Th'e "rutstandtng xsork and ut es ffrs* fDr. Archio F. Huit, Halton Crunir's Med- iat OuicroitHealtihsince ittix1952 score tocognizotion Tue-ia, xihon littttisCîunt, Cioncit at.i.ptod ,tith "rogrot- hiicste, gnatiti. Rveve Herbert iroif tOak- s iii staletd, "n bebait ut the tiviser hors ti 'tincii 'bth au copt ui'h regret hi. resigna- lioin,l1-uggesisse-%ond atoitei ta, tiimand ithatiltbho igneit b. ce iiiomhc-î(et cîitnci ieor. Reeve Mtrry cinintett"-I ,titî'i tiîtk atî toto- xse'v,.- tc ogniîboibiettoit, ax niuu.h ttc%%should. Whai i t- t ho people ot Hai un is îatret giait Ioi sumnehudv ote - Deputy-Rees'e R. R. Parker. chairman of thoeCttunix Hoard toi Healthtbor 1966 .uggesteti. "h', heen ver, hoistultoth ie metinbritifihehboard aitdhas ttv.uss tuttitioti lion reqaosts csîth dt-p.tich îs xsott ax'iih a ie,tsshich isn't aIssîs-the case in huinca iodas'" Deputy-Retxe Parker repttrt- oit the appîtînimenitii n% nidia olie (thcatth toi he ouv (îîîtxîntirchixheibo spiinsibitity'(Plitho Huard ut Heltih. anti atter the -etectitn j-, made, il wiit teir irsrdeti iii tht Minisier out Healtibfor approvat Thors s, mat ked -larttsoific'inipetetmei Ontario ito ilthe ob,6he said. Noticeuoft he cacancY iii ITS GREAT to 6e a winnen -- fsquexing Renon GeirgeLelie smites, as 6e retehiaiex hîs e niectîno as head uftihe Towan- shprcoanrîl. Mr.leslie wnsout in a cloxe tacs nîth Wilfrid Leslie. iess ihan 25 per cent uftihe lîgibheteow-nship voiens tunsed ouitur Monday'% elecitun County vs. nurses Little solved in dispute Char ges and corier-charges added spice lu a special meet- ing ut Hation Counîy Councit on Mocday, baitiltte sous suis'- ed in thtetdispute hctween the Hallun Coanîy Healih N urses and theceousiy. DeputyReeve Chartes Mccc- ty oi Milton chlilengeti Ward- un H. H. Hicios. Reeve'ofu Ac- ion, lu etuber coniî'm or desy pubiished reports Ihat he saiti. econcernicg Mr. Menccy, sec are coi osry piorci uthià ac- tions."', Warden HInton qaiekty rcn tîrmoti the report. D)eputy-Reecve Mensily charg. cd, tIm nouiherc lur you to hc peouti ut me. I'm bere as a ecptesesntuiiveut Miltton. Whther ot' soi you are -prouct ut mecsxcanss-eîy ltte.' Warticn Hinton asketi wheîh- e or oui the Deputy-Reeve hati siaitd ihat mas printeti in as Daksiiie paper, "I donit liihe the xray the Wareco k hacdting lhings." DeputyReeve Menely tionicti the report anti soggesied, tI dont use personaliies.' Tht Wartien matie bis ce- mark concerning Depui>-Reene Mecefy fottuwisg a meting he- imeen -tht Warttns Spitriai Commitice anti the Coanty Nurses. Ai Mondays meeting he saiti tu the Depuly-Reeve, tI thick yoa had a responsihili- ty as a minoeiiy opinion - your sialement ai that meet- ing was distoyat 10o tht maj- urity of council.' Tht Warden then quoteti Lloyd B. Sharpe of tht R.N ADO., speaking on behatf of tht nurses ýas saylltg, "we are pleased t0 5tt some dissention on councit." Tht Wartien eus- inued, "you had a righl anti dtty ta iihhold yoar opinion ai that ime.' Depaa9i-Raava R. R. Parker statcdi n defence of M. Men- efy. he spoke out ctarly at tht committee meeting. At tht meeting of tht nurses he mas asketi bis opinion anti he case il' Wheiilîxx , pulic 1 oli ilia t1iîicpl)int,. t n' Say. Rooxo Willititi Cîttîîe ut Na.i.u is gicci îvîith Me. Faîkur"*Weveîgîen.îîîrop pviiionitx iii epre-s ian opin. i. ,' liet.- . Counltllrs then ci 'cu'se'd tiroLh c itii ti-dOi Croincl', -iiicitiii hi. haîtpe nu e tlitd, in ltic' iti l e ils îltt.'ag cl ii il.i -ildhic i sc.r lie .îi t.'i t'ili tii i cilitic ato ilitiex t'ili ic'liiiiiotlîx tl tht.- tic-l t.-f11vciffliedtiil ci il îîîecc'îc'îîî .andîlIl,-coutnt , iiI iî.'lt e 1 g Tithe ii u piît.oiiil hoit xclt.înt Robiert Raiigtge'ted. iti. il tititti i intt i la htx t,- tîke , l.itt îii tii' i r Ilte cîîîîîci t, hc in. Delsaty-Reeve %iitittt îtonv ii t.itii I , i tî ichvii 1ac r i I11.1 Illei it l I' titi takili iiititi t 'c'lltlltie u adli a o iidav l i ll e A e A ittih iîe tiitue prî irsthi pl-11g le,-v %ite io iou'l- IItîtIlýg"nie. I a'l tetiow t-l u it w il. iet- 'tt'i i po e a in l [Il,- ut iniiiti.ii c J t lic t Ile tI1IIt Rtoie la- ke . T il f1ii11lcit iii il ttî(tlopi tixRs o Metteiv Ititoti .î -titi4-4iîîîîîîi,îî Reete t iîî'g Yu ig Fu Gmttîelîg tîîl opt il(% to 'îiiîiît I lo ag aliI It l tti'it C.io xuligxtiti- inn Engineer 48 years Smith officially retires Rusv F. Smith. H,îilîn Couttî- lx' enginer andci itati -ope ris- tendient. antI a mni ho has xîorkcct on Halon", îîî,îttxfor the pasi 48 s-car-,. "utticiaits-" icliret feu-s is postuon Noî îemhcr 30 but he huîn'tlefi the office in tho counitv hîtitt nssin Miton for gotît. Mc. Smith bas becs reitineit hy thteruntlxas aoconsultant lu tbe engineering teparîmeni. on a veur-tu-year ht.k. D. J. 'Jaek' Cureeli.former Dcît- frein engineer. is the nom count ly engiceer anti ho aoceplttd the post os June . Bath In 1918 svhrn Roy Smith fiexi came to Hatio CousIs- os reident engineer on the Tastes- Bridge joh aI i tîtî cîîîîîîîîit, \,ili't 25 t-t il i, ixtts.ixx't i , ndtoto .are 120 mite- tf piet it'n tic' Hîtin oui , Thetailtia g 'cern i to it iv u30. titisoligineicn 1924 titi a tee lais. tand itlie t 15 pi îîîilî oct fulitmenit' d iiern tendntandîîîengincerinî 1930. ELECTRONIC CARILLON The t.îrgc,î eetrncail lon inI l leit.' l-tii iti i i lice t Espu '67. Ift ucîli ho instottect oîn a 96 loot tricelotntItilebhigili est point un IlicSainte-Hetone. ho siion puhtîshed andtiho De- putv-Reovexsaiti. "Ihis is a di- rcoilpr-ition anti 1sitoid 6mink is ootth] bciotpieteir ivrof .iilhitageltio ven ,oggo-t arais 'tl ctit.atbtt il mtghi hco ne.,Sdi tir ihree iinth- hetîtto applica tions arc reccînet, i. 5e00the itualifica' tioîn, for ucrh a pos-itilo arc tory rigîi Wardec H. H. Hiclan. Reeve of Actin uggested. "ihore i a distinct possihitits Ihis prsi- tioutu tiiid hoctilci bxLan ad- iinitraîr and aMedica Of- lii.eriof ttoath" A moiion di roviing the Buard o iii lath iii take the-iioce-sarx action tocard hirîng lii iti tho taoanesssas apprsc-d.Ont, Depioî-Ri-eve Parbor vîtiet againsi i -'hecauc i i, ce- iltndani." WRAPPING SERVICE Sitittent, îof MiiltnDistrictt tttgh Scio iriitîe .ienspting tu tt-e imîmes titi atrip i.,Expu h7 nesxi mnier anîdîîoe o in to lnd-raiing ehîtrcsbh- gins tht ,ssootu Startiîîg Thoîs- tiax. Dot. 8 ai 4 pin., ihov xsitt - et up hiip" in Miton Departi aietStoStre to provide aispeciai r hibMinis gîi.erapping sec- .F-r a itîdesit ee. the% tciibc gladt.iigais îik ~ t cliiir taico k The girls %vil] i11 osi the Dflotta uiv istîr CHRISTMAS IS A TIME FOR MUSIC! SEE THE NEW ALL-TRANSISTOR ELECTROHOME ELECTRONIC ORGANS Transsorsensure rch, pue oneuand unrinaed reabilty. The se-s Trphonic Tahs add o the scope of your nsrment. Thp incredi6e Rhgth-s Master pondes 18 tradionat and contemporarg heats automaticallp NEW MODELS - ALL TRANSISTOR The York, with Leslie 2 speed speaker, - $1195.00 The Broek, with standard speaker - $99500 STAN BERNARD NOUSE 0F MUSIC LTD. Youn Conspiete Music Centres HAMILTON 227 enilworth N, 547.2427 BURLINOTON Roselend Plane 637-1033 Franchised Sales and Service I ELEOTIROHOME là Electronîic Organs Ifh i dia dm m à a ~u 11k.... W. havai

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