C$ The Conadian Champion, Wednesday, December 7, 1 966 Aathofty t.keavrf HUOPe for weekend s -kiiag ut Elu Edea HMis urea tet if snovv, tet it sncn, tet il sn0w. Thats the request ot the Haton Region Conserva- tion Authority, as it prepares its first scasna as operatars of Gles 'Eden Hitts sliisg area in the Ketso Conservation Area. The Authorlty decided te- cently to takc uver the opera- tiensot the nom bankrupt Gten Eden Ski Ctub. Pans have 110w becs formutated and if weather conditions permit, ski- ing witt start os Saturday. The pooutar stontes west of tows have becs aive sith skiing activity throughout the paut fewm winters. A nom T-Bar lift was in- stalted i he winter of 1965, 50 the main sk'ihiii - con- sidered by masy as the bent ski hiti in the Hamitton-Tor- osto area. A double rope fow wiii again ibis year service beginners on the smal it butnorth ut the raitroad and the rope 10w at the mest end oi the ski arcu mutl be reopened bhis vear, pro- vidisg excellent siopes for the intermediate skier. A tom t the top of the es- carpnsent cii,.rs escitement and challenge te the mostex perienced protessionats a n d modem saummaking equip- ment ýheips provide the best in ski conditions and guaras- tees a longer seasos. The ski sehool wiii be under the direction of Vince Coome ut Hamitton and speciaization witi 'hc directed tt>sard begin- sers. Graup tnisons mOtl be hetd at 1i1 am. and 2 p.m. os Satutstays and Susdays and private tessons ii be avail- ahle hy appointment. Ctiýff James witi again bc ini charge ut the qoaiified patrot- crs sebo ssiiibc supervising the bis. The toms wmlii e is opera- tion on Saturdays and Sua- days from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.; on Wedaesday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and on Wednesday and Friday eve- aîngs from 6.30 p.m. to t0 p.m. During the Christmas hoiidays the ski toms sitt operate from 9.30 am. ta 4.30 p.m. except on Christmas day sehen they mutl bc operated from t p.m. to 4.30 p.m. As entrance ire of 75 cents per vehicle witt bc charged on weekends and durisg th e Christmas hoidays. The reg- utar 1966 ssnmmer season Ketso pass ssiit bc vaid for the 1966- 67 inter season. The winter season ski tom passes itt atso cover entrunce admission to the park. The rates for the use ut toms are as foitows: T-Bar iinclud- ing rope Ininsi, adutts $3, stu- dents (under t8i 52; rope toms oniy, ail tickets S150; Wednes- day and Fridav evesings, aIl TBar tickets $2 and att rope tickets $t.50t. Ski achool raes are $8 for fisc scheduted group tessons antd for private tessons, hv ap pointment, ose skier S6 and twu skiers $10. DRUMQUIN Mrs. Shirley Rutledge wins on radio game By Pies. Ceeil Patien-son Congratulations to Mes. Shir- tey Ruttedge an ber good for- tune ta he the iucky isse,- ut a handsome etectric bianket on the Thursday, Dec. i show on CFRB. Mms. Ruttedgc mas catted hy telephone and mas abte lu onnwer a quaiifying question. Severai in this dis- trict heard the proizram ove,- the radio. Congraultions to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Curtis on the irth ut a daugbter in Oakviltc Hospital on Nov. 30, a sister for Dwayse. Pupits-ut Grade 8 and their teaciter, Mrs. S. Saider, ut Percy W. Merry schoot have cottected and arc sen ding a cash donation to the Star Son- tu Claus Fond tu betp less fortusate children hase a lit- tic happi nssait Christmas. It s a very gond cause. Happy irthday tu young friends - Brion Rusk, David Neetasds, Rotph Roe. A young Oakviiie lad wos c cidestatly it in the eyes by Pettets front o B.B. gos recent- y. tt is teamed that bis sight might he isjured. Wttb Christ- mas buyisg at bond, mosy par- ents May be lempted tu give in ta their sons ptea for o B. gun bot they sboutd bc arned that these guns cas be very dangerous. Masy soungsters bhave lost eses tfrom thei reare- i ens use. Miss Karen Wiliiamson un- derment an appendectomy in Oakviiie Hospital onst wcek. Hem gr-andfatber, Morice Wii- tiamson s in Oakviiie Hospit- ai otso. Wc mish thenmett. Mes. W. Simpson retursed home recently f rom o sisit mith ber daughter, Mes. Ken MeKas and famity at Ajax. Apoval mas granted for a Bo cu etennal tproject fo h avteDistrict Scouts -a centenniai canipsite ln Drumquin Park near Hornby. A decorative gateway, parking area, tookout tomwer, pavilon and picnic area are ptasned. During She first meek of July the Scouts plan tnt hotd a Scouter program. Permission was ganted by Oakvitte Parks Board tohave about 1,800 Scouts and Cubs camp at the park. Buy Univac for Health Unit student cards Hatton County Councit bas approved the purchase of a Univac data processtsg ma- chine for use in the Heatth Unit, where il witt sort ouI studeat immusization cards. iCost of seîîisg up the systemn ut15,000 and the ansoat cost ofProcessing is estimated ut 155,O0 The Heath Unit pres- estty spends about 16,000 a year processing the cards. Dr. Archie 'F. Boit, Medicai Officer of 'eath, is iavestigaîisg the pussihitity ut obtaising a ted- erat grant ta assist in under- writing the cost ut the proces- Borie nembers of councit, ai their November meeting, urg- cd the UJnis'ac be programmed to hasdte some processing for other areas of cousIs adminis- ration. Warden H. H. Hitus suggested a triot period at the Health Unit woutd pmove sehe- ther or sot the unit woutd bc heiPfuli n other areas, Board of Heatth chairman Deputy-Reeve R. 'R. Parker, Ac- ton totd cousicittors it taites a vear and a haiffota,-ooe persan oa process the 35,000 student tmmuaizatias canin. The Uni- vac witt do thte saine job ita iess lime and iiîh lens effort, and the restai of the unit wautd rosI less than the abar invotv. cd. -Many went ta Oakvite and Burtington for Santa Caus parades on Saturday. -The 'Mit1 toan Girls' Pipe Band performed an the Oak- ville Santa Ctaus parade Sut- urday morning. -Wise buyern, -hop through Champion ctassificds. MNfk ptwrs .çezti dirhoeds, funds te re ta, I District 12, Toronto Mitk Producers, is ose ut dozens ut district mlk producer or- gantea tions being disbanded and reptaced by the Ontario Miik Marketing Board. The District 12 group, founded ab- out 1927, held ils final meet- ingmrcces'tly and decided to trs ils enlire isanciat ossets oser lu the North Halona As- sociation for the Mestutis Re- tamded mhicb operates a sebuepi tom 24 retardoten aI Hornby. Preideni Iim Red of R.R. 2. Georgetown and secrelary- treasurer Bruce McCture of R. R. 3, Georgetown, sisiîed the schoal lasI week and lursed user a cheque for 5375 lu NHA MR presidern Bob Kanerva and treasomer lames Sproaî. The District 12 gmoup coser- cd about 215 members in the four towns'hips in Hatton Counîs plus Erns and Emomo- saTowenships in Welington Countv. The fond s represent- cd the producers' association tees wbich weeme deducted from their milk cheques and passed on lu the Prodtncers' Association for administration. -Commerctal League bosul- ers bcid lheîr assual Christ- mas sîag nigbl Friday. c -ipvi' SpeciaIIy SeIected - Value Cl1OCkeci - Weil immed LOIN 'Of PORK 6 9B.Schnoider, Red Hot MiId Seàaend You SèveTwc with Trim and Price Freeh Slced- Tender LOINC PORK LIVER 1-b acPc63c Pork Chops 79C3 COMPARE AT 3 FOR 37c COMPARE AT 97c MAXWELL NOUS! JELLO POWDERS CO0F FE E 1O EAC8.179c CeeWme et 2 fer 71< KLEENEX osI'55c Compare ai 89C - S-0z. lbottie WOODBURY SHAMPOO 75 c Compare ai 2 for 45c - Sokeiy's - 1S..î. Tins CREAMED35 CORN35c Compare et 39c - Stafford- Pure - 9-0x. Jars ASSORTED 389 JAMS. 9 Compare ai $1.89 - Club House - 4-lb. Jar PEANUT asl4 Compare ai 35c - Culver House -15-o2. TIn RED PTE 9 CHERRIES e.ea2. 1 SOCKEYERE SALMONee 55C CeeMpe et 2mow 49e T A 0i -I N G 99ci Niew Crop Pancy Calforia EMPEROR GRAPES c5 FRISN CALIFORNIA B roccoI~ 35C LARGE BUNCH a - - - --Rm@lw Il