Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 25

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GEORGETOWN LADY DART HUNIERS came mito organrzed te covtest lvIlte 'bck rom out on top witen a Legion Zone darts rom. arr Jan fmmerson, fEelyne Joitnson, Maureen petilion mos itel ins Milton Legion Saîarday, Fnlay and Rita Rudiger of te Georgetowý. Nov. 26. There mcme 13 îeams f rom Port "B" leom whicit came second; and Marg Hed- Credit, Milton, Georgetown and Brampon in ey, Dot Day, Em Sargent and Mlma Unswortit lte conlest andti Iren Georgetown enîries of te Georgetown "D" îeam witicit mas tird. mon tetop tren cash prizes.li te front Several mes from te Milton Legion assisted rom are Grella Stotidard, Jean Lckitursî and in ronron0 tite affair. Milma Unsworlt and F. Lottie Bolloms of te wisnisg Georgetown Joitnson, botit of Georgetown, itad te hitgi "C" enlry and Zone Sports Officer Mary Frankt scores of te day witit140 eacit. Twice the size Hospital Auxiliary opens new gift shop Aitougi te remainder rot the Hilton Dstricl Hospitat ex- pansion is far [roms compltee. une section bas iteen finisitet amd i tlbc opened torlar lWert nestiavi 10te pubic. Thte ado Women's Aoxitrar)î gifl sitop, localet in teformer btoard roummitere tite hitr aI's four main c,,,ridor', mecc, bas been complterd antiwa openedti thtecpubic tor te firsl lýime at 9.30 thiismoraneg The everhusy W.A. members bave iteen cagertv tarttng te complelion ut lbcr ness gilt gbop. Titey tormerte occupreti an unusetiatimitling room sec. ion of teitaspilal. but teir quarlers mere crampeti. Wben te renovalion program slart- eti ouI fal lbev mere sitfeti tu an unuseti eleaîr sbaft wiere condtiorns wereecven more cramrpeti Nasetes iii bacce tce te rouas andi a itrigitt anti airy ai- mospitere in mitici tu10ork. Thte sourt anti rast watts of te former iboarti roam bave iteen transformet i nIagiass malts mitit sietves, flcm sielvs ing anti dispiav case', bavc iteen instlttd anti finisiteti n mainul. antite stock ,ot noset- ties anti gitts baeiteert doait led. The Hospial Board coccrert te cosI ot thte matjor construc- tiranmark on thier nese gitt sbop. Thte W.A. paiti tur inter- ourtiecora in8 anti turnrsbrngs. Mrs. Norman Peat'ce, gil sitop coacener for te W.A.. bas heen itosy acer a vear arase firsl planning te cancers ion, anti more recestllc ptanning our te operatran orathte cntargeti grît sitrp. Auxiiar% presicent Mrs. Jaohn Crnsras% tati The Chtam- pton -"secare r'erc prouti ra a.,ur ne,, shoa, bit crtsarees pecialtc prootioft Mrs. Pearce antiber dirligent efforts in con- section seit tite sitop Site bar iteen wr'krng rrartc att] ime s,.il orr.evrat seeks nase." Tottay and Thuroday thc gil shop rrit lbc open tram 9,30 ,.m tua5 pm.antifrrrtm6.311 t, 9 y.m, ortitat risitrrrs cr tiroapin anti lrmk oar, te sewe qaartcrs andthie ',eteciasraf items acailable. Ater Titurs- tias, regutar itours ssiii ibc frram 1 ta 11.301 cacitmarnise. 2 tu 4 eacit afternrrrn anti 7 ru 9 Seminar registrar is Ivan Armstrong A Milon mas, Ivan Arm. strong of Bronte St. mas regis. trar tarI meeb for a lmo.tiay ansuat etiucatros seminar beiti n Oabcrtte ty te Dabville anti District Laitor Councit, Mr. Armstroang, a memiter raf 0-DL.C. etiacation commiîtee. i s an emptoyee rf Canatiios Meler Cu., Miton. Thte sert mnr as Fritiay anti Saîurtiay aI thte Rocat Oak Hotet. mit Atten Scitroctier, etiaration tii- rertrof te UAW for thte Cas' atiian Region anti Don Tavltrr a represenalice raf1ite USWA researcb tieparlmenît eatiing thet wo courses offereti Local unions senitielegates la te lectures. n te evenr'ngs. seven rrîs 'r rs'eek. Thte arritiarvs r.lts gifit ten,,, aralians, cigarettes. c.rti,rtes itab gotis. ibrorks.rnr mrg.r zises. loys anti ncrareirie% t staff, patients andrt itr M ans articles for salte rinte sitp ap brreeen marde add satr.'tb%,sWA.m,'miter's Tlir sitrp taffer s acalvl teer W A. memiters rMmrr rir shift srtrarna p its te cn PennsyIvania Dutcl, cookery explained The Decesiber meeting of te Milton anti District Univer- sity Women's Club mas helti at the bomne of'Mrs. L. C. Mcouat who mus hostess at a supper party for te memnbers and ses- eral guests f romntte Kitchener- Waterloo University Club. of which tite after'tiinner speaker, Mrs. Edna Staebler, was a mnember. Mrs. Staebler gave an inter- esting tatk os the Penssylvania Dstch caakery whicit is indi- ginaus 10 that Part roi Ontario. Siere'ari excerpis tram bher book, "Sauerk raut and Ester- prise". which is a collection of articles writtes for McLeans Magazine and witich thte Kitch- ener Club hati puittisitetino book foras as thei recentennial Project. In thankIng Mrs. Stuebler, Mrs. E. LitI of te Milton Club confessedt la er cooking being sn a rut. tram seiicit site hopeti some of te Penssylvania Dutch recipes migitî lift ber. Thtes'venrng ctoseti an a s sonltoe as memiters ioiseti sn singisg Citristmnas carots ac- compantied b *ty Mrs. A. Titamp- son on ber piatto-accortiion. -Photo by AIi Bets MR. AND MRS. KEITH MORLEY sigs lte regîster follomtng ltheir marrr age Novemiant t2 inEReltel United Citorct. lThe bitrde s rthe former Lynse Dunsmore. daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. Allas W, DansmorelThe groom s lthe son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morley, Centennial appro vol yl. hc l',els., t rtte it-,rit-rtrlrrat 'ý t I lr't . l e ". r o e al um ,,,, vil.,rbr' 2 ýA K Enfry via Cross Ave, or AK ~~South Service Road u mea SUEENCRS MALL -OAKVILLE OPEN EVERY NIGNI -Kids copy cartessness. PIETRO seum's N~W/ r,, Thte PEU CONSTRUCTION com- Building Contractors of te * ESIDENTIAL in ot- niacl* COMMERCIAL t11, th* INDUSTNIAL b, te * MASONNY * STONE rat At- * BRICK MLO * BLOCIK -i 878-2294 E......M...... 9P.M. Until Christmas (Saturdays Excepted) HE HAS SMARTIES FOR THE CHILDREN 4SEE THE BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS .e TREE next time you blow a fuse remember these tacts before you blow your top Witen a fuse biomu 1 it s a srgnailtatyoa bace overloatietipart 0f pour etectrcat syslem ... a circait, îyouritome'selec Have yoar itousehoid 2 î,caî sysiem is vol wrrrng eaamrneti soon. Sea atiequate to serve ail vaut itow easrly your home cao neetis poolisnotrce alter iîrotiernrzed eleclrrcaiiy, symptoms. Lgitîs may tirnr BEN EFITS froas lime totirme,' pour toaster asil l ake tonger 1Youcanuseasmany to toast, anti appirances 1 appliances as pou miit molors may appear rorsitaI it e same ime ... sluggisb. astîbout gtvrng lues a à% second ltougit. J If ourhiomeis mare 3titanu10 years otti. the chances are yoal elec- trical system leqoîres updtilng 10 laite cale of 10 day'u requiremens. Titere are nom mole tas timce lte number of appirances usetin ste home ltan tes years ago. SOLUTION il is sot necessaîy to pal up mit thlie inconnenience caaseti by an outialeti eiectrical system. 2 Ya cas atit any number1 atf neas lrme-savrng appliances ta your home. 3 Your appliances miii operale mare ellrcrentllpast ndit es stars on motors. 4Yoo can eojop the 4convnience 0f itanrng al lte eiectrrcal outlels you tiesire.You mrli avoidthe litnconvenience of 1'hq Canadien Champion, Wednesday, December 7, 1966 Cs OBITUAAY Walter Winlaw The deatih oomurreti sutiten- ly at Beachvitte, one Satorday. Deceniber 3, of Walter F. Win- law, in bis 77th year. Mr. Winiaw mas boro in te County of Halton anti was lte son of te late Mr. andi Mrs. John B. Winlaw. For many years he operateti Beachviâe ,Mill. Sstrvivlng are bis wife Min- nie E. Moses and three sons John C.; W. Neit and R. Ken- netb, atl of Woodstock, and seven grantichiidren. Ftînerai was helti from lte F. E. Roweil Funeral Home on Tuesday, Decenaber 6, at 2 pan. Inlermen in Ottford Memocriai Park Cemetery. bfl LsrnUei GET THAT NEW LOOK NOW 1 Avaoed te lest minute Chrismas rush ta have that new look for lte hotudays. .Cali sus now. MILTON UPHOLSTERING LORNE ARTHUR 878-909& RNE, 3. MILTON unsigitltp extension cortis anti te attendant rrsk of anertoatirng te ouliel. 5 Aditilorial carîfoîls sucit as eieclric itealrng and arrcondtitos- mng cas be easiy accom- modtaet. make as importanlt irifer- ence 1 tte safely anti resale value orf your itome Re-miring can belitantiiet mt litte tirslarance 10 your home and ti1 a cost fat iess tasyou raraîtinit Contact a quairfieti eiec- rcal conîraclol. soon. Or cali pour Nytiro. 1 M 'lttat' ROSS GORDON Solicits Your VOTE For a 6th Term ON Nassagaweya Council on Moaday, December 12, 196

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