Brookville girl champion Th.ý Canadien Champion, Wedresday, December 7, 1966 -C3 DISTRICT 12, TORONTO MILK Producers re- Hornby. N.H.A.M.R. treasurer Jim Sproat oand cently disbanded after 27 years of operation, president Bob Kanerva are shown at eht, when the new Ontario Mitk Marketing Board accepting the cheque from Milk Producers displaced ail local producer groups. At a secretary-treasurer Bruce McCure and presi- wind-up meeting the enecutive decided ta dent Jim Reid. The group covered about 215 turc over the ssuets totalling $375 ta the member uhippers rn Hltor and a portion of North Halton Ausociation for the Mentally Wellinegton Coue y. Retarded, operatore of Sunehice School et Page j' Cow bought on holiday trip named Ail-lime Class Leader An Eater holiday seIt-educa- tiîn trip a 14-eeee.eetd Hurn- by area echeclboy look ive jers go h egiuning te puy big dividende. Lorre Ella, son ofl Me. and Mes. Kenueth Elle ot Rock-Bla Jersey Farer ai Hernby, was preîcy happy test wuek whrn hie Jerrsey ceeu Brownlanc Rav- olas Josyt eues eamed an Att- TimeeClose Leader teeor ilk production je chu mature lase: uftchu Canadian Jerrey CaIle Club cempecicione. It was In April et 1961 hat Lrru. he a 14-yar-etd 4-H4 club mernber eiih an arid ie- ureustinje arming. decided te ake an Easer beliday trip te Eastern, Canada eith a lrieud, Bilt Aleander of Nerval. Thc îeuo lieu ici NewuBranswick and sent their holiday teuring seme oethe btter larme. and betoru bu rcturned home Louer had puechasud Josyt [romr che turur oiSerlinîgBrown aed Sune, Harvey Station, N.B. Jusyt, nues a ive-year-e)ld, bas been cla seifi ed Very God. Shu produicdulai ire et sofage je 305 daYe t2x) 19,263 the. mjtk and 864 16e lai, 4.49 per-cent, B.C.A. 258-214, lu Win e Gutd Mudcl and Mudal et Meeît. le doing se, she replac- es hu tormer leader in ibis claes, Sparkte Supurb Nanelta, ueuned hv Jean-Paul Dubue. a cou- ht etiabtished che forer- e recerd je 1965. Josyl nurw holds amo AI-Tiaur Clase Le.ct,i a iueîiîe ibrue- Canadien recerds. Lest er, huae-otd. se established chu presen c Lasi yeer ae a loar-yere-old Junior 4-year-otd 305 (2x) mitk 3usvlcevon the Master Pccde record et 466- 305 - 17.592- 763 plaque andl e Certiicaîret - 4.34 per cent, Silver Medat, Recognition as high ceeain chu Gotd Medal and Medal of Mer- Halcen Jersey Club for the il. te 1964, ehe -evn an Ontario Ycar. LORNE fiLA WIH JOSYL Proper environment needed in greenhouse fly Charges Wernser Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist A talk given by Dr. Donald Coller, ot the University ut Kentucky, ai Vinetaud ecentty ruas titled "Controltjeg hu Greenhuuse Enviroumet." Dr. Ceci ce stresed ihal mauy dis- caseseofgreenhuus eetabces cou bucuntrolleul by previdiug a puoper greenheue environ- ment. The uceet important facter, acceudcug te Dr. Ceacer, je thu ereveerent of air. Stagnent air je a greenhouse je ideat tee greeth col eany tungat diseas- e. Air eheuld bu kepi erevief in aIl parts oftchu greenhouse. This je eecoerptished by usicg fons. which are islied je euch a way that hie constant and cuerpirte aiererovumeet je eraintained. Dr. Coller stressed aIse chu importance ot relative humid- icy. Hueidiîy near the 100 peu crut levali je bscteeorprumuief discases. This je geueatiy the teerinc meel greenhouse un- tes c ecroet eeasore arc tait- eu, Geours mus etrntiltî ere when lumperaluecearr cool te, reducc humidicy. Cool air beoughc mbinthe grecuhouue urjl ha eruch drycu whrn earmcd. Whcn terpeuulure oulside arc couie han insîda and condensation terme un the glass or pastic, therecje a lru- ering outlhe humidity. Tiis may netserem possible but il je leur, since iis mielurer hat je ceudrnsing je cuming out ot Al uft Ibea daviers tfans, etc.t ehouud bhaunoomaîju, De, Coller mainlaine, Using tr- moulats and ime dlocks, the frower ran haee unctîîrm ru- culte wîîh a minimum ot laor. Heeu mens% loaetgraueus houe di sce r pehiure hai con he blamudîon apurenviron- ment? Give thuce id cas simt thoughR. with an c7<ku aSMîOTRinO Puteyourselt ttHlNanAurin nhrieund ten... tet sr e,,til il« let tdrift tahvatuthaaagetust as eanas ranutu gl Yu aunaes abu eft atîgeout-,SheOliradmesd appurnmtaa«uuauu zassO aaaa bthar trou agaa. Inathe wudsutfthearuurge ga ct il made". tuharatr u 5aatueieih diaeh. u ka hrtt.a aacvienta, uwr th antd .ti 0-,c t-nih tqu 1 re,.ut,, ,,, hustaraardPllng Magd,re '0cht ,i ua ,te taIl reaa eut b. hnralea asa. oeus runio..t ta,-,ut ~===~(FiguraeOut lhualitahardi, aura raghbui, iiihey 1111 a itte hcrcuît.) Whar yau aaathsug ... Yuruuathtaeuh, ui15 1M t laha .Juituwaikineandachtu sasan rans SOTHtO. MILTON GREENHO4JSES MILTON TEIEPHONE 878.9501 Weed Lendea Keuuey, a gradeu uer enesludetat BruokvilePublic Suhool. mac uamed iccer ef he auuual "Werd Coutrul Es- say Cumpeiiuu" ou Friday uvruing. The dark-leaired I -year-uld wau declared the wiuuer ocer 1 16 uther eatrjeu ie the popalar competitiueespaueered by Hal- teon Ceunie Couecit and inte oseidudsitries. "Weeds arce .pesive" a the tapic ot Cendra', priu.e-îvie- eiug essay. She receîved $5 for eieeiug irst prize en heu ara and S25 for beiug aamed ceu- te chumpion. Acun arra wia,- uet* Cathry Hielua, ut Robert Litte Schoi mas cheu ramer- up i tehcouuy ccumpcîcieuo aud Cellecu McGllieray ual St. Jecephe School, Oakeille, ese third ie the couu iy uempcîc- tiue The second pie ceueîy weutfer rcceieed $15 anud che third pnieu ie ccucuiuud $10. Leuclra je a daugtrurfetMr. and Mre. Luadejck Kcuuey oal R.R. 2 Camphclleille, i.t Maha- ou, he icher cc%%,a arded a peand pucîlet. Over 230 coasptitere, par- ente anul guete atuedt he "Wued Contrai Auard.% Nighi" ai the Milton District High ScholuonFriday. Guesi epeak. tr ur thue eig uaeRohbet essay winners honored Batemnan of Burliegtou, a di- the judgjug aed commeuîed, racler ai the Ontarie Federa- "-ail the esaays wcrcet a tigh ijun ot Naturaliste, a membar standard". Oft' he Bruce Trajl Ccmmteuauiî0. G. Mcl2owell, teupeuter ut and a ucîted leIcturer. Mr. Baie- Public Schots fer Hallea, Ne. mac gave au illustratrd lecture 1. ceugraitatrd thr wiencre en 'Wjld Atrica". antlhanked Haltue Wrrd In- W. Dt. Tayler, District Wred specier Vernen MacArthue tur inepecter tee the University agaiu ueeducîing the cempeci- ai Guelph, %vas ie charge oet jeu. Stress prevention Two safety councils plan joint meeting in Milton By Geoti. Taylor ExtensionrauAssistant Departmuent aof Agriculture On Thureday, Dcember 8, Halteti and Peut Farm Satety Cauncils eill hotd thir joint aniual meeting. Therecu t je ta ake place in chu Agricul- oural Ottice, Miton, and chu pregermeitt bucuntred a, oued brun andl home acci- dent precen tien. SaIe "v ims eilt bu ehocvu, antd ir addition, At Connes, Salecy Comaujeejone iîh chu Ontario Provincial Police, Bue- lingtou, milI bu umphasizîng "Hîrhwts' Safetv'. As ln pai pears, tl bas bren che daiy oftchu Farm Saftî Couicit in chu carieusueoun. lije and ldistricts tu Ontario, Ioeepread chuecuord et Faemn Saîccete oAilrueal and uchan peeple. Farer Saftcy Counceite sponsor eoch thitags as ealeîy pester ceopetitione fer 4-H club muinhere. aetY rallies; aad iret aid eqoiperent distri- but con. tlisjehcaped chat threugh thu euork eft he Halcen Farru Sale- ty Couneil ibis roteImuntitjl hu a culer place je which ta cuicebacd lice. Halîeu Ceunîy Ceuccil pe- sen erd the prizer mey te the lhrrreinneres iu ruch o4 the ciceaeua,îy areas. First prier wialere received $5, second prize eiunerrs $3 and third pnieu einere$2. Monry tee the coun ty champieus ruas de- nated hy Niagara Brad Chem- et .1Beliegion. Haltue Ci, Opeeiiicu Supplies ancd Ftiiiiî AdtitoutActan. The iaueras inetbevarioas aesweîu. Mtona, Soean Ar- hie firet, John Mullwraiîh sc- ond, and Miku Seilune third; Naeeagacceya, Lendra Krnnry, Jimrmy Hciheoc and Natalir Dudeik; Actoe, Cathy Hinten, Carat Pattet can and Stephen Van Fluet; Eequeeing, Ceunie Carter, Randy Milter and Roy M. Siebe. Georgetoeen, Karen Leard. John Brickruridge aud Julie Runulle; Eakeitîr Ea, .Ja Anne MeGregor, Teery Noble undl DLtrah Lesack; Oakeille West, Colteen MuGit. livrav, GaH Plumhcand Robert Dure'; Burlingien East, Hetlv Cuiter, Naerv Tregonno and Gurîje Ktuiietea; aed Berling- tan Wet, Debhje Gohie. Joba, St Marienaed Kim Echîja,. -Yau mav bc ou the right [racrk, but vou'Il get roe Oece il vo' tust stanttdtthere. SHOPPING CENTRE MILTON 0 Loblaws * Plaza Motors 0 Smoke & Gift Shop 10 Fabian Furniture ID Laundre-Eze " Pollock Shos " De'ath's Hair Stylists " The Lori-Ann Shoppe 0 Saveway Tots f0 Teens " Stopp's Cleaners& Tailors " New Style Barber Shop *Caravan Restaurant 0 Hassard Mercury Meteor t,' s AT( TRAFALCAR ur~ Ca -4 ~5~ MOTORS!' fAlLL OUR USED CARS À MUST GO! AT LOWEST WINTER PRICES OUR LOSS - YOUR GAIN - SEE THEM TODAY ALL MAKES AND MODELS Must Be SoId by the End of December ,1 EASY FINANCE 0 WINTERIZED AND READY TO GO WE DON'T DICKER - WE DEAL 409 MAIN EAST lF O 1R O PHONE 878-2369 la O 0 NO PAYMENTS UNTIL FEBI