ïke MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1966p night scliool Ms, ene MNablo Ms.Peggy Watsonand Mrs.Bey popular eerentary ewin as p ~ -~i. rJL~~~ t... . 5Slesn e Cas Re-Elect Gibson AS School Trustee IN Nassagoweya Township 0 Sound, Intelligent Ladership in Education ART GIBSON MONDAY, DECMBER 12, 196 MILTONg 4 F 1FREFUGHTERS ANNUAL y CHRISTMAS Eg BI1NGO0 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14g 8.15 P.M. - MILTON FIRE HALL g PRIZES TURKEYS - CHICKENS~~ Il youd ike to brush up uo the French pou tcacned an high schîut or tearn a itte more abouut welding. oit painting, knittiîag andsi van te yoat ,htautd hase fottîawed the corettkett t% mtore thatt 225 towan andi district aatutts. You stoautd ttac aitstred or thai annualtIMton and Dis- trk Adisers tottaitteai un Atulti Educ.atiao ophi choot casl.seo,. hetat on 14 ITicaist îîîghts ha%,tîi a,1 at li toier and nvnt Mirch. NiJghî scisool bas aperateasin1 Miltotfur . a mier o art and seccturs- t retsurcr Mrs R. G.King reports. interen t -ia sear scenms to hc as high, flnlthigher thtttever." Thesae., %%. thi.h tteani mdtkaahoer, sacre hetd on eigtt atnsecutive Tuedav aaghts (tis a, t niehtt tclasses htaiaiCttettmas hreea aas tî,Intîightt TheN %vill togan a.am ota ueida ittoarv 3 t attt l is i.inatt îaa.aks. rourteencoturses are otIeresi tht s sear, nt.tudingtwtt sers pottutar ncw ofles- ar t aft- media which novera mont lormn of painting. sketehing ad it panting, plus aone course in furniture refinining. Other courses inatude con- erîsatitoat French, aetding. aienenttrv it painting, ad- vancaedtsess tîg, catentaes to- patîg. noedteav,rk, needitepiint. knitting atd vraaheting, Itaîri. cutlture, rug ntaking andi the tto)stcss course Tcachars ire . DBoner, tutus Iatykins. Mrs, Pria Brit- tain, Major IHaroldi Newmtan, Miss Janv Benntng, Mrs Kttep- ei, Mts. Tta,r, Mrs Tonker. Mlis Wat'îtair. Mrs. M Otdham, Mrs. W. arkin, Mrs. Iste anal Ctîirtes MacArthur. Mrs Httri- gan aofIBrampton witl tike onve he floricultu re classes afler Chitimas, replacing 'Mes.Otl- ham. Musabersof the ight scisool enecutive i nct1u de prentalent Me,. Gvn oRberts, seeretaen- treasurer Mrs. King andl diree- toars Mes. E. M. Gaadalt. Noet Haîttansi Frank Stsson Mes. Urbain Board has dirmer Ma.mhars (Yt Miltotn Counaît tand thiti dapariment heass atere amaong tteguet a thse Naorth Hatton Urisan Boards attnuitdinneîneeting in Horn- ha Towaer Goit Course dining ao0 ouîn Non. 2h. A dance lot- Iaaaed the ahicken andl steak leet Dowsan andl Mes. Dave Wendover. Tiseclusses are conducted at tise Mitton District High Scistot on Wiliams Anenue, Milton,.in co-opet-ation witis principat R. C. Huntee and thse Mitton District High School Board. dinner. Halton M.P. Dr. Hart-y Hartey anas a opecial gusa. Att counoittears and lise ir %vines, assennor Jacks Carlton and wmorks departmeoî auper- totendent Bruce MeKerr aod their mvines, andl acting cterk Mes. Audre *v Bruns and hier hushand attcnded I rom Milton. Otheen amoof tise 64attcoding aaerc [rom Acton and George- toavo Councils. Repaig a ancynId char i fn nd workor M s, arian Warstat, n the furnitore rfinshng class Art al-media teacher Miss Jone Benning di scunnes a painting ils pupil Mes. W. D. Proudfoot. Mrs. Margo et Taylor ni Goslpis saches adnanced sean ng. Mes.Gene Bat-r ts sisomn at or Vol. 107.-No. 31. Third Sectlôn. ~cauiion ror our aauits -Third Section. mmmr---_ Patterson work in the ý»ý - - -- -- A- AJL-