Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 17

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CA-MPIILIVILLI Younger generation enjoys pond skating HALTON cHAPTIR No. 280, Order of the Eastern Star, held a associate matros Mns Frances Clements, condoctre sn Mr csremony at the Masonic Lodge last week when the above Mary Booth, and treasrer Mrs, Hazel Woodley. n the hack officers were insalled. Mrs. Isabel Bird is the new Worthy rom are chaplains. Mariorie Purdy, marshal Mrs. Clarice Matros for 1966-67. ln the front rom, left to right, are Rowney, orgaisi Mrs.f leasor Coulter, Adah Mrs. Huzel Smith, seccetary Mrs. Jessie Watson, associate conductress Miss Ruth Miss Janet McLean, Esther Mrs. Sadie McKim, Martha Patricia Rasberry, associate patron Allas Clements, Morthy Mrs, Vera Mendover, Electa Miss Lynda Watson, warder Mrs. Matron Mrs. Isabel Bird, Worthy Patron William Gamble, Jean Nagent and sentinel Joseph McLean, News f rom O. S. D. a report on activities aI Ontario School for the Deaf, Miltos OURK STUDEP4T COUNCIL by JohnHensanlngway On Tuesday, Novembre 22, wr ment tu a Senior asrmbly lu set up the Siadeni Council, Sbrrwoad Rogers led the sing- ing ofiD Canada'. Mr. Bunch, o0e Senior Scbaiati upersisor, bold ai ihai me would sel up a Siadent Council some ime Ibis monîh and ialked about il. Wbrn he had finished is speech. Mr. Buncb led as in singing God Save The Oueen. Wr gui thervonstitution ut the new Studeni Counvil wben w ccclasing ihe assembis and relues ing tu clauses. Wr mccc laimeet again 1mai days aiteere 0nominale candidates for the eneculivc positions. Afler Imo daya. me ent 10 the auditorium again ai 3.30 ta make our nominations. Me. Snider esplainrd tb us about the nominations and that me woutd choase the preident- fient. Ronnie Hait nominated Alvin Smith and Billy White secondrd. His opponent mas Grrg Cmoclntrd. Thece mere a fr-w nominations for scretary and iccasurer but Rotînie Hait mas unoppaîrd as teeasueer aller twa nomi secs siaird tbcy did nat ismib 0 o n for Iis position tan the enecotine. The nominaionsrended and me sacre tld ihai ewr ouid vote on Piday, Dennbcr 2 lu choose the presideni, vice- presideni. seccetary and ircas- urer. Nam the studenin in the pint sbtap arr making signa and badges saying "Vote for Smith" and "Voir for Crack. tord". There seem la lie more signs toc Alvin than for any aiere candidate. Wr are sure that il s pureiy vo-incidentaI that be woeks in the priniing sbop and the aiher candidates da GIVING TO GET fly L Bilyea, Renîdence Counsellor Tu hase triends ose mail show imseit iriendis - Ai . S.D. the spirit ut friendlises abounds. Friends arc 50 cas ilv made, sa casitsv hanged. Truc triendship iv nal measured hy mbai osercas gel, bui hs mhai tuse van giar. Ose thing our siadenîs ind in ibis pre-Chrisimas scasan i ibai ibey hase tlai gve etra lime and energysin preparation tue their lrrm lests suo(bai lhey van gel credîlabie marks. This shoutd he 10 lbem a good tesson in giving. The teachers are wirking in the studenis' brai inirresi, soi laie whai ihev thrmseives witt reveive, but bevause lhey base a desirer 1 gise the studenîs santhing fbry van carry oui lnoo the bearing morld, some- tii wbich wiii assisitbem 10u crm a living. The residence coanseiiors are aiso giving oftiheir knowiý rdge and esampie those ibings vailed "social graves": ihoughî- tuinrîs, ruurtesy, good table mannees, good conduri and the ahiiiiy lu lise wiih tthers. TIse lown of Milton is gising a kindty undrrstanding and sn- teresti n the studenîs in the svboois and residences whivb make ap O.S.D.. This is great- y apprevîaîcd by the school staff. If only me vould put old beadas on young shouldees, our studenis Imbo in iheir osas may genreatly apperiair mhai bhey are recisîngi moutd take a long range vicia-tu realize whaî iremendous opportunit- tes are being gisen ihem t a O.S.D. Wr are ail their friends. This week the studenîs andt he ica.ces are sers husy as lb telr m ests. These arc somrtie tihe impor- tant up-coming esenis: Jr. School Christmas Con- cert, A Christmas paeîy [or Doms 3and 4in the Jr.Resi- denic, Se. Studenîs Christmas Party Decc 10, Se. Schooi Christmas Concert Dec. 14, Girl Guides' Chrisîmas pariy Dec. 12, Rangers' Christmas party Dcc. 12, Hîsnegoing Dec. 15. MY NEWS AT 0.S.D. By Gene Annetl, iCI Fridas- vnîghlsomne big boys tient dosas iotas Some young- er boys aient ta the gvms la piav [Jour hockey Two rous- sellars plascd tou Kevinis tcam delaaîed mi- tram 14-. Kesîn Job silos and Date Boyd gui imo goals each. i gai anc goal At eîghtl olch sae watcheai"The Mas tram LIN.- C.L.E . on iclesiion. Then, sac were reads fur lbcd. Satarda y vaiîernoon we usent to a show i.atied, Dont Gise UIp the Ship. We laugbed. We walehed lthe football gamne on itesîvsion, Saskatche- wan deieaied Ottaswa 29 -14 Some uftihe boys and I were happy becausi. Saskatchewsan bad the Grey Cap. Saturdas nigbî meseatched the hoches gamne on ceion Toronto deteaîed Boston 4-2. Sundav il was raisy and ioggî In the afternoon sac waicbed the Gres Cop Game (in tetesîsion agate. TIsai nght wr tient 10 the La W. EMMS ELECTRIC contractlng and Serteine -Plions Milton 878-9731 By Mes. George Inglis Mrs. Roy Parker and Mrs. Robert Eliiot atiended the Brampton Preshyteriai for the MissionarY Society ai Si. An- dresas Churvb in Brampton ast Wednesday. Mes. A. J. Pet cris and Mms. Lloyd Craîctord visiîed siîh Mrs. Emerson Ford ai Drum- quis last Wedoasdas. Mis, Kaiharina McPhadiaii, Mii-,Lai a Blck and lMisý la Intgli s aitaouiad tiha Locky Lutii.ieon ai Carlisle United thuri.h ast Wednasdav. The nîw 1967 licence plates bave becs purcbased byN several loalaimotorisîs anid areclwile un blue invalue. Dorene Inglis of Mottai, daughtcr af Me. and Mes. Chartes Inglîs, spent a fetsv ilas alhome this sseek Iront ber nursein-training course in Toronto. Me. and Mes. Lluyd Crawiord and Me. and Mrs. George Inglis ta-c dinner guesîs oi Dr. and Mis. H . McDonald ot Kitheide ont Sondas' -ai Dads Rastaur- ast, Campheilvitte. Me. and Mes. William Hais- vamp and tauîily hase purchas- cd the Harold Smal tarin, R. 2 Campheilville, and Harold and Donald Smail are building a ncm honte on the forth cai corser oftihe tarm. Skating lis belng enjoyed by te* vouniger generatian an the village pond, and St. Davids PrashYterian Boy's Gîoup an- derth ha cadet -lis ipfRas. D. C. N,.ltl.,,îatiî, katinig a aN li it tn aasciay ave- otîta. Mi. and Mrs. Lasarence Steuiart iii Mtait lave pue- clsasd lte honte lormcriy atsitedibha Me. and Mes. Ran- aid Wilson taho la ias svrd ta the FîltîtsLina in Na-wtgaaaeya, îîaclb ai 15 Sîdeeaad. Miss Zola Headan ai Guelph spanit lacve k îath Me. and Mes. Chartes Mitchell and tam- ils. Beth Currie presldcd and op- anea ta acatlIota iorship ai the Nassagasscya and Camp- halsvilie Youing Peoples meet- ing ai Si. David's Preshyteetan Sanda., Shoot oiti on Sun- day cvening. Shiries Fila %as e "SommerMai"Ilsa ENJOY DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS Shopping Special 10 FREE Faiy Container of COCA-COLA -with esery - FAMILY BUCKET 14 Pieces; Chicken 6Ris $3.99 OR The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 7, 1.966 B5 pianist and led in the devo- lianai period assisied by Jud- ith Inglils.Bannie Inglis gave the secrearys report and cali- cd the rail when 17 answered. Plans wece made for the an- nuai candieiight service 10 be hcld on Decemnber 18 bin he church. Ping pong was enjoy- cd after Mary Dennis closed the meeting wilh prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craw- ford were Saîurday gues %vith Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peler. Newlsv'tfected sillage tcas- c- oinSattorîav usaning ccre Rob--rt Elliot, James Bavnton, and Gordon Agnew. Building permits for Nassagaweya Nassagaweya Township issu. cd $40 1(,)0 mîrîh of building permits during Nonemtser, as- sessor J. C. Moinlyre reports. They include t-mo residences, a voltage, a tumber siorage building and ihree garages. This brings the total 10 date or 1966 to a value of $1,294,950. To date this vear permit., hune baan issued for 28 homes. VISITS HERE li, Il,-îAndterson.,of Monîreal 1tie iethe îîeekend svitb his Pants, and relatives i *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY t~~ PHARMACY 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 8784492 - Mie Meurs 878-6961 FREE DELIVERY - REVION COSMETICS K. H. EISLEY, B.5v., PhM. ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1966 MAKE SURE YOD VOTE Many changes are in store for N AS SAGA WEYA Vote for a mon who wiII 6e responsible ta you YOUR LIFE SAVINGS MAY BE AT STAKE VOTE ALLAN ACKMAN REEVE NASSAGAWEYA 18 YEARS' MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE For Information Coul 824-8359 21 BAReL Chckn$5.25(L!I PHONE 878-602 i and ~ ~ ~ ~ n beihv ou re stuck for gift-wise gift pleasers. MURRAY HOOD Drop in to your Friendly Stationery Store DRIVE-IN fr a weaîth of suggestions. Base Uîne Road f___________________ West af Hîghway 23 atIfMlon Piclk yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure yuur famnily secs Espo 67 - Aprit 28 to Oct. 27 ai lutîtreal. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY V %.UU5IW[5 0 Çandles Il Serviettes Every Purchase Gives You a Chance to Win Over $900.WO FOR THE HOBBYIST : Con Collectors' Folders 0 Stamps 0 tmCollectors' Albums 0 Cameras STATIONERY HARRIS&OFIESPL 1 t - -ý Am

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