't 1tiink we are winning; for boss long depends un te beav' et-", Suuerinendeoî Not-m Mc- Ma-bon said in reportiug on Credit Rivet- conditions soutit of Orungeville 10 te Credil Vlley Conservation Autoity lasI week. "We have lors out te dams, lowet-ed te mater iwo leed and draived te flots; sou' mc at-e jusi ieepivg waich Io sec iv at te beovers do.' Titis îerenni l prblem of liite eumer latîiv ilit e river bts alected the sets Orange ville sesi age disposaI pant and te icmv ccqucsicd taite Aulhoriîy trv tuoeleac upte question as oon asvposie. Folowlng a uerleu tof set- btckv oser te posi leisseat-s, lte Orangeville Rcsccvoir, firts of'tubai te Ct-cdu Voles'Con- sel sîîiov Aufitorili' htpt.s %il evetuîliv bea eaistif reset- vot, foi îîaterecovtrol, itas teacted te fial engineering stages. Estensive soil ests% steie required belore draîl pliavscouid cl tlinalized. Titc'reprt. gienbvR. R. Parker, Atos, citiriaof i te Flood CîntotAsivivor' Biord, ,tled lbîlatamrexnsv Lit ai te nîtiend ioite ie',riiiouid bc reqttiredîtu keep [ieit satecIrîîm lîtîive it iote Niit.sgîRiver. Httewilit litile change in te îiigiil plans tir te tes c virt2S pur cointimuire capae. lv cttuid tean icipaledl lTe lIeiglit olflvii et doutd bc in- cieased i10,2.00atre teet in- caci lbih'ioriginail 1900 Wbcî%%ierct l ir,ige iaiils beigti ahurittt"00 acrevît iiiibc llîîîded. Mr. Parkter tbld te Autitor' iIIIivemiteis tai iten te tes- ct%)t ýfliled ai te end of 'u%itniam 'liven cseart- iere ttîliitc lorage avaîil able e)icrmitl[hoc'relezise.o 10 cl ic loci purt secoînd during li s tttiicIti lt%%' tlc't- perccid. Ibis , a ppro isniali i ttcv rim0este prosci sommer- Ilii. Onlhitg zatvuredlhalithe ottnLngcîiulito acîîmpliivlî 'tîbitit t-iingte pte- uniac I fil0 cevt, pet cîpita, it ieiberstiiîetluntnimtit. k lu piiic','tl ti lb te projeci. p'ilics Ite povitncialien incli Prt 75 pet cent and itclpv te Autittrits' financc' the renmdur The Atorils ihop an trate litervtnder ntped M.Parkier alie spoke iii an coiti ititiowconcptiniv te tthecîr fitutre. This invîtives îrgng te 15 ici 20 esistîvg ,nilreveit'irv invhetwtiet-. shed tutirrîoriginaîl leplt îire,îds becs prevenIc iet)ite Deparintent itif ic't-gs' andl t- tppriivai Tiis insltv e lep- eninp, Fait- tkulite iActîttiIl [heiiticc,,Itiiîurîîîmue. ittet tîe, rî,îgci,paric te Oraiigesi1lieRsit' 5uiPitket 'saisI Cliairman R. K. MtIlian itiid tt the snihiî filic. Aut mivi.lIle poel Cîttîsiv (tîsîtcîl aiiicdtu ii avî tebitll li i is tteuni tîtîti ite Vil- laeu ciTrî.î (tia nîîrlb CtigtuiTov utnsbîp wiîli miciîg. Tiis httid be gondit lie Teria îCîîiî.î iiCîttîsti Area. FîisI Ollîsel S. B. White e poidii l Ileprîîiueîîin o aequiriog 175 foot ide strip atong lelciters Ct-e ekIn Bramopton mas almoul complet- ed. Tiis miEl provide a green bell aloug te creek bed and prevent f illing and te aecom- panyiug floods. Pollowing a meeting mitit cepresentatives of Oraugeville and te Tomnship of Mono il mas decidedtaI te Credit Valley Conservation Aulhoilv woald opecate te Monoca Conservation At-ca foc vevi ycat-sviit represen latines of iwo municipalities ounte ad visory committue. lTe reset-voir ai Monora, jusi sortit nf Orougeville. iv eompleîed and te seul pt-b- lem lacing the commilîe milI be lu negoliate te proitlem of anoaccesv roadmay ltru Higit- trop 10 on te sortit ide nofte prcperlp. Caledon Townshp proposes tu esiablisit a asitat-p landlill operalittu on wtiilocally itnown as tce "Sadler Pil" near tte Thiîrd Line West soutit of Higittav 24. Sesecal leliers bave becnsent 10 te CVCA [rom outraged rcsidcnis neat-- tv. Folliîvin, sime discussion and on expitîvaîlon lcom E. Blackt, Ctlcdov's represestative iii on te Actorily, il mas decld- cd 10 look mb ite malter and offer auy suggestions miticit migitt pt-ose ielpftul. Mr,.IBlackt explaiued te Ou- tario Waler xesout-ces Com- mission bad already gises te townusip pet-misston for te tceee It mas sUggesled taI poosihly te Aulvocity eould plantl a sces iof t-ces on te gecîmeler citte pccpecl5 tu sep te ueesre itm il îteighbots. A log toue, presevîly osnte blockt toc 1, il be put-citas- cd iytphie CVCA lt-cm te De- poliment ei Highwaps. Thte tlepartmenl bougit te pt-o- perlplrîîm te H. W. Kuigiti Esiale 10 sides Highwap 10 and requiet-clie bouse lu be înoved îmmediaîclp. Altougit nu1 oi hisîcrical value as irut tncugti, te bcuse milI bc iak- envapal and moved lu te CVCA Foundaîlon ot-m vot ut Hillsbucg. R. F. Hardy, choit-mas cofte Foundaîicv, said ite had looted icite hisiory cf te bouse and lcuvd il ivas hailt in ce- cent years but te lgs couId bce mode use oI inssocîsg cuber properlies aireads itld bv tel'utvdatiiv. Santa arriving Saturday, visits Milton Plaza stores Donner, Blitzen,' Cornet and court at the Paza. Milton the other reindeer ill take Photographie wiBbe b taking a rest this year as Santa ar- color photos of those who vin. rives in Milton at 1.30 p.m. it im, on request. The fee will Saturday. courtesy or Milton bc nominal. Plaza Metchants. He wiii tour Starting today, the 25.foot the downtown at-ca in a white evergreen îree il he erected convertible bcforc arriving at and deeoraled and the Christ- the Miton Plaa.a at 2 p.m., stay- mas lighting will be installed ing untîl 6 p.m. Mt the Plaza. His next appearanecat the A maibox for Sauta mili bc Plaza mut be Fridav, December vipen, and those who Write lu l6. whcn he witt arrive aI 530 him wili receive replies, pt'o- and stay uotil 8 pgm. He will vided thev include theit- home relut-n at 2.00 p.m. Saturday addt-ess. and stop until 6.00. Wcdnesdav. Tburvday and Il thte label on a medicine Friday (Decomber 21, 22.,23)1 ehcottie peels off, wrap a band ustîl be presen t lt-m 5.30 util of coltch tape over It around 9.00. Saturdav. Dececmhcr 24, te botule. A ide elastie baud hcssill appear at 2.00 pru. and around containers of ttt-gs or cease for is gft-giving rounds% potson,% wil ct as a reminder at 6.00. bat thte contents are danger. Dug te ime be holds ous. 1" 1 New concept in water control includles dredging Acton lake OI urI OVEISPENDINO RNSULT Wardeu Hinlon's explanation ou a TV interview, about te extravagant oserspeudiug ou enlertalumeut aI our county lenel, lu au insult 10 te Halton Counly laupayers' intelligence. Aecording lu Warden Hinton, ils a malter of accouuliug; in otiter words if lwo men earu- ing the same salary liadit e saine tax deduelions, il would be a malter of itow lhey filled ouI titeir income tas lot-ms triten il came tu paying te Gorero mevi - or one .ould pav smore titan te oter. Titis ivsnonsense, and il sitould be a major issue iv al ,of HalIon's municipal elec- liottu. Thte Goverument inquirp, I fear, wilI be a putt face- savne fiasco. Il is my opinion lac 100 many elecled ceprescu- ltules support junkets ai te espenve cf tite alreadv over- iturdcned laspayer. W. A.Johnson, R.R. 2, Rocksrood. IMPOSSIBLE MESS ON 13RUCE ST. Dear Sic, Titis citter iv a complaint directed aithlIe Sîcecîs and Sidewalits Cummitîe nIolte Milton Couveil. I am enclîtsing a phottigrapit laites Nov. 30, 1966, ai 4.00 p-m., on Bruce St., looking b-ý aairds Main St..,t almost 36 boucs 3aller any significant rainfaîl. The amOuni of waler shows in te Photo iv ni great, but veilter as te amnount of te t-cent rais. Christmas Trees con b. pretty. dangerous You cas belp pr e ven t Christmastlr ag e dy by standing pour reiv maler and placing t mitere il mon'l block an exil . . by checkivg lîgitîs for fryed spots before yoo pu t em up... by removng wrap- pîsgs mitich itmgit creale a fit-e iazardl You cas itelp proteci vour. self agaînsi lice loss b5 la- ing entra caceful. Make surec sou bave evougit fit-e i usuacve t replace pour home ... contents ... and persuval beongings. A CIA representsilve would lie pleaeed to diseuse yoew Mim Insursne oedmb lls you. For mure Informatiom pieuse calit Mus. The& Kuri 3242 Loteer Base LUne W. ÏMILTON 878-9741 CIA «itiZ. GEEASTORE GENERAL MERCHANDISEI OUETS AS AND OI. [78-603,.,,peyside On. FCRDWO'S GEEASTORE Fuo1l1Lise of SCHNIDERSMEATSI 1, br bos, oo1j coneshionery, hardware HORNBY - 878-3329 Fo the Oeilin 111 OIG0SHOW TIRES 0SHOW SLOWERS Ccal C IHORNBY GARAGE f L17e4y 78-791 24-Hour Service f DOREEN'S GENERAL STORE Open: 8.30 a.m. - t11 P.m. Every Day Geocurlus, Meule, Gasolin. 854-2523 *rookiville 8 On lte Guelpht Lino. teaders Write IgelinçuIsmo The o-caleddraiage ereing incline Os saitazard t n-p 15 suci tlitIaIl]mater dratiuig ove ,ealkingltithisarea. h. is from lte sotrnet and frnm lte I suppose tai as wlith most E~es~sahssms,és adjacent parking lot flows olther erilicized defedtu and hsIIisIs5eI..is titroug i t-mae prperty. cvnlroversial sitljeoln broughî Aes@iesd eesuenl imasltulu bhm Ou seems odd 'ltaIsomelhi t 1ligit around lte tomswn of ,usaiq ut~,a ts as onsophisticated as a side - Milton, lthe letIer wi-ll go un- ft L" 3LU walk could no be ristalled iteeded by titose 10 o woti ierinm il minuit1 am properly in 1965. iv direcled and filed l lit e us- @pudu p héag oi tàilnjue&d 'Are lthe Calepayers of Mil, ual place, lthe mastebaskeî. lafaumeislmsu ton requiced 10 puy for vvock Il milI ite inlecestinE 10 notI e r alternasm, moile gantly dune bv incompeteult design. thet-achiou 0t this letet-and mle- ate e et-s, cotttractos orinspectors, ttc action itinterests.'1t. igtsof bhime osv'ers, stio J.O. Ccuickvitauk ment wasmantained oueaiu have to itv-eilh animpass- 147 Wakefild Road, of many month. abl me, n f-on o _____ox306_ Mito._Tiswan aeeospluehed wt homes cacit lime ilt-Oains? Whece a gos or oit heater or = it¶ilybleh wbiehe ie iy lstes am And to add Insulit 10injury, cool st-ve ivused lu a tnmn~5li"i5nOiae the newly cnnstrucled vide' he suce there iv adequalevenS-n owBdout .Dnlfhedolt walk ut lte corne- of Mois lilalion. Openlng a oin'dois for ment and ouWogtury f«MOnU ld and Bruce St. i s ati rosI six a feu' incites %%,fil helIi 10 ce- PePeEmoslH. Ask foritet&Uttdrug ivceitevhigiter titan ltheside- mot-c daveecous Fu suci t -Sg.Stlsfantior se yosesY iv aIt os Bruce Si. lThe revoIt- as cai'buv monoxidree %'u efuiad [DISTRICT GUIDE Full ESSO Service I I I AS - OREASE - I Support Ekese District Services in SPEYSIDE Repsirs 10 aIl makes U HIUNNET '0 BROOKVILLE . * KILBRIDE W to' soService 'a OMAGH 0 DRUMOUIN 0 MILTON DISTRICT 8865 FLORISTI Foesfrailoccasionu wed einfuet-ai trbts opt ale asnd Daiîy Delivery le Millon IILBRIDE 878-6213 OMAGH GENERAL STORE CHRYANTHMUMSFOR HRISMAS4th Lino and 5 Sid.roed CHRSATHMUM FC HRIYMSère formed into elrac- THE MAXTEOS lion arrangements under the vtiiied bonds of Henry Gorot-r, Mabel, George, Victi and flot-tsi, of Klbridn. Mr, Gorier, stom nt-ee mt sou Kenneth, Elles 10 set-ne pou arranges dîvpiopv for Chitîmas, club embiems, tosploals, lubie open 8 ar..lu I p.m. Mona cesirs-pinces, and fuserais. He aivo taiidlev urlificiai displagu e rlMy- a n a pn for te Chtristas snason, Daiy delîneries are mode on Milton. Saturday il 8786396 LYLE - DALES EVERYTHINO FARM *QUIPMENT trom a needîle a n unchor DU QUNFUELS International Harveslur GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fuel011, Slave 011. Gras»e, Sales and Service. 11 Praior os ai Fa-m - GROCERIES - MEATS IGanîlineî Mofor Oiî Wesi Trcor n alFrmEup. i pasadInsecticides New and Oued COULTER'S CL O R R iltons 878-9974 GENERAL STORE Druesquin No. 25 Hwy. 0010 Sideroad Campbeîîville 854-2212 R.R. 1 Hornby 878.-3591 ç "I e t~ g Pollock and Campbell Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Wat.r StNorth, @ALT ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optomotrist Tuesday Afternoojn Thursday Evening Friday Morning PHONE 878-9972 184 MAIN ST., MILTON Get it at Hlazeî's ýYS - GAMES A Lovely Assortment of Novelties for tihe Home cWR. ..'lsBOXED CHOCOLATES CAMERA OPEN FILM EVIRY IVNINO AND SMOKERS ALL DAY SUPPLIES UNDAY COSMETICS CFE A Variety Store ;9ý MRS. HAZEL BRUSH Nassagaweya: Vote December 12 Bill Cou Iter Nassagaweya Offerîng sound leadership based on practical experience, and endeavoring ta continue the close relaion between boards and committees in both Township and County. For Information or Transportation Cail: 854-2212 or 854-9916 Poils wiII open at 9 a.m. - Close at 7 p.m. m