I Car stolen, damaged in rash of accidents Three major actidents, anc ceedtng narth on Ontarto St.. hit-and-ron, and onuetensive- the Pehany vehicte was travel- ty damaged staten car; the fine ling east an Main St. and had of lhem occoring o n one day, stappett sehîn the colsiona made op the tatty aiautoma- accored. bile accidents in Miton in the Later a cehicie driven hy t pasi week.*Gog lthe f15Bl The day vsas Saturday. The SGeore ie r ai001dam e it firsi accident invoived a car St.relisiod t undamage in a driven b > yNoei Stut aiR.-R. Gerard Sehouten ai 45 Milev 6 Miltton and one driven hy St. and drtv-cn hs Dtîugiav A. Ed Googe ai 376 George S. Downs ai 64 John St. Miton. The Sîaîî vehiele mas stop- The accident occureti ai the PedonMrtin Street ai the intersection iThmsat traffie ight, preparing ta Sarah wiîh ihe Sekouten vehic- make a teit-hanti to ato te receiviaf $200 damage. Main St. The Googe vehîcte A hiî-and-ruan icdent cas was proceding sauih on Matia reparie i n the parking liioa hehind Sius car ai the time Dipiomai Aparimenis, Ontario ai the colisîion. Damage ta the St.. A car mevned hs- Mcv. Dcv- Sioti sehicie was $250 whiie een Akey received $75 damage. the Gouge car suifered S450 LaIe Iu the same eveniug a damage. 1966 Dotige ovned kv Mrs. A vehîcie osvned and driven Audres 'Brush ai 322 Eimwoad hy Masîvei Bradbury ai R.R C resceni scas sîcien and the 3 Milton receiveti $225 damage thief ended hi% j carnes among mhen it sacs invoived in a cot- the iree kborderîng the carne lon aiîk a vehicte owned and on Bronie St. near the P.L. driven kv GerrcY Peihany ai Robertson factors- Damage Hornhv. "saS 3000 andi ptlicie arecitan- The Bt idhtirs car scas pro- inîîîng îheir nves tigatitta Storm center Blocked eavestrough drain "Everyone toid -me nul ta "I tala you iail was my re- worrs ahout t. . obt no- spousihitits ta tell me and I'd thing wscsdone", Dudley Ervin. look cter t - he remînded Parkway Dr., complained ta Mayor Chitdv. 'but the final Milton Couatit Monday wheu word came onty ecentty. ai- he traced the origin ai a hlock- ter the assurance it wauld he ed eavestrough drain that iooked citer, that it iv naw mc started sehen canstruction mas responsiiity.' undertaken an Wiliams Ave. Mr. Ervin eferred ta a Jet- Mr. Rrvintnld coancit the ter from coanicil iollowing a saperintendent an the joh told repart tram the engineer in hlm the drain irom hi s caves- mhich responsiilitv for the imuaghs schich gaes ta the road prnhtem o-av disctaimed. moaid Sctohked citer. He re- catird he had attempted ta dig Mr. Ervn uoted neighkoriag il ap himseti, and had been properties' drains mece nt in. ordered off the tusen prapeetY. ieeiered witlt1 bat lis mas Atermrepeated assurances that htacked and the ireeeing ai the t scouid he iaoked citer. he Sack-up mater horst some ai lef the matter. the eavestcaagh seams. The prikiem deveioped tant Counittor C. Johnson ah- inier and hadi gone uateud- serveti that there woutd he a ed thraugh the spriug. ommer lot lesv troubhle iîh sanitarv and foti and nom hock ta in- sewers if eacetraaghv were ter. Mc. Ecine noted he Sud drained ta the streets, and vag- coutacteti the mayr severat gesled the warks soperintend. imes and mas assaeed il eut and chairman ai the streets wold he iooked citer. The cammitîcei ave s t iga te the morks supecinîendenî had iu- prohlnm and submit a reeam- dicated il woatd he rectiiied. mendation. %Cd TmdfûtheIahtsiaa nifcput Gallery of Ca The migration of the United Empire Loyaisîs frinm the Un- ted States ta Canada had a far-reaehing affect upon the history of Our country. Ta the Loyatistv beiongs the credit of cementing the ie htween Can- ada and the British Empire. The ficst party of Loyalists ta corme ta Canada, or settle- ment on the St. John's River, Ianded in May, 783. ai the site 0if the prescrit Cils of St. John, NB. Thev toanidd a widerness of rocks and treev; a lew hutv ot French fishermen near the VACCINATION Far distant lands are now uniy hours aw~ay from Canada and it ivtpossible tor a travet- fer tu cotr in contact with many ktndv cf di seases, which coulti vhow no symptsvuntit atter he hav reac'hed home. Bc- fore ceaving home for other continents, soar travet agent and saur dotor shouidhbccon. ,leastousehag vaccination iadvtsahie for the arvasvsou tivilîî%sit and foi-sour pcotec- CIIILD PROTECTION School chittiren have nianv ttpportuniîîes of ptckittg op gens of contagioas dtveaves -thatt . anievv thev are im- nintaeecagainvîvauh aiiments aspotio, diphtherta. sehooptin ckg andi other major or mici is. lettîttivci ence is making gfiat iadvat-s i n ptv! tentioticre of the' tnetime kîiIycrdt'eaves. M.keti sre that %orciden are given protec- tionagaainsi the ilinesses that ,:atidkit tr trîppte them, TO RIVAL DISNEYLAND Ev po'v amusement area, La Ronde, t vexpected ttî rivai Dneattor theTivoli int Ca- penhagen. swhite stilt maintain- tng a Canadiait haracter, Acîtîdtng the warivh midtvav approath. ti ill have attrac. lin o-ceestne, canging tri thuit rdev and teenage dacýtttftt t rate niîhtciuhv fttr the tati aftet -theaire .rtîwd.Sectitonvsttilhe haved 01tttvch themes av the Otd Harhor, Wetern Canada antd Piotneer Land. WIN AT CHICAGO Shocrthorns enhihbited hy Re- fard W. Gardhouse of Milttan mon two secondv and four third-place awaardv at the In- ternational Liecstock Exposi- tion and Horse Show in Chi- cago tant week. .aM qttkty à$ Pou e Oaeau. lOtudamstae W.t5Iy tan ýnadia1n history 1shore vvere the anis inhahiý . anus. The fi gares o f the yaang 1coople in the foreground of the picutuare are intended ta rLpre- vent thove tovativtvsvwho toft zthe coast and migrated intand, eventuattv evtahtivhing coton- ies throoghcîut the Dominion, ever mainîaining Britivh jas- tite and vtrengthening the un- itv ai the Empire. Paitd bs a. O.Kely ftai' ecdeetitoaLiteectiton UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS CAN WE BE OFASSISTANCE'? Her. are a few helpful gift suggestions that may help that yearly problem of "what ta get for who" and "how mucb should w. spend?" In a number of cases where w. have specials the quantities are imited and no more con b. obtained. Alil items fully guaranteed. VACUUM CLEANERS PRICED PROM $49.95 TOASTERS 2 SUICE AND 4 SuICE PRICED PROM $9.88 TRANSISTOR RADIOS Floo Poisherf PRICED PROM Eîectric Fry Pan PRICED PROM $23-95 FREE DRAW COUPONS El ectric Brooms PRICEO PROM $24.88 $49.95f SPRICEO PROM STEAM IRONS From $13.99 FREE DRAW COUPONS THIS YEAR MAKE UT A PORTABLE T.V.eA 15 MODELS ON DISPLAY WINTER OFFICIALLY ARRIVED on the meek- key andi skating on a large viburai rivnk liv ta end, accordliag ta aur men-on-the-street report- vacant fietd thece. Itii a popuar spot for re mho askedth 1e chiltiren tn the Hestop Rçati skaters anti ait eint threen rathee anorgovizeti armas. lhey mere ait congeegateti at the Hestop- games of hockey mccc an progresis when the Brouie St. jopiction Sunday efiernoon for Soc- photo mas tîken. PRICEO PROM $9.99 SOLID STATE TRANSISTOR TAPE RECORDERS $24.88 TRANSISTORIZED Walkie-Talki.s It il PRICED AS LOW AS QIEiiT COUNTRY LAI4IOCAPR COVERED WITH SNOW i tradltona isioîn ut Clteimiia PRICED PROM $19.95 FREE LAYA WAY 'TIL CHRISTMAS $11995 1NO MONEY DOWN -- EASY BUDGET TERMS ~1 CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES 181 "Where Your Dollar TEL. MILL ST. Goes Fartherii 878-3221 PRICEO PROM $19.95 a pair FREE LAYA WAY IIL CHRISTMAS ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS PRICED PROM $14.88 ELECTRIC CAN OPENERS PRICED PROM $1995 SOLID STATE TRANSISTOR Record Players 33,/ andi 45 RP.M. 7ý