Hunt Here! Theres No Limit to the BraisYou'II "Bag"! BIRTHS CARDS 0F THANKS COMING EVENTS C LAS S IF IE BM.L-lMr. and Mrs. Art Ban of t woutd ike ta, thank ait those The Registered Nurses' Assoc- Brookvitte are happy 10 an- who sent me cardsanad ftoseis iation of Ontario, Haton Chap- nounce the arrivai of a baby these past weeks white t was a ter, iii hotd a general meeting Telephone Thse Cana daugitter, Brenda, on Tltursday, patient in Georgetown District os Wednesday, December 14, at 878-2341 Champi Sharon. Susan and Wiifred. c3i-2t39 ýHazet Chishotm. moriat Hospital, Burtinglon. QAGEMENTS - No chage. Speaker. Miss Dorotby Kighti. coAsLcE, on8r1g- .2î ORMSTBNSEN-lMr. and Mrs. We wouid ike tuoexpress aur Topic,Home Cars Prgrm. No- Sc pr wmmd lSeeaftss. 5o5.. - fi -Il 00 mnl= harguIo 50 Donald e.ristensen (nec sircere tbanks to Rev. P. Jeffar- minaions for Provincial ofice 25, dm""t I or _ehg Loi S Thompson) o66 Milon, Ont.,ar es, Rev. 'D. A. Pomell, Father J. it 6bc acccpted. c3i-2165 cosrnvrcA soc-s pleaed o an 16n e ebirsb reP. Lardie. the Sisiers ut St. Jo- 50, '.N.v""1"0 R00,00 suCOFT their son, Donald James, weighl seph Convent, 'Miton, Rev. Dus- 1 1 OIN ~ ossss 8f 8 bs., f z os., ait Milton District an for visits. prayers and lt-INM ORA -$12pls1cerI H ospital on Deceniber 3, 1966. ers, Rev. Graham and te Cas- 1 FOR SALE CLAIIE DSPLYREL ST ___________________ dian Legion 'for their special BOX NIJMBERS tu thi. office -25.c CURTIS - Merv ami Ans Cor- service, aiso is relatives, SIGNS ut ait kisds. Ray Guay R. t. Hornby, are pteased to as- cards, flumers asd masy acîs of--DA IN 15 2N Jnounce tihe birth of their daugh. kindness ami untirisg help, and Ph CRI'BS for sale, $85asd $15. ter Tracey Louise, meight 6 bs., those mho coffered hep ai the uhne 878-4801. tc31-2146 - t o.. ait Oakvitte Memorial Hos- ime of my hugbasds deat. USED rangette, $15. Crest T0 he Canadlian Champion, W pital on November 30, 1966. A Mrs. Asis McLaughblin .and Hardware, Milon. c3-2126 mes sîter for Dwayne. famity. c3t-2141 ______________REPRIGERATOR, in gond FOR SALE 2 EDWARRDS - Mr. and Mrs. Ro- condition. 878-9411. tcJt-213t der Ecmars (es laurdck) UN EMOUAM URIGT Hintmaspiao. PDLAROID camera iîb 66 Rt R 2 'Mittnec arepado NMMRAS URGH enza inflash, back and wite or color I of R.. 2, ilton arepleasd totIS5O Phone 878-9127. 1 c3-2127 prinss almost new. $75. WasN e aughter. iBarbara Elten, meighl EROWN-tn loving memury of' PROPANE gos stove. fuîîy au- $200. 878-3406. 1 c3t-2204- 8 tbs.. 4 oas.. at Miltos District our beloved son, Melville E. tcrmatic. Phase 878-9456. CARECAR and 'Mags wheets,d Hospital on Deceniber , 1966. (Bud) Brown, whu passed away 1 c3-2203 13 inch chrome rims. for 1965 t suddesly December 6 1961. 16 TR. if s es Barracuda. $180 or besl offer. F OAILE-lMr. and Mrs. William We îhink ut youu oday, dear 196 ScRomb i 8-959.raaned87-229 l31218 Gable (ses Margaret Ford) of Bud, 'iso1c2ind 88 9. GrSnte S.782295. l20n 13, ued RR. 2 Freelton, Ont., are pleas- As we have dose su ofles, i mi41 NOWTE ,52 3 sd1 cd t0 ansounce Lhe birlt of Ad fuel once more he suddes t USED TV set and used sew- 195'oicpmet their daughter, Anse Margaret. blois, îng machine. Cali 878-2498. glide transmission; alsoa stuve Il weight 8 fibs., 3 ozs.. at Josepht That does soi seem 10 soften. c3l-2138 lenglh firewood. 878-9653. 2' Brant Hospital, Novemrber 23, You ished no 00e a last fore- lc3-2150 l 1966. Sister for Steven and Ke- Weil, 4 GOOD used 8-25 s 20 tires - vin. Nor even said "Good4bye, ssuss and mud gripl. Tel 854-2224. .CRSMSTESSoc You had gone before we knew lc30-2116 pinse, spruce, S.50 up, afler Dec. _________________-_ 9. Chudteigh Bros., 3 mites north }BNNBERRY - Mr. and Mrs. And only God knows why. WOMANS fu iesgth grey utf Milton. 8 miles soulh 66 Ac- 'Patrick 'Hennefberry (ses Ton- Il osiy takes a uitIle space Br ol ie1.Cmhtvtetn 7-75 6328 ellii> of 134 Commercial S., Mil- To write hum much me miss you 834-2385. 1c31. -2128 Mavlle o LEOD78 Furn5. ure, Ados, ton, are pteased to asnouncs 1he But itl mutake the rest of our 854-235.______12 birth of their son, Michael Pal- lives. BABY CR18: ptaypes; high cheslerfieid, chrome suile, spacs rick, mweight 7 ?bs., ý14 ozs., at To forgel 1he day me lsi sam chair; also woshîng machne. saver, ptfurm rockers, lazy- Miton District lHospitl on De- YOU. 878-9385. c3l-2161 boy chairs. bunk beds, cabinet, cenriber 5, 1966. Sadly missed by Munm and ODR oe o high chairs. Att new. 1623-91 Dad. c3l-2130 O. ER aryn----Ma-- JOIES-Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Wins- ssm sweaters, sspertiy knilted. YOU WILL LIRE buyingyourr ton Jonssof 7149 Tmiss Rd.. McMURRAY (James) - In Ion Clt 878-2513. c3l-209l building matesiats and cool ai A R..3 apelilare pleas- ing msmury of a deor father, - ARWODcais - Cfords, Cmphettvitte. Ouick R;75 3,DWO cahpaeivis, $1.50 servce. High qualty. Phone cd 10 ansounce the'ibirth of Iheir who passed away December 7,' each. Ct rneCos.Cm- osilvls8423.ti- son. Larve 'evis. weight 7 fils., 196. helvilte, 854-2613. 1 C31-2135 13!/z ors., at 'Milton5 Disrict Hos lHe is gone but sol lolgoten. LARGE gtussy prints of Cas-t pital on Tuesday. December 6, And s damns anoîher yeor, ADDING MACHINES, tYP-iadion Champion saf f photos, 1966. In our lonely hours of îhisking, rîlers for sois or rentai.Phone 5 x 7 size SI; 8 n 10 sizee$1.25: Thoughts of hios are almays 1 878-962, Harris Stationery. plus tax. Cash must occompany EC RIE - David and Susan neor. tctf-417 order. Esquire nom at Champ- (seCs Gat)o Ml are Days of sadness iiicm or pessGlran)ouncilton6e birlh us, MIPLETE junior hockey, on office, 191 Mais Si., Miton. of ersoaan onsy Jmes. an nink16 wund heequipmef5t. ike sew; Scout uni- ictf ofteiht 6lsn, afoehBatBtîeylli nm1esr om. 12-14 ysors. 878-3400. CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR Tl- Hospital osn'December 3 1966. That -lies in our herts conceal-1c-25REemadud.vr280 cd. BUILDING r rmoelii a Kelly Springfield tires sn stock. Sincerety missed, Kares and barn? Purino bas h1tfulilans ait sizes, lom prices: flats fixsd. ADOPTION& Fred Cross. c31-2I44 ind ideos. Ses your urina d.l-$1.00; mhssts batasced, 11.00. Ws er. c31-24 have batteries for most cars Ur - _- and trucks. Milton Tire and Ra- DORNAN - Paddy ami Leona McMURRAY-ts memory of our CHtRISTMAS urkeys am diator Service. 191 Miii St., 878- Doran are very plsassd to an- lovisg father and grandfather gcesse, fresh kiled, oves reody. 2711. iclf419 sousce the arrivai of their son James MMurraymiso passed C ameron Wison, Onario Si. N.. - Mark Alan. A brother for Ro- His oilmurs bnds, 1once 87-u8y9.c32-2l41 21 inssh selt-propelled SNOW chette. Hstivr adoc uy - BLOWER and ROTA.RY 940W. Are fuided nom inslseep;ER-h .o3.p4-cyl And oer is oulmors body, CH IT A 3hp4-cyl DETS The earlh lies cold and deep, CH IT A oe adle. Fower handîs con _________________ But 16e saultIhal mas is es- TREShou-ed for auxiliary ilema sucb sence, T ES a pumps. sams etc. Remole BABCOCK, Frederick William- Lives on, and me shahl sec Scotch ine. Sprucs. Balsoos, controt clutch and throltls. leaf At the JosephBrOant Hospi- Him mhen the Master catis us 81.50 - $2.00 ami up. Large dis- hagger for momer. extra 21" tl, on Saturdoy, December 3, bome play trees exra* Top quatity. mussoer stade. Escellent condit- 1966, in is 9îsI yrar, Fred, mi- For att eteroity. Large seectios. JAMES O'CON- ion ihrougboui. Considerahty dower of Ciristisa Looshor- Lovingty remem'bered by sons NOR. 1285 Luer Base Lise, Se- helow original cust ai 8200. ough ami father of Francis and Rodsey and Robert, daugter comi Road sorth of Dundas Mrs. R. Dryden (Essice) ut M"i- Gwen. son-mn-bm Ernis, grand- Hwy., 1/ mils sast Of 7th Lise Phono 878-2550 ton. childisis DebIie, Tommy and (Trafalgar Rd.), phnne 97".114. Evenings afler 6 p.m. and Fuserai service mas fromaint yoec218Oe n 8 .m. - 9 pra. daily. c33! Saturday morvings. MafNab ami Son Chapet on _____ __4c31 Ivonoday, 'December 5, mitb in McMURRAY-In fond and loy- FIEA TTP-NTR lerment in Evergrees cemetery. ing memusy of my dear bus- FIEA T P-N IR DUSI, Gorg - A Muas is-band, mhu passed amoy ose yearSAE trict Hospital, on Sunday. De- 00tdv -N R FSS O Iîm censier 4, 1966, George Dunn of Although t som yuu suffer, tI Nem sipmsnt of woollens BASE LINE - MILTON 370 Broadway St., Milton, bel0v-neyer tels yoos pis, but tu me i Mes's Work * Wootisns cd husband of Agnas (Besmick): pyoul 5550aima ys cheestul, 1ne- 1U niroyal dear faîher 66f'Myrtie f'Mrs. ver hecard you cumplin. Socks * Cotions Geo5feyGibe) 6 Trolond Tbough tsars in my eves do 61Ladies' nylons * Cramics Tie n atteries Alfred, decsased. not glisten, aid mv face slisoi 61Seaterf A privaîs fuseraI service as almavs sadi, hre is neyer a Bs isms fHy 5. Cm s e e hstd os Tussdoy. December 6ai-ighl or a morning, but I îink PHONiriE w878-686y.25 ei n e h.c the MKrsis 'FuneraIlHoe. t a6e h us1nd t h inMd. ic281f UNIROYAL MASTER Isterment in Glendale'Mernorial haN o o aye.du I fore, inmyor _____The tirs for ire morriers. Gardens, Toronto. - fhet ou aeadiosrs fora McDONALD. Georgino - At t6e ends the urst ysar. Christmas *re SDPASNE n hume of ber son, Donald, R. In o home Ihat is lonesumeFR TIE R. , Mffat, un 'Mondoy, De- îoday, a generous heast is6 Fresh Cut FR IE ceniber 5 1966, Georgino Fel- kisdly ssavs, grosvs dsarer stilt cher, on ber ioist yea, ite 0f ith pasing days. Froc hait ooîs and caîdy fo USED TRUCK TIRES the lots John 'MoDonad; belon- lus %visites uere su serv to, shid en ss 56 everv pu rchase. In ail sizes. cd mother of Miss Mary MoDos. forions or toms ho nover knew. aid ami Mss. Beatrice Piekard, sIo us vou lots much mure shan BERT JONES 878-31 31 both of Gulph;: Mss. Wmn. Mc- gotd, memorios su treasuse thal rneSi NTM Intyse tEmmai of Adtos; Mrs. nover gsom uid. Bui 5 NTM James Simpson (Georgia), Tou dearlv toved oser lu e 78-78 If busy CALL 878-2367 Donald 'MoDonaid and ýMss. Wmn. 1orgulsen, ite E. c3-2143: 8 -9 4 May ý(Ted), ait of Moffat, and - - tc32 24 Hour Service It the ale 'Mss.Asis Simpson; also survived by 17 gsandcbiid- R ren and 34 great grasdchiidrsn. COMING EVENTS Resis aI16 'Mlsyssan i STEWART'S 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE Witkis FuneraI 'Home, t Dehi Eucbss os Palormo HitlFn -_Foi-_he______nTV,___________e St., Guelph, whers service iii day, December 9. 1966. ai 8.151Fiiehs V iF.Ses be bld on Tbursdoy, Decero- . 7cLuhprvd. FLEETWOOD 8 PîGS, 8 usooks oui. Phono br8, at 2 p.rn. sterment o3l-2156 TV-. troos $14950 op. 878-6216. 3c3l-2164 Croms cemetery, Pusincit.Sae-Srvc Dance aI Actun Legion audit- oium, 'Fiday. December 9. CARDS 0F THANKS trom 9 p.m. su 1 arn. JetI Bsrn ______________________orchestra (mestern and modern music). b23-87 (Mr. and Mss.. Tinkles isb ________ to thank their masy killd A presenlalion for Ms. and frienda for the gifla, fiomers, Mss. Jack Marshall (ose Lamaa cards and good wiabes, also it- Bessy) wmiic 6e hd t Ospisge bride United Chitrcb for the scbaiai auditorium on Soîtusdoy, Bibis given to.themr in honor of Decembes 10. Plese accepi Iis their 502h msdding ansi55550fy- as your invitation. Ladies pisose c31-2152 provide. b23-84 On baisait et the Ladies Aux. "Thte'Hemwîoiand'% transI liary of th Sunaine Schoot aod advssturs colos film, pes- for Retarded Childre, wemouid sonatiy sassatsd by the photo- ike ta tbenk att those isho dos- graphes, iii be presented Wsd- atsd dothing and other articles nedoy, Decenbes 14, aI 8 p.m. to te Rummage Sale me hetd in the Rotary Club Transi and SaturdaY. Noveniber 26. Advnture series at Wiliams 'Mra. . Ishano, president. An. iigb achool. Single admis- c31-2136 ions 51.25. c3l-1458 348 Kingsteigh Court PHONE 878-2452 MILTON afior 5 p.m. 3c38-2092 YOUNG canaries. Phono 878- 6757. 324 Woudssard Si. 3c.33-2142 1c1 RAM, Shrupshire, rogssired, 3 vs.ars. Oakvitte 845-1979. 3c3l-2159 CHRISTMAS PIGS, 15 chunks. Jack Aisop, TRES RR. 1 aslinch, phono TA 2- SCOTCH, INE. SPRUCE BEAUTIFUL Germas Sbep- & BALSAM herd. 6 rnnhs, mots. SsIi cheap for guod hume. 878-3260. STAN PRICE ____ 3c3-2134 Phone: 8786146 RIDING HORSES - ose sas FREE DELIVERY 2 ans raise 3 nice palomino, roise 5. Wsl'usaken. Suit lady c33 as mon. 878-3268. 3c3l-233 D RATES idien 191 Main lit. ion Milton, Ontarto ORTHCOMINO MAREIAOES,£N 1.5 min- chrgefor15L ord 8 HELP WANTED, 16 SERVICES COMPANION - housekeeper BRICK, stone and block work, for eiderly lady.lIght duties. fireplaces. chimneys, customt Phone 873-9289. - c3l-2t57 bult homes. Cati Pries Mason- ry Construction, RR. t, Camp- 1 FAJRM taborer; t exper- beivitte, 854-2672. 161 .178-tf ienced mnilker, married or single. Étgro Acres, Waterdown, MU 9- f186. 8c33-2t5S ED. McMULLEN FREE accommodati on for wo- Contractor man or mat ose couplct e t as* ePlastering, CmetWork ue ofvese light housekeeping duties. 878. ArTE - $1.40 Per eslomn lues. 9740. 8c3l.2163 P..Moodas _____ .ddliosal1. BANKING CAREER - Youpg manu , grade 12 or 13 graduate, in- IOON TUESDAY terested sn a position with as escellent future. Contact J. Semp.e, Bank of 'Mostreat, Mit- ton. 8c3t-2069 Wndnesday, December 7, t1966 _ _ ____________________ RAWLEIGH business avait- ahein Peel and t-lton cous- 2 PRODIJCE FOR SALE aies. Enperience usecessary. Abuve average earsings. Write CLEAN , dry, ual htraw, by Rawteigh's, Dept. L 284-240, the bale or ton. t mile west of 1005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Milton, 878-9846. 2c38-2081 Montreat. 8c3l.t838 APPLES: Mcltosh, Cortiands, SERVICE STATION eiciuus. Fancy asd C grade.ATED N W NTD Brisg your oms containers. ATN A TW N E Roy Bousfietd 878-6355. 2b35-9t7 For Milton Area APPLES - Mct ntosh, N. Spy' Must be t8 years oid, fuit und ldared, Russes. $2.00 up. Chud- part time. Top rates. eigh Brus., 3 mites north of Mit- Appty on, 8 miles south ut Actas. 878- SunoCo Service Station 2725. 26-2079-tf NEAR MOHAWK RACEWAY VEHICLES FOR SALE Corporation of 1953 OHEVROLET pick-up, in The County of Halton fer. 878-4725. 5c3l.2t53 1956 AUSTIN b.6 cytinde,, n good russing condition. 0 Eterior Stucco 0 Ptastering Repairs Phone ACton 853-1818 linîf Peter P. Looser Carpentry Form, Frame and Trim Work Repairs - Aterationa Phone 854-9886 RR. t, CAMPBEILVILLE. 16ctf Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippted and Disabted Cows and Horses 24 Hour Service Lic. Nos. 133RP 2O88-C2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 16ctf PACONI Job Opportunities Dead Stock Removal CLERICAL TYPISTS LPMII'ED as isO 515. tRsuisd y Hltn Cuny r1g55 cash r - - oroA- or 563l-2201 Jail Office. Reference Number disabted coma and horses. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN bus, 9- ýJ. 38.Lic. No. HGC 349C65 226MP5 yassenges. n0 fusiher osed; 1957 2 Rsquised hy Haltos Counsy Austin sas delivers. bm mite- Hre' ni.Rfeec 'ub Phone ZEnith 9-7950 ,go. 878-2013. 5c2g-20271f H ahU it. ernc Nm r LIMITED productiun Europ- Location utf bot positions): oan 2-dous sedan, rayai blus ex Milttun. Classification: 2. Saiasy tenus. cssam ami chascoat5intero rnge: $2.625 lu 83,275 pilus gin-1 U ior light damage su right front -rosfinebesil uoiic.LINGTON ounfdetials shan fol000 mites. tiuns: composent syspist; mini- BUSINESS COLLEGE Ciisfîdfetîa878-a836.for3seltîng montmoutgrade 10 educalion: Ou- Boss ~ ~ ~ ~ tis 66e.8893. 3c122 ls yping, ansmsrisg tels- Now classes stuarling Januasy phono. filing, preparosion ut se- 3, 1967. Evening classes evesy For Your Next Car . . . ports and fosyns. Msssday and Wsdnesday, 6.30 ta TRY18.0pm 13. OLERK-STENOGRAPHER. 499 Osant Street BUCK HAMILTON IRequirsd by: Hallos County OURLINGOOT AT Hsaltb Unit. Rsferrsce Nunobes GOOT HIU 32. Phono: 637-3055 BEL IRS. tocaioni: Oakvitle office. Clos- 16c3l 878-380 sification: 3. Satasy songe: 5Sdi 82.835 lu 83,535 plus genesous _______ ringo ýbenefts. Qualificatios: oIT *1960 CORVAIR. Lis.. 68244E. cumpetenl lypist; abitity 10 take W ITR WHEAT *1959 PONTIAC. ýLîc. J 1106. basic shorlhand fus speed mss- *1959 OHEVROLET. Lic. 688862 lin); minimum of grade 1Osd' INSURANCE 195 PYMUT Li 12015ucaltion. ýDutîes: ahiity lu mesl a1957 PLMOUTH.p ic .V0215publiic, ansmos stephone, mail NOW AVAILABLE 9574G2.C.pik-p Lc.Vhand tixg. ltlers and report wmn- 6t4l2 ting5 svping, filing and general The Crop Issurasce Commis- 191INTERNATIONAL pick- utflice dulies. sion of Ontario Formera may op. Le. V6222.NOTE: il application applies insure for 60, 70 or 80% of nos- TEXACO STATION lu muse thnone an s itinmot sspecled yieid. Coverage in- Moffat ploaso show ordrr of prefer- clsdss druugbl. excessivse mois Open Weskends once. tare, excessive rainfaît, flood 5c3l Apply su: hait, plant disease, mmnd and wsnlss kilt. _______________ Ms. G. Ormes., 7 WANTED Cterk - Adminiasalor, Onty Winîer Whsot serdsd or Administration Building, us befusi Octubes 31s1 etigibte 40 BALES o) oIson stram; aiso Base Lins. Miltas. Ont. 2 oarge Ouee healers. 878-2758. 8631 Applications for conssoge as 7c31-2160 _______________ cepsed untit Deceniobes 15. 'LIVE pouisry, flouse and duck EMLYETW NE jeathers. tealher tis.ks. Higbesî POMETW NE Contact prices. We cati. Write I. Zenes,. AREA REPRESENTATIVE 7112 Cuitege BSI. Turonto, os UNIVERSITY studenl requis- phone olcie.Lfnnos 5-0724, ev- es tub fus Christmas holidays, enings 638-5793. 7c-t94ttf avaitable Dec. 17. Phone 878- MCCUAI G INSURANCE 4860. 9cs-17117 ,AAo r os 12. Il and 9 years. -far app. 3 wceks startinog Dec. 28,.is your hume prsterabty. Guod remun- eratiun. Write Box il5, Cana- dian Champion. 7c31-2148 WANTED 12 FOUND MALE dog. back wiih mhite on ihruai. icinity Rattesnake Point. 878-9653. 12c3-2149 Farm or acreage hy private paria. Send fuit desails, sîasing 13 FOR RENT prîco and location, ta Post Office Box 683 Iv.87"82. 13c3î.adlts-2 Oakville 7c33 . FURNISHED rourn tus uork- îng gentleman. 878-2016. WANIED 13c31-2202 2-BEDROOM apasiment. Hatcing gg %ap2 Gien Apart ments 878-3696. Shippers 1c3226 Forlare.wei - stblihed ,2 FURNISHED ruoms. bsd- Fuilareasst statihedrcm., double hed, vacant Fri- iaichers Cnrac.savaitahte das. Phono 878-9248. 13c3l-2140 providing good seiurc s. An es- cclint ppotun to tuadd 10 CENTRAL locatiun, comots- vous lasos incumo and make ahie ront bedroom. suit husi- gî:î.d use ut presenthlsdbpool- ness gentleman. 878-4473. r% buildings. 13s3l-2154 REPLY NOW TO Box 111 Canadien Champion 7c3l MOVE UP To belles living by seling articles you no longes use. Prufit 6v diaisg Champion Famity Woft Ads. 878-2341 ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS mith frses service. Phone Milton lIndro 878-2345. 1Sctf-425 SELF CONTAININO 2 - brd- raum opasîmens in Moffat, for a tarnits of 4 us 5. $65 a montit. Appty in Persan, Texaco Stat- ion in Mottas. 13631-2147 14 WANTED TO RENT IIMMDIATELY, aparîment in Milton. 878-557. 14c3l-2162 160 Main St. F0O. Box 69 Milton - 878-2894 2b32 17 REAL ESTATE 181 Eglînlon Ave.E. Toronto, Ont. Bell St. 3-hrdroom bungalow, nenwty dec- uraicd. garage and pansd drive, Lshapsd living and dis- ing roamn, good sized kitchen, fait hasemesi mith gos beat- ing. Earty possession. $19,900. Colt tas appoinîrnsnî. Stella Parlas 878-705. Lots and Acreages 2 building lots, aI Hornby. 10 fi. trantage. Eacb $2,500. 2-acre moodsd lti,150 ft. front- age. 83,900. - - -------- 310 Main St., Milton, Ont, 878-6292 878-6592 FOR SALE-113,000 fult price, 3- hodsoom bungalowe mith large living raam, separate dining somr and kitohen, 3 - pise bath iîh shumwer in ba- ment, fult divided bassient, oit fired forced air, Ai t tis on a large lot 75 x 300 fI. Caîl Art Peacock. $16,900 - Open 10 00cer, 161 Bell St., modern 3.bedroon bunga- low, large kitches, living roum, cesamnic 1used batitroorn, fuit basement, F/A gas heat- ing, 6% N.81A. mortgage. $101 P.t.T. mostbiy. Cati Bob Cross. $12,000 DOWN - Cominereiai psuperty, close 20 Main St., 136' x 140, large brick build- ing, suitable for redevelop- ment. Asking prise 3$0»M. Vendos ii take back a tIraI masîgage. COUNTRY HOME" - 855.50- this deigbtful home is ituat- ed on the 6tb Lins in OakvilBs, on a 132x250' ravise iotwhich is mel tasdscaped. Titis home consiats of a living main 12a 18'. kilcites 10 x 14, and 2 double bedroomas, modern baihsorn, fuit disided base- ment, 'F/A oit hsating, atlum- numn stormsanad screeixa, 12x 24' garage. Terma avaitabte. Cati Art Peacock. For Ail Your Reali Estate and Insurance Requiraments porty maaded milit sîream. CAIL 878-6292 Make oPtes. Stella Parton 878-6705 or 878-9932 17c3l 17c31 NO MATPBR ishat you need ose of aur raies probabiy bas it. Try the Wanî Ad page first 1 17 REAL ESTATE MILTON HIS 1908 down payment for 10 acr home site, near*twy. 25, north of Mitton, shady trees androll- ing Mitts, on good road, achool bus at the door. -Fuit price $3,900. E. A. Mitchell Ltd. 24 Queen St. E., Brampton. 451-6232 - 677-1314 FARMS WANTED Milton Arma - List With a Leader Our metropotitan location has put us in touch witit out-of-towni buyers with substantiat down payments. We need mixed and c'airy farsos of 50 to 200 acres NOW. Cati James Grieve at Miltos 878-6866 or flurtinglon 637.5ff3. PIETEIR G. LUSH & ASSOCIATES IMITED RELTOR 4M6 BRAffT ST. 13URLINGTON 17c32 "ACTON HOLMES" 3-bedroom sptit - tevet brick, in immacutate condition, tarce rooms, handy to schoots ami stores, reasosabte taxes. OnIY $55080. Ftexible doiso PaY- r ment. -Must be sotd. Owner leaving. 4-bedroomn brick. 20 years old, large rooms. reasosabte taxea, many estras. Priced 20 ssiI Bt f $4,1W0. Flexible dowstiPar- mient. Quick possession. Own- er teavin soon. $1,900 down, 6-room ctapboard, aluminum storms etc., handy tu schoots, treed corner lot y with chais tink fence. Priced 0 lu ssii at 59,900. Must ho aoid. Owner trasferred. Quick pos. session. Ptease Contact JACK HOLMES REAL ESTA1'E BROKER ACTON - 853-1650 84 Church Streert I tocated seat 20 tetephone building) 7l iyFor Service & Sat.istactio<t r- Consuit