Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Nov 1966, p. 7

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17 REAL ESTATE__ 117 REAL ESTATE I IsaV/V Souh f M ltn tt.(Contintied [rom Page w)hich until 3-tedroom bungalow teitis large ssoai toli pait ter stins w itoad' kitchen, 4.piece bath,' fuil -base-1 th,, simfe tises enter kiiodrîlgtr- roomn ad<i mnena. oit furnace, with at-' tille Schts nominations . ithey graduale ftom toil. He deiended lte proposai for a nine- dilion ai lite Brook- ýooi assi indiatidlte Older Type * ad -*C Resiviential _______________ OMPLETE BEAI TY SERVICEi 2 -bedroor bungalow. bus oSý t8 *gino Av.n.its88-46sCmmrial lu slotse, covered wit stîseco, ma- 18 gilolv.E.Cl 7-26 isîorca kes liis neaa lite itome easvi 192 Main Simd t î,kcai al su hinu and economical ai>ý ToFo, _____ sr Cîîsin Sersvc I keep. Large living ruom, kit-,---5 chen, ahroom and utiitiHENNlysc 'l room, weii ireed lotrg, Brante St. HENNY e tueaied conveaieni 10 cown- $1.900, 2 bedrooms. ktctsen, iv HAIR STYLING SYERS îossn. Pull prtce $10000. in bomadiatitroosis liiit 19 sMitl St. - Miton I228 Minii Si. 070-2067 furnace. H fer- r tii sonie. CA I 7-232lctf ;d Farms, Acreages Excluive listing. Stela P.stsst FO,80-26 & Lts* Mden Euimen GNERAL CONTRACTORS p-r Lots ~~~~Bell St. *Mu5r qspet ______ Wr have a nier variels of cou~n- 3bromon.ss. nestît dcc- * Exspert Sting, Cssorng try properties. Have a look ,c- RAYOLANo tsi-,i,, fore te tnos [les. Alto i good 1oraicd. eaa.gc ands p.stcs dri ue, RAY.tciitg serviced ltin s otsn for $5,000. -siape lis-ing ansi tming- c-52-tf IDN room, good sierd kissiten. ssliit BULDN b iaement with gas heatifis ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONTRACTORS LTD. ti Osing lu receni sales, we reituire Etti possssiosn. SitistO.,Caiii_____ iim mmeei more lisings on tosnand foi ,ppiotmett Sîelt.s P.trtss*Hmenprvme country homes. If you are 87"6705. *cH I ELECTRIC tin tiinofselBing or tuying, 'M PALEETI leain tatk il over isiit your Gibson Lots and Acreages ia INDUSTRIAL * Additions s Willoughby Ltd. represenlaliv- 2 buildinsg lois, .t llornnis 1(tit: * Commercial or Indusîriai es. tl. t roiage. Faci S2500. 1 COMMERCIAL d 2-acre st;oodcsi loit, 1.0 I. frot-, DOMESTIC UL 4-2263 l Anna&AOrchie Cairns 030- isîera ELECTRIC HEATING CL 340Mai Si E paris woodevi sitt ttcani. IRVING ROOFING Phone 878-6980 1 Make ofier. Complete Electric Home For t7c311i Stella Parton 66 Chre St. Mito ROOFt'-G FAV[STROUCIIINC I AIiMNtt M StDING _________________ 87-675 or8789932878513Re-RIIsstsng oui- Speialin 87-607o 789 3t 878-9513_________ C.rpenttt Wsri. s Ais Kiiîds sa __________________ Phsoe 87t-60205 sr 878-9303 a TV and RADIO SERVICE MILiTON TURN 4.725 FPEUPLE BitY lv'tiae To your friendtr Champ- DURNAN AtIL WsiRK litARANTEFO t ion family War.t Ads and THE CHAMPION TO REAI> 21c-tf II tee ail of lise batgains of- AND READ THE CIIAMPIiI's TV AND AFFLIANCES _____________ fered. t TO BIY EACII WuEls. SALES & SERVICE GARDEN SERVICES ___________ * Fiilipx TV & Tape Recorders- R.CA. Siere. TV. ApplialicesFo os Lad apnTVndSre FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION * partonTVadSeo Frm s nscp g CN LT222 MAIN ST. TR 8444 CONTRACTOR REFRIGERATION 0 Weesi sPiaving. 0 Isritilieig. lEKING e Tree timming. ~ Bù,a &a'REFRIGERATION 0 Patios REALTOR AND INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL 878-3263 INSURANCE anti DOMESTIC 21ctf lSALES & SERVICE _____________ uiReiahie asd Efficient ORNAMENTAL IRON 310 Main St. - Milton, Ont. CAMPBELLVILLE RAILlINCS - AWNINCGS WROUGHT IRON WORK 878-6292 878-6592 854-2228 Cl c-tO-t fC-i '$I100 MONTHLY" - Principal Inities[ andts Taxss - Yosî cr-tIAîTN Milton not rnm for iis ps-jc issiav - Imessttisiassit ihis hice liesi- PANIGAND DECORATING Ona etlIn ruoof bungalosw vssmptie mîll sp.sisus livinga tosm, t-rg tgvena Io kilciten, cramic tijid atruom, luit bisementl. F/A gas lis.t- ing - .50' s 113' lt vs -siiails ltsaieii in Milio. Possesvssio GIL VANSOELEN 878-9827 avaiatlir 1thi Deembsr, 1966. 6"ss N.H.A. ntustgage. Oiisv PAITIN ospen tui tiles. Cati Bsîl Cross. P ITN FOR RENT - 2 licdroom hotme in the couantry. L.arge ktliti Contractor WELL DRILLINO living room sith dinfing as a, ieated sunt psrvh - sssîls5 libc______________ used as shird liedroom. Fuit hasement. gsts tîresi huis. Ctlt Industrial - Residential Art eavisvk 878-6292 îr 878-6447, alte r 6 pns Interior - Exteror 'OPEN TO OFFER" -Large ilre tesrt bun tgasloss sititicls Cati nom for Free Esimates WELL DRILLING oa 105' s 185 liatdsvapesl lot clslisschssss. Spacit, 1.- 878-6137 J. B. RUTTAN stapeil living and diniog couic, mail liu mail hiss- slotoc, sioncrWieE.2,MtoOt irepiace, kilviten tuttI hî-cakisi arets. AIt hesirsîsss Ilitve BO 1347R , Milton, OieBulnl n t ilau .62 bult-m cioseis andvt itpioards. setani tssisies haihrsssm and Bosit, ilo c-27-f PoeBrigo E&a462 astruom. Recscatii'n riom. Douîbe garage, pased disessas. $7,500.00 luis dots-i paymet. Husrrs ands sec iis home -NOW. BUILDING LOTS - Applelis Lice - 3 miles irsîn Miltosn 314- SEWING MACHINES CUSTOM IJPHOLSTIRY 2 acres srparaled and sarveyesi. Listed prive $5,000.00.1 GUELPH LINE - 2 miles siolli ofi Campheilvl,SIN G ER MILTON $225000. pSEWING MACHINE UPHOLSTERY 'DUPLEX BUILDING LOT" cn Milton, apprssvesi readv ici bîilî. SAE -SRVC o-ne n Aribiedb Ceniralin ocaied - servies asailabte. Loi sze 100' x 119'. SAE -SRVCLonertu Lisird rise $9,500,00. Open 10 ocier mt ierms. Cati Brion R E N T A PHONE 878-9094 Bç.PHIONE 878-6861 - R9. 3 Milton For Alil Your Real Estate and Insurance Requirements Mîtnroî ete* Re-uphloitery. Mito FarcCnr * Auto trimf. * Uphotstery cleanicg. CAL 88-692Services and Repairs on * Cusomoa bul isrniure. CALL 878-292ail makes of a.wlng machines. * Fece pickup and delivery. 17-29 20c-t 21c1* tva. bit ih l~ aritevigarage, on 'I ac«,si1, s et__________________theboard_____ taieîd on pss . 2. sIui.i sieti have lai ge s toisai bilit N enal Asking $27000 fcsii prive %$.O 17 REAL ESTATE Iiien Milis and ailieviv Very convencientIo1 domniomen, anve. Insiseiiate 1550s5e555555 ni g rade six, anti senior pulicis on nicels landscatsed lot ssihi svsti i iittssiioe Iii :ý ARMS WANTED s'ilci iBsîvii riigai lat ihd res, ibis citarmingi Christmsas. 7 andv 8 steiil wiiîsouctise io ai iaeMilton Area - i isýIficisistîsetesîs inIove 2-sorey rug brick home bas a, 2- gt5 v, large, brigtt kitheiî sellasisse List W ith a Leader [îî 'ttl l- %ýi Il, n ttion diinii oonîsîi, lvsb ng t05 ;iîîtSYDNEY. K. LAMB irepiave. recepiiots hait, 31 O1-ilttiiiti oasi tsionsî lias o titti slo i su aid i i- st-ery bedrooms and bath ý REALTOIR 1psu t in iosi i ss I 0 'a il t sisse sssssi)s t iisssi c rso , nss gas firnaedivsi R. R. 4, M ilton, 0 ntar* ii'"" s i i scsarifia.i clowni tlie tis tet-Il (il office titi 1 cd basemeni and anaetedgar gaontss. We seed misesiand lssssnshiiisscissîsiisoardt.HI-le o- age. Tiiss a ii k"p ore 878-3212 ti cl, arirstiof550 o 200 a, - "1%eonIsettise.issirsihase siart- an mas e sn . iteapre NOW. est otsa fi -ig ii and 1 I stcîd ciaird. Pried ai 1lil. Memiter tsf Canauian. Onario &ICiilms rs a îsî de Io l ble Ioiie iibnpcari-vil Osanerite osiDistictRea Cali6 Jaie Bsssingto a 7 Milton irugs. Oranevile ad Ditrit Rel orBii-linton637-83. CLAUDE INGLIS, achoonitrac. InetetEsissieBiarts. 7e22' Prr ER C. ire saîillie titis pised i)se chatite meere inieresied in lnvestmntyLUSH 1't i tirsobar.H OPO<untyMILTON HILLS ASSOCIÂTES LI-MtTFD aid lie lias esisvises Wssork on hi vou acl igfrcmol 90REAI TOR Ile bsardaidmeîse rs sit i ps i ae ling fcomoi-n 00dosvn pasment ifor ta acre theih CRAN r ST. HaniinLINCTON abie iivng ccomodtio home site, gear H vv. 25, nortit 766 BRANaT ST.car ireasirer Mss1 plus a substanlial income ao s v-1 of Milon, 132 tii*,se tees nd rocl ti re Ms' er $300 per mnt and roafi ing his. on good roas i chooi for expansion lu doobte in, bus ai the do osr. gulPrc couse polential, dont miss tiisl 390 opportunily and eau 10 inspeci icelLdt4 < 4 ihis large brick building. in es- E. A. icelLd celeni Ilocaion, heavy wiring,! ieteid wilit gas furnace jor' 24 Qîseen St. E., Bramptoisn. ______________ $S00per year. Ideuil investinsent 1 451-6232 - 677-1314 SEAUTY SALON DECORATINO __ for te handsman wio can X- t7c31 ______________ pand and develop lur sonid- erabie addition'licm.Ls-VgeBat ao rpr cdesclusiveis ai $45000. CtVouGeatoSln Drpr ternms.A NEW COIFFURE A, ue JstFr ou as, Broadloomn 14 Piccsi 6 Rusei OR BARREL 21 Pie'es $52 Delissitîis $2 Chiseken PHONE 878-6028 and weB bave ynur order ready MURRAY HOOD DRI VE-IN Base Line Rd. West of IOIabwa$ 25 ai Milton in-vear termn was a gond iang, wi 'didfll iiiiflk ilshould be hoved clown lte ratepayers' hruis. She said othr municipalitis vere ailowed 10 voie on tiIe iwu ear lerm and asked, "why were r flot. arc, wr second ciass ciii- -ns*?" A voire from lthe rrossd vug- xsled. 'ses'. Tihe cisairman oiflthe meeting tierni pied Mrs. Newtoni mien The Canadian Champion, Wednanday, Noveambat 0, 1966 7 satisfaction mt the efforts of coancitior Ross Cordon. Mr. Mcntyre said, "Ii hink lis ait fairness, personaliies sitouid be kepi out uf Iis." Mrs. N.ewton asked tai a shsow of itans ru te wtlier or 5,5 site continuete 10spei. lniinedialelv anctmber nifitands îseremlaisedilsn agreementi ivilit fier, hait a numiser of ralepayers menc:, The cadidite macle a fexe more comnienis titra rioseci wiit the suggestion, "lte choice of te type or goveremeni yoo wunti s lestt ys o - You make il." MRS. WHJiIE ESSERY tCr- cidate o. scisoot board) ,'aisd site svoaiîvosider it a privit- iC<mtincsed on Page 8) Doret ared li- il] slitii AL asa lion, lek 1Is-si andii een Mahoîs. He said he fas- lthe carrying oui of lte wc d's vurreni plans. vi OCK McPHAIL, schaoil lma* Wc poaisird outirist itis coiild e lie lasi tintsea.chlccs icati lai lic -eles-ted foi Ile luisis gu Il. le niss5vil 190t7 wiilllie' a piaPlanninîg s-s-i-101-Illein' .LAN ACKMAN lisosinird vI iiijvlai'liiio i- ese i t sajîl eni s atev-.teis sindilviega- Il liadit tI-tIcIcion 5Io55to ilit, titi . t bs olticti ci %It iii r tiits liec tui ili ,k r- ii isisu lie sajid lise ie- utis lval goveifmiit Jilocall sepis!sentaiuii anvi ,sali inilasor ni pciting lie weSIo dii-cijisl gOtv's 1lie tiipalisi, in Ile liands îof a vai Oucen's Parik. s.li Askmao sialeil ie wms jil (ri the actiinsclit s-sunsii- SM.cAitaiý lting lie pasi al -.- 'sie Silonie like a boa. tiinte lariksies. lie sajvi. ss iv Ille5vPlansnicg Blitril, sisîiissg lie limîitathitns cal ,-1ot ohiit ieIv-i lthe priv, sicitaI piansses s, iavidcloe a pal oli,"isse ,,'iv cii suit ialielisail t apiechensios whliieri i alui th5e gusuivi vi- o uc, l Ii',s a li i d 1v .ssuueiluuseitiksalis ssg- vi cale a i l. 51 lipi L conttIilied'Iiii etjt , l g-lv dcte i- i e ussuv u sit, n iuuci 'su ialtti tissuen A. L. GOUTOUSKI ivcandtidate I comm it ici i ld cle iv-:cto i e aiits iî.oneha, iskettil t an ti týintsg h s ons t %is sotl. It 'l ornIltdvtts stggotcLl t o u t %\.it. tliait ieei 5\%c \L lieuse iiul i iiig 1 ll( lie il ICCI.d, ie Uil tis .iL ut Mis' . insisu ariuivi ltittitanutn lic tio ,iitetti. *Ati tis i i le 1 ,11 -1 l ilsat ricte - cius,'t t t Ii u , jol i 'Ill r - s- l u t Io ti ti lI '. Ie- tisuiic sitllsilit 15,5c,- iii uýttii sItlt-,- si i tituit Us"l iiss.iiisl t 5 MRS. ELVA NEWTON issîtu lliv loi coti nvil i tisil' oo, sik~-ei -tsg tu oent- i us iti a $60,000 chsisgisug loint -ui a5 hall pas-t tIle cu t hl ý%Ili, luasiiesitptie ilit e c ut sl Unitlst-tai .l 1tiuei tu-t. am I,-elaisi. Site tul u l i lal isenisiiest i llt\ uo i j liNo to u ss Iii ailand it Muinjiipal Allait, J. W. .S5iiîu li er tti).iîn et siîi tut st , alesuis ic cl i t lodt--ut fissiuctjhttia iu - uts liait ijsii il inv t t. ' as s il t - o 'hd ta slc ' il ' ' iii iiine f i ot mc le u is.n tus, riiii Antt S 'ii- i ititi lis ENJOY DELICICUS FIpRe.oGRJSP'hle CHRISTMAS Shopping Special *FREE famipyContainerof COCA-COLA _with eveuf - FAMILY BUCKET McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS from $1l24-95 FOR T-HE CHILDREN 36" SLEIGH, RUGGED . . ---------$360 STURDY BABY SLEIGH - .... . .--$679 TRICYCLES - 12" Whee.-----------.....$1450 16" Wheeî-$16.50 20" Wheel-$18.50 CANADIAN HOCKEY GAME -... ý--$1049 TOBOGGANS ----------- ..4-ft. - $6.95 5-fh - $8.95 6-ft. - $9.95 FOR THE HANDY MAN $1985 $19.75 $10.95 $35.50 $39.50 -$1.05 .35c $9.25 $29.95 BLACK & DECKER 7" POWER SAW BLACK & DECKER 3/8" DRILL PORTABLE JIG SAW.. - MANNING BOWMAN 1/4" DRILL ... 61/" POWER SAW - - - ------- -- 7" POWER SAW - . .......------- CARTRIDGE TYPE CAULKING GUN CARTRIDGES - Black, Grey, White PROPANE TORCH KITS --------- COOEY .22 REPEATING RIFLE HARDWARE NIWA.. 280 MAIN ST. "It Serve# Yeu RightI" Milton A DEPOSIT WILL I4OLD SUNBEAM ELECTRIC KETTLE -- - DELUXE FOOD MIXER ..... -- DELUXE ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER .. STEAM AND DRY ELECTRIC IRON Lady Sunbeam HAIR DRYER, Case Sunbeam Electric CAN OPENER .. .012 GALVANIZED PAILS .---- $10.88 $1591 $1!)88 $1895 $2695 $1 9.50 -- 95C FOR A BRIGHTER CHRISTMAS1 OUTDOOR 7 LIGHT SET - . .... MULTIPLE 7 LIGHT INDOOR SET .. 4-Ft. Silver Vinyl CHRISTMAS TREE 6-Ft. Silver Vinyl CHRISTMAS TRE $1.19 $4.50 $650 Esq uesing Ratepayers Your confidence in acclaiming us to office of School Board for the 1967 term is sincerely appreciated 0 RUSSELL MILLER' * WILLIAM LAWSON FOR THE -HOME MAKER ------ -------------- Save Here'sYour Chance t:eS::e for serii Saig o v ono ,Now . . Your CIhristmas List. TrREE STAND $1.59 SUNS AM CARVE 'N SLICE ELECTRIC KNIVES FROM $24.9 5

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