C6 The Canadman Champion, Wednesday, November 30, 1966 Mrs. Robinso,, instructor 85 skugters tuke lessens More ihan 85 childi on anging from tiny lois seita cant lace their skates la accompiishbd performers, are taking igora skating tessons isice eaci steak at Milton Atena. The leasons are arra'iteci iy the Milon Figure Skating Club and Mrs. Mary Jate Robintsonî of Guelpît t,îtn citît f ic lessons againi ii" sei' Mms. Roihii,ti. nw i w third ear itlit tlit,'Mil titisklai, also gices ic'sstns in Gcorga- tosen, Shae eeîsad lhr kaitng instructison ati lita legîtFigture Skating CubS and iîolds a sus ai mecal iniiidancinig. Sh anid lier sislrssveie Wster n Onta,'rio sinilai Pair ,ihampioniîs lINi' An>onc wjshng i(ot .îke le- 'otn tiiotilticoitilit i illtiilit tita Skiiig (lit înî'siaît MI,. J. W.\ MccuChiieiti ecllt ticaas MicjNis. itîlît i Satîty Apttil 1 ai d t t hi,' t it tttt s1i\ W 1No le-nitnsîil Sa oti tati ýt ci uit' i e Cl k'iiisiias s. ' l ilkiec lUîh s a lieillel c liofte Ciatiaii Fii'ic Skalhitg lusoitiiit. Santa, giant tree planned for Plaza For the second year Santa ss'il teave on lits rounds Christ- Cltils, the stnnndennminational mas Eve. patroni sainti of generasiiy, wiut Free candy wiII be gitan tel 'oe vsitiin, Milton Plaza, Santaa elidrcnssho visit iim and co- %il iivc aFriday. Decemhaer 16, lor photos mial aken n asra il 5 î,m., siaving unlil 9; and quasi ai a smai 'ece. siit ha prescri ail day Saiui'day. The Pluza Mtchanis' Associa- Hcttiti reltrt Wainesdla', De- lion aiso iîiend, u toeel cin utîsher 21, andi reccie i ldratî dacotîte a 25 lît Chrt'iîa a 1 tlis te liîtssing Tht'i s , tee îIl-C il it ttI i( d [ i Cthlit %I, LACING SKATES is a job f ooher, ouryearoad Ji e Sye sies. Mrs Ken Syer s shonun as she laces lite s skates. Severi- ycar oitcl ir, Randcll looks on The Miton Fgure SEnt,,,g Cl, startcd its seasa t recen tly antd pilans arc alteady urctdcay fur he club's cartna Ita be tield it the Sprtttg. FIGURE SKATING IS 0W HAT for neyýj" hyv been cong tilofonteas iioý% orqýc rr (r Nodialîn and Maureec- ea t Ni ,,y ,,i - cu professionol agate tht' t"",ti O C fO i T dd a ci Thursdoy at Mlton Atene. GENRA STRE DIS TRICT GUIDEI GENERAL MERCHANDISE Support these District Services in* SPEYSIDE * *HORNBY *BROOKVILLE *KILBRIDE SUPERTES GSAN:IL OMAGH DRUMOUIN MILTON DISTRICT 1878-9603 Speyside, Ont. E RWRD'S GNR STORE I LI Ftîi li ofa SCHNEIDER'SMEATSI Opeuî n,8j .ta'91tii 1 ur bots #olsj confecionery, hardware NORNBY - 878-3329 For th Best in 0 TOWNG 0SNOWTIRES 0 SNOW BLOWERS HONYGARAGE 24-Hour Service GNR STORE IDpen 3 3Om-11prri, Every Day SGeoces MooIs Gusoîmne Broolsvmle On th Guelph Line Full ESSO Service GAS - GREASE - CIL Repirs Ita ali î,îkes TOWI'lCtSERVICE Watson's Essa Service 878-6354 Kibride Ontario HENRY GORTER w-4-- lttuq rwitati, dlciiti ltilyc, ttll al ii Delivery to Milon DRMUnFEKLDE 878-6213 SERVING AN AREA r!t'ncliti south ta Dobille, north past Flottslt, t,,t tua Stt'toui tc idteaching inia Milton, Drumqutn -ii i. i','l,'t t ,tr,crtt own'rslttp site Jatîoary 15, I'6 Mt 1, it'tlli'tetîcîs Iothe cltîcai ed oaiflitc t,'y ,tifl's delinetîes and service. A 24 hmr tn, lt' i- i',tiifnc ot flitecatnenience oi îlct' ltî ,a LYLE -DALES FARM tQUIPMENT Internaialarv M.mvrt Sales and Service Tractoîs and ail Farmueqiý New atnd Used RtR, t Miiot $709974 No. 25 Hwy. di 10 Stderoad fram a nenedie to an anchor CGENERA MERC4ANDISE OGROCERIES, MEATS COULTER'S 0 GENERAL STORE CampbeIIvIIIe 854-2212 OMAGH GENERAL STORE 4th Line and 5 Sidercad THE MAXTELS Mabel, George, Vîckî andc Elion ta serve l'au O3penî 8 ami. le) 9 p. m. Niîîay go 1itrlday - 8O ai.,go 7 Im. saiîîrîay 878-6396 FDRUQUINFUELS Fuel Oil, Stove Oil, Grease, slGine, Mate Oîi,WeedI pasadInsecticides CALL NOW 1 R.R. 1 Horeby 878- 3591 Defeasive âiviag aasywar te trofflc Evcry 100 minutes, every day. n Canada, a homan life is snuf- lad out1in road trarfic. Il is 001 a dignitfiad death. Il could have heen as'oidcd. The viclim did nt expei.l le dia. Ecei'y dav le Canada mor-e iîatt 400 men, vunten andi child- 're I.piunted iioaagontis of ittîtd atni dy jît inroad trallic, fltc f',îttdtaîî Ilielitts'î' Sieiv Cok ii rtîe ptaottis. Matttt ale ptr iiiýtiicilsit tigni ed Tcd tît' i fltc (o Il ,1lii al ,ili 01jle Iliivt \%ao l uttti glass, 'selteae day itttttt cdofhilnîtas cha.lle'tge' hue [FIittt- t11 1 ii t" iltitl u l" .i tou ic i u ia 1 Il i'it le t, t "Ifli,ee ii, I 7 s t, utI', ts i l 1 r(, 1.îTes Il0"warnînq. \Ill has no odor and can- not be seen. Il kilis before i1h viclims know thdt it is neat. lue sute yu et', pt aont' car windan patt y opettta pro- tact yatutselintcll'ont ipas- s'5t'gnt5 , ,',,,t ti i '.1lo t,1t"-1t," ion LA anjtoîttobDi e atand cudertîtt Mrs. Thea Kurz .;42 1 u i 3 t 1, V IC A Insurance Association Record deposits, loans noted in bank report Record deposils of aimost $5 'illion and boans of more thon $3 hillion are reported hy the Bank of Montreai in ils t491'h annuai staloment. reieased here hy John Semple, managar of tha hank's Milton branch, Coînmeniing on tha haîths aitnuai figures for the saarentd- ed Ocîsîher 31, he said itemiigits had iteeitesiahilished righi ait ros',he hoai'd-itiassets, loins, deposits and earnings. Deposits of S4,995 million is cloded persona] saings of $2a 307 million. Total boans cimbed to $3280 million, sith anin creasc' of $172 million in the key caiegory "commercial and oihar boans,. Asseis î'eactted S5,423 miilliont, an increasa of lmonîst $500 mil- lion iront 1965. Rectrd higlit aurîiîtgaiea ta How do we know? We're Westinghouse Dishwasher Specialisîs. We've been es- pecially trained by Westinghouse to know al about dishwashers. How they mark. What they can do for you (like kccp your hands out of bot water 225 lies, a year). W're ready ta answer al your questions about dishwasbern and ta give you honesî, forthright advice on cliooing tht dishwaaher that'a exactly rîght for you. For instance, if you've been longing foîr a dishwasher that would give your kitchen that custom design look, we'd liec you ta corne in and sec tht Wesîing- bouse lluilt-In shown above. We'll point out tht convenient pushbutton panel mmmwlýr ---------------------- --------- controlling five powerful washing cycles that would jase love ta 'get at your family'n dirty dishes. We'll describe how Dual Jet-Scrub Wash Action atours grcasy pots and pana so ehoroughly there's no need ta pre-rinse. And we'll cxplain ta you how tht exclusive West- inghouse Sanitizer heats the wash and rnote water ta 1451 ta gel your dishes hospital-clean every time. If we feel that another model or per- haps a Portable would service your family's needs better-we'll tell you that to0. W'il go out of aur way ta give 3-au the straighî gooda on Dishwashert. Consforting isn't il ? But tbat's what you expect when yau deal with a specialist. Look here, titis Westinghouse disitwasher can get your disites cleaner titan you evor dreamd posibfle. ="My Mom Likes the SERVICE We Get" " fra he PARK FARM DAIRY COURTEOUS DOORSTEP DELIVERY 878-9723 ~~\VU CE'CHOME APPLIANCES @CHAEP18, Mill t, Milton - T.t 878-31221 WESTINGHOUSE DISHWASHER SPECIALIST --i corded for oparatbons of the bank's more than 1,000 offices ai homne and abroad, the man- ager contmnued. The net earnings figure of $19,905,599 is an increase of $1,- 175,246 lrom 1965. Total provis- ion -for incarne taxes is $20,988j- 731. The bank's almost 26,000 shareholders are receiving divi- dands of $2.371/ per share, or a total of $14428,125. This is 10 cents a sltare more than in 1965. Ha said tha the B of Ms sirong liquid position is reflect- ein the 'quick' assals figure ol $2,091 million. 1