By Nir. William Watson The four Kiihî de teaams andi iheir coache.s'ermhoinred Sal- urda.Nyeîîniug, Nouerm-hr 5 ai au "Appreriation Nighi' ai ihe roniuiiy hall îîiîh ahout 100 childron ,andl .duiii-.alioîdiug. S' uoli , -. li al1' ai Bi4i eaknîanîd Ruî Robhert- su: Bantiiiii, Aiiglo Falel la andi Doug Watson;, girl-' io.inî Bois Audorcek, Carl Gervais andi Harold Rort-.on. Alihoopis 1h, girl-' tan-. ld- cd up pari iras ilrouol heilse-.a- son onlacr oisi n iofni er est,tho lhre ho.-b osîuî-.swenl onu aîndlsilia goosi ijoh.Thie Peo 550 e iamniiii hie 0.R.S.A. chaiiipioii..lip andîimh.\%a s e li, iîîîîoKillii mue hasi liadsi hîîîor. A ilie-eenach.liavî.ie poîuîiiia inii-.uiliiior bo'adilit a- .iislîl. Apîie- ca.i-.-.reais xiesedii t R. Sunes of th Builiîgiii Recîe.î his Dprîrmeul pîooui. cd1 the J. G. Seaiou riiphy no piî.liîeî Iiii oi\eimnliilo ith co.i-.he-. pîoeuioslGai-. Cnul- -on, Cî.îg timiusi.Bince, Biiisii, Ranîdi\ Nkiiik. Bihl Suî,îil, Sicse Joneîs-. Roge Cnuîl- sonî, JîîîîCoi l, oi. auCiuspholi andi D.ii e Yin whtei cet.lit reliii Mu-.. Firank mui and IICC-..iu andiiiCoac.ihesF. Cniîl-. -\l is-. B Jeuk-Iiii .îand R.Riei-ii Ca,îsi s h .îi îlel, .ail apprei.ia. Ptior t iii iii. iliii, -. e huý S.muslîî lhc-.. m.nkie,. coiileo pop ani pnl-.îiîî liii-. \\Ci e el1i iîîig h\ le On Musidav, OýIoluiis.,Mis. Wiighi'.,îîîlM-.nd ris. gîîle.. iid liin ii lbîîsle Pîiiliu. S.hiiml \ilellona xcr %e.ihe Oî 1hliceIn Tiestrip \ ranged tn ie perionem.e-eiig io\miiiie.îho ispresliuied. Thi. mvloiniaiin \ý'al)iî\Llîîup In lienisîLd- A -hoii ii itiiie%,t rend hs Mi. Laiiii.iu. thlielt-1 gîouîd-.. DlcosRoyal Ice Creamn FREEER$3.79 PAK nd4 Rcg.$460 Old Fashiric 4 li tIf glis Real Fruit Flavour SHERBET lic PINTS Rg. 35C ) mn s President Mrs. Mel Davien aand trea-.urer Mi.. H. R. Mo3niald %slomed Ihos atiouding the aunual ýbazaar and ea last Tues- dao eveuirég, held in th Sunday School noom spon-.ored hy th United Church Womeu ol Kil- bri de.Ainong ihose helping in lîic îîî, îboohs admil in ea\Ce MIr'. Josieplh Mr,. Robiertl )i iile.m.Mi. Alh- huit, Mr-. Cain Watsoni. MIr. Eric MeAthur. Mi-. Chli Frez Mr-. Kelly Sharp. Mr. Williami Pioketil.Mi-. Robert Saull, Mis. AndY Wihervlt, Mrs. Joeph Pikeli, Mis. Ama Bllard, Mrs.. Robert Wir and Mr-. Norman Smith. The Gond Neiglihiir Club mel Monda-. o-.oing inthe commnini- ils hali loHo-.i. noieMis. Stella Roiberts and Mr. aid Mrs.. Geoni goRohertion. Pri ce-.lor ouciiîioiiîtumnMi-.. >(il,. Mis.. Olmie Houri,îl. iid ai- tonBijiios McCodol iand Edgar Ellinigton. Prie \iiii fr. I romn he prios .. iok siro Mr-.. George Ciîni-.nî. Mr-.. Cliti Frol,. Mi -. Edgar Ellington. Jacik Rneîi-.nn, Geoîîgo Robrtoî-n and Mllrd Cnliug. Mrs. Andy Weherell, Mi-.. Cliii Fre, Mis.Aima Bmilaisl, Mi,iiîie. Woilirelaiid Rn- hou SuoWe iiended aopi n sadii Itlnclienîî la-.i Ilii- il Caniphlirillo, s-.1iorcd~'i iii Si. Dvid, iiîoi'.A-.sioia- A5 iiiiihriAlliieiiîl-andiîli. l-!ci \ d iii c l ébaintiiliol il Mr iNu.iid Mi,. HllîimîîîKom iiller hummîe, RR. 3 Pi-linion Oiii- Nu -. Liiiie-. 5ielihietioi (l Kil- hlid dSir-cet andî Mr-.. aliiCîg in th li iii X and iîtheRc i Claniphi-llillb .and Mi, Pi.imeiti. R. R. 2, l.iihiiio hics. Wiherelti î-. .î -.i I i Mi. Kerî, %ulule Mi-. Ciî, Mi-r. Isi nd iiîiMo-..Piciie .i Mi-.. Keri Mi. nid Mi-..Keîr ure he oilîh couple inithe i.inils i Iio lraio liii- ct i Mr.,andl \lis Ji--. go eieiii sinhi.iid ui., Mu-.and M5r-.. RouiKeiiriiA Bi.ii ni i Fchruir-. mil Miý andlMo,. Jame-.Ainortii Aui.I. The Fi-. 1 Kilbi îe Girl Guie L-aiiip.i 'iiiiîeiîî Wem.i ( iii ld dcs iiia .i ii. i11 Ëallil. neday, Ocioher 19, ai th, Kil- bride -chool. The reason fur th delay in -.ring was the lack ni leaiders 'hol thisis n longer aprohlem as Carleen B roue aind Doris iRoherison have jin- cd the cnmpanv asLieutenant-.. Pailroileladers. are Bevro* v J..e-ksîiii, Pil-s NAnderslick ,andî lie ,igesol 10iii 14 arie inii'io to joi hie coopair mdndimolli- ers. areiiolueome ai the ir-.i veirgu8 hen iheir d.îoghler join-.. Ail girl-. helween the age-. ni 14 to 18 inlresloîlin slai ing il Laînd Rangers. Comny i are ask- rd Io contact Mii.. RsihyLilly- i. îîpp ai 878-444. The imiin's roup iouiiioOe aehaiing i paperodriveSaisir- dav, Noveiîîîhor 19, ltarinuig ilt 9.38 ai.Palier-. -.ould ho lied up nid set n!'. or rcontact Joîint Liisoroi-pl) tlephono 878-h444, or Donald Couson, ioiophuni 878- 4766. M. and lMu. RonîGervais. anid laimrilv ni Miloniiiso iniiio gusswith M. and Mt-.. Peler Watson.nd famnilv recentA six pound, igi ounîeon -,as hoiuPFrila N, Novomher 4, at le Milton Di-.trict Hnmpiia i)ii Mu. andî Mm-. (il EJ.îîThe1 iilia. hs ertnaind Ali lin. lhiu.liifor C iiols iandi Sisu. ihieves score WelI ut Trafalgar Golf i iiiiiii iii iluî.so-. iiiiii..uiniil l.lgalr 611,ndiiumlCnuiir[ lull* li ioionte SîMiliîne lii Il .iiili-.[ siook iiauir.iid- ii-, ikca ýindiiîlo ,a'en i\ nd oeiiod îui %ilî %..h59. iii ni utgolliiig rqaipnieniîai -.;iniiigapparel -iiii.idiiig i ]ek i icuk,.. . air ni beltand 1.5h golilhalkl-.lit ini sepioivhei ilieve o.ile oe ,1,60 %o uriî ilit quiiiiiiOii i TWO INJURED T%,.omeniiiiier iiiuldSaîiur ti-.,\uiNo.5. in iloi-r.oacciidenti onHigliias 23 îoutilî icl- ,idîe. Drîîeî Thlîîîîî.î-LH.rliii- (il R.R. 4 i.dîiuandilptt,,egcl VW. E. Muie iii 20 Chaloo-.Si. Milliîîî . i \ul i j re n le mai rieîol toniiOPP îîo.igîe 95c Reg. $115 CORONET IPINTS 45C E.-7 Reg. 55c ICE CREAM PIES 45c Reg. 55c lis ight At AUl Dettert Dislaying the Royal k.é Croamis igm COMPARE AT 35c - 48-oz. TINS - SEACLIFF FANCY QUALITY1 TOMATO JUICE COMPARE AT 3 FOR 34c - HEALTHO - 15-on. TINS DOG FOOD COMPARE AT 53c - MADE BY ESSEX PACKERS - 12-on. TINS WHAM _O WHAMMEAT COMPARE AT 2 FOR 49c - HABITANT - 2E-on. TINS 1O F99C . 77c VEGETABLE SOUP 2'41c FRESH CALIFORNIA * EMPEROR Grpes FRESH - ONTARIO CARROTS 35 C I 3-1b. 2Cello Bags COMPARE AT 57C COMPARE AT 57C COMPARE AT 33C COMPARE AT 53C RIDE C6 Thé Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Navember 16, 1966 Appreciation night pays tribute- to bail teams, coaches;, winners SPECIALLY SELECTED FOR CUT AND TRIM - BRANDED : ROUNDc STEAKS WING iJ b *STEAKS 0 T.BONE 11 FRESH MINCED GROUND BEEF LEAN - BONELESS - CUBE STYLE .STEWING BEEF SCHNEIDER'S - No. 1 GRADE - 1.1b. CRYOVAC PACK< RUNïDLESS BACON---, SCHNEIDER'S - 4 VARIETIES - 6-on. VAC FACK LUNCHEON MEATSc 6c3 1h 65Sc Quick or Instant - 3-lb. Pkgj QUAKER OAT.S Peek Frean - 1-lb. Bag .Shortcake Biscuits 2-Roil Pk. DELSEY TISSUE. 12's 0 0 0 0 1-i b. Tray SCHNEIDERS -BREAKFAST MARKE TS COMPARE AT $1 .04 - LYON'S INSTANT COFFEE 6-oz. Jar . 59C Compare at 67c - Cloverleaf SOCKEYE SALMON Ti 5 9 c Compare at $1.04 - Giant Size BOL D Laundry Detergent 88 c ~"iceLhecr NOVEMBER 16, 17, 18, 19 OLD FASHIONED 49c 691b 991b 0.49C SCHNEIDER'S - 1-lb. CRYOVAC PACK SKUNLESS WIENERS CHOICE OF FLAVOURS KOTEX ~49C 49c 6 roiis79c 2 0R79c - ------------- 0 m 1 Many food prices f luctuate,,higker one week and Iower the next. Watch aur ads for the LOW PRICED BIJYS of the week and stock your-pantry and freezer wlth them. Serve more of aur ECON'OMY CUTS of meat and buy foods that are higher in edible content, lower in waste. We have a wonderf ul varie- ty of them for exciting menu planning. Sa count your pennies and make every penny count -- with SUPER SAVE STOREWIDE LOW PRICES. COMPARE AT 27c - CULVERMOUSE FANCY QUALITY PEAS 24-oz. Tins 089