Sports activities cap tutted lhc limelight ai MD.H.S. ibis part veek. Thurrrdar-ptor'cd to he a. tfiefootball dms as Miltion spit the double teader vith lenIront John F. Rss int t llie ii l. t catî ihen Don leaiis soteit a tuu otî i I itit cr(talt ssi minutes retiraiiuninIllte gainre. Tlrc inal 'conc uis a7-6hlr Illet Miton squd, giving them a rec- ord ot tr i srand trio delcatr. Cotac.h Fut ci ias ci tremetr piecrd n-mîtthceijnior ettor:t andI expresrseit hopcs that hir Milton Ratepayers v Sept ciii ii 27 Ladies' tigh îngte, Patî Cope latnd 241; Lacistii i rnipe fIi.ce Lîttie 60;in ricistigtr suti- gle. S.tiret 247; Meir, itgh3 'riem uioti titoi t2, Bisers l titoi 10, Colies 2 lite9, Point- i et-s 7 for 9,t tîtlogi 2 tut-il. 9 Huoskies 5 lot- 5, Whippets 2 ti, 2. Gîeshoutîîs0slutr 0. 24 Club Ladies' igli single, Sie Me- Leanu 2,7; LA.îie, higi tr ipte Dototin Faurt t613. Oltîcie V.oosl ingici. Dototîrs Ftitîe t . 264: PolIs Canttîn 234. Oitîier gîtîs itîtle. Phrt 5.itir78. Shilîtes' s lotii 17, iitis, 7 Wednesday Niters W.iii 254; L.tsttci Iligh ti- 1 pIe Marg Gia\ 524. Ottîci gîoît ,inale -'ttr Gî.n 239. Lemite FtOriis 206, Crotte Btitke 2011. Oth.-t grrt ri >ptii tridra riai- 1oi 02. Biti îeig 4t>)8 t Joce 2 liii 7; \ei.t 5 loi- 7: Dianne 5 loi- 12: Mstig 2 toi 2; litoan 2 lit- 4. I inst. I tnt- 10; 5 îlîî- 7 ien 2ifor 7. P. L. Robertson Girls Octoiet- h Ladies' hîgli single. Delta Mc- Ph.îit 231: ladies' high Tiîple, Onher good riples. A1ic e Birirl 567, onnie Fa% 1h4, Diii Ci.rp 'U3, Aîdi es Hînîhls 539, (rie Morîntain 538. Heplwon 7îfor 17; Brîîsli 7 tut- h6 Mtr r Il lo-ur Plt2 il 14; Socis\ 7t lo 12; Trri-county Milton', liii en tris rît Tri. t onts Minoi Hoîck A rt tntîn pt.î mar iatt- tht-te ihe- oili-tin Gittilici 31, MM.HA. secîet.srr Bilt Rînssriie reports tht, siaik. Estries from 12 ommustnilies incLIlitng Clhiitirtu.tititt and FI- mia tvs- y paitiipatitg in Irs-Cîtunir tihî seuir Mit- ton rt-it plas in a 'B' rategnîrs alîrng iiith Elmîr.î. Attîn. He,- peler, ut-anges ile and Fergus. A* eamu aie frus Brampton, Guielph, Burtrngtîîn tri> OtikitI andI "AMinoiie.îms ýl on [rosm Geîrgeiîîsîn. ChingL[I.-triaitss and Preston.- The seiedutes havre not vet bien inaticeit and is espeiteot teami suItl plat- eier a 17 or 24 game sîheitule. Ifl t, as, 24- gamne soliedrîte Milon lami witt pav hisse nd t-rme ugtin- st the inher "B and pîsir ingle. inter lrcking games wi lie "A" and "AMintat- îeams. i titis soiticontinuoe suinteit- in ini rouis. lu the senior game Itorerer. lie Muistangs wrt-ie oiniatie to stop a poîsethootre cnign Irîrur Ross. The Biteitten cinitti awrs-te uti [lie acisisitsttatIegr' îrroposest itsqîtarieiraek Allait Watker. The final score iiaî 2"-0for Juohn F. Rois andI Coach Fotev silire teit lii,hor*s ptaved s-cll ava~inst a rets lic considr'red hr w n o li, 7 p 0 ia 2 Wrtisn, 0 lot- 2. Early Birds Ocitiler 7 uu itgl inugie. 11lda Rigit 317: taites tnligîrttrs'e, tilsia Rigo 783 (222, 244, 317);ritnru higl insugie. St,îîîManoli345: ins hîgli niipIe. Sian Mat it 775 1345, 252. 178). Otirer goito isigle'sDotulis Picket 213, Rtr Waters 257, Fl- ihr cerr 212, Jack Pat-kin- suri 323, Les WiIti 208, Reg Tho- 2h1k,2.0,Atirorer Mason 26i4. Norma %IMtl-plis 266Iv.tan Crv- dolmattn 2114.Reg Giav 207. tri McCleltanot 24,1. Dean Gias 243. JLîî,î Waters 21h6,itune Gsîîld 204. tîrnîcîMuriii229,flilda Par kiri- îîîî 217, Lent M-ittrI 265,Frest Rîgît 257, Jiack Gîttîlt2118, Otitertros nri pie,. Jack Pîtrk- i- 741.r rît Rîvo l682, hîî,îî Sitee 42 Reg Thnu,s702. 5, inia Mic.itiplir665, 1e, iui'itta65l. RarVole (,;i7. Ainsi rer Miro nîW,6, Lor M-tstn 627. Dîîîîî thi's ttin Nn5[(irît22; Htit,3 tti 9;icl.iistir KOtiti t.: Jslitter. 2 lfor 12;Da%,-e,. 7 tîn 14ý4 I.ritIr' ACCIDENTS Thre Mtiist e t,î bututf Oii lrtio PitiinniiPîttire rcpîîîîî 37 acidenii t, oint-ii he ont 1 %srr-t ii8 IIn tries aujd aî tî,utal 542,401 stlaige. So tar inIQ66311 here liave hi-s-n 3366liaccidents, 132 ini sries and $219,606 properir damrage. ssiili cet- e iler r ts a n M ill r ct,t LI ac Ilt sicupf place. Ou hall It Tw ,t Ro tl is. , pan Hotu fo sCi Szil i112 Mit Pl 1114f Ni 10 4q NLAs Il .20 DRUMOUIN (ur uokf#t MfexicnvshBMa. Cai ataru by matitire ras-id1y ieiiatft-eun- ,,u.knsoci asckeuest andtladt air ereitirg tes minotier one iighr recenttyy vstt-ange noises siher sportsaeveusthelicsuc aud ford Iaugingi arosrnd their au tet lh -ihm Ke.ine andI home. Ar il wars etI punI mid- Naycr t-esohlr'd '_a-nighr ther' made a earefut unsabe gou I**o Acto LIIlo-h u the cause and upon Iltld h-lt.ordTItisOv'sir i ieiigaion ond a voosuf man î)Iiîîî.îti îtîîtleir dor îand un- O ni irlie t.oireut. and oine-an I«rir titi [)l iiîl ice loi-i lep aird ulule rîillot tite Mlton rw. iers%,aicoiiig itis, ire yorrng mav lic direin part I)Ile tiarrin tis gi-eai pain auj con- lliai lie rîrners rt-et-e -t iliroîr. came lu and litite a )per b (litIe ltitiscut ttttee.large sindoso lu the living rooi i' \Vhos tiltî m;rageoî IL) unît cuttpsed agalu. draped ou ilir-ictudows ill. lic ame dotu ol ulerv- Police auawered the cati eusm ir.îoettest ti Geoîrge- ttt-utplItoand ltonoton investi- tire the express puoptit galion that a car accident liad ge. Lacking uiilier ,andt rtciîrr-edonrutle Lower Barse uinrt.rv ptarcec, Ie rîrîter-- Cuie arit- n lt-ont uf the srnin once agaitsven titrîsc Drewbruok home. Two voung tatger .andtnuire ikillet-d mensosre in the car andliait 1.lieu inurred. ia Milon piayers sl_ llt ortie peopletort-e ltris v orlteit.l intIlie taitr .cîrr Tot rntoraurîter0.nos lumiliat- jss.os ît thle sany eut-ces auj sharp tir onon s at r tort-s on the ruad iluuliai at-eu. tires rertehrace ofIth" 'îrrîs Theoivertiaet- 'afdct rteduoinego- exittsrie thttiie twoi i t ihere rît-nis ith -dniIle% r. ic ltil r t;i- etiJ I50'5i'i5it guidertalr ntv, Cauighiltif sîrtîaîrît uns haiiitiilan[ie itcali ltinj i\ 1 l, tirr tr t tilt tutI aici LL1 *iI e l ginît n lairgo relesedattr 1 ce ]lc, ablofe lilire crandu h- , i nabil o rlk (rirrirît rut toualaiug luruftiti otrh tht rîtit rutst IzVttîs tetti, audt-up outneat-ti _________________ 00 fort. Airrm.r lncecvsa cred auj Ile ire ere tilhed Io Ouak- SIr eTirtalgar-Htospital. The dti- th if c lls,%hile flie I ý >r sdiool nlai lts Mrls.Satin Harris st-Or osIers Ilelttesut Bi ietreUt. C. W. uim m ages :: iln-dvceig tor îîîo.rîrîîîî unittg I %,o. t t-tet son. tîr.eriderît. c, loi (tit i- u Mt Ut rhýtLIfict ilte ,eeing. AIrer tIi kc% Iil ij io i -Io, ti% pel-r g it tiuti ti c atpr i ii jI h%hu heeiî n tied ' tttlii IliiidN booutti, Jesit ms lutthiruuitmng Sain- liii t inthle Ciriti.rn's Lite' morîrtrg, %a isi 1er h\rRet-.Keili Hauk- dges assd Juvessite pt iii rrL-'Ill e toýsi liîedon r t irîtrirge talo8 înt i 2:1::on tirMouint. tf.ii.,intiltietItin t lii etrho r ni f iw 41)t.,20i iiie-4 n îe O i e e e iuttt ,sil l ttti Felreiu chotrct tje i.i Q20> t it rr tt tittu 1 :n a d I i eiruf i ertii[tu bclierlit eti Fee- Wee i titi 1 IhiitirDiN tiliet-13, ai 2 prît p i irît- t rîtIlt .î ri. îtI I tit i titri it1it eititi tit iti srto Dt.n nd hi Ii, t f W. hsaau t r unic c; oti1 2 utitIlata bctiltitai Bettret tii Stiîtiott. t an itîtttitsiieiirîti 120an thiîîliî 1,ttl2 pm. Thrrrss or (o outî1 t t islt altat f in sutmeni t ofkilitoî t anod finishi lie nttrttr's good, ns-et ies. mincemeat. tiriages nit 12nitra lçefalie. astirafterunrrnrIv IBailey Fuesservice yoo ea trust EarI Power B.A. Service LICENSED "A" MECHANIC FOR SERVICE AND REPAIRS. PICK UP YOUR "LUCKY SUCKS" Base Lins and Ontario Street 878-3415 NEW OWNER AND MANAGER 0F THE STATION Our Aim is te give you Guaranteed Hoe Comfort For Fuel Qil and LICENSED Service Cal 878-4821 Base Line and Ontario Stret SAME LOCATION AS BEFORE I1I High SCFIOOI Highlights Juohn Aldersnusieut tu Osli- awa Fir un Salut-day, Octulier 8. as a lielper lu Byroun Benja- min unît DousglaisShawo lu sho- mng their hune Appatttosa lut-ses. Johln bs lsî ttit een tir shotwsin Neo ,York Statue. Mi-S. Pet-es Mer- :sî-esmpainr isf leron-rin -tiw, James Me- Dougall and liii son David Io Ilein homnrtSîssîhsrv r ethle i Irnkîgiting huoldsv. Mr. Me- Dougii, trvice- Prinrcipalst tr Blukeoi io.iîgîr sîrînît rîtltOak ville. 'rhe fIirstneeting ii[lire Pet - cr W. M e-r-i Hume aindt Seholî Associaitionti isibchi' ibIin Il tîoo nt Thîî Ortbtr 1. .îi 8.15tinrnThe x.ettie(lthe comiug seat- siti Ire indicttesi. Canned Fruit for Dessert ailei pi, o ittîpesc t eIllef anii 'tiii v tir.-bu%'in ulaiie n ar astin Ctiitttada O -r-O aA,, .io biff Dip, An il aews wl esrved olcalwr An aunufand iutrrertiug cunteit, Arrîhori ansI Titter, conu- ducted hy Mrs. R. Malt-o, was wou hy Rer. Hawkes. The meet- ing ctored with t-le Lord's Pr;ry- et-, aiter wliich a daiuty lunch sous set-ned hy Ilie hurtessand Mrs. foanune Young. The nent meeting scittlictretd Nocuihuer 2 altli tîsîmri,, Birckter. Mr. assîtMrs. D. tîrîrerî. Mii. C. Baitîs* , Mns. Fred Tîrci, Mss. T. Aldet-sir, Miss G. Feattrer- stun and Mrs. W. Alderion en- jused lie horticulîturre bus trip to Detroit thir part roeek. Id- eal weatlier made for a pleasan t rip. The best in Service and Workmanship on your damoged car. Complete Auto Body Service at BILL'S AUTO BODY Ma69 878-2721 878-3251 MR. JOE DI GIROLOMO rs internationtally knoom and is a graduate of the Gordon DelMonfe School of Arraoging aîtd Harmony and Theory. He is also a member of the Cunadian Asrocitiîon of Accord- ion leachers of Canada. Advanced students of the accordion wili benefit from Mr. Di Gîrolomnos nperience. WE NOW TEACH TUE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS ACCORDION - GUITAR - DRUMS AND BASS GUITAR WE ALSO SUPPLY ACCORDIONS AND GUITARS ON A RINTAL IASIS 20-:AT"COR:AAMPLIFIEIR BY THORCRAFT WIHFOOT CONTROL TREMOLO, 12" SPEAKER. We carry ail accessories such as music stands - Mefronomes - Tambourines - Maracas, etc. Drum Sfticks - Practise Blocks - Complefe Line of Guitar Strings and Picks - and the New type Guitar Curly Cords in 10 and 25 foot lengfhs - Guitar Leather Shoulder Straps - New Square Type Guifar Cases. *Open Weekdays 3 p.m. f0 9 p.m. Saturdeys 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. * Budget Terms Available* We Repair AIl Makes ef Instruments PHONE 878-2521 RENZE!TI'S SCHOOL 0F MUSIC A. nonielti, Prop. Main a Chaiotes Ss., Milton 28 VEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPEPIENcE rienffrey Ttrewhbrnncii tht - conting prenident. Happy biriisday 10 Duncan Craig Oct. 3; Kfaren Bradley Dci. 10; Judith Prestige Oct. 14 and David Turner Oct. 6. Congratulations to Kenneth Atîtet-sun seho received f iris inr ut-in liiiLUited 108 4411 clans rit cnt-n fîîrrilage. Miss Moira Jones, cîdeit clatgtirtcniutMrt. andstMts. Dan Joues, ht-h lune, wlois attend- ing Notre Dame Acadcmy ut Ma- terdoror, opent the weekend at lier parents' hume. Miss Tinu Riz i tAquitanates. Mexico, ai- rît attertdiug ithe Academy, a I icîîîMira tandI ler tamits' iti thet- tîirîksiîrir rrt AqiîLtini ii i Central Merý icr unit is a cciv hot coîrotrv ru titra ir tuuiiu [rtsord to a Çartadi;in scinter.' This voung t.rdr smu ioting lu Englirh lau. giuage ;nd suItll in Canada lot- une %,car. Wlien ihe cotnp- Ictes lier stridies aI Notre Dame she wnlt take a summer course and trn hou iume 10 teac i n Meco. -Tlie part weekcud'î Tliaukî. gioiug hlitis;r as tlie tait hlI star-ltre Christmas. CURLING, ANYONE? 1966-67 APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE NOW f rom RON GUEST -- TELEPHONE 853-2885 Or At The CarlIif 9Club O/2eftif t 1Zice atthse ACTON BAND HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st - 9.00 p.m Tickets At Tihe Door or From the Club Executives ACTON CURLING CLUB MASTER DAIRY AND BEEF FEED FALL SPECIAL Our MASTfR DAIRY and BffF FffD special of $5.00 per ton discourtits in effect unlil Dec. 31. On orders of 2 tons or mtone, $6.00 per- ton discount wilt be altowed. The foltowinq feeds are included; *MASTER DRY AND FITTINO RATION *MASTER 16% DAIRY RATION " MASTER 16% MILIC PRODUCER RATION " MASTER 24% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT " MASTER 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE " MASTER 40% DAIRY CONCENTRATE * MASTER 32% BIEF CATTLE CONCINTRATE * MASTER 50% BEEF CATTLE CONCENTRATE * MASTER CATTLE PERKTONE PELLETS lu addition to 0cr Fati and Early Winter delivery discount, we can alow you a IULK DELIVERY DISCOUNT 0F $5.00 PER TON if delivery cao be taken in two ton lots or more and in pellet or krum forur. CALL US FOR PRICES NOW and rave money for more profits. W. stock a fuli lino of! MAASTER FEEDS CALL OR VISIT US AT MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) "YOUR ONE STOP FARM SUPPLY CENTRE" QUALITY - SERVIC - INTEORITY MAL 877-3512 - Georgetown ...................... TRANICYOU DANCE lu lie ceiebrated on Thursday, The German-Canadian Club of October 20. 'I-laton County lield a spectal Cree dance et the Union Hall Friday evening as a "thank-you" gesture for those who îvorked CALL ros arrangingth recent Hof- braiaus and Pat lHervey so tise club sponsored durit- tri g cRa 0 W ! Steam-Era weekend. Gîterssru juyed dancing Io Hugo Meis- trs orchestra and lunch. A X I CREDIT UNION DAY S E R V 1 C E Mutlons tour credit union or- 87e 2992 funizations are making plans 87 -2 9 l. the unnorat celeliratiîn <of RADIO CONTROLLED tfit1i -tri t ýjî,taI tre i j" .Z ; ý KEEP YOUR fAMîILY I4EAI.THY AND HAPPY By arranging regular delivery of our milk and other top-quality dairy products. PARK FARM DAURY Phono8178-»9723 for Homne Delivery r A N U C N ýsday, October 12, 1966 Thm Conadian Champion, Wednes