Night School 200 sigîn up for classes With a preseat poteatiat en- is tilted to eapaeity as ts Furat- rotment of arocd 200, Miton turc Refinishiog. Night Settoat Ctasses %vitt be There is stilt room lfor more subjeet ta sonie reshaffting be- inî Ftoricolture, Rugmaking, la- t are tie apening date of Octa- termediale Oit Painting, Needte- ber 18. %woik, Knitîing, Crochcticg and Mrs. R. G. King, secretirs of bath Sessing classes. Welding îighl classes. reports taituring. has heen applied tor ta the niillinery, sîacking, cuppvr ena. ipoinseherc socle applications mctting andilîastess classsss'ill silhav Io bcerelused. ha îiscaiitiiiaed hecase oftin Mrs. King said te geitemal safi lient enraîntent. îicture stilt ]cases night i't115 The new Ceocrai Art Cia-s, enrolmen t ncar tast î'ears i- l cie lec b tl i si iilt, g r s County -nurses focus attention on problem of bargaining unit FIPTY YEARS of taîind l e are being cebehaed t ht Satucday ai an open hoase by Mr. and Mus. Cam VWns Diry fat strs for mang geais, they îtîrcd fient Canipceiltoille disitlotaActas. Ann7ivebrsary Open House for Mr. adi Mn. Carn Winn iAud Atciitoît couple su ii Li osti ut lîtndt theotîgtoîti flite district. XMi .îsand sli,.imp bell Afaîn in tiill cehiate iitcîr 501h .tcie'ai ant opent liaut in Si. th.n's p.ttth hall. Atos, thit S,ît tdis, ý tuber 15. The h,îppî cuple îîeîe married îî St. Georges kltitit Lauilinit, OGtohar ot 191r,ttail Etîcdin Gali aittîl 1920. Theiit bas moi cd tu.a lar ii south ai Cimpbellilc At cliii lai mers tbe% li%-thet lS il 19599 îhes liiveirL u 10 iti e.îittî. tutu tit linîand mîîsed t lheîîtcmig, haute ai 70NMainii.histui b Aiton. Bclh are especially ibond1 of gardcii'îîî iti indand i garden is .tan oîaî.îllî liidil ana. Tîteir homa is srold hi aî.î' % rcli il îluitil lNtturrits the sommai. ltas h,îî cîaîtîîtlgi[CI Si'nt. MtRitSitt lii.rd) ofiAIi siotîci Thaît I titi at,l tciH i ita lite 1 i ,iil .iililt a ti la ite gicc ' .itli Mr. Winn was burin Xlii 1, 1892, flitecixi lit clîl a ta.oi Vinii ,ad Jcs c C.itIIPlîchl Vin o ili tiîtttalic i t i i hi Ite lii\ SSîclit Stiaiî i. ta, it. bs il le.,u- Le lc dauaghter ut (lit istaîttci Riait. ardsasaand îiiac niia Fuî c1utiand lictailit i liti il]î909 lter. Mr. l i i t iti d "l itukai fori i lMtloiii icîî ini caiiciical s. fi ttc ilrlic tlu.,.k îc,îîî. Mrs. Winn l It Itciliioi. Alîi' lii iiaîîlîîcî bel iii Ili ltîtII h 15 S Aý S is i il i'tlue c't I lle i l ' u '11111,1 ,ît'i ýtît al- to Iettcoit la I lîcî tla Ile lA. Both ,tu odî. t,îî Ille t clt in ii en il n K il about qutclitvI 1 thý; ilii S,,mdý, t. xten II IC 1IniltILg Iti !I il 11 $1501 ACCIDENT di , i jii t' Xlj, 't' 111C11 tîîîî t kI Wlt4 taclu:i t ti1ti1 l ' ' I ItI îM It Mi, lut 1,,,îîîl tît A t illuii . d i iu1t1iitliii liti.i i \1i i l a lId tit Ili le ' RI.iit Xplat ii t ti ,îî iSs lia, Nw i l 10jt anSiti K w,11 Hattiiîicaîstîtsnurses, sîbu have bain given Ioi Oct. 21 to ice appislîî r ibeir jobs, ibce.iieneul bev is' i madi iIoii lie Octotier 18 iieetng ai coar- sv cotînci. Ma î inlereiice a tie lTaocia liadquciecs ofiflice RegtstteilutN unes Aýscciaitiiti i-t Otiaiiot. ic uoth1e nuises, heacteci bv Mit. Floca Hcssiiii s.tiiic tittahci udc,îsailenthitn Ioi thic tobicîsi b%,' inarchiîîg Il, the iiieitsg îîiii heu' hic,- bans ndsuipportiers. The ~ 22 s cites .ittilied fi 1al- tos Ciitsts ealttitUnit iresiigncdi tfoi \ets ..îiîî allezi itiipt iigain il alicititiituntg \i The nurses are seitng s.îct oustîîethods ioisupport. Mrt Hetsîît. preidîitit o ci N tii-a' ttiî-citinofthtic. it. iti %li i îtîh oftl ftt ile h 'l 1ii'tt. tîa oflOfîtî.tîîî 't 1,10 putblic lîtîtîti nuitittii \i ,t ediul i i la ithc % l tittpit I il t ' t pubii . li c lIticîl hliil t ctýiIlnv '1 I l t u limeti' it Iti. tii iI1 t tl t ,.tlî-îfli t. ltn di 1 t \ t li 1cafi i l it, ii Ilt a,sktai îîît,iî icotii PIETRO T.rnelli PERU CONSTRUCTION Building Contractors 0 *RESIDENTIAL *COMMERCIAL *INDUSTRIAL *MASONRY *STONE *BRICK *BLOCK MILTON 878-2294 R.R. 3,MILTON tîs aîîag.îîsng unit trois tiltir boardus. Thev dît nul hase cen-t tîc.îiîîîs cnder the Labar Rcla- liotns Act. The R.N.A.O. has asked the Onitri gilsa clînt iforciiec' ise b.îcg,îiîîtg lori nuises. Th leR.N.A.O. bipsthtl.îie pt.iterncutilI i.igaitniig sitll sel up thti oalutbe copiedl in otutii l is. Di. A. F. BHa dîîîI% tisa ji iti.tnurses haie cîîîîiîîeî Ille suit liaiIllie liliotîn uitîte' hclhiiitiie ue beeti sus- pidd \vIl tit1ei i tiitiiiiizattii f8iîîîî <'ittnts% liiii Uit id- tltîn'.. atîîn unit bitheciti Viliitei bIltie RNA.O. l.ti i n (liî'îîîîî lilit att ;il 1:1 ii IFair (t11 licta î.îks filmt5 sue.'le ii Luscuria epniag Oct. 17 Mitton Ladies' Curling Clob lane ptaaned an interesling and exciting program for Ibis sea- soc. Moaday, Octoher 17 is ta bce the Pot Luck Sapper plan- lied hy Lo Chaltinar and lier eammittce. Ways and Means cammitîce consened hy Phyttis Moore is planning a "Kondike NighîbI fllowing the sappcr with tan, gantes and prizes. le c ita hc la the riak un Ocîaber 17. LIa Farley aiid lier comimit- tit. 3 %upper-. onthe Ladies' wseek i 1lUesi.î th8e Prt aie Dec is Jan. sicek d ssiîh f Aprti lîînspit tQ-etid CN.j KILBRIDE H. and S, plan hot dog'days By Mrs. WBUlam Watson Arrangements wcre ma de sshen thectiie members met in the schoot staff room ast Tuesday for the first Home and Sehoot meeting which will 'be hetd on the third Toesday of cach monlh. The October meeting on the 181h witt he a "Meet Your Tcach- erNight". ýe pl.îtiiicd .îahinsîiel lîir The exceculve meiiibcis sit S- ain iipcniiiîe kick- haut iil icir iicettigs liithe toui ntic, tuturancriîîk lurI'lii Tiiescias oteach istntit. alt an te nigbi of the The Hume and Sihoot again A calice wilt bc pasted this vear wtt! hc ta charge ut bulltetin huardinta hebe tt log day silh e-cucveners Launge. The irsi lise Mrs. Haruld Jackson and Mns. h ,a witl commeccua Walter Wilson. The bot dog day s., Nus. 8 ta Dec. 8 for sale ssil c h last Wedcesdav residents Cap. Pta Y-1t1stofciach mnch. Price, as in c. 13 and 15. Second dreiaaiher ycars, is 15 cents each. ï3 lu Feh. 1b. a secan The Coud Netghbor Club re- irais for Millisan Truphy scîmed their meetings Mondas' iayafc Feb. 21 and 23. esectng îstth sesen tables ai cirais huom Marih 7 ta uhebigLlydý h on 6is a lis e week drtîa, l ciîhiebin la. d iectt d hy piay.uiic. Pries aei !tlu Mrs. George iness girls hase ptanced a Rubertsoîn, Mr. Mabel Ha.dtev, ie ui Nus. 19 wilttissu Mr. (<tînî, Frank Ciîrtiicight, galles. lieuie Etider aînd Mcs. Elma But- ___________ lard. A itei eseca tise oas appoint- ,.D. cum uiga cc], Jaiis Metiiereli paci presi. dent, Mrs. Rachel Rubants presi. -- - dciii, Mcc. Cliii Fretesiice-presi- Mr,. W. C.aRmunaut 1 St, kilicicir, ot tncll ut ci N. tlii., il ilaii ,i îîî.îîghi blitte a, iii illor vs'c'.îîs lithe irivi' iili cezi eci Mîtîutsý. Ocluber 17 anditcontinueiithriîiglithetceek. 1- c',îî Si.70 %a, ,,uts ec luluýnit îi, hopcc' dona- Two of the most destructive fire hazards in Ontario homes are the careless use and storage of inflammable liquids, and the ignition of cookiîîg fats and oils. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS-Kcrosene, paint, gasoline, naphtha and some ciaaning luids gîve off highiy inflammable vapours; they should be used wlh caution and carefuiiy stored. Keep a carbon dioxide, foam or dry chemical ire extinguisher near their storage area. Oily rags lefti n cup- boards or corners cani burst into flames spontaneously. Dispose of them immediately aller use. COOKING-FAT FIRES IN THE KITCHEN-You cari reduce the danger of grease ires by kceping your siove clean. Dont let spatlcred fats buîld up. Dont leave hot frying-pans unattcnded. A gease fîre cati be ettinguished wtbai soda or smothered witha lid. Kecp both handy whenevcr youre frying. PROTILCT VOUR FAMILY BY TAKING PRECAUTIONS! OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN YOUR HOME, OCTOBER 9-15 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Oclober 12, 1966 dent, and Mrs. Witliam Allisan sceretary-treasurer. Hasts for the next meeting tutI be Mr. and Mrs. William Altison qnd Mr. and Mrs. Clif f Fretz Mrs. Allan Allon and Mrs. Ru- hert MeMullen werc prize 5cm- ners aI the Social Euchre Club tast Tucsday enenicg. Mms. Milton Sehacit, Kitheide Road, was hosîcco for the group. Norman Smith of Twiss Road is a patient aI the Joseph Bract Memoriat Hospital, Bartinglon. -Tbe coualrssidc is aci is tautitwi taI eItitscek. The disitia *s ai caiared laliage bhat grale the trees ta the Hattua area have atlracted many vsii ors t ram near and far. -Sel asidc a lent minutes Tuesday, Nos. 1 ta parlicipate in the towa plebiscite on Sun- day manies. Wbelhcr goure in favar or nul, hc sure ta register your opinion. Concrete, Cinders, Slag & Silo BLOCKS colt J. COOKE (Concrele Blocks) LTD. EVENINGS CALL JACK HALL MILTON 878-365 NE 4-7763 jMEDIUM WEIGHT THERMAL UNDERWEAR BY MONARCH Drawers $2.95 Shirts $2.95 Combinations $4.95 MENS SEIA RIST King A T Western Cul Reg. $7.50 *Pearl Snap Fasteners09 0Neany Weight Polished Coton4 *Cler - Back *Sizes 30 - 38 OPEN A REVOLVING CHARGE 26 WEEKl M 200 MAIN ST. 878. SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONEO COMFORT . . . .. . . .. z You Name It -- WE DELIVER IT GROCERIES - VEGETABLES - MEATS - ICE CREAM B-A Gas and Oil Products OPEN: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday ta Friday; 8 a.m. ta 7 p.m. Saturday OMAGH GENERAL STORE Omagh - R.R. 4, Milton 878-6396 MILTON 878-3272 THURS..FRI..SAT. OCT. 13-14-15S "THE NAKED PREY" - in color "THE TOWN TAMER" - in Color lA\t X'SORI:\ViS Matinee Saturday at 2.00 p.m. MON.-TUES. OCT. 17.18 "THREE ON A COUICH" - in color di 1RY LIAIS -JANETI LLI(H CARTOON - "KANGAROO COURTIN' NED..THURS.-FRI.-SAT. OCT. 19-2021-22 "THE GREAT RACE" - in color NMA I i. wom - 'l0NY dRIIS CARTOON - "TEASE FOR TWO" Owing ta Iength One Show Each Night at 8 p.m. SHOW TIMES - WEEKDAYS MONDAY THROUGII THIJRSI3AY - 8 P.M. FRIDAY AND) SATURDAY AT 7 AND 9 P.M. DON'T MISS IT!1 R EX AL L 1 c S AL E Starts Tliursday OCTOBER 13 - ENDS OCTOBER 22 10 BIG DAYS BE URE T0 GET A COPY 0F It G 104 PAGE, 2-COLOR H'ANOBILL ELSLEY'S REXAU. PHARMACY K. H. ELSLEY, BSc. Phîn. PRESCRIPTIONS - FREE DEUIVERY Main S. Milaieu 8784492 TO PAY F8-9261