Compare at $1.05 ROYALE TISSUEe 2 ROLL PKG . u'e 79C v , . SIONS HAVE BREN POSTEO along the Esques- ing-Nassagawetra Town Line near Milton Heghts in an attempt to stop people f rom dumping refuse along the sdes of the road- way, but rhey dont appear ta be doing mucfr gond. The top picture shows part of two truck- loads of garbage, obviousig removedi fronr a service station, that were dumped on private property bordering the roadside just a few days aller township andl county works department crew sspent several da ys cleaning up the road- sides. The bottom photo shows where "dunp- ers" have cespoited the roadside, right heside a sign that warns '$50 fine for throwinq trash on township operty. Polluck and ( Campbell uiIIManifiieurirrof f HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING TY62 Waer St. Norh, GALT Telephone 621-7580 PEACHES 3 COMPARE AT 97c - KRAFT - 21/-1b. JAR PEANUT BUTTER79 COMPARE AT 37c - CHOICE QUALITY - AYLMER -2"-z. TINS 79yC 3Fs1 COMPARE AT 41c - CIIRISTIE'S - l6oz. PKOS. SODA BISCUITS 50-PT. ROLL SARAN WRAP C rossroads Africa reviewed for nurses Iteitetei t ier Arîît.itîît FcgIriiteittttr c' tiati e e in ll,i il r iti t,lir83 rirc i 'li l t in ii -il t iti ltiîcitîe tint rît l lite Iteir ici ,Jt otriMcd cite ,alIte tirrettlirBrantrIMe- ilo il I Ittpitil. Di. SiIinIceî r irîit. r ,r I tti 1 î,rîîîî Altic il utin- ir llisit unlIit il-i icilie i %% r r t. itiiitlielg t V xiitir 19 otitrer -ocSýoia Ur. SihIcy explained tlir.t Ilie ta %chiiie (ouitee l N rtritig pol mi, I a' nitc miv'Ilerir, I111 cr.tectei ildleci Ali iiitire rLiini1tirlirean itîri k il t il ii- A li tit i nt 11 gît tir kitis cai it alie s i, offle. f lic speakrr ltliied Ii% irik n ii a film i ti 'litîcîl, Citv itidlriîuiii Alria, stîirîr îîîrrarr c' I l ti nld v lilc ii'kingtoutueirer buildîing rlnvir .andliîarpit.rhls oricte rire needv rînthtie villages. Misa Ruth MIlne, preiderîl of lîalluit k.ii,tirii îtduccl Mirs. Llîra it i-, Ctu eii-te vurl oi 11NAIJ, isba n csUîsjL ud iruil d poît tee id nua.,k, i lo i t lîngiedu mlvii lt e t Ilic,(luit ICCied t, IlNAII' inelllici 111.1 a i iki i ji ,1o %HIliold n, N . I lorii i k t e I) l li e lt airi î,r liii lii bel-c-, e, ttkiiii itre[Ili lîieî uval atiiturset Mi,. WIIîîtt ilil,iiandl tui, titlii irîtî tîlirr hit l isi tr Lo .ais nd i s, miTu r.( 10pr cent olIleir. iti k ti\ respi titi,,ontil ire larit t ri t ir n u Illie lin huvlle ,andtitoircccilis,. stock. SA Setter WiIh h* correct iaUrs le deliverod rîahi away - A Seoter wxIth a wrong address ens For'posUialniforraatien teeyour telophora book VoIle. Pages COMPARE AT 57c COMPARE AT 35c COMPARE AT 63c COMPARE AT 41c Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Branded BLADEc ROASTS --65 i TENDER - TASTY - BRANDED - LEAN MEATY SHORT RIB RST. 65'ýl IDEAL FOR STEWS OR MEAT PIES - BONELESS - CUBE STYLE STEWING BEEF 69 l Lean Meaty PORK HgOCKS Fresh Siced BEEF LU VER Aylmer - 24-oz. Jdr STRAWBERRY Jam Seacliff - Fancy Quality - 48-oz. Tins TOMATO JUICE- Prem - 1 2-oz.Ti LUNCHEON M-E AT- New Shipment f tom England - Cadbury's - 8-oz. Pkgs. Chocolate Biscuits. - - - 291' - - - 59 I 49c---- 3,89C 53c-- 3 Fs$1 EXTRA LARGE SIZE SANI FLUSH 49C LIPTON'S - 120's TEA BAGS sl.49 No. 1 ONTARIO COOKING ft ONIONS ROSY RED ONTARI MacINTOSH 6 BSKT. 8 C D>LAIIN ELEcreC INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING ISIUSTATIONS MOTOR REPAIES 24 HOUR * MAINTENANCE SERVICE box 808, MILTON, ONT,. S878 -2206 Anastg