Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 18

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---- - ------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -..» . 1 -1.. inîmi 126 -yearmold barn be'ing demol'ished A 1 26-yearîold solid pine barn be- carne a thieg of the past just recently when a large crane moved onto the Joyce farm on the Third Une, Esquesinig ut Five Sideroad. The large (36 by 40 and 366 by 68 foot) structure was bajît in 1840 by a barn-raiser named Laidlaw. A four and one-haîf ince square by eight foot long "signature stick" (oued jn the graeary lisîed June 30, 1840 us tbe comptetion date. George Purdy nf Milton purchased the barriiand intends te use about one- thisd of the lueiber for a family cottage op sorth. Pie resti s being sold. Aller findinq the sgeature stick Mr. Purcly eoiadcled laidlaw Luniber je To- ronto 10 sep it liere was cliy ceenection. The t 26.yeor-old structuraetfsolid pise virgin tmber was sf111 streng and ready for use. It took about six weaks te remove the super-structure. OnIy oea day ef crane.work was neïded. The corepaey mas quite ieterested snd arraeged te pick up the signature stick to display ut their offices. They also tooka rare 68 foot long timber which is eight inches square, and some 36 foot timbers whîch are 12 inches square. Members of the Lidluw family were quite inter- ested to lnase more about their ancestor, and cisited the site seneral limes. Mr. Purdy estimâtes ilteok about sic weeks to remove the super-structure of the sturdy bure, t mas purchused mhen the Joyce famîly decided le start ruisieg race bornes aed had tmo liorse bures construcîed. Vîsîtors matchinq tlie bars corn e dlomsncll aqreed oin oee tbing' îîTln. ii on.l <bu ilcl thei':1Ifat wcp ceany tort". George Purdy et Milton purchated the bars and pluns.te use about one. third ot the limber for a&110w cottage up north. Mr. Purdy is show. as ha climbs a Iadder te work. C4 The Canadiun Chamion, Wednesdap, October 12, 1966 egin constructin' oo on ne w Erindule College xcasatiieg tii thc incnd.îiinn ofilic liisisi ilciiig i thc Uni- %ri of tuoiio's Ftiiodale Ciulicgc, 2 milc\\st cia the cloîiýntoicsn Si.faorgc Campuis, ilhc'gin cabouti lic nidllul Otiibci, Pîcsîclotcî ElatiiccBHi, scll hasaneounîcci. ]hc .îll piiipoec tne nou siiiu'cc plii-lecl hri ik and con- ciecsructuire îill ciSi nearîs S2 nmillionî. incuiiig lcrnishings andct u9iiipmeni. I ilcciiaccom- mod.îîc a priiiecicd initial en- rolmeni cil 200 sicîcintsisn arts und scieniccancd a iecching call f31 The building îî il] lie crectc ai the norihcccsi coiiics' ipro. pcrîc puc'h.scd caîlsin 1965 flroîmthe Erndalc Saînd ancd Gî,îccl Ciimpans. Thcsie isa short distan ce casi nI Missi'. sacîg.îRoaîîl. ici. i uh ofNo. i5 tfgc.îand %Cciiil the Ciccli Risor Erindalc Cîllcge i he secoînd utim iicisilbiliiiii.illcgci laiich- cd S\tihce Lîîîccî sýut iiTi- tonîîtu. The iisi. Sc.iiluiiiiccl Eollegc . 21 ciesitu the fastiut theinmainuc cii o,.S inuicc il, secondci sar utIfui inieiicopera- lion anci ha'. abouti.510 sîucdets en gcnerai .îrt, and science. Eiindcle hhîîs nca Iiillc- ticncioning cuilege lor the pasi issu%-cars .lso. cihoughlils siîîdcîîis hase ail Secrn aking ecningetsioini.ciiiis lc.ic ing HBA. degies in 'Plumais t. Kciincclc Secù.ncl.iis h(-1,l Cnuksilie The liii ot 1967 cil , Seth: i rq ucltsscfur lill limeiiuens. St. Pau's Eight baptized, 22 join Ai a Sctcicc hclc iicienils in iSei ; MisMucillai si. Paiu l". niiecîiChur.h, the ýmii Apts,_ Onai. iiilloiisng ncrc Sopiiicd: aci Mi'c. W. Poil Tîmîîhs Hern Ha' scii îoE 324 AIis ; Ontarîioi Si.1 Kcngslcig.h Court,.Milton; Sîe-I(PcuteI Thomi. PR unJothn Cicrnns, RR. 2, Mil- Mr. anci Mrs. Reg ton. Gais Thumas Cîîclien. R.R. Kîspslccpl Cocuri; i Hîrnhsy; Jeunette Katiberine W.îî clc, 376 King, Fcensin, R.R. 5MiîîîeDavîi an Mis.IltîscW R tîsseli Martin, 122 Me.ict,it , AmuieHiccI. brooik Di.; Cherl i c MacDoc- al,118 Hcslop Rd.; KîmhorlcyDev sa Ancn ior%,I ronic Si. S., RR. '5ule for 2 Milon; ancl Patricia Lcnnc Ti.îs' ire protiection lii, 13.5 Ashhncîîk Ci'ccni. for pasent and l S New members rCce.ived lie Sihllieshaýu prîessîînîof aiih cîcie Mes ke c Siephun Agar', R.R. 2 Campbel-ills lites en ecigli %il;Mes. R. asseil.324 Kings e It 5i rociin leigli Cocii; Mi, ccd Mm sEtîtlit îc.îch %suc MacDoanald, 118 Heslop Rd menitecmber. Mes. J. Reeves. R R. 2 Camphe-Il- Esit licatins. cille Mr. anît Mrs. M. A. Sîatih tice ori' su 16 ,CoutîtiSi. S .; and Mr. aijt"Fltshliglit hînclci Mis EiGordonnIhtmas. 2533Hell une. Si. 0 Il iheres ci Secs meinhers teeccect Ss chýidien mit. hni eiitiiuie ccci cMiss tliccthuctli Illi'ii Aiîîî.234 CaîîîitSt.; Miss tiltfo-lit)heî. Claie Hul, 234E'arnet Si.. Mi. ithure vîît aie. andîîlMis Fclmarct Fcntsitk, Api. I sutca. tirnii 302, Moisie OIes Apis.; Mr.atitl ligîtis iii rat Mi"..Heîit Fisher, 95 Main Si. Dent reelier i iGerm.îîî.Dip- 'ivio SI,.: Mi. . I.;MIs St.C R.R. 3 Milioi. eg aicile. 376 .;Miss Helli igsletghCot. We'iirici iiA 129 sitters! g itmitilu -thssiiier-: idren. prelii hîti Scîîd. e cnci itiig: tri Fi irclcop.t- île ipurl'iiii. ri' 1 liit l e - ) ; ccilv6 m onsh liii the plaîce. Brampton Presbyteriaî raîly brings dellegates to Terra Cotta tonP I '.hisîll ciiciiuclI i ccW 1 .1il11h 'ii28 ai 2 11111 and ii ni,î1lie RII A, Il.MlLecMiîscra- ih'iîicîeiis "iiIli te licginiiiiiig iii il Hii.iiiilnii PicsIIii" G( 'd'". hii u 1i -tiî'il,,ii 11I îîîîî the Mi,. cliîiia SuriII li, ii fi .oIîIIpIîiiP'clse ..o Rev. R. D. Duncanson i e Ie1: l e 11 111 11cîîi coil I, icil c îI 'iii g c "Putiii ine [lie ' p icsiîiîi.I tcolis oii.iuiiu n ithilîtti a- .11 ' . .1 b th il li' l" IcIs. m" ' Mi. (Ccleclî il 'ti Lic i.iiij h il 1ilioiin il.ii iiiiiic î'i(.l MrI I li 11C te Jch e, p 't sc'i11it I - 51 i visi s1îcîkvi, h 1lhc , lici(iiîcîiiclciiîesscerc iiiiî..iicmaii ithc Koreans ia t take lic lîîr llie', iî'îîî i c t.îh îîî Shc l'iiiicl Ni i s i pic-pi ,Acioi su. icis.Miss 1. Anderisoni, iuii, ilcombilioslev i, g Mis. KciiiicclsMis.Maiiipii/c eerPcIc I ilut ti.iipiiiiî aie 1- unl1Mis'ttiiiaii 'lîcîcîtas .1î livi n , le ic e i , 1lis l.î cil lit 'tl,ininciiii .î.' i'lih ,a 1, i iir m l ,. s S.iii iii Et Kinîg Iî i' 'ancit e Na-S I l (ili ii .ii sTipîcii 'TI i s11 tticai iîîîl AîIilIII 'Tli.iiks hc ii ci I' October benes Miss Puwrr.i e eiiiiinl sccîi i, iii"iiiiiKiciiisscccli tci.uîii tci.ks aller the cnd i il iiund Mis C xI C uls kîc i coE l I Ii il i inorma I si-it%%hiir' scu cIlî0siîeoihe piîtlciîscîigl ardncarccitoit til. i av'.ictis l la.iig inIi lus oMi Wilsuiii,(il 163 Roiiîieoic ic icil chainge. Mis.H ici Cîeceni. Miliun. briihi a cl iijin cliec,.l hecaiii viii ici iiiibril ihec ici ries iii The sic >11 uilli Ssci. CE'liîpiiiiiiiliîi L iii i l îhiiî f1l . iiliec i ii in îccI .îu cis dolit ii s PHARMACYW 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - Afiar Heurs 878-6961 FREE DE LIVERY - , REVLON COSMETICS K. H. ELSLEY, B.Sc., PhM. Ge oftogood tart - s ' 2 0il39.90 77/4 TUBE LESS BLACKWALL ýWth your old tire) Tha e nos Goodyear 3-T tripia.t.mpered cord body end Tufsys rubber. doup.laîtread arayour paporto ailetrouble-fris wintq drlivig, wlnteraterwinter. No iImit Lifetinia Guarantee 1 Surs Qipa accommrodasthe new Tungoten 'Sofaty Spîkes". DURANTE ESSO SERVICE HIGHWAY 25 - NORTH 0F MILTON PHONE 878-2079 UOU of fire 1- c vr'. ii.flc i sias ci t an. iiansiicp i tiLgge.ring. IOt icn dsiîc ofîîutmîî'ctirant Fsers Caniclianinte iclonig l-nha u îiip un and pay cil he dchi. ihiiicigh îîîsîîîaece pie- iniams. Etise[l'ie' is ctikcî il on thechiii. Al i obligatioin t sii easil %squiaicdcisiheiieriihlc huci'ran rltl ior iti hs lice iîcîk oftihecc.cf eing chiIdsi aed thce agL4ct -Di 'voir hive a happs Tlianivi ng cîcc hent! -Wise bcicers sheoiihriucgh aini Thec Champion. -Thc re are unlp 64 shopping davs ]i ciil Chiristmas! ARTHUR A. JOHNSON O.D. 0pOPTOM TIST Tu.oday Affernoon r Thursday Evening Friçday Momjng PHONE 878-9972 184 MAIN ST., MILTON Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT IPRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Fanù1y Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your furnfty leus Expo 87-Aprit 28 tu Oct. 27 ut Muaitreat. THE CHAETEBED BANKS SERVING YOU ANI) TOUR COMMUNIT GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT ... 0 PHILCO * ADMIRAL * G.E. Special From OnIy $399.00 FR EEDMONSTRATION 0 Easy to Buy - On Easy Terms 0 RICHARDSONS RADIO & T.V. 878-6949 201 MAIN E. MILTON Lot Beauty Go toý Your Head Wlth a Daring New Style f rom the Expert staff . < AT Çakè,Capr 133 MAIN ST. 878-213 SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL VEGETABLE SOUP$15 CHEF SALAD$12 ROAST CHICKEN DINNER AND APPLE JELLY MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES FRESH GREEN PEAS BAKED DEEP APPLE PUDDING FOR RISIRVATIONS PHONE 078-9061 W. Ar Open Ivery Dey Throughotat the Y.ar LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIOMMO Milton

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