C2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, October 12, 1966 fr eufuMiWte COST OF METURS IMPOSITION ON INNOCENT Aller iearling tha leirers in vurir paiera t'ariiitha insîrul- rioanti wrriar mtersin ourr Town ofMiltoin, t murst rsi Ibma 1 agrar- wiih M. Baadie v.' I ire- lieeihai %'a wiii ail agace we haven0.o sr er shnrarge luMil- ion.satrlere ibrit arahba, dry ,tiiiitrîto'a\%il] prîor' brrr. To ihrrre In sut1 i suir tr irai sîs\,, ipvk ( i e irol ira A, iii whe1l rie trisas l' etieaislise cnsiort$6000 pluîsînrrîril lie' liiisrîr'1Ilearsti ranrirripasitian ftritha ratcpuyers. Miîriv raeflcite naocernt stîlfer I zna vir, Nutorian Simcar, Mlton. 'Dcar Ma. Qis: Reportas reaohari oua sebool river ibis pris loeekanrl thal a rierrimarin, or min prising ris bourg riea, i',ss appraching peue io hearaea or ha Milton Pi.ie.iandîerîesreing ra hanriorrl iniiit'ii foriarsiîtriarrisehich stried i ltire ras ar deif-mite. Ir l sbtict ppreoirîtariil Ibe taiitarin infoirmatioin crin ha oarrreri n vsurrprrper sn bhal tlepepe rît Mît iSristrict sili tirieratrriiis litantof' hgcitig îrhioh srespitisi;h Speakerchallenges EU'waOe/ wvek A arîmber oi Srînd.îs Scoil workars trrm Emmanurel Bap. lîsi Chrîirhenjîrseol a relicinris chioken dinrarti Hnanbv Tnw- er Gnit Club oni Fris. Sept- embea 30 a, rires r>aiahad the son seltoantha greens and viewr- ail lie braiititiii alillearos. Rer'. C Cles ac tad as isir oS cere- munies las- ti itarirîn g oi the ren er Airer riitit, N. it.re saîng an appiapriie sîolo. Tho' genarai suiitinriaael, sW. Clîrrt, salis- garding ir.naer s proiaiming 186 in 6h" Irs esplainiag tibis s, tire nil ai tira ormini-, rinlasi. A searctstng set ai 20 qrie,- lions iris pr i-t Ntarhi ie ne, ipuaker. Re%. HisrîtlBrama- leu,. as ire r ialengedi achorh bar tri rae imnsli. BYpaesentinineraslin, el rial i stuations iii ilirîsti aie each qruestinn, er. tilts stirred ibuse presanri 10 ornsirer the iîsk for the camiing ycar in a nais ighl. .înd tasce the naIue nE Bible stîrrs. the anti book, iitalian, iiepenririiliir,. rinder- starclin,, Lenuie de ilion, as %%eil iasoi ol rhis SmaII town disaster Britirar iguresoftrieira]ossin an indastr lira araemnvpari oE tbe sora rira destrutction, paru> rlarîr' it a satalilimaw wbnre nu oas jîhaîare t asiis lorrud. The dirct oe is.sroffira la a manrufaciuring establishment (building, aquipmenî replace- ment)ireprasents ontr a fractioîn ni tbe indireot, ecuormir coam- manilsOnste. Tise indirer io, maY ha ive limas mrire. iruchd b heIdusi Ac cietPreeti Asscain Homelite ALL NW XL700sa New design -cihwine et - tastrie v i ne-double triel and onteapanitp Onp 14V tbs. ess birand ehain and rois 1hrigb 15»hardainnd n 12 secondrs! md tCecns Isl n e@ i, t y tboy il to an aa c Iro oanetband. ) MILTON EOUIPMENT Ca. LTD box 1090 Milton, Ont. - Toil:0782121 tbe greas majority of the deam people. The OntarloGovsemnment spcn- rIs millions of dollars to edîrerte handicapped cildren. One ni tire more forlunate graups ir tIhe dean. Mainy -people dedicale houas of the ir ime sa Ibrîl ihey, lire ' deaf, will mature in seli-sufficient adols. Tire deal rre givan 14 la 15 veraras rît ord edocaion wr>iria enahies tram tagl oas itioins tiio'h it'ro iasalrties lori i coriminriabla living. Tir ajrîin ils nitlire eaf lakertdnarga tri ihairatraining rrud heaume wel-adjiisied oilii'ens. Mrruy ad- nonce Io positions bevoud lire lmils of shir training iry bard, dedicaiad servicea 10 lirir e- ploser. Tirese perrons are a credil ltirte people who base sirowu aishirn nhat thea cao accomplisir daspile thair hrand- icap. Honenea. as i heir iearing brelirren, tir re are a I an'in- eas. Thasa are lira personos wbo rrrke injirsi adeaulage ni soir' hcaaaed people ha usine lhiri haniap as aarasnfor hegg- iîîg. Tire reaf ibamseies are, toto. >lananding legislrriion tlu ritke iragiug id a deaf peason nofanco-. T'iraoni mas astlire i setriu lirinate ti is lia us %uhoaarsai.'in triehur rua rieat bepiar tu i trais is carrl witilno riemev. Tira police arn bc' connac lad as ir s iiieailou beg wilhout a licence. Tire wortd owes thesu no ir- iug onca ihea gnadurtre hec.usa il iras beau givnn 10ian ihrtgh thala education. If soin shouid sce deaf hegg- a rs i1n tawnsand hesitala lu cru1 tha police. piease contacti cor chorol and roc roililempi tu correot tire situation. The people oi Miltonuarn ireip ouraaiildaen muai ho as- peeiinp lira ;ame ni tram as liras do ieir owu chilien. Picase do nul wc.tken and gise lbvm special onosideratîin. as mans limas ibis "bickfiie,". Miran soma studenis iidon ibis thave are ýonft-hearaid people lires' pin on ibis lu gel casmon vn rougirtirer hava ioner ni hiraowrî. Es- pecit ire sîma anualasies ni ior rient ehildaca. Tiras arec amphi hon lu iebara but roîlilst notnerr people lirai neet. a nu i ireharisa ,chiid. Tire people of Miltosn havîe ireen mosi ieipEol tu osin lira pasi. and sic hope lirai ouain- crmas.ed e-olmena il t cause prnbiems. especiatiy in lire downwn area. If ayproir. lems do arise, please Iet os know suorai immedinite in- stroction con bc ginen Io mer- cime ann misuuiderssaudings or deliharate delinquencru. Yoors nery iruiy. D. E. Kenoeds. Sueainîendent. Otario Soirool Eoratlie Dean. 30 at Dufferin Quarry approve new contract Somre 30 empioveer tritha Dafferin Quairra neor, Miltrin unrs week nittedlbhv secret balotil ia appronea rcinnînierl dsot- tiemeur helrnean LocaliW36 r the Unitad Camaent. Lirîs andl Gapsîrm Workars Internrationral Union and lira Dnriarin Maler- ruls and Consruîction Ltdi The precraiconirrict wii expir'e o OLtober 31, 1966. "M unower" oewALES. naine A c.hangerofni menir ront Nrt- ionrl EmpiovmeîtiOlicer.oti Cranada Mrrnpowr 'rCentireas .rnnorrnaeri ho Miss E.iL.liit- reeli. manager ofthe alorilrî tee ni thaeiformer National Cm' pirasmens Service. Miss H.îrt- welsaiirlîhaîîtha neovirii cauphasis ihar tha Serce i, piacing on caiinseiing, trailtinf, labor foirce mobilîtv, uprirlîg, research,.andn irborrisarket rnt forrmation. Rapld lehnologteal cangeittiis he rerisrn frrthe îo imtportantt asle t ha he tt.iit.i Mrrnprrwer Centrea iIi tier lake. Il tha aarii i pritspar, il most liko'niilrni.ge ofni naronrd inîprîeriirosf riîing buinues',. rnd,. Iot anke Ibis passible, the alun it,: mosi beasîr-ricNna Lti anud mobile, sha said. Il i. tha rob trithe alatiM.nitirre Centra 10 assist the abrîhrtubae Miss Hartltis.ii îha .rîtrh ampinvers and i itpiaseeas n il banefit from the neiradiii provad servicai rîru te C.rrî. dai M.inpo%%et- Cetr,.iand îrrged lham Io mrke htînt , tri i ber office for evers rîîî1î and tahor matklot toril Announce New Heafing Substance: Shrinks Pile's A rennaned renitalt-hintilnti-ins founa u niqnetlicriing i'tatiin wiihtinaiiisn inahrink hennie. rhlisai patinuutsy. Il ri-lies'v-ee iittg and dasfit.inniinuttleuand aeenda op ireaing nI the injiiced, inttrsmed tinus. In cane aflerse, wrriîinle eni y relirnsg pain. actrirl redutiiti (laainhugel irnsirplace. Moot importanti of nl l lta wneresthoroughihrit tisimpt'rnn. aent waamsintained onera pciod et maay nnnitas. This a muaaeempliaired with a zew heating suuhtancn îi-I)ynei snhich qikiy hmips herul injîiccd calta and aitimmlatfen grriitb ofne tinas. Nnm Bia-Dyne 'n nfféed snint- mient and appoirnirrn forsu iaiied prepa uiH. Ask fi&' a i ttr store. Satisfartion ors'yorenicy mfndnd. Thse sesny-negoaaed conirai roilcorer theire peaittili rNue tnho , 16Io Ob ir (eiait31, 198. l 'il tieotrai priies lira n 201 cents wrrgo increase efeat. ina Noeîrrer 1, 1967. Nea recarssilica ionos nae rîaioro. niniad fui-. Imprirnrenîs wet'a iblrioeri n tha ilraasvament prr clanse, jury drus provisioîns andis tire itîsianco' pacekage. Crimmer(i miN rie mier 1, 1966 irs'iri lia i ii stndrail91.97. 1 w it- ll i 1N c l lI il rît. dent rîl 366l, Suiiîiii l.r'r ind Ion G Si tt i. iofrtDisrio' Cortncil i10,The citmlnitte i lhe ('rai11ttiiîr'i.ntisitrrrt i-Mi. Muar'iîîni, Diî'co' olir nLahr Relainris ii 5iiiia ndMa. /acajrit he ansrrnîe rinrîrenî. The negtatlsowerc aoim- pirirr ilotîr rssisrrnr'o ti bth tprtier andnriirislerined h l tai Untiiond.îsi 'rmians' SuiMi. iloriii. P.eiasirilitorf îlherrcillement r'lok ri rirrît the î"rî orîs-i rît uina il an Ica l i ii il > iî a[i mummM S .-' -1 '<OU are cordialy nvited Tjo See and Tehi Drive fthe olew ' t<>r196 7 Success Cars by Geereal motors PoutioUC . Bick -A~if Beouont . GMI Trucks onduusP'dY0noai Mitn mOýor Sales LtcI. M A N I REET - M CT N O N TA PiO CBITURY David Lor. Bird operated home farm Prominenti n township and (7atsn t' ibvral Paris' vair> les, Da- id rie Bi-c, 55, (lied udsir detin. on Fikav, September 23, al iris leiii St I ne, lisqiresinl!, atratitore. Ma. Bird had heen presidoni ofi Esquress'ng Liherril A-sociar- lion. He seas also prîrmineisiin Massrnic Lodlie mork in Mil. ton. Ha mas a rasi principal cil St. Cair Lridga Ns> .57, RAM. ai ;liliituriîl Si. laiii rtrge t3i.. iaind Atrý IVl asts 14 Boras at Meadowialle, hoa%%as a sounEfihe laie James and An- tri( Coork Birci. His *amiS>' mtv- ail Iothe Fifrir Lne when ha %vas a hoy anri afrer his fathea's riaath ho eantintiedtIo ripaiolIr ha home Sarm. iinmas"ri, ho leanas ine brrr' her 'Herber> ni Tarzweii. 'Ha vse .spredar aasad ha a sisevr AI. mr., Mis. T. J. BRetnom s die, n hrrslhers ilfiirid, Howssardit Ran. Keiîh Hawrkes iindiiiierl Ille ttlun trîliserice r"alsthea ll:r' iA C'. iiri utst etr'a i t \ýas n Evrpren celearr, Mil- laIt A M.rsînsio ttraias brin l'r'vvi'ritrg ltr'rrtrc . tbrirr -Irsisnck ulnntparemeni lirai Mions popultini has ciimbcd 174 in lha pas>seaur 10 a tiew high ofi6h620 ginas Mit- loniains achance tri hoosi iheir loren. Note sehen peopleasar aborri MiSons, poprulation yîrî ria say ir s "nearinri 7,(M"11Vin. ofri I Elite isutrl'rîriSO. tvre CrioronMeDirnairi, C cii Wilson, lrrank Rrtdlaii, Tar i liai rop, Thomras Mrrh and C Iritas Joîhnson. Fourrrlaliior forira centanniai building ai Halirîn criunly eau. seum wiil gri in as soa ia:pos- sible. Arithe roi briard mci- irn nîmber'sri'crd rnaninious- lV Iot t'rroeriatitrne sViih Ilte prjeal. T'ho- errbilidinrg, to tîrrv itsige tarsil eqlifinienl, tuis iteeiîtigiireirtnsidetiii liaon iiv Alicriririnrainiltamrîseum in Ilite KaisîrConseraionirri aabis riîrubliari tir lasi vear, cdiracior Mrai. Hi. i. Newomarir rpîrtecd. Orile possibiy pou bave several giuod reasonso0f pour oms for boyîng an ele- tric dîe. Boltirerers an exce//llenaron 10 boy rigirl nom: a double-bed rizenalec- tric biankel, compineemur ilnminaled diai control and tmo-ynae guaranîna. Thins $24.95 value ir pouro fcee wben yoo boy an electric dryeî ai an sore feaiornng tire H-ydro Speciai. Wiry an nincîric drpee? Ilsrtlie safe, speedy. odouelesu mrp 10 dry ciolirer. Il ltls pou forget lire iradacires of a Sisarage apace ir being soaugisi for mureum donations awaiiing resioraiîr. An idFe warehouse or harn couid hoid the bulky taes nniiiibere is lime 10 re- pait heni. Srîrne (ifIrle miîsetm briard nretibersint'il rattend a mrrsenîm wrirkshrip rt Barrie, Oci. 21 and 22. Theisancho0 sortas hedattr Chîricalea, flse Acio ri afrm tri hîrrrmembar .J.akPember- '4dS S cloibeoline. And il elîminases rany-day deiays. ln short. an eieclîîc deper leiroos !ou more fiee ime. Vîi ir esore wmire yoo tee lire Hydro Spaciai dîrpIay. Tel lbem you're an leeesied in more freue ime-and a freue einclsrc iriankei. This affer applies on/y Io residents of OeîIariso MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION NO TICE 0f ORGANIZA TIONAL MfEETING The Halton and Halton-East Progressive Conservative Association TONIGHT - WED., OCT. 12, 1966 At 8 P.M. The Royal Canadian Legion, No. 136 Cliurch St., Oakville SPECIAL OUEST SPEAKER THE HON, W. IRWIN HASKETT Mmi sar of Trars1tart ao speak on "GO TRANSIT" Order of the Day - Election of Officers and Approval oi Constitution. As a resait of tedîstrihatran the trew ridinr3 ioundaries it- clade the Tocans of Oakaiiie, Milton and Georgetowin and part oS the Township of squqening provincially; and feder. aIIy in addition ro the foreqoirnq the remaining part of the Township aifE sqasnq. tire Township of Eria and the Town of Arton. EFfRESIIMFNTS ANU fENTERTAINMfNT Ob Everyone Welcome * Ce«Aealal hâvAv &eghm lua a FREE Electric Blanket whenm you buy a new Electric Clothes Dryer Untîl Novemirur 12-at ail stores where you se@ thre Hydra Special tsplay. This Offer Good at Any of These Dealers: Crest Hardware Chase's Home Appliances 136 Main E. 87-6011 181 Miii St. 878.3221 Durnan TV & Appliances Mckim Hardware AND APPLIANCES 222 Main E. 878-4445 260 Main E. 878-9222 George Bundy Eaton'*s of Canada 224 Mary St. 878-6912 223 Main E. ORDER OFFICE 878-2371 Richardson's Radio & TV HatnC-pSple AND APPUIANCES otnC-pSple 201 Main E. 878-6949 Milion-Georgetown.Erin Milton 878-2391 GET YOUR HYDRO SPECIAL AT RICHARDSON'S FREE ELECTRIC BLANKE T VALUE -$24.95 WITH A PURCHASE 0F A NEW 0 McCLARY EASY or * GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER 0 Buy on Budget Prom $14995 0 Easy Terms We give 1,500 ta 2,500 f ree Green Stamps with every dryer RICHARDSON'1S RADIO 20 ai ita &78TV dit witdtioit a - ------------------------------- -------------- 1 1 201 Main Milton 878-6949 ------ -------