Jim's Jottings b y 11m d il1 e If lire weaher during lire Thanks k 5 ng weekend was as good generally as il svas iere, il could leave ltuile ta ibe desired. From lire cooci crisp breeze oi Friday nigiri la lie moderaiing and met- taising emperalares ai Saiurday and Sondas. to tire htustery higiri day ai Mirrdas ire lad tire peri cci range. e Il wan an excellent ime ori seeiiig tie local rolor an tire eaves on tir e seck- ed tua. And i as'i eecessarn la Icave tusse cuber. From nîy section I couud sec a nearly-periect stand ai maples rangieg huom tire inged greena la lie irittýiani yel- lsn and red. Lacaled an tir e reeeri'. tir' iada't heen hulcirered ta permit iires ta eachraach an ticir heautifll shape. e Followed a driver oi a car bearing Utiah lirenîr. plaies aioag Higirîanv 25 lire oiirrr dav. As ire ruuaded lire mauniain curne rs nerr Spey.ilde aad doiv e tir li iis iead sceered ta revaive fram side ta side. Iiras lempied la slow dusse as ire dici, lest irs'familiariînv 1 oveîiaoked lirai beauti tirai lien sarrouads uswiiiroul recognilti. e The Plunkei Report un Local Gai'- rament in Peel and Halion is sit and nuil continue ta ir, tire subi cci oi con- siderairie discsrionr. Tire Champion ibis ineek carnecs a simpiing ai ediiorial op- anin rom necîspapers in municipaliics afecicîl h ie repart. Ilu s irped tire opinion %i l reflecitirhe variaus influencces tiratoil came inia play before lire gan- erniment is moved ta act on the recuns- mendations, whethcr by amcndment or adoption. e This meekas Issue atso carnies our announccment 0i a conversion tu the off- set method ai printiog %ithin the lest fesîsseeki. A number of seeklv nessspap- ets aviriseben produ aced I htiis irthod lirsuivi inte butin ious ic esihy are ardcc n a central press that mas' print as man 'v as 35 sseekties. Since ou r' plant has becn targety self-sallicienl and the idea af preparing aur paper and iaking ietsewhcre didot appeal, se have par- chased a press for the production ol oor usen papiers as %vet as aihers. Il tai l he locaird la our prescrnt plant. If the eariv i ssuevsclan't go fuît as weii as wc huie, perhaps youtt understanded s'rv nesa pice ofaiequipmni h as is hirtir pains. We're laaking lorseard ta the transition, hsîs'es'cr, in impraving aur proîtuci and service la the communiiy. si Hlstory higirligrms somchuss' hc- caine mare nie restieg sîhe!n tie%, arc presen ted ssiih iresh enihosiasm. Lirae- cd lirelast t iss seeks ai Rotary tu an accouai af the Baille af Hastings as pre- sented hv Nurm Peacce and Bah Reed. The presen lotion reiiecied a great drai ai research and cansiderahie siuds' an iheir pari tram the charis aiflire dynasties ta tire baille diagrami. Tire Battle ai Hast- ings, a s ignilicant eciraine iisiars', ti, crimes riuch mare meaninglFi seiih surir an enîhiisiaslic ancl knossledgeahtc pres. critation. IKenit ~ 'ethse i"aè There seems 1111e ihal miii preveni an approyal of Sueday movien ln Milton. it le simply another slep lenlire growing liberalizalian of Sanday. Milton residents took tire f irsi step seanrat gears aga miren they approved Sanday sports. Il is true too ihai young people are probairly better off ai the moules on Sunday afiernoon than driving around the streets or gathering in graaps oi aim- lessness. Tire change in tire observance oi Sun- day has bevn goîig orr lor sanie linie, from lire strict observance ai grandia- thers ime where aven ta dlean siraes or cook meals mas looked ai murh sus- picion ta itoda's commercial ication tirogh sit mark, entertaiement and lack oi cancera generally la prateci tire single day oai mvi. Gane is the fait day of activiiy tiraI revolvedi aroand rire chorcir mth ils marning and evening services aed aller- naun Sonday Sehool. The pressures ai modemn living have been granted con- cessions iere and eveîsîng services in malt cirurcires have been abandoned while Sunday Scirool has been tucked inoamarning hours 50 il mauldn't inter- fere miii ther iamily planned actvîlîns during lire aitarnoon haurs ai tire day ai rest. tf hlliers us ta eldit shauld be nec- evsary ta have entertaiement providied every day. il mould seem a camman day ai lest mauld be sucir an advantageaus thing mn mauld moisi ta pratectifil ual- ousi y. Suchis nof lire case, iromever. We are such good spedlators and sucir poor participators tirai enteriainment has become uppermast in 00r rediirements. Reading, retaning, enjoying good conver- sation and other simple pursuits are no langer suificieni for tire groming genera- ions ai sopiisticates and adulis. Hauts spent in front ai tire televisian are largely because aiflire entertalament tl pravides. We may scaif aitirhe quality and laugi aitirhe ccîîîîercîals bot il vone- tilelrs is îaisniîiiig j unr iiicreasingr aîîîoîi ofIclisureulie. il is litIil'dii ferevi fravi attendîîg a mvio-) S 2u,,- day. No ave mold argue rhiaiorin iv more or t ess coîîsvercalized Iran tirs atier. Periraps falte generatians wili fîgiri la, regain a camman day ai rest tirai me, n aur extravagance, have dissipated. Periraps îirey mill nye mîtir cansternation aur milliigvriss la ignare surir a reasure. Encompassed by meetings and enterlain- mient an every sida îhey vîay agaîn 'invent- a day ai test o ais nirby coin- iran accord tlîvy iii refrain fraîr coin miercial enterlainvierriand activily ta pic- vide an opparlanrty to restau tire spirit and tire mmnd. But thîs generatron seerrîs nerrîly ors is way ta mare enterlainivient mîlh scarcely time ta refiecl an tire deeper sigrvficance or lime ta express an opin- ion. Wirat perreelage mutl maire tire ef- fort ta rost a ballot? ledeed, wm ira ît erxpress ais opinion? "Downis] in this Corner - wirhr oy dow n s Tiroagis Inever met tire aan, I bave alitai-s brda ltalai repct lur the courage anrd lorrîlgiri ai lie laie Peter' L. Roberson, onder of anc oi Mitions aider and huiler indasiriai ilemi. This manrearIvisnlatire1900s. eralîr- tionzerd theirr sewîsninuiaciuring indus- iriseben ire insenird rthe sacirel heaid Scirs ý.Ove damsuhinte ie sias driving a siai irrad srein tire driver stîpped and inured iis iand. He et oui ru invent ancesitir a socretbrai tuivprerrent ans' burhre airs- hapi. nnd souri prircted it. Mis fIrsI manuiacturlng plant sas huiltinlaMiton la 1907 and grecsiv lcaps anti boandi. Todav Robersons s anc ai lire titisns trger industries setir branches la Monre.rt. Perla Rico and soutirera Unied States. And rir as al îîarîcd iv ui man si tir argenicîs loreinvcniing. Bat Peter L. Robertson a-as eut anis rinrentor and businessman, e %vas blybi v respes tcd bhicading indusirialisis id thiida\. In 1932hi r cinrea iierrn l ii isinici probemi - ailire biglîl of tise greaid&presion - thiai'sar armaoýi dyrcmenit ram marnssortd lead- er,. A, Tire Chamion resalird ai tire lunne rot iis îler in 1951: Il mas weiien ai a ime isire:n tire sun id irasgroping for ,aremedv ta ils ils and none seemcd availabte. Tire ,ol- Um eeie gerai asstaim irom men invfi i gli rrîtîrriîs - and i il clt never ire irîorcn\a it influence-hir i srk esrird la recrivius lc iirId sonfusiona. Mr. Robert- son ilsualiecci îirs-rr d confuosion siiti an analical mmnd tirai oas abune musir afttie commun ttiniing. anti ailed a sol- tiori mincir ndîruiridis bad a bearing for ieterment as trr as tir ai applic- aile." My respectifor thi-insreniar-husiness- rîaî-aoiirar tocir on a greater degre ait scecir sîlctn a re.rdcr iorncd Tire Champ- ina Toruorto Glaire.calcd Drýeutilier 13. 1932, in seicir a Glaie reseler inn inter- i-titMr. RobertsonabuaIhirisboati gtve ia farlier imsght inta te lirerirrs tie and ieliels. "A boit ai rultigies banc ar'rrtisttiit ta rire arcî ofrraitire barri calted World Reorcila titra or Doseiait - an Ire Remcdn,'" said lire reparler. "Viiiunîînoas tiesrît orresponclenserirstde Iis cotnstrctivsesontribution in dirtgnostig the cnt rent ecîrnîmics' ofi ritirerratin atnd prescrbieg forîr lirrecaderv. Tire crrrespandence includes scores ai nanîci - LIas c George. Albert ai Blgiam. Mus- sîriltîl Franklin D. Roosenel - andreracs lke a irritable 'Who'% Who' aiflire leaders ia iraîr, induites' vand tire sirrcir." The ssold industnlalsirritutrerha "ctipiti ulgrit thrie gul metiri lrrîndationsoupo maier i bas heunhut." stainieti Mr Riaertion. i s ase iii iring iirhesisliig siottildebm sruscter di toilt tî,,ance wistli tir e silsinaigrlc suppin, ire iring tire grlc sappli ap t balancre tirs' ceh i nuire h i' clierc ofnemi goici or iv r'es',tutieg thitn grid sîrîpis t t'ni i ýIbm srvale tri $20 pet iPAn cetu' Iii a~n ouais'. "Tire mnt ,rkecl interi, of tire plus iian ltitiirs lien t ir the gure ti Il Oford Gr'tup -metidcnttasn tirrniati te -n h getistsoc ku-liread sirrîs plant Ni h ber', r hIis n.tii e." n rîtr Illte int er- i "This irief pîclure rrauid bcirritî'tt pins' n ililîrrt tris fialitîrc-i tti tar descriptiv e otf ie Robertsoni ntiitds. brrrtirhe km 10u rie man himîrli: ,nd nor neas-paper man srîîld miss tire stddcn Iuingbus of tire lace and tire ear-lrîîered s-ses rot iis anusuai ironaaser. as irc sald silopli" "Ilfsu Nari tu crof service. tiliri0 soursetl i atourbes - and pray." IPEE KING INTO MILTQN'S P MILTONS FIRST girls' iokyi macs mas Seated in front, i îo terghi, mare caver larrier in inlie e.rly iÇoo's anrd they ptrairi May Kelly (nom Mrs. Jackr Kirîsi cf mcmle iver heoleri. Tire evrlin m- 'Torontio), cil formard Nonie Faioiin, ui] bersý, alohr0rînînie irklsrie !iromf n Mis Violet Bamnrront iMns. W. M. Scti cf urus pilo aetdir ain 190g7. Bob iet- Milton)i. Stanîdingfronîr nil are rour mg, miro pIoyed miliilire local nerivedi- MarionPFoulant, riglir formard irrite aie eai, mas coacir and Roy Field help- Camîpbrel nom of Toronto), goalireeper ed hlmmu tire ladies. Thiri games aI Anna Scot IMrs. A. L. MasNabir of Mit- the arena dreur ot tire tome band and tant, and formard Helen Panion. Tire large cromds, and.mhen îiey piayed ouI-« îirree Panions are preseniiy living in of-tamn tirey maafId go by train and ire Vancouver. bilIcd iiioîapo5nitg pnoyers' havres, Sugar and Spice b y bil sml1leay This is a ime of year wben tirere siraid ire 24 iraurs of dayligiri, iren a mac sirauid ireable la keep going 24 houri a day, and every man îiraald ire oe a mantiri vacation. Thilk oftht iting. Bais, mosies, pure anrtilrinirow iraut, juil lyieg arooed flier,- roierttire.sshiirrsonreirdy wauld ç)siiiialitre. Wilir tire taer su, cod lvtIl es tnt ies ccicî fstesi ire ilessisaird rubiier. lit flitetills flire docks ciruele andl iii flice rush tire partridge cirne. Wireli- e-i'%abitter morning croucired le a rutdof a sieaiiiry sîroli dama a son- lilîrreci rsouded road, evcrtiring beckons tire hunier. Andi titer's flite golf course. A crisp taficreotr lire veivei, and ail lire tourissandrevomenaoutlfitesvay al liii. Noilîing ta distraci. Fat ballomi it Bermuda shorts ale replaced irv plump blalckr qurirrels itraitaon lutina tirefair- durititili acoris. Anrd eveensuirere, lucres sky as blue as1 r rir!in's reins, bhibar-nriwaler met- coitirng, iîuiirr.gaiden sunantd ilazing buir irrieigrilirethe c ad uplit lire sot v ,rnge.irhraiieii Cnadian. train flic nrî,si se rnbt aifbird iraiebers la tlice G ie cFour (rire miro mail maire a Iclcollection. cn treslucreoutinlatlie seo onîterlul crranirv l ir e iorid le ilire ritsi sittricerlal funire ri lie year. inic il ttrst nonderial fl t iai aey ui Lis sit ecrehave. Andirlr arise ,ll dring? Werc irirhairrg lire <-piai Canatdians. Wu i-"giz et'trie ieeaulv. flic alluare ai aulama bu c dis noting about il. Il %%s'reiNoongsiers. svecgo lrr siupid Il wtirer ldisiers.me rabe tire tid nui taies. orfsar isrr vaiaiulire ,il s tirisirîcorss. Ofie sgoltaidiatil 1c pie mat li olut Aiiource.nerîit of tire esiablîsinmcrîl oi rire Provncial Agrîcalurai Museui ini Hailaîr. adjacenite lirhe Kelso Conser- vationtr Aea, s goad newsi Tire action mas pîndrcled severa mecks ago in iis vemîpapar avd tire neressa ry egtiîatiorii iave been knomn la, be uvder may far mine livme Tire suc- cesiful cirpleiic cf those eegotiatiovi s a credi 1 a isunîher oi peopln in- valved. The ;adnd te, eerr l li- riaCcir sernulîcri Arad, nctrausrire A PR.er- vice futr. scIdaly sr'urried far surir-r projct wmur ris ravrage ce hrgliray 401 ansd cinse toa 401 oaerpasi Tire rirex iiy ocitheircl.rcl.iei ai lire ,ttt.triivi- Kelsa Conservaioc r tta ind, otun' idc- irafilty ofihelire 11 Tfire irriagc ci agriculturein Onrtrio ru sîgurficarît anrd Hloleiras pirynlv imrportant par inthe prcTpir'iess )f liatIiunraor provirncialI irrduslry Tire ioda- tren oi the m osearele ir e couriy hirgh- ligirli tirairalie. A piavîlicini jirieeume i fscience anîd techlraogy. miriclilire fprovinice iraiarr derialuer as ils derritir iProîni, milii FowmbcireugrilfICIiiidly Ilie provinicial i'iuueurii of agriculture cu round ouitirae recognition by tire procvisce ai science, industry and agriculture. Hopelully Fnom lie province wr2 trni il s resaurres ansd vaperîece Icceard de- uelaping a nmaorrepreserilalion oi agri- culural hsiory iliai miii suiably pcrtray the diaiîai.cc rirriges iliraI hune laken flacnri iilisiii..pcrtianti rrdusiîY. il r'. rjcu ir Cci' a lii iri-.. SU w111 is eneliperli m ru np"'rati.u-i 'vi lineSi n.:,rd Antiqiue reserners' As ic(ii1 rrl e, favlneîr poncrinig lis ii.ri'avn ra il) Mlicîr The grum- w irarcincifIis urenuishow iudr r aies lire rîrereul ii s type cf pro1ecl liii Ion peuple r nl avini Onturio but a1Lu ir igili-" riq iairi WC are pleaîed ta meiccrie lire Pic suncrai Agrîculurai Mu seurîsla Ire Mii' ion area. Citqje if ttepe4t et'ideft tli urrrîrlier (Ii puple wmuIrotlclrcc,"I tlire open Iouie l Iltie rmy rrrrovaincl Mutait Towrr Hallur)rised ru .îîy rjuari cillais And arnicuiîleclly Ilrxe lu oh fle change nrutili t lomruI, 1 riet ily cirevîr We hanve lsrrrlrdiaity caîrrîrrenîlu arr ire-rr 11iiress Iliebrold- rrng mou tranisie rînci rallier li irat orurd ered ripe for oianrdo urîrerît Pislias lacf uirîr houeni puirliti le orsierrriatSli10leftitirs surrn tr cicîuns idicules ao loch of irieresi ans tireir port. Tireopens floas(- ai tire tamr irall drd irir tefodsp'l ltisissmrirfuti. The îreueniliicrofilire loîirrrrli corot i lalit cmi iiol nrlitrrerciri lion ohfr aiingrrî Isc rîidrailed flire iii- leresi ofi n iaersuiinrfic irruiiýl itrn sîcarînru. lie icaîrluiru Caurt wmas ,denet- aperi by Mis. . J. Costîgéîrii c afliru trin mliii cunrs anid errrcsIre ns lurior ocflticedraîroii aId lbuildinrg TIre pîvuerniatioru oi o p.rnfnîgly Mru Frnrir McNîverifr litrneriar ciflire acinrs' ration centre oaiserîrtpir sices the inier- est of dlizevu Tire paintng is iii irrrrory of Frankr McNivev misa serurd tire lamr âdrrinisirrio cîr mfii înîry yen s. plaIan o 'unr i o fcri i-v u., t flire1 cenlly e>riîairrleii remets jlie,iliiirirtliit Feritap hi iris y ilecc!,rri an l ily dalesn'l oppnai ta tire oesihaiics ai salira but ils excellent lavdscaping reflecis a modern and effective municipal service. The camplanities of lire aparalion may nol bcecasili grospcd bal il is ais opera- liOn1 liVi peple enurîI 'c-rif-r 0 I .'c rt- ' cid asss-rimu ut sel nide for sa-lu arr apeurlieouse. WCeI relur <foan rny mill lure ilre uIeC la niii11w,.-. i i..' Ilrliy durr fl(IlleOliei Ho ii 1nie arweranflic dii iirpurlirfl service lire Operu i-ouie ru tesStiurmiay. Ocloirer 22 frani 2 p.ri l p tr i c: Il c i-t miledrinve's.fou isl irever Sicîns ltiil. thlIis olîilny rrr.ry Ire orlY urne pra- piap onîg, mliii10rua tiery. ennufi5 aIt irulirtlests, emcii sîrîieri grourid By tirs rurle eve ythiiig irait ire freliy mcli irîremî Were fie mur ors peerly I c irwmg- rd wmlhIilise errergy par nie, soy, Morld Mirr i, il mcîîld tc ovcI aund won in alui fine yens[-. Irle l.rrydCtt'Iiiirl carneUIra. l llraCy cird e. fiip if miti tcn , abig errarirfîr le c-tri y traîe ifoui rugi of glro tes fitir flire saperîrrariri. A $3 per Ion ivcrease iv tire prude of prime steel minets doesn't irigirten tire iroasemife, mira seldom iraitirese items ors ier shopping liii. trudgc aoff ta came ridiculous job in order ta pot food in aur moulus and il n tire taek. Juil because il's fail and ail lirese asinine aclivities are bock miii is eci at niy unintlligefli. Il's an- tait'. unpairioiic, lnscropuloas, unrelig- ouanduanhrtirnabie. For sears i bave iaîrged for a holiday n tire fat. And for years I bave her denied il because aiflire incredibly in- saee social structure la ibis country, wiicb deeces tirai yoa have irolidays n lire sommer, or, if yaa can afford il. an equivaiet bot-holiday la winler, damna soulir. Whora muts iruldavs lenlire sommer? Wiib long eveningi and weekends. we can tisir, swim, huai la aur hmaris' con- tent. And sîlir lire up-camieg four-day svurk-iveek, lirerel ire even more ime. But a-ee stock wiiir ae arcirale sys- irnirai scemi lueire ied taelire scirool s ear. Oit Lairar Day, me ail go bock ta tire plougir, and spend tire mail glor- i aus .vseifaitire year at mundane, mariaionous cirares, Nat forruslire gald and mlue ai oui- cime davi ai aur myriad lakes, the sild tire ai sumacironrie ie ils, tire bockof mlii geese iiving, tire wood fires sarml.h on a caoolcveing. Now, airer Labor Dav, we don sober garir and piaus mien, crawl bock i nia our hots and begin once again tire pretence lirati lei e ral and cornesi. iii luit ai udllt lievre fnot planning ru makr me Minuster ai Education. If ibev did, lirre'd ire a moeur's holiday le %lune, sciroal rirougir Juin and Auguit lunîilianc p.m. everidoit and silsweeks balidav beginnina Lahar Day. Dovi svores, t illitneyer irappen ie ibis countri'. lis mach tua sensible. Pages of the Past f r om c ha mp i on fî11e s 20 years ago Taklen fromtlire Issue of Thre Cassodiail Champion Ociaber I0, 1946. hIle trcklire Irouiit rastir beiig mlýii ccl Mîrrdavs norningi tire drising sreilutit e letri ostrîd l in-Frd Arar- ,1lrirg 1steciîrî l aze' u lîlli dcsiraved Ilite blinîiug ,iii ibre.rienecl tli'r iea ili liitiliii The iti-it'n us troio uiles Sauthr lti \rliii 'rît Nu. 25 -ltglrasv, I%,rlil'rorctiaib: i'heCctuit mt' llu1w li,[ siune in tIre courtiHause, \iumi' iii.l eirrtîe ir 6,D. E. Siaulier tr i ziii.lie rince epes Ouu ui'ui Ili ît iii trI rrînirse addresscd te Tl,,Ilgm a i otn re anuiarriicn ard u-iIIihios. h qurestimontorigraup 1-ltliaoi a, sussr'd andI a comn- mi ice (lisr ivce rtnîed tauirtinin-rî iii . huili teI'palitolpan .111(llia- l irc laie t II ,nlliun Failli Vi uiiiii rItiir discuýSîoîl titis carning Nei-els1l0iitrierudi ,tnd rinse aît' e tIlerurte unli Mes. A. J. Mlca, 81 ilrlnsrrRtf Thinîsdau aflereooa, Sep- nertrercl 19, sutili-MS. Mutera, Mn,. WiI- hum iiKrîuy ariid iss Doroiirn Densece-. lerlile urri vtIrle ocasion ofIlrue 501 ru e iur iriistri-vo hieeParents. Ml nd lMis. J. M. Drn. The houer -I, bautiulIv ecor tluri-re accus- nir,11 ndîcMu. anti Mus. Denses aird tîreir daitgitelersOis'pidIlcle lte trnrria"tll l il.t l yrilgi. Reit'esltrierisiuNet'e sesrci tri Ile' nilnrg lrî til r nr t t a tablenhie iticir iris1110i1nattrau'citei' uitil silver' rer and lleci' ciice' il either e. l baui lu'ru mý119cin nt III irorunit .ndctgutititti' rî lt [i llcand lauti tt ai clrcl vilvrt culc' m. r îitirg ai te Icial rice Miss inrrr, uMrs. Gerlrrri, 'Mu-i. Mil csînli.Iitti s. rsîieîtlis ad Irret Ilt,îrusrî. Mus. tL.scrtcihi, Mu-i. Mnrtinr andîtiMus. Kvi'is'itStra.tir. n Nîs stc-rn' t,,ciuil t rut Torot'to.urMit- tii, uririgiunti.Onrirille, Si. Cnathanrines, iortDilrouSre, Whlnbs Luir, Kingîlan. 50 years ago TaitenIrfmm tire Issue of Tire Canadiasa Chtampin Ocinrier 12, 1916 Stunrili ,aller airrnruîtrîtinrbadpas- vl i unît LîtîI, É.i e saoh litrtniercolt- \%INt lui,ionNas tuirenreri tir hi'nrlitre. rugiv\\t us ii'ult'ietisîland ti arrei Crru. . Dills. stationîtagenti, iîed lit tlit i'liniitg and trinl ut1is iu riiv. ai lets. Tol'tt.iarnge mai about tiTi i 'abecare ole onrdiu iv ieslet'dtyin it nuairaI nîniorri, Nli-i inn)tis ulitirili'. Cî'cdi s detIlliee nîrtu\" iti foi-proriding il. tîruW. lilgii, isreintan o heti iianrptnuioi liî'u. l iStlc'rtiiitid ta liis t rrnrnur hn rlltrues - t it il l rpedrÉai lie %iu iIe tottî'yein unceir. Oming la tis tlir'chain atcontres ouatlaie tiis tuerk. ,tniil rne crnnly ltas ieen l'e- inurîtrî. Wr are indLbtedi ta Me. White, af te Netcrner, trie k-lad nassistance. Dcni iahennisau tgs. Bruites mean rsi;nie oýsicsu lafarmers, cruvers, and parc s, 100 years ago Takese Irons lhe Issue of TireCasda Champion, Oclober Il, 1866 Tire Nassagasseya and Esqueîing union pioughiig match ii be ireld an the luer i fMe. Bruis-n ear Acion Oct- aicr if. Tiîrrrurnreroas lnicrîdN ai De, Crooker, m0o itasitouiing iis residennc futiris Caunntsir oeirrd ap a large and increas- ita procurce, miii regreti laleare iabacir lis dmrcidcd I ta milresaw rinproclice far te pncsen t, and lu abrout no Icone for l2urolpe, Ocioher 22. Tite dactor inleedsIot vsit fie itoupiiiili and uchoolsoattire aId su onu amni st-rdocnbl nutleis'îil relurn ltdetiit'itIrle tilles nircy conter on rnrenut. A sale vage and a speedv re- 1(11 sIle ins' ruitolhtisilnnarn ts lndsi n J. A. Drnrrdoan Esq. te celebraled letlure on Fiai intendi la ire preeni ot aur Counin*iris', and detiner an address arrhi l Ivorile iopic. Ne deliiered one ai Oakviie l inte Floral Hall tait Saturday. Sprritiensr'ilireirs-n ai narine Flax in itliisariaus styleu ai preparanlue. W'îrree sur prised sîhen passieg 01utigît Sîcraliosen ta sec su mach oct- nits' atIle grain etarket. Titiresuere os nennias 511 leamis.st limîcat on Tacs. clan ai Ibm milis ai Huad ntnd McKinnoit Sucresi lu Slesmnreliasn, THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Pubishiied irs lie DiII. Psitng anrd Publishlng Ca. Llu Managing Editan - Jomes A. Dilis NewsLdt or - Nov E.Douas Aduertsig Mgr - Hy~de Parker Publislîe mcm Mednerdas- aI 191 Maie St., Milon, Onario. Meîaier af tire Canadion Weekiy Newrs. papens Asuociationr and lire On. lanao Weei'iv Nenrspapers Associa- tian. Srrbscniptiae raies payable fil atiance, $4.00 in Canada; 17.00 la ail cottIiis ailier thon Canada. ud-a nI,nr-Petrd ne tiýr enrutteu tiortitirý e rraia otporgohi ceuero, trut armsr ab lrVaeansrto sree r iniet 5edmltor "Ill tut. e i ut'oirnct lthelPII..blcote. Ir tire seni t . smuto ppiicterrer a- er e. godu rase ruitýes no. net bu el Advrttsunsu s mset>-onncruer ne seiitaO =-tar iretina-u 45 t notUe, Aaiirized as Second Clois Mail by tire Poil Office Deponimeal, Ottama. -------------------------------------- -- ------------ ------------ ----------- 1