Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 11

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International UAW secretary opens Local 1067's modern Union Centre About 90 anion dgnitarien, lacal union officers, civic of- ficials and suppliers dincd and danccd a i te ncss Local 106t7 United Auo Workers "Union Cnr" (tefoi-nier Miltoit Armourics) on Martin Si. Tucs- daycvcn ing ut iasissaek, atnd wsiinesscd onc ot the top Inter- naational UAW otticers itcaN open the centre. Etil MLieîeac .tsîc t fr l [h i Ite[nl .tti l l iii- ion, %\ItS Ille î.'uti ut-ICIal liecaalled lthenis uaocal centre te pîagî'css ut Local 10167 .1 Ontario Steel Products, Milton. "For 30 years the UAW has bccn buding an industrial dae- ntacracy and impras ne the standards ot living for ils tln bership. Titis building is a sit- bol o ui-upet ntteîte - Lise it istei, tattelp huila il fie Catnadat, a biggcr andl sttigu Canatda andît a bigger antd lîciut UAW.' he tula the cîoîd. Mr. Males'. seeîetaîî s t e1- surer ai the UAW sinue 1947, said ho selcamed the opportun. iiY ici visit Milton anal se the Locals showplaceuon ils open- ing nigitt. He said the buding %vas part uf the Utions polies, of being a guod aoîtttttnilv or- gantîî'aioa. Reviewlng the Unions ili greus in North Antltuitaaalatiitgi te past threeatuaattus, le alted t "part aifte iggesî social resolution in the s, orld." Anoiher impurtant guesi ail the opening suas Gearge Burt ai Oshawva, Canadian Reianal Di rectur aifte UAW since 1939. Mr. Bort e.îled flicte ransfor- mnation aifte l i Aouries building tu ite snat, i ucet il centre a "mat s'c:lluus Iklatieve tment." He remindied guests te UAW i iiît juttantrrai pressai e group a i te expeit se ai te cammunils'" but .î part ai te cammuniiy..and UAW niombers are aimas-s sorking tor te hetterîttentut i te en- lite cOnîmanîly. "The UAW fansily s, a lr clats t'.inits i HltiuitCîutî*îN aînd belteve lite. toc euldt't gel .ilung us ittottvou," Haitoit M.P.PJ.Geaigc A. Ker r tulll te gaifie tiug. He notei te build- itng stîould bctic teuiietti isea bi teconuîitxîsiuii f clCý11oi IL-a.l t1îmonîCha iîî Ille d talicil -%\iîililait 'suit lhave a r ts'- ana ct Hatluî M.P. Di'. Har C. Haîî- ION, \Na, unî.ble lu attend tbut iltioiiîs lu te Untiunuiiib Mayor S. G. Childu o Ile la' Iin tiîtlugîesis luiMiltonî. thiuîîsîîîk inI elhi bidn."Il. lokak u tlîgit the Uniuon s il iii tu agiandi lies.taci. Localîf10t,7 lire', îaietîîBols Far'reltl uiîNelcîîted Ille gues s .anadthattkea tlie cau-i tra.tirs rite excllent sscik- oiîittiiil hi'lr iii- Fic ebRekafi illaige1adic pî'eîîî'a t .îîî l seet [lti l celî- aiu 'huis di tauf di 11, e.lptille tlt lilthe iS Il iiili an1 mentol oin-nidclics tac lîsg, tisssaîl thc' ilic tua i lita incut te Belî'i' stro Viiting UAW dîgilarlea in- elualed al îaîdianuhsur'egion.il îtiî'eaîr Dennis MeDernottî ca llaaliont alreaîîîî' Buis Sefitisa dur. Daks ie-Mîtîtin .re.t itr tititiifa lePr'esetilite Jak Tai lii'.t9 'h llîganlltîel Ill ticoî.îha Bructe Cea' uti\lit-l to, .Cî.atî.îîî LAW pîîlîiîaîî J,-tli i Hartlisiai. l aali f 1 W niIVit.l lîta l 111. litas \lifiî amsîil iîii .'sisit. a'allductliîlltcentre'i.î nait iluNNit alPuîîa'rs.Canaianitî regioti vice-presideni Jim Pc- tees. UAW office %warkers union proesîdent Jue Matonoy. George- luwilSt S.adaîrdpraducîs union îsî'esîalenî JeirNsKl.aîu ad Dak- ville tialgatnm'ated lacals pros- dciii Bobt Niekeisun. Among the supliera ni rs- atsîed lîcre Louis Nadalin af SurinvCunsructian, Ctî,îrles .ad SiantîFîs sti F.îs Ptuîîhiîîg. KunSi .1suî iiivSFuî ' Jliîîî fiuilîli altonisLi 1,1 b i. ilf fi al l Isfi vri.i mna i'onI. ad Cute Cîpe. land (A îîpel.al Litiber-. Th.înksîseî'e alsîîcsîîressd tu sofieiti- Dave Titaîtpsan anal suppîlier Milie Lelsitit Who st-ea llait u .attenda. Tfhe escaîttiseandî lan sîtlcuill- Hallowe'en party planned for Manor H.tlti.iiCeîtenîîni M.îtui- Wu tienis Aîtli ît*Neciing an Dc- roîber- 5 \iaspreaeded hv ai put isîck iînclîeîn enjaved 'nv .ait ples'enî. MIs. S. Alathlie li*-icei, idte ManioW.A. il a 'l i s id iiii ni 'sui. Thîe tepîîî s un lite ttiric's fr flia' Milton n tit .ere encasît ztiaîl,c\itlians piitesheiîtg \%mi. Ah uf î'epuî'î suas giscît fis tîs. Alfaen îîîflia' 'ceeni asîlîsenitun fieldd.11Lundoun. The. Auxlliary lis lai iiîg a Haîl- f it"n p.î'tv a lot ita' î'asicieîii on1 Thii t atuie20 ai 7:30 vin. Prizes stili bce iven Ifor esîstutîles.and Ilit e itsiecai- îîeal iclfhair- 'l'iteAusiiaîî iasîfa hbc e set lu ilalauclulile ails, une 0o1 Fliuriîs .îtl'ttîî,itîi a-îltgîta' aloul il ni ftîîîîs of a' i- i li s t a)beli z1i i,hti ifm* Lut 11 afah uîiîtîPatcfh- us ait humite. milice of te UAiW wcre ira- duced. Ontario Steel Produtcs officiaIs George M. Haad, Daag Conley. Andy Keilîy and Mns. Beiiy Wickcns wcrc amaag te guest. Visiiing onionisis tram Milton inclacd Max Bradbury, presi- deni of te P. L. Rab ertson sîn- ion; lt-an Arnmstrong, secretars' tif teunion ai Ciaaiiî Melel, îîîeîîlîe ofiP. L. t0iîitutsi Othera .btroduestinclodcd seuco mombers of Milton Count- cil. acting cler-k-adminisiralar Mrs. A. Brush, lire chief A. E. Ciemeni. planning huaitd chair- man M. S. Kernîgitan. Hydru mantager D. L. l'iciiev parks board ehairman Tesi Jennings, aînd Dr. C. A. Martin. seviceaLRI *1l"'111i' iîîaLII(Jlîîiu tjîîi loîîsîi d f.IfîI.' Keîttî Dîîîîî.îîîsîfKîîîîtîinand SaiîNaîdaî îin i Lion,. reuches six luta Mrs. EdIth Sharpe ha& what must be the grand.daddy of ail Marigolds. preamntly pushbsg skyward at ber 429 Pearl St. home. The amazing Marigold has grown a central stalit meanur- lng six feet ln height - suretly a local recard. "luve neyer seen one sn taIt, and luve planted (hem every year," _Mra. Sharpe aunerta. Benîdes the one hig one, Iwo othera ln the same fiamer bed etre ncaring the fîve foot le- tel. Tîteir nlalka loak lîke lrec trun ks. and ihcyre almasi ait loch lhick. The Canadian Champion, Wednasday, Octobar 12, 1966 83 Must consider changes ... (Continued From Page B2) Twc>alter suggestions we expect will rcccive consideration by local reprcscntatives arc the institution of a two-tier farm of gavcrnmcnt andl te preserval 00 of the siatos quo of hydro com- rntssioners. Wc can scc no advantage ta establishment of local boards of' cammissianers la administcr local services in thc urban municipaliius. Thcrc is no rcason ail thesc fonctions cannai bc handlcd by thc praposcd rural caunly of Pcci-Halton. Hydro cam- mtssioncrs should be amaigamaicd lhroughoui lite arca for the mus( eificient usc oi manpawcr and cquipmcni - cvcn ovcr the abjections of Ontario Hydra. Nolhlng ls aIl bad because il is aid, and conversly every- Éhing nesu 5 not[ perect. Huweer-, ihrough a blending ai their espceiea.ndt knîîss'etgensîlt ite visionan ndcnltusiasni oflte fuie lîîla u re cauncu ou si- locial epl'eatiatiss.'s iill preseni -ncoudan csuîîable constructive tecamniendalians to te mninister b'thie Deaemiter 31 deadlinu. GUETS AT UAW CENTRE OPENING: From lofti.tondl sucre tary Eu ii Mazey, locai union prcsi- Canadian UAW sub-regional clrector Dennis Mc- det BoID Farrell and local UAW chaîrîvan Marty Dermait, regional dîrecaiore oBurtn nena- Ca uto LIQUIDATION SALE!I 3 DAYS Thursday, Friday D A Y S and Saturday, Oct. 13, 14, 15. TO LIQUIDATE ALL FURNITURE IN THE MILTON PLAZA STORE Fabian Furniture Must Move 0e Ob 9 ALL STOCK MUST BE SOLD NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED FABIAN FURNITURE Furniture From Our Factory Direct To You 878m2O91 THIS NEW ENAMEL US AS EASY TO USE AS LATEX PAINT!R Rolis on your walls like latex. How corne? Beesuite t has a latex base. In fact its the first succesul latex enamnel. It oils on walls and ceilings smoothly and evenly; dries quickly; has no unpleasant "painty" odour; and woshes off brushes and rollers in warm soapy watar. But it dries fo a hard, tough. low-Iustro ctnamel finish. If can safely ho washed with houschold cieansers. And it's jusf as stifl-febsidnt as DldiflaIy enamelIsI You can use it wif h compicte Confiidence il ktcheris, Halton Co-Operative1 Washes off your brush like latex. bafhrooms. playfooms, on trîm, and in every other hard-wear area in the house. Some of fhe people who've f ried our new latex enamel cat i if the world's toughest latex. Some cat if the worl d'a easiest-to-use enamel. Try if yourself. You'IlIcot if the most safisfying home renovation producf you've evef used. If's available right now in non-yellowing white and hundreds of custom-mixed Maestro colours f0 match Wallhide Latex walI paint. --Ie New! The tirst succestful latex onamol! Now at your PITTSBURGH PAINT dealor. Supplies Seirite Stores Milton Ltd. S o u t l 194 MAIN* ST. USin h Side P ain t s R. R. 2 ------ ------- - -------------------------------------- ----------- la

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