b., tiht Post Office Oferime lt. Otiiiioo MIL TON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1966 rei-eioa liecoan.to 106y15t ears Twenty-two Pages-Tan Cents. Plan Provincial mnuseum., home tor àteamn Assoc. for farm near Kelso Park mi sit ag ol iM bv tu he ýt pu of \N th th M AI ci 1 ý p k C LAMES ROARED FROM THE WRECKING-YARD owned by Jobs bp a sparte rom the enhausitif a craseued in the yard. The Motine on Frîdeay afiernoon and il ote fitefighlers from Milles b arn con taininiJ tome hay andstiraw as ce pfeelyf desiroped and Georgetowen fiee heurs te douse ibe blaze. The fire is be- aed rnnty et the wrectecd cari on the ltti nie getted. Fîîefighl- fieved to h ave star ted in te bars on the properly on te Sîmîh ers are ît-twn as lhep batîfe the ite ishicti began ai 4.45 Uine Esquesing ebove Five Sideroad. It mev have been caesed Fday afternoon. Complet. 30 of 126 pages Begin study of* Plunkett review Mil tuti ('itutcif begîtut a "ici- iol wii.ifertifin"Tucîîi. ut t Oie ,uuegteitienti.uininif in Ille Poc i.i liuun Loci.lfDes- crncuui Rcco atutuiii ib% '1OM Pinkteu. AtuIlie tutucituf ta -peii illecting, ici .i pta9P.) fuît fic l i et i'initalt ud f tit it le ge.uin utDepl- titN ReeceC. Hne. e point- tuttoi titui.- rtaetnie otufl upg uuîîîi.-ueni iMuniciÀpalfAI- tini- ititier Speuce tb Deci. imir 31 andtIlli.ni.i.ifor te u, i.tuîiidti.i tuc Assessor reled shows rise àa Mitutu l"pîttuuft;uttind tu tiil i'lt estsii ftur 't lei o SI. %Cýo*.Th', owi' ipopultion. t ut oc, Ltt i ui .'t tu iti i ti t.itligu e o 9,11,9 ut t uc-t-tuttpitibihnitteiIotu co utiuiic ii tet cc iiiA -ciu Jluiîu(tutiltutt Ill'litguic. tutu.' uitfl ti ti iii g titi n uti if The reakdowe oî Ieit tue la lio lgure', i 1111,tct iti ndi uticue. 494; tour tut- iiitee 4,; fut 151: -îtt i 'ttand .32t; t pfIutjjt(ttiotuti, 2).; 1fit tutil.57f1; fi, l43ý . 107; 1t1, P)i~. 459f. 2i tt 59f, 9.197. (t0it il f.59ii64 i-t tut). f48. titi 70 îtu tur.429t [lie ici i uî'i.tie uf ci.uic'1ini ILlu upu iniMil tin iteLi.îe' eut 2X)i.ifli-tiul AliaffiaitCeiifiui- tuai Mauerciii.'iuîciîdcditutlle Mayor S. G. Childo itcg.tt tea itg[i. f26 pagerpte an ti - B Iti.- tfi-.ulitî. 30 pýigc- ofi Iti.-eporiîît hi.-bei i.îii Aie-ii tc ptifg icoitn- menied tit, tîtevîtcri nttîlcflIe g tîtîti 250 peict Iet fcen 1951 audt196-i. 0 Mîtiti.. tucuiiciti it i- ,t e.u-ed 429 petr- ienu tduri ng tr a 'nie materlt tuc-elutcd au ecte i t\ZlIti-'iepti ed Ci attU uses censUS popurlatio tut ein196t7 tîtiI ht.ietttot li,- ni.'uî iil t ,iiiutit t f - ti, pu, itrtt%,itftfliit.u ficc.e, tut iiiieprit icit\ficha l e i I ,, l otic f i lt Mutuns ipopulationîfu liasiil cil mercu270i pet-cnt uie 1950 Iti.'poution ft utu iti fi-t 2,4059. tut utîtuti îi-uuIlle fuitwut a d Ii tutin le t iiit t-tutt *i l,t tit) i-ut ii tti'it i tlle addit in uug 1talifitgflulcutîke. ititisiriute, WlictufRd.lia , . Kitigîfeigli tCutt and Ile lfît' fîîîîîîiîîg d.î tuttt i u i t V'ttîfuii'dSI. pouuîîî, ti i iuIlox\t Ille ut. 'eue Ii-ut ,î: 19.tt, 2-105; ti51i 2,46t; f952. 2.54tt; 1953, 2. 67f-; f954. .3342; 1955, .3935; f956, 4,410; 197, 4603; 1958, 5t010; f959. 5257; 1960, 5520; ftf61f,5, 614; 19t62,.5.834; f963, 6037; f964, 6,384; 1f5.65,6446. Halton population climbs to 151,327 NiutoTieh populaton jommped $61. 170 la 6620 during the past yer, fOther population figures tn heipiogmItlelaitoi Cousty o lialtes Inctude Ac.ton sp 67 to tli grow 9,218 tu 151,327. 4,353 Georgetowen up 200 10 Il,- The biggese Increasle WsaI 665, Esqosslng up 436 tu 7,599 Bsrirgion, whlsh, wih the ad and Naaagaweya op 127 10 2776. dtion of 6,99l noie boasis 65,453 Halionsa total junp lrom people. Durirng the year, 15 rezil 142,109 last year shows Il to be deuutilsubdvsiolns tere openi- une of the fstestgrowtng areasa cd Inlie nation and plauners spe- Oakuilile addsd 1227 tuelils culate It tht 1980 figure wlil compîslelti. snd 0ww ssa 52,. bc 314300. i i. -tiituitulit:i.ii't,:iti . iI t i tti , ii ieo a ti ýI I the iii i iti t ,i c i ,l titi tut gît lie tve t t îtî.uuîî ted u lo nu IR.-t.-uî'u [liet-tutti, tf t u iti tutu i iii tit . -utuiti.L l tutti Diii u uu riii i.- u ut-ut 25 uiuitdietil lo.îtirt-lim ro in 10Itiltut 5 -- I l f tutu i tuumadettuttIlletiti i an ii tit i, faltel il,,%tIti I ti i it iaut ti lil lieci ut- tuti. fi 1it iiitiN tutti- li itn tit i i tt e Mions poipulaionui lieui J I a d ii ilef ut ittitit ii d î I lleg lic tîcl t u le anti . pîtiiu i fý\ i luIlle -tii.it loi I eik Au -îîgp c ttu tit1%i 'iutitiet' il,î i ctuf n il N iI * iîfuîî- tt t ttîi t îîîîîlimier fîtl I i ii"Clhii l. iti i ii l t tîiiedtiuiii heuîtiufiiiitiii i ui i p Il)' i mal) ut-t' t fie ldtui tm eis ifiele t t utii-l i t iuui l uit fitigiuuui tenue tutl) l ri i 1 t-ifigli i fi, ii t i iillc ililo i i iiiii eit e SI was euggesesllic tec lie ueuuuue tutilite fu\i ut il tttd -iuîf îîu 'uuu t tt' ilt i I lle tti ut. iuuiipafutt- tuu ttutt.1 i fuît.' alieI ttti ilii -ti i ip t hl. tleii o11-tut .iii'otu ii'li[. fie uimfi floi i g uliipl I)I i uit ttu ttu lii.- tii ci tcti i, uti. tti andt i'f ut iiisqmc-ing scr -tci isMi]- tuti iii b u it îledtIlle aif-e iii ,e*om l t it i tuut Mititît liii t.d tutte ii uuutitii.t pifu t itlit itilili iiii i iiau it, p ilf t hel 0 Members agreed Ili cut et juvýi ce and jaif rifuutifi te alsuunted eîfirefy oy Ilie itu'- 0 Ceuniciffers df.ctuutsed the presemi prenfmft l ilitefltatd rcgiîtt'y uufffce te Ilie arca se-dO- cd, siflenelfitg an cati - \vcsf up; ,iecifud uIe ditauicc .cUtti.tdet affy. tIli,- .' i i I i u Ie pi i--t tli 1 - titi'- lt 11 lt- tiif ut i e f tuttmi.' ittiuuti loI lleti i tt a There masoaiit ,Ill;) u utt i uc iti.ip.tiiNt tuut tuti- i-tit ai tutu-- t i' titi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L lit c. -i i-i i c iifiiit 'ft it iid ttritifi ie Ill- f1" tuttpi tue t_' uf "' (uiiili ti i ttitit i ti rift'tietti ctua ou Ii. IA î.( 'andut [fie ualc i '(1 fui1 , 1 -t-tf d ilk Ile N% t Ii iili. %el'-L uu l Atutu iii .uî u tutt i tttIle ii iii-f lu bt- t . atI loal l sbrary fi tuti u ftîîî(î'î' ,pi, %%etc -i' t t'I) ititi i.a' ifii lel,'if ili l brar mcîir tt e u i un tut. ' td -' lcu thlis ic SSUetclI Ii co-- lc Cl.îîîtîccie s fl i, ages 6I 1 ,al-, 7. i n o ii 'l e III.l, u r illîial rMieni acii uithr li 'rsînm Piilu.toikMr,.e A tudyI Pace B. ChampUion Centrfel, Pages.6 Footl lase Oncarlo Se)ilsool9 forage B aI. Pgef EdîtorlalPaew, tfClh. i o Oemiil efil of ailear-ol tarnt, Page C4. l-atin Iemb, C5. The Ardlc ueservicj tiilcalit'î lilium hii becii sceeteef as-t te fur .a Pi'îîrîîce <of Oiiiirti gricultut-af rnusevniMinuýteri f AgiuuireWifitte A. Stew- am adrnitted ii rn îs The news was vatief i- titinicelFitît.iî.îlthoughrioi bvthe DeptitIinett ifAtti*ictît turc The .teo tiîîîelileet la heurt-n th fe tiff iiîg ti roul It e metC kiietut gcii.:tffî iIeli' The Proits tic. ., aqitiiig MI acieC oif Ie f4.5 .iueLon i'-ititgh the Iiif titiRcgitii Col, ,ervatiin Atii iiN. ltiinw ont tu pelleittae fie lttttttiii fie (JntiitiSteIti tiandAntiiuit a îîîrî itt.-rit tt uio e .- 1 i il titi iti f ftii pitonîert tgri.uftir.tf imtpie- To bc known îaý fie Ot-iii i jc ii jii'nfie'i iiigel-v' ll\ C io i(A fte lug fil* i. CIeci-itii tif the plt-i ntu -Ititi .Conffi.enît i\i1l eifv ctitihtt,iîti, , î uppoit t itii f-utti LintandSloaiet u pl î~'e î t. uîîîrseîî,îîîîîîî Aititi-id. The ectis ui,ftt(i titîtîto Aici. 'lfie Pitîtititi. îttff ho f it\ilttg tii0 . ii t a. t tuf appt)itiinieft $ 40,01ttttt fi the H.R.C.A. ,i.-î'e'aiîîîî Atifîtiil\,, D'tîit'i' rutenit of Ag'ititf ue tîtîfSiî-.ti andî Antttie Pei-t, ia\tu fîcil giig utit i a titi- Ifie A-ii.i,\0tutti il, aliual t-eillon ini Mittiti ,1cer (rithat2fX)tit o\i.-ittf. t-itiand ttil iti iiiin- it! anutte un.ftnf iti., t itigi' iti îîîîîît fi. -,le pc mni 1I.,t li tf fiti i titiqu andtpi îîtîii-i ilt'fle itii i .tttf ft' tt if iif tlbl-itin a îeait t itîf îtîi Io flie gîticr.î pufbfic..Metibets Ie tlic MilnFitîr Giitenîfts'ttîtfd it. te i.ef cltirtir îannuatf thieeftcteuiitti. iaiitfv te- tif iioiigi .iid-tantd sficti 'Cl a.itge etititi. A fbuîiing .al fie seitice f,î i tit.tttd geue tetiiet i,îapace te hd lif i.î tutu tif ntce titîgi. wi pacIf,iu iiitti. etis veqîîip- pet %iii i ,tt n i l\ Io itti' 'i Iiog iou i he Pi-jiie Discusions have afie bec n Fiefd %wiih Deparimeni ot Higle- vv s vuiitati on the piissihfif i*v tnuseurn prepertv f rom Htgh- irai 401, wihfh passes the pre- peripi 'sneriherti boundary. Ne efeciion fiai heen made te date, tut Deparimeni ot Highei-a etof ficiafi atd soree ure age an exi ceud bc made freti the tiigftiitv ai the Towin Lt ne ever- passii fut a tet u eidted yards t rint fie Sersice tarm. The Hation County Museum, iecatcd in the former -Deff Aiex. ander baro and adjacent build- fngs in the Ketie Conservation Arca, originalty touched off dis- cessions on the massive projeet aboet four years mgo. At that lime ihe Musetar Board applied te the gevero ment fer designa. tien as Onlartiis agriculiorai meseuin andf although if was neyer approved, the idea te in- etrporate ihe SteamEra group e-as taunched. Lengtby negotia- tions have been going on ever Open house, school drills held in Fire Prevention Week tiiti.- tan oppollîî57 iee(I u îcîîtîîîîî Acif iii Miltontandîtîf Scîttel drille, îîlcîî Itttie ai [lie lire hal, cliiiiii i i i fit- Ci .îuî e .and a cftti fi Patradea (eeîiii th fe local brigade me ieltiti-cil liste eck. CfîiiA. EC cimi.ni i-tpo .îf Milton ant isttrict icho( e cbecît un ffed during t p.t.t ise. sctti exicletfn sufîs. Fir-tigltîer.s pleîfsi pis iev catien cdriffs il et aire scfioef, itteit inspeueled ail sebool un- preiises in a boni fer tire ha- zards. Oniy one serious defeci 3r as 5ti ecevered-at ene school eh1 fitire atarm bad mvslerieusly thebe ien di ieeenec ted and woutdnit re- in, wsen the tire brigade arrie- or- cd for the drill. The situation ICI, sas immediatelut remedted, and ictieut tîfficiet i were waroed of fiic riousness of the situation. Times for the sehool drills arc tsflob Martin Si. Sr. Publie Scttofl. 240 itedemus, 50 seconds; Deiiies Sehl.l 466, 80 seconds; Dicte Scfteet, 201, 85 seconds: rs. Bruce St. Setteef. 178, 52 se- eto couds; Hefv Roiary Sebool, 560, cas 66 seconds; Milton Higît Schoel, 88 seconds; Camphelilfc, 126, ide 35 seconds; Campbelti-ille lin- t a cergarien. 15, 10 seconds; Mil- de- ton eigbls, 57, 32 seconds; mePincu musse.246, 6P second; and 'ith Tl' -e Sunshine School fer men- ie iaffy reîarded tudenîs was vi- silcî on Tuesday efthIis week. dv MilIen Hsitiaf*s ceacuation icd procedture teas cîteclird lait id sceete. Drills are sclîcduled for :e.- Ontario Scîtoot for the Deaf and pre' Ha.lin Centesîîiaf Mener lter hi Today lWedneadayl liseMil- sf titi liietigliiets are aitemding a -tii. Ilaîttoît ire Preseiioti Bureau ot dii tîtîi in Georgetowen. The r-es ciouir' bureau i s sponsorinig a ftad confittîerial hflile inspection >te- ini Acton and Geortgetown, with local tiret iglieri and imsurance toittiati' inipeetOri iatig pari. Cfiiel Cîcîtîrîti se-li teHlalion Mutuaf Aid depuly co-ordinalor, andî Capiain Harold Ceuleon sîto i.,chat rotan oetflie coumly burutCoqloi1966, are gocîlu ai fiec iteeti ditîner heing field for c fie ipecturi. IFrlday and Saturday nights of ice teare "openi liuse" ai Milfoit ire HlNafIlfeitsciioet cstitîdreit .îd Ithir patoiîts se-t t iiiflic MainitSi. fiait for an cîýcîîiig ettoit andI educalion. Drait ilefibc fiteldf l'or- dufis anItîr ee fattoics ilcit egts'es flti.-cftiilren. Fitef tgters seifi tii. unt tiandIlexepît inii trequtp- ientand dievionsirate exitît- guittiicis andl teseecita lors, and lte ifshot i tiîts %ill- f eshoien inIll if ttstti tiicetittg tati. The flire hlffs openti otuee- iiigs trtti 7 to 930 part. Tue tliieiti , settool ci,îss hiiiig. fi, oui Ilte '110 1tirent s tethe ilpeit fitusc. i in itait aiteili danîic îîii.tîantt tebe iistiayed fîtIieir cîtoof tootit1. FrId&y evertlng et fait seeek Ileiteftigaît' ilitbers sevre oui touritig fic toit t t dibirihule lite pli-citioi tterdlirr. Suîîd,îcîîiîîîts p ire Prieiri- tioit Victe.attd Stîtdav r îeîiîg localiffit etigfii rs %itîtbhc iarlici- la irii Iltee ialettuictpar- ti f flite liattîtîtCoutils- Fic Pieccititit Bur-eau i Datesite. Abandoned bouse burns in night rire tiiitoiiiig Iiediies- dit )dcsroted cit ebandoned tiue rncIl le tsqueiing tarin et Siai Wili'i. Ie tloustit ii fle StlbULie ul Lsquesîtto. lad îlot heeîî in use for 10 or Il pears. Mit lite hirigade seas sumnîooed at 3 iti. %%lieui police nooiced the ffo ba eîd idt1-as lcared the entng ait adjacent fiv-acre bush. orn. One motorist drtving atong Belfi Highseey 10 had aiso noticed iches flite fiames and arrtved ai the fttc juil as police get thcre. Fi . ltîitii', WCCin-.- ii it- gî! tic %I.Iplet itr. eî A haro and car wrecking %i.rd f itîi.,a ii,-e iteun Sudi iidtiwtttî,ii e ltaeion t tii-t n 1-il l'glt t iii. e .ti li. mii I mi i iti t ,t.SisiiLitie Lottit IlJohtitîtWt- c-t up iii il itablt.- ittuiig- iiIo CiCzlCt' 1 i liik iii c iit, 'l)tI k t tin i ., itt i' in I lle K tttg iiiutitigliti fui Aliîîîîgiîlite4:farti t-iinIltlt tI it' t i. ti nttui ii iii ci I nd tut i . i. itt iv itîît sIciscîf'il te ,ic ite hu lfesidcsIllte liairi. a quantiti tiand s-ltteîtred tîre e ifle 'iii cd. Sudas' evcnîng the brigi i.s alfed oteagaineshen titifose ccai the ive Si i tit tii h et Burfinglon hoi iii D. R. Rapîtît broke eut Iliic..Cfiiîtîeîîprayiniv îeei, %reîîîNecled ai Tlic ilird Jlite -ciiiMuti ýwttklcpiitg f tutu ait a.ia oedlucai Liii 14, Ceeuc in2 .RR 2Riickuoelp pciii sfMis Maggic irvi Tii homte îî ai lemeltîtîcîf Iletititti. t Ilte fitigadîei ;, i.ti~ffli ut ige bfi. ltiica iiiitiiiei cd bt t ,hortage tItlei- tl cîtiffi cirl 500ti vif tuttIllt ftiret litei i iiii(J (ii tiCapiîett'ifle Io titlIltit.' pomper'ut. THANKSGIVING SIJNDAY e-as observemîtin focal ed o table beside te ai tan mt producis of and districit urches wt speciaf services, ail harvesl pueuptins fruti, vegetabies asd ct ot which were largefp auended. AI te-vint- Club presidenl Donna Morden and member8 mas Unied Chercit on Appiebp (une in North Barries are shosen pufs0n the finishisg toui B7urinitgotu, ilhucuples club tuoutbsu udeoti. o01)ilire colot lidispiay. Vol. 107.-No. 23. Th ree lires ore poor sturt for Fire Pre vention Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (laniabl'e an