Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 20

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C4 The Canaian Champion, Wednesday, Ortober 5, 1966 MILTON IGH SCHOOL'S JUNIOR MUSTANGS corne op wilb a tofey, lf, anîd Mr. Robertson, , sterling performnnce rerentfy ta troonce Georgetown 24-0 for iait ir eanry aeqary. A farq. their firîni wrv of rhe senson. The Mustangs, coached iay Mr. ihe coaleni played af Mltar i hq MILTON ION'S JUNIOR CIIEERLEADERS are afînnys i qaon oran wfreC bey fenil the nîhoaf mfeerîîîq nectioîr orJunior Mustang games. teli ra riqht are Kathy Neaieli, Sandra Mctoughliri, Marrpa Clitinnon, Vetaîn r Keane, Sandra Hnir riitHefati h,-f Am...i a Dt ont tnt Prît Cj 11 i tudf High School Highlights hymaurn y In clubh tctitiitei, r rînd the ,tîrîrîfibisittat kmrrni griripi n,ý irlpl.tirnioy thuirt' fxii. f ttitne ofthe i Iýnl.i thaentne formnia I îîrîî ltf Thîn t.tub n tri h, o ti it-t in'tit.'r'tnitt ite fli,' uoiint tifphîatîaraphn bit ;, ri.titi ti.f hougtai i tiuof, Work Rau aiready traeîtn titi fihi, tait iiti A mpianita litu a fice oc Io al rîill't onth, iaAnti a i fiiic ndigti lr i, hîîpat. 'n i, Antia ui ha fht.'rc" ,trif a rhîrît.' cirîrî In te Junur ifooitll rm ont r i Miltînt' qtattprîta' -It Cnimaticht frt ha gratti ida iiiiiiiafi mlpadt.iham.Tira in' ,lcr %,28-0 lii G.V.C.. t Etîraipîr. I nîroîmroy ap te t-rt.h Foettanpat.oaicd bhat ha irrJnirmngainird morr nîra liir thari fcoinfidencet fîrot h nu' ni vnadw olfi trnpiea'rad. lente Senior gameir brîverr E0tL' ar i p againslf toi- pe tid ttftfniiti i nt Blur' tri aitithea t-tira harttitrant titi i antid h tiiti hm 2114inatitcc iita unî telitih hi titirîcrire f vpýin r .rrm- menîfng alleartha giia MI.Fou' fi pi ait tîrnIli, iti titi'. Laf ut hrrpec' an titi ta vno e m i thaun tir tii ii Your nose kno ws If nîrîr rît Iiirh eut'ft.'c ha buting ni ra r t , om rae% gaf. Wih fao ni lirrit faran îarîîrîîy tf oa il- . bbhtiiat tiourtiaf rît i.iti, tit yd gn. o adiý tfivla otttîi t clulibc'i .rc'fninirduccat i\,i procc rt rn. The a rotuitaf a tir s trimer ao ndt. fkît, ucIa O goîc riveof a kîrî. Miî mrifyotmat niell lfIriith hatai the t.'teri arcabhaoa. Yîaî mai natar criltit ntch ira iyota Bt, ift-o do, otpon tha %%n- drittn petlro oui tan tca]titi DONT STRIKE A MATCHi tR SWtTCF A Li GHT. ln oiher athietie aaîînrî tli ola ir , tl, anti lait h% hi" iiîti arti lir, ýcrd titigoalin.'aine ftr fi Tirl . rln tt i, icf hîi îtMi, 'nul hlii. MiSitirilndnulISi,- 1-1t11 rît Tiirirttr antiti lad'.yi fii în, Il itnt ît rî Concrele, CInders, Siag & Silo BLOCKS colt J. COOKE Concret. Blocks) LTD. EVENINGS CALL JACK HALL MILTON 878-6365 NE 4-7763 Severat memhers ot' the Tnt- Itînt o Bitiez Trait Clob iiperted P i n a k andtt i ,lîtCttsi, tlionAinirtriSattiatav anditSoni titîtof' itsi meektti(. il wais tbhe l iir virnighi hike rîrrîr aileinasiîosvtd op the ut. paanti zrs tiecid thebpirospects tri tamipingii rnrii'gtit ît Ratite titaL rirtnt'11,11 .1ol t iglitu 11111t,1 ant S liioiiiiitm e nti rîqir, nerw elin'd lre ppot- i iti f latt iir airroi ltni oi e~viio a rîthe aio'iir r'îimercaltremi #Hospital nurses complete unit administration course Mi-n 'ilit a ilirtrrt I a 12 i n rîrîtlfi i iti (i î n rr ' tn ti'ir't . nliii ( ir t ' nînnr ' I îi o'[tii Brian Kernighan wins fellowship 1 1 il \\rt f n iýlt it l u 'IIl ý Ii Ii li : r Il. n fliii.t i'ti i tii f li k "' i.i u It' a r.itfnl t fi tI- lIl-, 'rt l i, ,,r i ,ni. fiiiii ..n in i' l n 1ritit ,t f 1'11 liii ' ,f. liI ,jIrf t l i't , i ' j!rî i l î tiIl 'rît t, titi k - ill-ii ta r 1 - ikt.i iii tllilt ît iriîrr tI, t iai aii k ruinic;ij a tfa iit't s tiii i r a rîtî i t.'îl li i e it' r a frtMatical Rat NIes I Lenfla Pyrse, R~n îr bu rit f 4 în. itr-ainr n dt M i, la i ii t' tit'i f t tI th fiit, i'1 fi1\01% n '1 Ilt ii ,t l f il fît titititi ri fic itr'i fit Pit, iliteîe eîrjovîing walks 10 lte Traalgiar andi Nelsoin cao- vîtl irookolit. Il tcoo itl nîjitt ail, dinrCîurag- vif i Iii linI, staV theiîc trvcî'îîîylitî -aititi-o eatui'ied Ici Mil tro itilfl icrextet torîring, wliîn tiey itîtîe back Io Raitle- stiake andi set ont lu waik io Kemnit Cotiservtion Area via the Niagrara Iracarpovtni. Ai Kelsa ail stttpped fur lunch, aame nienibers itLied 1 heFliai- ton Craîrnin Munio rme aient liitiiip.andi a t crs iito junt pndtire hike lrrr ire Sulinta ii -a fretratersetheraBi-irce lii i)t lite Beaver DOit zjat. Soioe watkct (and ,;omne f bv) ack lu tite Car- aIMil- ion Plaza. Thore laking Itbe irverali hike walked about Il rifles je tbe two days. The clurb witi hi- planning nev- erat more itutinga in the Mi lion arrlnd rrti Hoittîn arca dormeg tbe coming monihs. Dales and loctaiiîns wiuliite publiihed in Ibis riernpaper. SIl' on arein r ares ted in mitre iniormalion, oiiti club presittent Jim Bv- 't'a art Strcetsviltc. 45 Jîtymar Or*. Brrx 301, rtr hv coiiing 826- 369t2; tir flocal member Jrohn i$'trt-,878-3443,'Mitlion. MORrEFOR MOSPITAI. A tvpirorahicat irroriin o t -tnsirti ast[seek's Cham- lin Ofscrediieîl Milton Litons t fîb'n tonds set anidir to ass inîth ibebspitri exparnsion pro- gram. The strîrv as il anspeoreti i tut' piper stîiîi$100 nnas set tsdfritlis pîrpont.- vbie the iti igfuret'hsunldhavi rlies v 1.0iti, Suri s! Enihusiasts Hikers visit fair, parks aFREE Pass -course in tifesaving Ten swimming studenin ailte Kelso Conservation Area swim- ming poiol eard passing grad- esia îthtie 1966 Royail tifeaav. ing Societv course condîîcted ivJn unr arIikonvski, head in- ibtînse vio ermi-il heir. bronze nmedaliion je liiesavio2g inde Ross Johnson, Davi Kalc, Betty Letilehe, Keith UL- Riche, 'Kathy Neweil, John Chair, Steve Chase, Peter Jac- vîbs, Ann Rîthi and Mike Nevers. 14dro sp.ciL., Electric Ri.anlket when you buy a new Electrie Clothes Dryer Untîl Novmber 2-at ail stores wItRrR yau 599 the Hydro SpRcial display. Guite posîbiy pou have neverai gooci reasonis of pour oms for huping an elet' Srt cryer. Bol herens an extellent reason 10 boyrigbl 5w: adouble-bed size elec- trit bianket, compiete wrtb iiiuminated cirai tontroi and Imo-year guarantee. This $24.950vnui o onfree mhen poo boy an eiecîic drper ai any store feaiuring the Hydro Specmai. Wby an eieeînic crper? Il's the nafn, speedy. odourless way to dtp ciothes. t lets pou fotget te headachera of a ciotbeoiine. And il elimi naSes rainy-day deisys. In short an electrit dnyer laves pou more free lime. Visît the store aihere pou see the Hydro Speciai drupiay. Tel lbem youne si-. terested in more ftee time-anci a <tee eiecinic bianket. This off er app/ien on/yton residents of Ontario. MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION This Offer Good ut Any of These Dealers: Crest Hardware 136 Main E. 878-6011 Durnan TV & Appliances 222 Main E. 878-4445 George Bundy 224 Mary St. 878-6912 Richardsons Radio & TV AND APPLIANCES 201 Main E. 878-6949 Chase's Home Appliancesi 181 Miii St. 878-3221 McKim Hardware AND APPUIANCES 260 Main E. 878-9222 Euton's of Canada 223 Main E. ORDER OFFICE 878-2371 Hilton Co-op supplies. Miboen4.org.town-Erin Milton 878-2391 B.d &emg s tua he spam Esrery weelc tire strikes one lhousand Canadian homanes. In lermsofo dollars, that means a yearly loss of about W4,00Q»D0, dite typical bos« fire asreraged $8W0ie damage. But the tragedy is that three- quarters of ail our fire deaths ocear in homes. Andl sot only dearli, or nianv people are hon- ribyIv btrned and often perman- celly scarreil. Pires rarely just 'happen"! Nine ou( Of every les tires are the resulttof oheerecarelesseess andl Ihoughîtesneglecl ot sim. pie preciutions. FORCILL FORCILL YOU ... Cornein now for thal "AIways Righî" Look - don. to suit vour personality. CALL US FOR AN APPOINTMENT Fsien Ieuuty Louagye At 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 Master Dairy Rations Evrth nq t e ilk cw eeds fo o prodcion. Essential vtamns andied rl %V'tih recr.'nsoîy pritein an energy .Fnd viîthaby. slqe o ature fra baleed tiret. Ci'a, Mini",t 16% Dairy Rato. ND Buy n BItno'd Save. *Choose Master Complete Dairy Feeds or Concenitrates MASTER DAIRY AND BEEF FEED FALI SPECIAL 0,, MA TP P PY .. Et IEFD specal f rf$5 00per ton cinîî.îî.tîîîîltf)-31. On ordprsof2ftonrsor $600 pr1 -totri discount wiIIre tillowed. Th,' f, noia .îîfeleds are îrr'fîded. *MASTER DRY AND FITTING RATION *MASTER 1no DAIRY RATION *MASTER 16.o MII.K PRODUCER RATION *MASTE R 24% DAIRY SIJPPI.EMENT 0 MASTER 32%o DAIRY CONCENTRATE *MASTER 40% DAIRY CONCENTRATE *MASTER 32% BREF CATTLE CONCENTRATE *MASTER 50%o BEEF CATTLE CONCENTRATE *MASTER CATTI.E PERKTONE PELLETS li addit ion fInt Cr FElau ndt tny Minter tel îvery discount, W t(,,iailInnr tar a BULK DELIVERY DISCOUNT 0F $500 PER TON if rî(aiîfrîy an fan faken in Iwon o mor moaire ri ornin ton Mf0oi CALL US FOR PRICES NOW 'll llr y forîmr We stock ai fuli lino of! MRASTER FEED CALL OR VISIT US AT MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) 'YOUR ONE STOP FARM SUPPLY CENTRE" QUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY DMAL 877-3512 - Georgetown GET YOUR HYDRO SPECIAL AT RICHARDSON'S FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET VALUE $24.95 WITH A PURCHASE 0F A NEW 0 McCLARY EASY or * GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER 0 Buy on Budget From $14995 Ob Easy Terms RICHARDSON 'S RDI 201~~~~~ ManTVon8864 .......... -rm --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- *bW# ýl p 1 201 Main Milton 878-6949

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