Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 7

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1 --l--------- - ----------- ------------- ------------- 1 TIse Canadien Champion, Wodnesclay, Septamlser 28, 1966 17 R£AL ESTATE 17 RÉAL.ESATE 19 LEGAL 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES CLEABMG tested for pregnancy tiefore sale. CElM CLEARIN S Notice to C.reditors SL Full description and breeding CERN LCIN S L AND» flRSAUICTION S L dates gven on sale day. Cata- AUCTION SALE AUICTION SALE AUC IN SL B~ D PAl!logues on request. Frank Dfotison- At the lu thse Estate of VERNA MYItTLE Or 146 aceVriegsere d n on pedigres. Catte setttig un- Or Cattie, Herses, legs, pastry, The oindersigned lias received C.AT LIVFSTOCK EXCHOANGE GOWAN, ale0fdv 'low gade Para retaer d uer cuver. Impiementa etc. instructiotns to Seit]li pubtic RR6Gt ___________ofte____ gadeHolten Cattie, TractontaRR , at nN. 7Hgw liiEginonAv. 0fDuilgtoivtie Cuny mpeieataua, ee, oue.TRACTOR & IMPLEMIINTS-- auc lion, jusi west ai Mitton, 7tm-es*.. ofNa.97 -ighway ofrItallen, deeeased. hoid Gooda ec. Ferguson tractor, in gond candi- The ondervigned lias received t caiedo'4 on. a in Si WesonaSelling i]ls ses of i reo. I neom HomeToronto, Ont. -9t!oni; Massey Fergilsan tracter instructions from fhaif gtoi14 cn, tCNR s iamoy el. i lassn ielc - PesanshavHgorams gainst Thse ondersigned lias received manure spre-ader; lot. No. 45 JAMES Î. L0NGSTftEET l Fgl ondr CRvha.and poalti in. heated tirera. 'LageaIdr tpe brck ome Persansove-nme, wo iedonistolinsiombaler; Ford 2-row corn planter* nrEveryTuesday eveninf. 7 p.m. sehere you mas live spaciously Early Possession itie 2nct ni March, 1957, are re- LLOYD RI MickD rar 3- cullvalr McCor- o -seI by ancin aiIhefa, VEIEBAL ro.ad uiine n large 3-bedroom apariment Splii.ievel brick home, on a large qe-ired '10 send parliculars ofsaid To seli by auciion ai the amickand erintraerdilcel; wItier on ie2ilenv Twp suin- AU AY silh double living rouais, se- loti 66 s 200 viih paved drive, claims ta flice andersigned an or loi 11, con. 9, Twp. of arnsin ri rco rl;NwIe aid2mlsnrha aln AUDY OCTOBER 1, 1966ý CARL ROTH parte inng enîtErdlane. vvî'triacter mouler, 7 fi. cul; John'lad. 2 miles souh <ol Ni. 24 Commcncing O2 podren ivcoonand arge' jilcotSliing toun istlli el rtiehe l4th iof Ociober 966,îî îîed an 1he 9(h Line, adiain-Der PT.O.f0 ide deivery akte, lia-..ion AtO1ISIIUN CarplIl F and Iscc i en md frntli2tii. ioaîîîtttnt, 3îedritutn îd L i alert thlihdale [lie le îil it, (lic illage o ia, ciion k iv A; No\ ulea36' gvnettl SATIRDAY, OCTOBER lot tcIIOLmi i'IN ATî,L -- cou t Y~l AUCTION SALE .itdaio eciv tcus an 2large blîlihlkitchen uilli cal- lie dislcibuiv-d, hoing regard on- SATURDAY, OCTOBER list ' e tli bi îîni înîd-ig.î .1 g.vit, 1crsh , vvtninsiiglpn esio aarlevi, ieali b iîg aiea, !panelird and iled 'iv la claims receivecl. Coumencivg i 12.30 p.. 1 Cvdr cr r v oilowcinga 10Il sap,ýcîîa1-est, mi lioa-, lid Haiseni;,0 oesFeirArCni aied close te dosnloa- area 'cee. r-oma wilh ssalk-oiîl lu Dated ai Miton, Ontario, Ibis Sharp, te foltowing: vt;1 i.weecurivaor;pe3-6ithelloig and convenieni otshools, love- N iues3 p cornivao;3'11cw nll lw rdHl Sone poio, ienced back yard 27îh day ni Seplember, 1966. 55 REG. & GRADE HOLSTEINvlesonlddx"dag*rig 44 HEAD 0F CATTLE, consisi- 1 cîîw, l'rushin May, breui t-oi-hure y loi and garage. Priced aI silli pivacv. Asking $20000 CWS- The herd consisîs ni mol culvor; tirh.p. lcric n iHiiivcal-e csli;Ilricaihiebe -2, 0wih9,00OP w-it i$5.8000 DP. BoLDEMtn, OD, fehadvrvigcas mater; 20'grain amger; pna-eran ci Hereford vîockecs -Regis-I Angas; i yearling hiler, brect The propi-ety af S2ic itioo t., R.OjP. wiib full pedigrees. Top emery: Woocl s oaî coller. îeced Holvîcin hefier wi-lb cou t1 Hereford; t vearling huiler, seil- 5 Roomn Bungalow Socinyo h ousg Thorn Lea daughiers. ThiHs SHOD00aiWom foot; 4 Hosinl coa-v, due in!if 0open; ItHolstein caui, 5 mos. FRANK MeIIARDIE \%itri o ig 2-bemtoom bungalow, living, dis- Amiivrlo. 9c3 h .awas heen Pehige rod- HhUi'n;paobec;2pceDec.; 2 Hlstein heilers, sprivg- ld. Miltoîn, in the Agriclinrat Here iv a Warmn, coiorlabie, ing nnam, kitchen and bathi-hingir ad -PsreenPremier testeflhdinouiante;chl; s-pi 0; Holvtinohiler, bred 2 mos.; a-HOGS - 3 bcood soa-s, i due Hall. Milton tFairgroands, on aider type home, iv imniacut- ou, full'baisement i scllnew bblrad-rme Bedr ceirîl oi;vccl;sw 2 Shnrihurn cows, une wilh cali ansimie, I bced Aag., t bced SARAYOCBE t aie condition, ideal for -hecec- gas lornace, separale garage, TO BUY? To -Rent? Transpor- Wellington Coun Black and '%gmachine; radio; bedroarn ai loli; 2 Hostein heiters, ai> Sept. 1; Il cbuîîkv, appcos. 150 S A i 1.30 shaOBrp. s ovomical bayer wbo needs 3 tcaled close la Sciant and lalion? Place a Cissiied in' the White Show. There are 10 grade dîshes; eleclric Stase- ravoelle; pcoximalely 700 itis. cadi, open; h Ib. cach; 10 smail pifs. 10 wceks Ai ndi3ovnShva5r4pi iiedroams, taerge living ruom, shopping. Eaciv possession. Champiov. heiers readv tii nreed. severat vrockv; rocking chairs; oi 4 a-ile iaced sieurs, appros. 7501 aid.Arcniinrc 50i ircdt ela $250vil amps, quilis, dîshes, Soine verv 6.vaiy hl ae îev AGAN&SRWA ue c hsaril n eaedinitif coorniand Pnicd o di ai5i2,00 suili s Cowssaitnid; 2 bedsleads; spcivgs and is a hti 5 6.ec;al ae d pros.GiIoN &i chTms avi Ai-ane vd-hs-;AmraieTV; aik large kiichev and baibcoom, $2.600 .P. anialîresses; conon bedviead; drevv- appas. e; n-mirav-c;iric toait lresel k-i ~ vc; ts; icnoch tabi es pi- hiler, ainîros. 650 ibs.; i0 Hol- bcet.n 800-1,000 bus 1 iRodne"inv etrcsive; reicigeralor lctdun large,1cml heiters. qiran; 6ooc12tamos. pic-vS.apîtnils9 o bit. wa-neciiv ft--; nar nets-Hoover lo, vlae late nai, shopping Building Lots and ti iies rm6I 2 e. us 0 u neA A ree e and downlosmn Milton. Dont îîît îbraîlis.tt; vicher caile: 10sileurs and a-bv-ti; 100 bie c i vtn liai vauu - n-c; elecicicirtner; miss il.Easy litîncing -lb Acreges i ~VV1111TE E-ARM - Ai flitesanie vttsid ARMw FEMNS ondining tble and 4 maiching usiner iaking bav-k mi mot-iBuiling lois and acceoges mu[rome vdpac.li fna-i le -HOSS-T-iiii okvc doc FàM IgavoEtîte -onichars; oak china cabinct; single gage. Aking 13,00. i avci 20 acres, scenîc lois. finied, lcetheiivg n t46 ac1 HE -Tcs vibiitnaiegoo(i if l 1- s ilion 1,000 îvîîcing bot0s-e, spigualesîdmact clvoseue and nigha-bvieons. BAUTY SALON DECORATINO nmure or iesvs. This i a gond la-ni hacîîvvv, single and double; 4-1iis trclvter iv mlvilike news-- Joh ing aide tdresser; 1,i lied and cls ieOfee odave l air iaavvd in_________in_______ a ahigh statu ni cîlîivaliun. On ve- îî Pinta geiding Deecv- pull type combine,' 7 il malching div-si; commode; 2 Vou[euylie farta iv erecivd an -roomu IS-6 ens.ctt.aiso 051like nets; Johnivmaii higli clests ai drawerv; 50 acres ni good garden soit Ouc propecties are seling and Voguefl DrnSalonb1rick bouse, modemn bath ili i IS1 euk.Dee1a ocr 7î.ci ceiar chesi; 2 budroucnes. and sanie wnndand ivîlli gond ea-etre in need ai more isingsî OIFURr eylurnace, beauîiirla-n. Also ai FOULITRY - 30 Whiie Rock paini hidi; vide deiivervcake - ýnear netsa,; u,7 s 12 Il.; scot-r bouse and barni, excellent loc- ni al types ai properîles. For A1NE 3 - rouitoparîmeni a-it bath. vealing lbeys; t-Intd'ian R..- (a-heel lype); 3-iurroa- Initervai- rogv;3amcar; oiîo ation an paved road, 4 miles fasi service avd ponevrestaîîs Designed lusi Por You »roauiOom largv- vtnk barn 96 s 78 vt-inec doîcks:;tro Golden Pheas lavai plots. 3-pointith, 10" B- 3entd tables; coiiee table; TV front. No. 5 Ha-y. rice $40,000. ichen buving or seling, coul vomr -aitd - R * Residenlial goustbles. Sialis foc 56 ,oss.ani,; 6 hanianis. 2lco-îîraivîpl tables- fleur and table Iamps; bas stils. stable cieaver. miik- IiFEET tllirirdpoi nv-nioa obeil ridge table and 4 chatirs; lots- 6 acre lo i sellgond garden soit local Kelli repreventlivse. OMPLETE BEAUTY SEICE, *ldiii1 n qiun. o ii - ni osagn; T-iacn- ruliber iced pvv ternioalro dou e die; t-ficsdrptvcrr;uaI and lovely location ion build- nuCi 726 *Cmeca iiiing machine aiih puîmp and p(,%%; 3-limr idecrakte; niartre rîîn giain dciii; John Deece waa kitchen lable. ing our drearn home, on pov- Mrs. Stella rarton, pipv-sfla 56 cous,.itis alwavît spietîder; dotbe divc; 5 Il. gontmnîh rock Irublier iredi; 2 siep chairs; atjusiabie bospi- ed road, close tautain igb- 192 Main Street Inlvstock readv-made had a1,400 lbt. per dos- miii con- militer; 7 Il. lI.. binder; 15-bolsteevl- uliv-el wagon wiillrtack; ,i t able; van loup; dlock; bath- stan. Price $7000. 878-6705 Fac Cîsîonm Service tract. This iv a gond location on sa-oh driii; -M.H. ib.piteisedu; bas set i t ii g liarows; 2.000 lb. roo ttble; lgsampomn;toling 5paved coad. Seiling subjec ut laîler. mp cake; coller; outi- fam cîev i brc-l pimp; ai ni lvt al-îginune;lc aval stainitssctkv- ite- inicinces;wiliedding cvses- hd.Te arTai i vîîr;45g.licviirn uan k;v-v-tt 1crmîi 'epr il,;qepladcuvThiionashile Atractive 3 - bedionni home. in 878-3551 HIRS LNGtTrnis in Retî la evtile; itm eîuvtîratlr; miii cmrt; 1,000 sleu]ttitti 1;15ilu. pollclaie; ptîil .eplîdvc. TIi5 vandeter brick and Stone, large sione 17c' 198Mill Si. - Milonu 228 Main Si. 878-20671 on uiaret s ale, 3tt1ôa-bey pas lbt. calc,; pig îîîuhv; ls; ouihtîîîî gleive; 6 îmîkpltnks -12 t- ttaveragtir. ireploce iv living rooni. sep-,t2c vs~î s~ iven nor bel tit shotvelv; titis andotiler atiieles il. in îdngt; and titiu c v ounr.bi urdadac aale ivivg ruent, large laun- CALL 878-3263 -iNov. 1, 1966. Balance mas- e- ttitt iitiietotu me0nition. n mre sniail articles ta ni iton. to- ni-e ikitchen. full baemev i s-ih FOR__________________utn unnitriguge for 9 vcrs TERMS: Ca,vhcilvîri on SOME HOUSEHOLD FURNI-itne Itvvttslcii.1 boih-m garage., nirveIlousý A.E sP G 'il iveresi tii 61ot. (mimut iii e. TiiRE. c, - sTERMS: CASH. viea- adds un lie clan olt lis *Modmern Equpuent OMNERAL C UCOS TERMS: Cashmssith cci titi Noiversevtîs priprieloriir ~No recrve. Oss vi vi gvng up inveis home. Aking 24.00. REAITORS LIMITED daIo sale. giiiig(fi' îruing. Ltcuing.1 FRANK FETCH, Amcioneer, Would consider gnnd oiher. Member of ilie To ranoOntario *Expert Sisuling, Cntoring, RY#Ik No reserve asowner 5 goiig Propriettror i, îdicionecr t Codiî tiolvni oSlCse h.cttuL l- n oTo.c e. 8720h43 and Oakville - Trafalgar Real c-52-i, ua lie ar usns. rosponsin lvin cise ai accimiettic-l ______________ .Buving or seling, cmiiistuor Gili- Estale Boards -Bî~î~Osne netrevptinvible iv case sttle dos. __________BUILDING_____ni__Owster mîtdtîmciîînecvr nulmcv- sou WitlouivLîemI 3 eas Cvunuos eric SERVICE CONTRACTORS ITO. R:lrcshuevi boolli. -C. H. TUFFIN & C. R. ROTH, ptvil a icdv nvl MORE AUCTION SALES OAKVILLE * ome lmpeaveaseiits I W-M A. GIBSON,-Aîîctioveen. <3Aîîcîimnceecv nhtite 856-4246. t-IRSA CDTN WILL BE FOUND ON AnnaArcIie Cirn HOM AND7 ACES CPHAL ELCTRI * enovations PoeGulhTA 4-1478.0. W. -Main. cierk. iî agdk ci 02 340 Marci St, n OE 4AN1AES* tiraioalont5 Wiveier, cieri. 20h13 nui. h12 a13 fulau v21 Auctioneci - phone 878-2576. ON PAGE EIGHT Phone 878-6980 $23.000, 1400' of iruiviage. mn Oîhi INDUSTRIAL ti Additions 17c21 Line, Ilu miles btuVe Nu v *CMMRCALCommercial or tadustrial Ha-y., soid aid 9-ron homn,.l CMEIA locatted on ive imva lion. au-1 * DOMESTIC UL 42263 For Sersicee and Satisfaction ong sialeIn vs muitand even-i * ELECTRIC HEATING CL Consult ~green trcs, needs lie bontts- - A Cnotmns louc, lots oil aaec.! IRVING ROOFING 1 newu umlieotiung. escellent stii Complete Electric Home For BRIAN BEST bas -ftrle psiigthies. periv 66 Charles St. - S ROOFING EAVESTROIJGIIN Realtor and Insurance nient. Cail Tutu Bradley 878- 878-9513 R-oin u pcai 9949___________________________1 Carpetirs Work ni Ail Kivds 94.i Phone 878-6020 or 87-9303 310 Main Si.,,Hilton MLO TV and RADIO SERVICE - MILTON - MILTON -Free Estiuates 878-6292 878-6592 8 ACRES AND HAPPINESS ALL WORK GUARANTEEF DURNAN 2Ct 57.00 n iev u ofen.a uivin TV AND APPLIANCES ______________ COU.NTRY SETTING sil a vida- parce] ni land compcived afi for milev - Brick andi stonei richvmivds boau. -vear grootl SALES & SERVICEOADNSRIS bungalow,. on loge lti118 xn foh song ifletrcs-e, perieci t lipGATVDETapeERcorder 150 conisiing ai 3 betirovini, hiildin, ite t ,hît f tis a tirPC.A. s TVerea Vppincea spacinus kilcien. livivg rouni pv-avant vieus. C liTtniBroui-'o om s tirandscaping'V, ppiac soli Stone impace. separa iv- ici 878-9543. tir Sparlun TV and Suee om s adcpn dning rooni.flubasemeni 2 ANS. T 45 CNRCO . ssîh vni anvte asingle atiaci- MOFFAT 12MANST -t0 ONRCO cd garage. Cali Bah Cross,078- 91' ACRES a Seeding and svdding. 6292 tr 8784892. Asking prive REFRIOIRATION eWe paig 23,00. 3,500, 9', tacres utf ici ogetiee sryig ESOUESING TWP. - 47 cres ganhvatiatcl t ooieIeFertiliiing. of vcan lad, ituied31ý lomates uicfcuit, baiv-îiîhîKINGaTretimig oh vatunuiand viiî,uie t3rucs,'tmile Iran illage amd - fîýeTe rmig miles fom Miton, onoapas- o--metngtt g0e îmu ED(EDTCl OPoios, ed roui. FPoli doa-n paviets vmentn odgaelraý RxLoIGE~Rxrs..O S6000. 426' n 1010 lIoI. A sount i nvevi- 8 -36 menu. Cmil Tom Braîdley 878-ý INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL 8836 MARTIN ST. - Evecolive hume, 9543. and DOMESTIC 2IeIf onecltcn dit 15invdiapd ad$22,000 asîing pice fon lhiii SALES & SERVICE _______________ onmeed' l185.This cnsistnd doa-ntoîn ivcome pcopeciv. Reliable and Efficient ORNAMENTAL IRON tedltThscniiofa consistivg of 3 convpiceIeiv sel-____ __ lpivinsad L-shapedomhinaon cnauvdaauei n a. CAMPBELLVILLE RAILINGS - AWNINGS live i a u and inig o aum- ages. close la aileolsadWROUGHT IRON WORK euet uir a -ae i laah inoa- shopping. Opev la ofe. Caii 854-2228 Cati bton an tohn [nde fast cu-Mc.'Duik 854-2553. c-48-tî iro.3 emus aiih iuil-in Appleis Lne. Kelvo rea. 8 aces Milton choveus and cupboards. coloneti neantittils ireed a-tii SeutliPITN N EOAT ra etlIo ceuamîc tiiedthriaiooni. fatl gincPAmlTgNGttANDîiiivg us-ih divideul hast-menu, rc-dîtoion 2 ptonds. A perieci spoltico sec- ý..tCO pr op rmuum, 2-piete aashmoîîu, sion- fusion. $8.000 toi price. Cmii I VNOEE 878-9827 ýtsprof- age roumi, a-on area, forced Mc. Dodnik 854-2553. GLVNO E c-Il mir il haling. 2-car garage, viavsvclIfîcepnes ANTN________________ paved diveuav. mnavexsimav. have_________10acre________PAINTIN slorms andl scneenv. TV arien- in Mottmai rea, suitt- sîtti nawtr otne.P ucdt 5900 clown-, stme itr $3600 Contractor WELL ORILLINO'0B eu mn sel] wiil inimediale occupai- Iful prive. Coul Mrs. Dmdnik 854- Industrial - Residnta ion lau 525000. Cali Brian Rev. 2553. 17c21 ntrot-extir INVESTMENT PROPERTY Cal none for Free Estimatea WELL DRILLINO Cvnualv locaied uiplen. onlyý 18 TENDERS 878-6137 J. B. RUTTAN 63' s 178 lavdscaped loi, eiec-OrWieR.2MitnOn.Bamn osi..baufly etth Codn uicaiy heaied, 2 ni thîe opar- TN ESBon 1347, Milton Phonte BringluL& NEtuon 4-602ý ardsilgnea d u diu a hppg tn 'f. Btnlflin tra-in sa.nt. cmyinietien -don aii.t tevus f,'67: ta v a-chn ith dining anc a, bt- FOR OIL sempor inos it oi vlhdrivgnyu tappgiinl. Newn. lch miooinudvtvnOv,îioi kilcind bail: n. heSEWING MACHINES~ CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY aeitpweriienv oiniiontar lot a-idvenfou hoppg ihird apaiment iaving 2 lied- Seaiei tenders, pcopenhv mark- wt puai perfrnse uve nv nhodoa cehapper reliai. eniaI income 1 t-60 t, yl lvcaccupted iv Milon hacea Drmp in ots uPonvtiiacdae on n n invov Lited pice $32000. ColArt epaate SholBoartma 1?Xppy SIN ERMILTON vtai happisassaoh ally got v. îouiBeo nn. wili No. 2 Fuenacv- Fuel ii. SEWING MACHINE UPHOLSTERY For Ail Your Real Estate Te ndens must vpeciiy in hbid Non oa-ned and opeated by prie and wsilI close ai 6 g.m., SALES - SERVICE Lorne Arhur Lansducavtedren e-On dlsplay tomorraw lit adTiunsday, Ocoben 13, 1966. R N A LPOE8899 InsraceReuiemnt esailyace--e. HOE-7-01 R.R. J Miton AT YOUR PONTIAC DEALER9Beonsomsm port Couope 1 ' lui , 17c2l

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