Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 6

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Sum erimeisRunning jOute. But Anytimfe is Classified Time IBIRTHS DEATHS COMING EVENTS CL S I I D R T S7 WANTED 8 HELP WAUTED 16 SERVICES APJNOLIO - Mar. and Mrs. Don BIRD, David Lorne -Suddeniy, Centennial 'Froject FailY LIVE POULTRY, OSoE N FEMALE office cleasa part BRICK, mtone andu bloc wr, Arnid (ne Cinhi f .R.5,on Friday, Septembet' 23, 1966, Nigh,, Percy ry Schooi, Fr1- Thehn. lb Canadien 191 main et. DUJOK VEATIOBRS, fealser licitlie, evenings, Oakviiie area, uni- firePices. =dmes,, caobulit Milton, are pieased 10 announce at 'bis home, RR. 3, Georgetownl, dayspemr 30.78 p.m. Films, 91-51 Chaeio MOlon. 776rl Bihe l iee cS. rit i. orm sox9e. Write 45 Champion n Roe . R. Prie Cao os the birth of their son, Richard Davidi Liii 13i:!,n !ii 3üli a dancing, rcfreshmenls. Aduits BIRTIIS, DEATOIR, MARRIAGES, FORTHCOMIP1O MARRIAGES. paecBe LEnx5.74g-84262ibfi8 Mais ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - wegt6iaa sitnyc;drbah"c ehr f191.00 Studentisft SOc. bij school ENGAGEMÎNTS - N. charge. enn-HUdson 5-2030. 7cf48 MALE floor cleaners, foul and District Hospital un Monday, Tarzweli, Ont. and the laie Aima ebjà,cen accom.paisied by par- FOR SALE. FOR RENT, ETC. - iil2 minimsm charge for 15 enn cf48parilme, Oakviile ares, uni ED. MCMULLEN September 26, 1966. A brother (Mrs. T. J. Brstwnrtidgel, Wtrid. est Ille. c2i-i547 wornia - Oc per word tisereaiter. Subsequest insertionsa (no< USBD fsarniture and antique foris siappiied. Write Champion Cnrco for Chris and Cathy. Hossard anti Arthuîr. Spy chsanges) - *$1.00 minimum charge for i5 worda. Oc Fer pieces, brass, ornaments, glasis Box 91. 81-43*ialrgCentr orl Fuserai service oas t rom h fic Travet and 'Adventure coior word thereafter. et. as2fr iee r oue iBERTASSON - Mr. and r. lCsrFatrilae.Gag-films, sponsored hy the Rotary etc.rsiialoe frcs pCasht hi or 1 Oaviiec ro use - 'BB0itr dy ek Chateing eys n Firae Dase Brttssttj se aitti t oni sut da \ asîd.is .1 lit i- CbutMlnsa Wdedy. COMîNG EVENTS, CARDa 0F THANKS - $1,25 for fient Ève siure and antique dealer. Oak. prefer is my own home, i chiid, 0 Exterior Stocco of 82 Miles S e lliulL A.csî IeýIl fc eiec c 6 eta ikt u i ises. 10e foc ecri additional tise, ville Furniture, 227 Lakeshure E. 2 veers. Writc Box 94, Candian tseii ear annousnce the hirils of tîeir Miltont. b pellrla miee otily $5, studetess IN MEMORIAM - $1.25 plus tace per tise af verse. hae8504. 7.23-1461 Champion. 8c1-1520 Phone Acton 853-1818 son, wight 7lbs., ozs.,ai Mil $2.50 Availble frm Ro CLASSI CA ISDFDISPLAY.Y RELALSESTA-T$140 p1r.40uper incotumonei4"2h1 ton 'District Hospital on Septein- HOOD, Caraline At the King- and in local stores. Asit for fre Dait hacaafeto ..Mna.______________ SHIFPT WORKER or semi-retir- 1lSd! ber 20, 19Mt. stan Guteural Hospital, on Soin- descriptive 'brochure. c24-1457 Dedln ibis~ clasiicaio - 5 cdm mada.is with ~Tt~y dav, September 25, 1966, Caroline - BOXL WANTEDS sparsofce-2e diioae me mb cas. 'Appiy FerP O BROW John and Linda f(nue Elizabeith Morgan, King St. Gan- T8 Unierit Wumcns Clb________________sooiMr. 20Wodae nousce the hbirth ot their dctugh- G.îli Id George Haad' decr mu- îsg ai the home of 'Mrs. F. D. 'MATUREadytu_____for_______ tcr, Crystl Anse, sseigbî 7 fils.. ilier i-o Mît. Louis Honlick Tbompson on Tbursday, Ortobr cicidsh ,imdae SOl You're iooking for part- edSokRr va 7 c. uo brsd1ts, Seplembet jGelil cktta'Oorge M. 6, ai.15 P"1ii The speaker stiî'î 6 The Ca>nadian Champion, Wed>nesday, Septembet' 28, 1966 ly.i cil' h78-5e5 , 81im 2 ilainsui. ais ai s is I 22, 1966. et flie Totosnto Western Hood, Mutai and Jolbs E. Mod be Mrs. T. '> ode rvnilOut about a 'Foiler opportunityMgesCahpisfodadr Hospital. Aneistet: oire sister, Mrs. R. E: ditecior l'or Ontario West. The tu- 1 FOR SALE 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPER for elderiy in Milton. Apply Fersonnel Mgr., dlihstab sh cs anfordea o Jabstoat ',Marion), Toronto. pic is *'The C.F.U.W.' b2t-1496 moman, iight dues, live ini. 878- 5248 Woudhaven Dr., Burlingtos, dsbei osan oss DREWBROK -Mr.cndMm.s Foreraiî service stas frum the First annuel "Full Fantasy" FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, vcry BADGER bora rcaners; silo un- 65or8099. S2104637-7069. 8c2i.1485 Licence No. FGC 349C6 226RP65 Groffrey Dreîs-Brauk of Horn. Grîce Untitedt Chumie , G.nnoque, dtance, Fridey, Octoher 7, in lhec dean and in goud runnisg cus- loaders; l'orage wagons and auget' -MAN for egg grading station, WH ES EPhn Znih995 hy are happy lu ennuce tbe Ttîesd,îv alterttacn, Intervient Legios Hall, Miltosooe on, n,$0 7-3406. lr21.1536 feeders. Earl ýE. Snow, 87846 4 o5dyweMpeLtge hirh f ielr sit Dr' A P rospect ceesetety, Toronto, on is v the Ladies' Ausiiiary of the ADIG AHIE, ycwi rew, weight 8 lbs.. 2 oct., i Ock' Wednesd.iy .it 2 p.ni. NotAeloDsscaioIoNte421G3 ForaisS Narval,- 865-8340. DISTRIBUTOR 16etf viiie.Trafalgar Memorial Has0pli-t atn soito ortetr o sale or rentai. Fhone 87-tOXfoag hrvstrs 2o ai on September 21, 1966. A br'ur STEWART, AlI Hmitn-MnayRerddBtir rhlrsfr88 FO foge aeeearp- Waslcd hy major Tire Coin- for Farisia,îîiiAî Gîel1hGne'î Hm piln sr.Prcs ar adrfrh 62, Hrris Stationery. ictf-4i7 hiowet's and forage wagons. Min- OCCASIONAL part - time of- .pasy for Milton and sut'round- aI ther frGealîres', 6962 HaiA ulh ee optl et. eplsMln qimet allc epsrtetpn eurd ingac.Mnmmaotrto antRnhLd aitrt o Sttuttd.st Septembert 24, 1966, ments Admission 53,50 Pet' LADIES' mouton jacket, tOCe Snow 878-406. 4c2i.i2371 Rply Box 95, Cenadian Champ- capital required. Reply Cipe n iaidCw AIer Hmita Sesar. iibi ctple. Everyose svetcamc, Fro- 14-16, ins excellent condition, i >Ref82112 ICASZYCKI-Mr. cnd Mrs. Fî'.nk S2id \ir, belased ushcnd of .eeds tut' Aduit Workshop pro- yeer oid. Phoise 878-132.CAAANC MIONndHre Kaszycki lice Molleer) of 384 Marci te H.mnîntnd; rallier' of Jeau - .___ 2-18lc2t-t487 PRIVATE SALE -TRUCK driver. esxperienrcd. 25 BOX 89. 24 Houe Service Martin St., Multas, Ont., are pieti- Ainet t, utesesed: brather ai lu 35 years of age, for Toronto Sc21 se oantnetebrho ae i\LrWib. Speci.ît Harsesi Thanksgiving 'POLAROID Land carnera, pic- 35 Massey 'Perguson deluse! delivers, 511* day week. must - Lic. Nos. 133-RF. 20&-ffl scd10asoone bebisthai3.sne. tes.,tWlsth'. Sel-vic'es et St. George's Angli- turcs in a minute. Cosi oser $2001!ru-lot'o astIJ impicmnlns isclud- have gooýd drivise record, Appiy 21, oct., et Mihon District Hos- lie t e i Fttter.tt Home on Guelpb Lise, Borîisgîos) on Sun- 878-3406. tc2t-l537 _iLrr PitO wdsclia-iCesn apeLdeFr Company in Rexdale Waterdown MU 9-1044 pital on Wednesdey, September Tucsd.tvclternuon. Isterment in dcv. Octoher 2, 196. Il Caim. -R' tut"- - fr post bote digger. chais bar- Norvel, 865-8340. 8c2l1551 Requires 6t 21, 1966. St. D.tsid's cenîetery. Campbell- Morsisf Prayer ansd Sermon bv R- andi maiebiaf dresser.l!rom, megon with nesv lires. Al tille. thce o.730pm Eei arrriage, reirigerelor., chrome in gou condition. Alto HuIt HELP WANTED MATURE WOMANPerP.Loe KNEALE - Mr. andi Mrv. L.sîrs the Retr .0 .b"Eei table end chairs. coilc lebte. mou-et', like acu-. Kneate of R.R. 3, Milton, aierc ______________ Ps .ver and Ser-non th Rev 87-07lc2l.1543 Oss'ing ta the increase in bu-Pe rP.Lo r picasedti 1 asnoose tlise birîb Harv Markic, MA., reclor of 878-2027. ____ 878-2005 After 6 p.m. eess in the Milton and Acton Fat' packaging andi light stere- of their sas. 'Michael Cbristcph- CARDS OF THANKS Chrtist Churc. Boaton. u-ith St.I GRAIN storage tecks, 8' dia. x 4ciarse sosareqaire a satcsraan bouse dulies. Frec transporta- Carpentry er, weigbi 6 lbs.. Il ocs., ci Mil - John's Chcrcb. Cesliemore. Dia- 30,; 5 die. s 15'; 6' dia, x 16'. Coin- or saieslatis ta serve for these ion iront Milton. FrFaecdTiiWr ton District Hospital an Septem- 1 %itutLa tlî.îtk iv alts' mm eseof Toronto. c21-1412 picte grais cevatuit (caps). ---a re,îs. Esperiesce preferreti but umFrtianTr Wk ber 26, 19M6. A broiber lft' David. liîcit ans ,itîeliiise oi larieir* Phase 878-9385. tc2t 1521 sut essesliai. Good commission CALL APTER 6 P.M. Repeirs - Alterations ,itd sd leeis us FOR SALE rates. Ccli SYDNEY K. LAMBol, MacLEOD Mr. .snd Mrs. Mesr-i"ss iccentiiîtttes .inu si.i5ý 1 FOR SALE THSL ay are ectar, in Actas, $53-1030. 878-3113 Phone 854-9886 vnMacLcad (nue Edna Stoks- niSlJîisptis, Hoispitail, good condition, $20: ginls 3-piie BY TENDER 8c20 8c21 R.R. 1, CAMPRELLVILLE. es), R..1 Ahi Otar lu bloc coat sel. sice 4, good condi--_____ ai, . t, Annuct Oticreh 01e \~' Is, K.stlen Bell. BOX smiliecr, 60" by 64". 878- lias, $10. 878-3152. 1tc22-1498 Scled tenders stiti be receivcd "--- -16c23 their daugbter, Mergarei Ans, Mi ,ac 6923 s.l-0 M---, - lig bs' the undersigneti up lu 5 p5ai., WANTED ORDER EDITOR 693 Mic2i-i6 olln3 SIMPLICITY elecînir drvet; S .ept. 30, 1966, for tisa purchese________________ sveighi 7 lbs.. 10 ces., .st Milton R.R 2, Milln titi,ssh ta express LARGE cri b unîd mattress, 878- junior bced, complte i mu spriee ut t Internattional Diesel CrawlerM NLaemauaurr eqis District Hospitasl oni September terl siiîseictheînks fi) their a325. 1c21-1495 and matires: baby crib 27 s Si; Tracctr stilliV sausa plost and isANtLogal yonufagt'mas lafu ot 7 EA STT 27. 1966. Wee sister lmsr Bu0b'bs ' naitii t su, isctglibcrs asnd -is ioe04-53 c119 s'isg, iselign goaii memasna con Tul peuss a17utv REta itosutode eilr Jcan, Marilyn, Neii cmnd Norma.s't il. tises, lur the bemultlul flmits-ý SIGNS ot ait kinds. Ray Guay. 'in.Pi e85-53 cl9 dili. alo, i Recau-ver con-s's Tuy e husinets.e Pel iino refer idisiul tulrHAK er 0ii n ogauao,ý78-2150. Ictf-597 14 Fl. CEDAR sirip hui, 18 cabusiness.iperast ge MoILANSiai ndAieeo cs tîs md .ssgctm. ýOJý h.r~ "~" " p. muior; and 2,000 lb. capac- et' Apply: posssirtsidcigemc- iuesge 2, iheiss.mji utt. abrir DUOas TEMpceear it ' îr.îer 0. raihbe anîd sstrisndcigameh R..2,Hrby n..cepl.Goîlden Wedding Aissîvemuars. laitî. 87"-391. lc21-1549 lirss celen co3 dtion Y $15. b ical or engineering aptitude. To tice 10 property ou-sers wbo cd ta annoosce the ai'rivaîl of a c2i 1522 Mtres mlincodinl. Abuse equipînestiav bc in- CANADIAN TIRE CORP. As cosiomcr contact is isvolved. camme sn or office 'lot week and son, weigbt 9 fins., 3 sizs., ail FRIGIDAIRE rei'riget'ator. cross 878-2085. ic2l-t556 specied aitie Nassagassesa Tmp. a pesent tetephone personaiiy iisted iheir properties 'witb us Feel Memoriai Hospital as Tus t ttaiihd tise tui tlîîk t icsds top fîrezer. 8778-9m. l O O IL IEhuigyorgrge ..I.Cmbiiil. îtns eic. iiu euaioad'c a ssr haio0u day. Sepiember 20. 1966. A bia Milton msibbm' orird Mihiir cardsoad ecn sue hmofo ther for Janet asd Joanne. anmdei aiil î i.,( mîîDr. Dl QUANTITY ut horse masure, builIding malerials and cool ai Separete tenders acceptable. grade 13. besi attention. Aikm.uhs.ud. and diutrsnd su is-878-2005 aimer 6 p.m. lc2l1i499 Crawford's, Campbeliville. Ouick 8c21 aavt ccmesrt oeet ilOrcins SALES - Ken and Gloria lttie et amnd staflf mot Milton District'" PAI --d -i-vlk sas service. High quaiity. Phsone Higbesi or asv tender not se- ' b experirisce and cducalios. aeeds sabo are stiil os the stait- Boydl oi 59 Heslop Rd. M- teHaspîtal tour tieir kisdtaitestian PATOleand price a et 70.26. Camphettville 854-2232. Iclf-4i6ce50t'ily eccepind. py rvisexnieislsIseaestldeprti ton, arc piesedtu assauts se thible t sa.ms a patient apeia 878-23.t4 UG RN rIi~, Â PE PIK R c inst ed ofmre sting ds If y birth of 'tbcir sas, Bries Edsvcrd. tb.sk lu Net K.s La McGatt4 LARGE glossy prnls of 05- RAT MMIN P L Suprisendil roa y ut oie extbsivde i skig of eiing.I you ____7__. 1ioz. iMitnthntuRv adian Champion safphotos, odSprnednrneo AINrrseel sb isom ac, atkgo b sein o a rrg Distrit 7oital-i' oct. SeteMlmes lîr hîsd worîsds. Sinees WHITE "Empire" coat and 5 x 7 size SI; 8 s 10 sie $1.25; Tsvp. af Nassuîgacra. and GRAD~ERS- triage besclts. gove, fa e bcaiess-3i or 878-ge District. Hoptai fos reptembe cll 1535 mls.M,,ise Madulle. iscaul kitceî range. 870-9997. plastlas. Cash must occompesy RR. I, Campheilvitie. Appty in a-'tn loc33Oeut our fri-3212yorcour. 23. 1966.w Irlhr orBeda c2îî1555 oartier. Esquire now aI Champion Pliotie 416-854-2206. 4h21 L.IIUDLEIGH BROS.Apyi rtntu 93. Oneo'ftmc fiel , pecur WHTH.M Mr.md is Nîî- stauld lise tIo .msknîmsledge the MANURE. pile ofl bara masi- 0i ~etiiim vstri- lofc O anS. itn el8822 CANADIAN METER la comae asti see you. No oblig- aidWehm(u dns 3 ra cso id- d nd ieiemiku tu eoeOt 3 7 -75aion. Or rai aur Acton office. 78Hgbei. to anrc Aicsed it is .îsîs ntes eirds niueFcu '87-945 belore ct. CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TU- Sitmili îcs Nu climnsg. Baby1 CO. LTD. 78 Hobc Sih, Mit ai pleaeià Ilnii tbiic ecsu u nîs68i 4.l211> RES, neu- asti sseti, over 2.00015 VEHICLES FOR SALE smiîgssc.WukisCon Bx90,MlnSYNYKLAvB hier assoon er A mtbn c Iit ieiiss trctcs îsî neigbim I'RIGDAR .uoemc vmî- Kelly Springfield tires sn stocks, %peisiisev. Worknes ' Coîin-sh 6tiagst. He the tîi. suiLit M l D i ii ets sIieih u 5I\ tel i: . eulssmcî suite; and mitllet. ait sices, ou- rices; tlis fixedtiiaio.W gspud i ah 6tt. Hotatc.îMl on ii Oj iMiie 2 l, Ind tic, iti 878-97rs, r,211546 $1.00; miscels balect il $1.00. We l')~ Cl"NTil. V-8. cat-$.0pr'u lm lsbns ATT.: MR. R. D1FIL. ELO t196 os6c. tiStltihr2, e ,îî tl M, Mitti Disît ici bave batteries for Mot cars' ast inîîîîtî, lî.smutîîp. Ccii 878-9828. S 0priaiesicpohss,8c2 1I Mill Si. E., Actas, Ont. 1966. Ilîs i-,t i tîscis cure dci ingi COiLEMAN ail heater asti ait trucks. Miltas Tire asti Radie' 5c2I-iS38 $1.25 perbt' ir ale plus basas. ic esu. 1 îi ittit ti.mtelOt.! bair ccil tîilttings. 'Phase Ccamp- tor Service, 191 Miii St., 878-2711. 8h21 853-1030 Inid luMKi i r 16eý belilvlle 854-2296. 1tc2t-i488 co.-49 1933 PL.YMOUTH 2-stiar black ____ suýcJntute uc is6h. $600 isîrsieti. Best aci'. ----_ Member Casadion, Ontario, Or- ADOPTIONS_ 't'a Rcv. Mi, FPRE-WINTER STOCK REDUC- 878-9504. 5c2l1l548 U R 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED angevitte asti District Real siiilrhcT,1nýwr, NBARN CLEARING TUTORIN tut't Bnvsarcds. tc -MacINTYRIa - Bill cand Atsc ii i l Itîsstîsi, stIou ars SARIIC SL 1962 PONTflAC sedan, attma- RQIE BYT 'cesoabt r a7-629 student, 17c2t_____ annoance ihe incI adoiptiomn iml tIse, lt ,tlbe.ît sdevcru SCRFCESL 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE fits, V-O, tiop conition.f scu- l-- EURDBresnb at. 87"829. 0 thirtistmsBcîatdCtm.iil thu c tîeslits itîîsi titiserit Miligrove Swap-Shop es Camîsmucie cms. 878-2253. HALTON COUNTY JAIL ttî.îîîksin nis bc -ol ict- PICK yor asys Mcîlosb ais-- 5c2î 1409 MIDDLE-AGED lady wittihgtoC r i&v o d 1 sets lîmîn Mts sesttuncui Siariitg salary ranget 14,200.- baby sut cvenisgs. Phoe8-2l.lipuotth -csA.Fr,5h57C rsi fl od ~2l149 Itts . Cutsmie mi luirsiitre, cars, trucks, trac- pIsalteIes .PnSh 196-5 CIIEVROLET SS. 300 b.p.. $4.420. Ft'mintary pcriod; sus aller 5.30. cl13 EGGMNSli ralrtrs odadLise Wcst, boulli of Huttomville. 4-___ d9c21-1534o I ENGGEMNTS ____________________tits, maier, tres stotiast ,2c2f-1519 ,-spuedps-rci 19.000 mil- înnis. MaI bc physicaliy fit ____ ""REAL ESTATE EROKERS ___________ <il stoves,, torils, huaI, antiques, Ne. Phone 878-2957, L. R. MeKer- and ssitb a minimum height of WOMAN wsili do public stenog- Mr. illam oolsy o Miton IN MEMORIAMS andu mîmînv, masy îbousands ut 'McINTOSH apples., fancv anti sic. 5e2l-1532 5'l Preierahiy belmeen 27 and raplsy work ai home, sborthand 189 Mais St., Hilton, Mr. Winc Wthe c cigag m mmi - tubýoIer ttselul items. Closisg for Cee grades;, Barîleit pears. Bisg -96 lORD 6.sadad'cc sars of age. n emtypisg. 870-780. 9e21-1526 $23.000 ful pricc, 3 - hedroont anon. theNý" e--gmei ml it %iittr Nov. 26. Tel. MU 9-1051. uBsousasrs 1yBu 961t 5924F96ORND, 6,is Epeitieprtrrt. ema-tandard,_________ brcksii-elibuse.t nt bis daughicr, Satan. la Mr. Biait IU6NI16 ingtii ittu ls 6 N., 212 mi. N. ah Ciappi-ow co78-6355 s 2h2y 1. sti us V O, TA smtanlclc.Xti Exinet poslma sisgad ferisge tie lt-lelboarn wtii nrat Hamilton, son ut Mm'. anti Mrs. i thr A ll tîtd C.I itiri\h pi s- ctuj i sî s Cit1rist . lc30 aol -,atlitc i.X 15.et pstin wt ud fig rlcpcaddnn rs Wittis Hamilton, Miltmn.c The tlsiAje PLS o .at asiaî,TsiuStus olt s. -beselits. Applicasi must bc pre- LOST OR STRAYED living muai witb broatiloont, 2 wedtiisg saiti teke place 0ciober ed .îia.1 Scîicîsîber- 30, 1965. 5c28-t50 No.'e la mark tîtilIls isorit. Station,___________ Mottaooi, 2-argraetfn 7.l' 196.nite 7.50h pinltn. I'b tîm lt ial sl se FINE CRS b5,3dies nSt'as Nursrihs, wy TRANSISTOR, losI on the 3rti ished recreation rouai. Teras. Foots ~ ~ 0 asit Chureb Motn 16 e tIti mmiiltm itettis. Ao RISr 25,t Ca mie nu. ut.olgsi.A Lise, in Oakvitle. hetmeen Gi- $19,900 fult price, 3 - bedrooai -Mr and ut.Havet iep-cbtsirstu 7-75 b817m o orNx a GARFtELD BROWN, s'est Rd. asti No. 10 Sideroati. splii-les'el brick hume witb liv- Ht'. asd, Mr.H lrie Lnotictet ileAlog AND CRAFTS SHOP APPLE CIDER, is gaîllon comn- TRY Clei-k-Adsisislrator, 878-6142. 1lc2t-1544 ing mont asti dining area saill enoakmeood ss tlii cîtnsîu it 6el, lît'l uhittmcrmmu.aiters or huis. $1.50 per gaîl- Cmuîty of Hallon, ________________ imin o, r ichng tu exra it. Klengms Mry Aimeir ictgltm 'set IldMis WOI t*î îeîîeîîîseecî mmi At Cîsiuîîeigb's, Hw 25, 3 ________________ îiigdos ig1 rvt Kathleen McyAtîisîmt i mî,î soi o M.îin uîrira ii. L mi Miclî,e. * esWî cîis Miles sormh ut Hilton. 2ct8-1376i1 BUC K HAMILTON Adi sinirto Bldg., naio icuhods w-iextr balati ols Mathis.n flmic aie ArT Amt - Ls, ITNOt 13 FOR RENT vasiity, reereatian rouai in base osMaîhies Caistimite. Tie mis. 1 21-1942 Sîîskso irL.dcýnloi * Collonsc AT8u1nt, built-ir front estranre, Miaibie, Camîsel llae. lIt e smý -t 'I 19\t i l ho imcmîîssml*Lmle'cltt*LmaiS 4400OM eparîîsîent, 339 Fise l.mndtcaptd lot anti garage. lmt. wocti Unied Churcît, Scamudity, cil îîs'îu Se-pîsmi hem' 3(1. 196.5,.mmu an3EL R October 8, 1966, ai 3.30 putn. itei lit- j,îî Il'et \%ho pi.sseul 3l s ___L O AE88-30S. ilo. 32-47 neitepseso.Trs C~~ousicillor asti Mis. E. T. Hie, aua sepemlr 27 95 .s iu ts iluy 5 l XI sO.F 7ý4 7-30 SIFIRNISHED hedroan tfor rcnt, COUNTRY HOMES 24 Esain" Si. Geargetmto i si -' tut tualit cu lite's mît PON ee 3c21-1524 close______________~n ta Place anti dutvstott's happy ai annscounce tllsr'ntht MPuHONE liieushmutet6 878-6862 n cooking. 878-2056. 13c2i-1490 $21.000 tati price, 3 - hetrooin menty ELCTf MOTi WATERer PaEA- syL"lgtlI 00 vn u C9t 2 AYN ES o5lhite claphoard -home, situateti 1cI9 7-208tl2- WANTED ELCTI os ATRH -u large lot, kitchen, large liv. cia Helen Eies. tu Gar'y Luo- i ke, it>iii9g 3c21-ibc494 7TERS milh frere aervice. Phose in - m aiyrodnn HadMsn o f r n al ilton tyr 7-35 3ctf-425 5 om aiymn.dnn Msrti E 'Meson, ui 60 M' autin liill hestip 8ul bcOIGS. O sareks olti. Wilsois t USEO iimittmre spreeder. 75 Centennial Hda8524. - area, 2 betb'oonit, 4-car gai, St., Miltumý i.Te tseimu ssiIt Wlî tutil îc,îlîI Ille utîlui sbutme TI- R 'McDou-ctl 878-9463. 3c21-1541 mur -)0 bums, FT.O pretcreti Oak- I FU'RNIRHED rooir, 2 bcis, agle. Terais. vlte place os Sctuîrdcy, Nuis" Neimi suillh lis um, Ctmlte, -iim-avsr ille 8446483. 7c21 1403 Commission saitabla for 2 gentlemen, 361050fi nc,3-bdo emer5,196,a 6P-i. ltSi aldlLiiiv.21153 SALES LIMITED 28 HIEREFORD liitrs ae- Muuniainvicss Dr., Hilton. bosse0 ful umiciion 3 sitiing.o embr . 96. t 6ismm.. ti S' ttl tiit - ~ 2 155 BASE LINE - 'HILTON aic 6MO tht. No pasturc. Mustilie RIDE sromnt H,îllammsitle tuRK3IE 13c21.1523 bi'igrne m bait suotlu orinm sn, John's Unitcd Clics, Ucoî-ge- __________living__mont_____ dld. 078-6497 lau-n. -od 87-47 3c21-i533 Bramîspton,. urrivints ai 3 pai..kchs 'lh ntrl o- COMING EVENTS Dominion-Royal -25__ _ ecavimg ci 12. C.mîspbcitsille 854- PHYSICALLY FIT MEN khrserds e itî al cuori 25WHITE ROCK pollets, 12 9877. 7c21-15217 l'ar CARAVAN & TRAIN TOURSbors edalitcwkti FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES Tires and Batteries ~Brownî Leglsorss, reetiy lu iey. -irmCnd. 1 ATDT ET cnpec Ga Antglicanî Ltutisî Trs n Btere $78-2211t, W. Il. 'Ocylis, RNR. 4, PASSENGERS menieti, dltivise art aaa. 1 ATOT RN oîpce FOTHOIN MRIAE tit. annuit umnmnge Sal Miltons. 3c21-1558 ta Omkvitle daity. Lcave Hilton Weil pamul positions avaitable lot'; HOUSE ssenied ta remît, svilh FARMS on___- iut rieue, tit c ie ,0 Cmei n e h e 8 a.m.. teavine Oekvilie 5 p.m. CANPEmis.DoldWl ,'lc i tohe a 1, hlt.3 Coeiatieelesu BEAUTIFUL haras outtitic pop. 5 ticys e steek. Phone 878-9692 -E,periesccti tt'acium-tt'ailet bans. aiso ccreage. 'Nextate 677- 88 autres, 4-hetiroon brick home, c -eER Mpe rs Omulule Wl usue i h prish .1539. UNIROYAL MASTER pies, pamrt Border' Coilie. 6 meeks aller 5.30. 7e2l-1518 drivcrs. 1488.-Call coieci. 14c21-1554 large baril, siluateti on main lu ossoonce tise tîmrtbcmng c _ Thc tire for tire wut'riet's. aid, $5.00. $7.00. 078-6402, 64001 -Tatr-oci YOUNG couplc desircs -ttOal pAskilsg t co35r.000.ty morrioge ol bien sister. Bîmnita *ice Johin Miltn Chuipier 1.0. *Tresmane Rd. I(Tusa Lise). -Dliesel operetos. ,î1s,îîtîîîent app. 3 moonis. No As-g$500 May'Fer l M. ilia Kn-IlE.ivpliuttiga iunit'iemtt lot- 3c2l-153O1 Milton Ladies alstii ttendtdes sail li gb ýcbildr'n. 7-2106. 14c2l160Z 53 acres, vacamît 1and. Fuît pnice

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