Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 4

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4_ ýThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Sept-mbee 28, 1966 Fiasco in Walkerton Ump orclers Sox to play on rain soaked diamond "Wffe carn go ali the moy if me con onty gos o fem breaks," Mil tone Redi Rotsoach Dick Cemont proclcainicci as hoetroparot is 'IILilge,. 10il ioiîli. I lt'r . Las, Satturclay itctsstcltiet Inalit'Ioi tr dieo cas for [tise Sus buct in',ioact notîiig sas settid Ai*tortio ining of pla on a clanip ciaiotitinlaWikviron, the jutais iraileci 5-0 andti ti rcin came fast anti bard. Whe it stuppeti. antosa il an hocr iaier, thoeonîpîse sarpriseticv ersitar hs- crciring pias- I e WhIIe aimst'nkie deep ta mod, cti ng coach Art Maeson rt tiscti su have thoeicîni t tt the cii mîteciTheticmptît stout- s si tet h t i'thcs cîcntî t hi, l i - ni l %i , i i Juniors to look after Milton Juvenile teamn Milton Meschaeî Juniors hasse receis-ec permission ta look ai- ter tho administration ai Mil- son", Joveniie Tri-C ountv oasis- for hi', seasun. accttacting ta an agreement bocceeci the Mercis- anis anti the Mitan Minar Ho,- ckeov Asstiation. Thse agreement, oppraveti far- macls Sucîd,s. î clioan a onc- N'var Il î,l hba'ls. Attoîciicg tic te di t'îsaitht Juniotr Clubh uIlilhbcitt loai.liter thetrang- ing iicltienileioim sponisor as cccii a,s tr lt-e fOiiO5 i t c, itrtin i he e.cm. Bill Rolies. mItriaeci i he Icîsen- ile ltNvnieèr.ha', agred Si manage te tuîu agate thcsecat- so cdi isst-itite Coch lIlle uicaici . iavdla Red Sox reach mincir bail finals The icurîh pace Reti Sus carnecithe righîtaoenter tho f-i',lstanMili.n Minur Ba',,- hall Assocataion "B" icogue pl'NItti hsecging tho urss plate Angels 98 icethothîrci anti fi- OIdti mers Locstille Minor Safthaii As- sociaian ccci]halt ils canncsal '0lttimers' Game a n Satortiay nih, Octoher i. ai 27.3,iLacs. tille Park. The Oldimers art' performers n-ha piaceclins ihe Halian Biss- ai Sîci hall Associa ice a lots s-ars hock. Thes ciii ho that- icaging the turent cricp ut Loicle Micgeis anti Jasoniies. Ramne cl the former-do s stars are Gordi Harri s. John Gal- braith, Vera Gabraith, John Bi itgoman. Rons Brigeman. George Coulsîca, Jock King. Cec Kinge, Ritaing. Ras Powel, Hccgh Powcell, Ken Caulsan. John Reociheati,ELice Gcctgeae. Me] Dattes, Phiip Caclson, Arn Powttel, Ortval Peer. Reg Caul- scia, Rîs, Coling. Gien Camp- bell anti Gordton itloin. Praneeds front the gome go ici hotp spîcascîr mincir sufihati n 1he cîctmonilsý. Aeeordiaag tu batte Junior andcI Minari oek ev assocatiionireprv-1 sentlices. he cagreemîent shiccciIc cul doua OctansIicition esîi- ng helîseeci 1he Issu trgtciiec llsn. AIl Ju tiseele ,tgetlplacet-s shît cccli eut ho paiîg ona fulli lime nasis citî tihe Junaior Milton Mcuit Hîcekes A',sii îon andîct ssl scgii Jttitiiilecai.ii 'lic pLisices scili alsit bc' .ctcpii Ill îh1i i tcot'10c oMfH ikIes iegtiaton. Murray HtautiBill Scîsîle\- ý,nc i lit Mîcrci îipreencîl M. Ml-IA. as 6he Scndas iiieccicgý %%i cle AIccîPrian. Chcîck Cri ta, andt DiteBitisliiotit' lice cie te Scis ceci S cccIii sic hrts ias hi', hiiecc na ito. Wuane MWrren ,anciChic its Atcock icrmeci(lite Aic,ýcl bl The Ange,s Imccaîptut a oains cati ant iheldtilcioutil 1he lilth innief. heu cre t6e Sx teck uor li- rkeep,. tfaîines Harkicd lth1e Soxic'iiiirig pc- radecclcccch a homo rite. actiiplt' ,cndia cdoublhe. DîcciaThomsico scagliedin le 6' cîînccg rcc. Jihn Tonellit. NoisMcct and lGceg Cmm', liî,îciie occc t)oug Wrght, S. Illcknncccuî Gos- MtGui enes,andi Chai les Aiouck scre'!ho hiting s'a,ir fr tise lasers. Public skating starts Saturday Puhlic 'kating troum -10 pm. on Saturcc clilcciikick-il the 966-67 ciinter spoîrtsceascîn tri Miltont Aieot. Arena manager Larîs Achit caica ssistnt',hugancincia Sc uctiacs ighs u lu pcintic 16ev ch ccI cilitoancd atciitg lic Mc. Ai hic. "ccccsuiing h, iii, fin ti,,i lar. Public nkatlng ocia 9,icrclc acghtis thtesrt cturili ccIllie seasan. Monalasnighî t6e mni ut saoches schacîi tartsandth1e Miton Merchani Joniccîs cl c-c lh gin cutk-iois,. Tooscas atili therc sili bcho hches choocc again anti aiso the Pro-Am hoco- key seasoncillt ar[. This Sondas thoes ci IIIl b painteonî. METERS WENT ONE GAM UP in their Milfon Fasibali League final serins on Moniday night by whipping the Charles Hofel. Metera gol stroeg huring roni Jim Rowley pus sanie timely safeties. Shome le the front rom are Ab Januzzi, Bui Praugist, Gary Nayler, Bob Stark, Suaday, thse situation mas par- tals cleoreti ap mhon the dist- ritconsoner orderod ithe gainet it ho repisoi ciiSoias iii Aikci*iiî tikclîIi.tccic o i. A, il ccii l iticlit, I i " li rulecl. he gagneo itit itlit ' ',i iýioI olsiiin thei osi. Il suvis aisit ohargoci ihai the r biti' haci h con incIrte infilu- ine faicoiîtianti il cas disi- covorociihai [lie batse cttpit o \va abitrr niheiîsiîiiîg iVaikorson pitchor. Sundsiy the Sax teil]I i-v gaie. Coacrh Ciomntnihas , lchhcthi', aeIoiîhaincor RîcîsNavlîîr lii the stareig a,«ignnent. Miiiuci otlielel- Docg Mc- ((ilt001 iîaî ik itiici hupisioi th1e îîi okc'ci iiîîiiicîiici llalln i Iîiid haîic'iit"ii cald A-. i litîtîcc i tci c,îl.îi Ili lii,îiiii i"Ille a Iil c.i5 o caolut SoxI'tidltI c ÇI (î111,tt t.t SItc i ur 1cci I M Vc llite Sic-sh,îs o l fla A ci15 ci c lessons start -icîi1'îSc Imocii' e i i lic,- M.M.A cciii kick ci i uic tocs sftiittv setîscîcinccMiltona con Mondcca% iigis. Head binnruellor Mccrrtcv GCcnke anîti cipaneli a paifiot cotachtes cciii tach hockey acîtia- ceentais tuabohact 155 Miltocn andc arca s-ccccsgsers dcicî te ithree stock schocîi. Fortiv si', Novite tiavers. 44 Pe Wcc,. 33 Bcntccms anti 32 Micigoiscandi Jcvesîiies have sien- cci cii tr tht sthacc ',îhich ciii lecici etch MonaticosTttostici, e clie ciil iii and icci ciii R titiî iaiiiligs) landtiont di l'liesclssssinescrttaesat'anii c-si c-M',îcc . ci i iMM il A iiiiliiiu. ltheihivo i tctk pc'îi chciii ci îîillî,îcnie. hîîcr', aticelm i nc dc'a acit i ah uc hstii \01lic-ccitt-teai lac 49 hcatît "Iititkt'cSciiocci. itgaiedi)v i schoIsîaha', i ogant-ta h luitca inr okc's-oa PETER MARI4, Don Heres, Paul Perroti anti Steve Ciement formed the toachdoms quartette for the Junior Mustangs on Findu5 mth each pickin u a ingle mator.Jccecor cvhetnlnodt'rs NOVI Noce cotî',ltal fi ndii inciGi 1t-ciliit-scav i tutt cc', striiititge i cir ciniigs. Bics lenliiiitt Ctal Hitz.Rohiî Spriuai. Ccaig Jcîh iam'o,n Blrcuce F Wi'in, Tans Salib Latrs Chccitan. i to, PeeChitti ScenevDavid Rit RudCi (iitting.ccirt Smsiih. lac-calMi llicîît. tJchns 5cîsoi Noicbe players ii lLso, ath Munaia cisc ircîns7 pet licg'. itav ci Gr Michatel Arncolti. Ici i Lviitis.Ssi-te RîcîtRassies. Allen EiiN. M M Soa Gc Ruk Parr Cuiard, Helen Bell, Katih, Sandralutchîsocî hnlp chu eIIot helecais Juniors, Juveniles work out Monday Thescareh'ohir sui'to-i c m acit ic-tCocthtoes M ccuu ;ccit hucke. vgeai cc il btgin ce maccv aci Ei acctlisi/zi pluîs ilcric I- Million humes an Moiaiv as licite narnseci'i ' ceutule Lcuu.cc lciiN Joeiteaundflueitctogc'chciktscilu sisctcc-l.t'c ilo.ccc ptcers ge 1et forle tt- ofuiut Rt-cl'auvent a%.c le ,ucîcchrr hockey seasccn. hr ic charge ofcilho peacîcco. Al The tIret mark-out for Juin- Jccvccîce andtiJcuiii agcd picc . ccc and Junonile plav Nerss stcii- eris intrsiec in lic i cccislii eci tut hegu cie Mu N ts9 pm. accuer sticitittend. ilt le Mitnearona. MiltonceMerclis- Me uhlî,uuc igucgcAiccuPacr- tuttic' pocs fic- coltii uicc-ii-k- d ius l i rosierlut athc' icci tc' MILTON ARENA i SATURDAY, OCTOBER1 80 cgt MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 Primo Rgo anti Btch Ritideif. In the back rom are Ciiff Porter, Gien Wison, Diak liakeer, d Gaiick, Gien Meaver, John Jarvis ant imt Rom, iey. Absent as time et the photo mere Dacky Smon and Keith Puy. FINAL GAMI: K lie toi li. ttýijc dt ch Meters one game up î n fastbafl loop finals IFM in _____ Hockey school signs 155 ti ri - c c.l lcciccls ii c Ii hi- cI, ici1-c i ic Palcîk .cî8dli. Tmo uvsessle agedi iticees \%1, in ti0c lu t c l li cot mikiccg cal cililieticf),kc-cie .1iuicim. Btticc btiil 'i t'sI it' ed ihtih itin iniirsioniMondas iliglit. I t i i tit ii t ic' playots cuiIIll n ' tu ' ci st ll 1', icir' asit c-vcipcsî c %ii i ut ekc' cci ci l sick, The best in Service and Workmanship on your damaged car. Camplete Auto Body Service at 1WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 AUTO BODY 6- ..-'Hockey Scha' ITIURSDAY, OCTOBER 6I Man95 878-2721 6- ..-'Hockey Scitoni 1 9.0 .m-Po-mHockey 878-3251 inetho 'i'th anti the oigh 1h, as lises ii, - kChllîîI.-, Rowley Iaawled the ine ianing distimcos for the %vineers anti aiioed 12 hus, icaur suas anti ilircr waiks, wiile striking out swo. Danes Briassan haileti the String chares for the losers and mas nicketi for 12 hits andi ni ne rani.fHo mathedt so aed [annet seven. 'H-is mail"sconi- Wcaer cisiiigle i hi-or limes,.Ah Jatiinîizzi singledts Iice, John Jai vis sitiaie t Iice antihumer- îox w in n Ru Isann hati a .bl and a cingle for t6e lasers, Loti r bo ls Brassue s ingledti hree limes, * Giront Stark singleti Mers Flot- >op titl hc heu rpicît, Shammy Rock sing. - ~ lcci Daaev Bertssonsnge offence anti a sIca- aindiRocger Johnson crupieti tite were lise kesun cand sine icue. id Sundasi as the pinreti saccessiso ________________ e Yankees lt gain dinar Basehati As- RiADUER V' coagitochampione- iehtild ol [i, S K A T E Onc Scttfucucin sciteo un Scîndus. ittc oas hi', hatters, Ii usas aisî th1e toi) S L Su Nrin Maîchras. - ca-lieu cunti Davu o htud cimetsv smash- Prices Reduced cîî-sh, otiare c o 1 mù,DulsS lJolI Smiîiî, ýitl)ulIl lin a vi e -BllttFrantos. Sievoit Wur5 o l-iic- tisa rosciii Wayne tharran, Guts McG innis, ii csîp 2. Groutî Bradiley Rtnith, Barry Roiiinui,- Mîccday anti andy Eiois, Gary Dance, Mark 6-7 p.m ciandc Brancier anti John Roskam. (n Salicrsiay PEE WEES R ed S Pce Wee reg iratioas have 1 arc as iiro i- ,o oo en diduti nia iss m inoi HiPtS grootis. Gruup i1mi practuce noitPu ach Tuosday anti Thurstiay t., Keith Wii- 5 rom 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. ant im- m llison, Briaa 'mage on Satarday mornngs. A posons of t,. Je aiiha, Piayers in gnoup one are Jue dv tefecesw kcndY Hantii- McCarshy, D a vidt Robertson, Sasurdav anc iintîh. Scott Santiy McKay, Fred Masce, Reti Soscer bons.ý Geornge Wayne Wison, Mike Kaszychi, vinas aor the iGar i itiiti, Randy Hooti, Gion Tanner, John the Miton 'M t Smcithc. Citris Keiman, Rady Howden, Stepis' sociatissa "B', onrs asN, Revus on Kaumios, Tommy Eiiiott, ship. Ii.Watie Bekan, Garry Goutiing, ii Gio 2 cciil Gîahactt Bradcltam, Kerry Kitch- JohnTuom v andc Wecines- on, Grog Chtathmach, Rirk Jahh, 74-h tic-lorv ccc 8 pm. and im Riitrisn, F rase r MoKas tho 21-1i dec asticsa mura- ati Brion Wiiiamson. Norm Mowmh- acu 2 inccitc5 Grnaap 2 of Pee Wees ii prar- niitTfor th Davidi Tutrcir, ite rami 7-8 p.m - each Tuestid hia'ro jMtCcîcheon, anti TharsdaY anti strimsîage Grog Entms, i Cooper. Grog on Saiorday mornings. Piavers George ýBeau airlrav, Terrv ia Groap 2 node Sephen Ste. Thomsn eaisi -Martin Giece Marie. Darryi Graham, Hagh OS. Campbell, Mike Ford, Brati Ev- Datif Brouý, a ns, Cas-i Barkes, Bcbhy Rcsk, handiedthe16p Martin Ciras, Lee Fuller, Rosin(fursies for Fuller, Mark Grenke, Eddie tic Hamilton Ford, Robert Striager, Eric Roi- eue, S ttve Wi i lor, Rantis Rogers, Charles AI- ItiiOletie - ccîck, Gtcî sLaisrente. Siephen loser', scho Biantier. Mîtheai Orpen, Poser %vithocti tuti (Su pon. Ricks Britigcman. zid cttietr. Bc icî ANTAM The Yanks Bna piii i s iprau 1cite cho t ccch Mîcîcits ad Wdnestiavas ita'n,ice[licfil 8 i u. i cri isage on Satur- 'v% is llertic ciiseiiitingi. Baiiim piayrs ic. 01cll1 a ri- a, ilosssw':ili t'huitam Ricis MtTrach. Tom Mt- scitt ti.ich.. Rie Muitiain. Jack Ru- bi,ccn. Jocncicc Acîclc, R.tvmund Stîs - Rîi k Mccrcc-ecin Rmith, ti 'SiiihMatini Brýtdslsats. BuddcicT iioia,.Rager Rowlios R SucRito bttuait. TutiWilson,. Les- lie Wisocn, Phiip Coi5en. Gary Mtfcttga.t i ctk Figg. G a rs "attil'. Iicraic5 Mcr -Wavne icci Nigei Fergcison, Dari-v iingaa it.Sot cg Btitkies - Bon- 11% Niitit. ,Rîtks Mitchell, Pati -Devlit. ,Bîliv Presntak, Joe Har- tisait- BilBrause. Davidi Heipei. Ransd',H annoin, Bill Carke MIDGET AND JUVENILE Tise Mid5ciî andi Juvtic-ta lic se, ci iiiite comititiiatftr Hock- c\Schîîciptpu-.s ,candti hi ploufct, %%iiiratiite ath tics- d,% nd5 Thtirscios ccenin, irons 81,' i.w.andti crimmage on Sr- LESS THAN1 îîîci. Mîcîget i itvers iet cte Antis Troncs, Martin O'Neill, "45" DELUXI Rick Gooting. Ken Porion, Gra- or cîosest ri hain Hti-rit. Batrs- Fergoson. Dos,- id Gaies, Ruci McKersie. Ricky Etra featuse (crie, Terrs Cole, Don Chîsch- in.cm iv Nemeli anti iiîtJacksonti, Jahn Perrs, Ritks columa chif ns put ail iheir (Coliîck. Ries-o Clarke, Keith accossometi Bridcgeittan, Riece Cleaîost. J tittitile plua*-%rs are Keith This is a li Iiiggs. Farti iittston, Barryi Mc- supplied. i i ratit. Tain Gooding, Grant I1 TONI(lIT (ioutiiig. Maris- Seetis. Loris for viemit Wtt', ecicteci Fagian. Jini Cole, Wayne Arnold,. Champion. oni Sticititisai Rohhîo Coihotk ScoiCarp, Don- and ui gaitto .titiCouc,ccn.Dasiti Fard. Sa vings____ AT WESTERN ATHLETIC SUPPLIES Acros rom Milton Aren& Open Mondas - riday 4-9 u. Saturday i0 a.m. 10 R p.m. 15,000 original miles. This 1965 SKODA - OCTAVIA IE is being soid privately to the first person with $900 reasonable offer. Can be used for distance touring. es include emergency manual starter, mobile radiator sipete internai security system, four-speed synchromesh f t. washers. etc. Recently given complete ovethaul; c to, frequent garage check-ups and maches; one owner. imited production car. List of area parts distributars Collectors and dealers feel free to bld. Phone 878-9836 tg appoierment, or write Boa 96, The Canadian Ringside - $1.50 Kids - 75c1 Paced b'y tihe steady httrl- ing of righthander Jiaa Rowlev, the Mets wrapped up a 94 de- coueI is e apeniag game of tio Milton Fosihait Legae boss ai live finals ua ýMondoy eighs. Ptaying je chiity meather as Poierma Cammunity Park, the nowerfai Meters scored twice * WRESTLING.0 THURS, OCT. 6 - 8.30 PAM. - ACTON ARENA - TEXAS DEATH MATCH- Whipper BiIIy WATSON vs Sweet Daddy SIKI FALLS DON'T COUNT - SUBMISSI'ONS ONLY MIXID MIDGIT TAG TEAM ROGER LITTLEDROOK V FRENCHY LAMOUNT PAT FLANAGAN S STAN STAZIAK General - $1.w -n anti Dune Tturner piichiag andc catch- r the Yankees. Ran- in, Sîrse McCulcit' Nilson anti Bilis Rtus- ti calcules ion ste haci ta gos olong -ir egtltr pitcher <s thetienedtu ta el cactus. scîcciaf ccx tluit caninLe. hicsRedI Tîcacli t rucck oui c'emrcciitg s u cci' ne lu crcP ccP tho 1 m

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