Milt.n Polile Depaismant has a naw homa now, ln tise rear of te main floor of Mayor S. 0. Childa i. show. at hi. dess in the racantiyran.vatad Milta. Town tha Town Hall. A recaption &raa, ganeral offica, chiaf', office, Interrogation Hall. Tha Mayor'. off ice Is locatasi on th. sacond floor, south-wsst cornar, adjacent room, and garage ore Includasi in tisa police division of tisa building. to tise new committa. room and council chambars. Tisa 196667 Mile.n Councîl posasi for Chair officiai photograph at the Inaugural meeting earlier this yaar. Tisa Councl, which wili hast citizens and intarestasi visie.,, as the opan hou.. of thoir newiy-ronovated Town Hall intes4or thia Sunday, i. Mitoos first council enj.ying a two.year terrm of office. In the front rave, loft e. right, are Mayor S. 0. Chilsis, Raave Ausfan Ledwith, Deputy.Rseve Charias Manafy, andi Counctiiera Charles Johnso. end Percy Brr. In the second row are cierk.managar R. S. Reynolds (Mr. Reynolds ha. sinca loft titis positin), andi Councillors Charles Foy, Brian Bost, Tony Couse.s and Gord Krantz. Balow on thae Io a candid scan. from a vacant council meeting andi on tise rigise, Mayor Childs end acting clarh-treasursr Mrs. Audrey *rush ara show. iistaning te an anginaar explain a pian for the councl.