A new role... $8 n h susqun report te the counicîl the de- ficiencies ie the dame were reviewed and the dispute was reterreci lu arbi tra tien.' The tusse chue A. Armoor ut Brampton as it s nommnec and te cn tractur chose Samuel Juit uf Oakvilie. These arbitra- lois stere te choute a third and "proceed ti, busi- ness . The next mention efth1e prubiemt came unly when coueicil dealt wiîh the paymenl uf the arbi- tralurs wilb Csts îuîaliing $60 te be paid within 30 dayt. It must be assumed the dame was fieaily placed un the tomer and the bell moueed inside, because lter ie August the îewn b:ell was being rung every Sunday for divine wurthip at 10.30 arn., 2.30 and 6.30 p.m. fly 1868 the hall was je use, wilh offices on the groud fleur being rented. A Gazeleer ef 1068 tits lewn hall offices eccupied by John Dewvar Jr., Ceunîy Attorney; Maîhesue aed Dixue, Barristers ai law and the Reading Room ail un the maie fluor. Basic changes in the lume hall have beee few over the ieterveeing years. A brick additiun ai the rear ofth1e building is uf ueknuwn vintage. Titere were the nalural changes ie enterior use, In 188 the vacant room ai the rear uft he hail was cleaeed up fer the use uf the buse aed reofs of the tire. fighlieg crew. The îuwer in the front ufth1e build- ing was utitiee:d ai the some lime as a buse drvieg losver by poîîieg an enclused box up 50 tedt with a door opeeieg off t6e first flur and a water tank immediaiety henealh. le 1877 the council approved the purchase ut -400 pound bell "ai t6e cheapesi rosi" and endeav- ored lu obtain subscriplions lu meet the uesi.iied In 1083 the councl evidenîly had cunerr about the stabiliiy ufth1e building and appoieted a com- miîlee lu check the souednvss ufth1e structure. Ap- parentîs t6ev were %aiisfied, berause the building remaîns. The histoi ut the building also reflecîs porchases of drapes. carpetieg for the stage and occasionals nesv scenerv for the stage. le April 1889 t6e Royal Templars ut Temper- .îere gave the towe the stater tountain :l.at i stl en uperaîioe in Iront of the tome hall. The ssaigh scales at the rear ut the twe baill conlieued in euse aed in 1913 cattle as well as other pruduce were stitl beieg hrougbî tu the- scaies for aveighing. le Nos-ember 1913 a lureace was installed in the building at acosi ut 5200, which was presumahis the firsi central heating installation. The steps and front entrance lu the building were altered in the 1940's with the stops being placed inside the front entrance. By 1952 a major interior change rame in the form of a new councit chamber, movemeel t (i6te librars' te lthe basemeel and creation of a police office on the wsts side ufth1e building ai the front entraece. AI lte saine lime the cupola was removed fromt t6e tomer wben if mas cunsidered lu bc un- sound. and t6e bell was towered une fluer. le 1955 modern panielling was complteed in 1he maie bail ufth1e building. and in subseqcuent years minor adjustments were miade in the office accommodation. The Iowering of the ceiling in the main auditorium mas the subtect of studv and dis- cussion as the acoostics in the building attiacted more and mure attention. but act ion mas nul taken until the council agreed lu the maijor renussilion ut the inlerior that bas jus1 been completei. Nnw the hall la cast in anew rote. The audi- Lorium is gune and the enlarged council chambers dontinale the building. The inc reased staff. from 16e carIs days ut the town. is accommodaird in at- tractive offices. The police force retures iii Nie tome hall and the ftitre deparîment bas lefi for a separote building. There bas heem change but the basic, solid building continues as the municipal ad- ministration centre efth1e town. Town administration office clerk Mrs. Evelyn Zanatta s ashown making out a raceipt on.à new postinO machine racently in- stalled in the town hall office. Town assestor end building in- specter Jack Charlbon la shown at hi. desk in the new asss- Ing department office, in the south-west corner of th. Town Hall. Acting cierk-treasurer Mrs. Aud- rey Srush shows off new furni- ture in the administration of- fice, localed in the south-east corner of th. building. A Greater Future... Expo is taking shape. Taking steps which have nover been taken before. And, in lesst han a year, tf will be Canada's showpiace, for ail the world to see. Excitingi Imaginative! A piece of to- morrow, right here in Canada. The largest World's Fair in the history of world's fairti Can this flot be true also of Milton? Do we have the imagination, the initiative and the wili-to-work t0 make Milton what tf should be? Let this re.buiiding program be a start and an inspiration to ail of us te build Millt t0 a greater future. We can and me will. MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE 'r TORGINOL (CANADA) LIMITED TORGINAL SEAMLESS-RESILIENT FLOORING 0 No Joints lb Just Damp Mop 0 Needs No Waxing IN MILTON'S NEW TOWN HALL INTERIOR SUPPIIED AND APPLIED BY J. B. MACKENZIE & SON LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS GEORGETOWN Lumber end Building Supplies ACTON