a Hassie over accepting new building in 1867 tide ufth1e ruad un the understanding îbey cuuld continue lu use it until the uther hall mas ready. The location ut ibis tirsl lawn hall and ils type ot van- struetion stere nul indicaled in the netvspaper ret- But ail was flot weil on the nets building cither. Cuntractor Joseph Martin met 10e building cummil- lee and issued Oit ultimatum that the îusvn puy himn th e $5.000 plus intervst un $1,000 tramn l'le tirsi ot December, ssOen Oce claimed the building o-as coin- plelrd. Esiras ut $258 ssere alto lu bc paid and lie svuuld allais oui ut Ihese amounts une monih's reni tor tOe aid tosun hall and market building. Thes commutter, husteser, stas ut anoiher mind. Thev repurled t0e tront aI the building. 10e tlour ufth1e basemeni and the painting badl nul heen cam- pleled aceording ta the conlracl, and retused la me- ommend aceepianee ufth1e 'building. Legal counisel tram the eilv suas lu be engaged lur ils opinion an the liabilities ufth tceounicil. Chrislopher Pattera, harrisier ut Toronto, ad- vised the raunicil il wsa in possession ufth1e build- ing since 10ev owned 1he site and Ihal lOey could enter anylime. Ifth1e cuntruetar remained 0e wauld Or a trespasser. In laie iuly ut 1867 t0e eummittee reeommend-. cd aceeplane ofth1e luwn hall paying $5,000, less S258 tor rent ofth1e lamu hall and eompletion ofth1e basement tluor. Il o-as allawed, hamever, that ifth1e cantractar put in a substanlial ground floor 0ie would be allowed $280 pravided Or also completrd the f111 arnund the building. By Seplember the building o-as given lu Ibe lumn and a new pair ut seules tur sveighing hav and produce had been instalîrd ai the rear ofth1e build- ing. "The new market building Oas been delivered user ta 10e town hy the caniraclor Joseph Merlin Esq., wo Oas dune the job in a workmanlike mani- ner. Although in tomet respects, sueh as a purtion of the faeing and the ground tloor is nul up ta the cnrcadsornie uleduuiins O.îîeu bier madIe in t-t flic building si, a iedil lu the Towvn ing such a custlv structure lur a towin tlhe size of Milton, no une can denY lhal on ail publie occasions iil ill be a great cutenience", sCrute Rubert Maîhe- son, editur ut The Champion. The tirsi meeting in the new, building was on MundaY, September lb, 1867, and une ut the tirst problems %%-as tu cumplete the linancing ufth1e pro- lect. Dehentu Ces tolalling, 33,000 avere necessa Cv and tbere scere tonte crilicisms levelled ai the courncils ut 1865 and 1866. Thes- lciled lu levv $1,200 annuallv and the 1867 couneil %vas taeed wilh the full pay- mient as %%if as arranging lunds fur the cumpltlln uf the tuwe r and the scating accummudation. "Il may bn asked. why gu lu the enpenseuof linishing the lerand seating the Hall, but the lirst ks neeessary lu save the building fronm injury atnd the second is reqaired lu make use ufth1e Hall lu t deri ve revenue trum il". General Administration Office The lit-si reî nue of' $131 came when the build- its %vas upeneci isith a Ceuntion in Octuber 1867, and uocal talent cuniribuîed lu the "decided suceess". *rhe S131 %vent tuavard paying for the new pianoforte as the dense]), erowded hall reverberated lu the "richness uf lune" produeed on ihe piano supplied 0v 10e enterprising tirm ut Heinlzman and Co. The tuaveeun 10e luwn hall liadt stili nul heen cumpleled and bv Fehrua-y ufth1e nenl year il was eausing the couneil stme eunvern. A resolulion lu pruceedi with ils cumpietion avas detealed, and mern- bers tinaliv agreed lu raoit il lu prevent damage IoI the baver. The final setulement sviî'h the eonractur avas suitl ousianding lau, euntrary lu earlier indications ut seuliement. Payment ut interesi on a note was the subjeci ut a "lenglhened diseussion" on March 16, 1868. Members tinally agreed 'that in justie lu the ralepayers the enuneil had nu right la puy une vent ut inIeCes 1, as the setîlement wilO Mr. Martin in July last was considered as tinal. tOut nu elaim tuas mnen put up hy Mr. Martin tor interesi and that indeed. ai that limie 1he lawn had made a eompr- mise cundoning certain penalties, and ertiain detiet- envies in the building and that Mr. Martin had Phen aeeepted the selllemenî in tull". The rooting ufth1e tower hadl apparenîly nul proeeeded verv swittly and aI a meeting in May "afler a spirited debate" il was deeided tu rail for plans and specificalion for a dame and then adver- lisc for tenders. Little is recorded on the aceeplance ut the tenders and their amaunt but the ereetion of the dame was proeeeded avitO, and in June li was reporled the dame avas cumpleted and cauneil was reqaesled la inspeet il. Wbai they saw didn't apparently make them happy bevause tOry repurîrd dauhîts filutl the work had bren dune in a "substantial and warkmanlike manner, and tOus louched att a erawning debate an the avhole projeel". James Smith ut Toronto, the arehiteet for the damne avas ta be huslled lu town lu inspeet the pro- duel ut bis design. but the cos( was nul ta exeeed lCunlinued on Next Page) >K04de.bt PaN»eUfif creaites an attractive and distinctive effect in Milton's remodelled town hall. PANELLING AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS WERE SUPPLIED BY OUR FIRM For your pan.Iling or building needs choos. f rom the complote lin. at MILTON LUMBER 159 Miii St. Milton 878-2337 SIGNS... of ail kinds by Roy Guay 132 I4ISLOP RD. 878-2150 CLARE G. MACLEAN A RCH1T E C T li1 A LAKESHORE RD. E. PORT CREDIT, ONTARIO 274.2418 Milton 878-2337 159 Mill st.