Mectîffin. R. A. Lvou and Mci.Kni Bettedo and McCatlum. "Mr. Martin astained lt-c the Nori Word, tthichmasacc T ie rtt'mar tendiero commtra. had heen amardeci te badl nul. unit donete hoatnd h ted the oetprice. Hit resign clearoît the taY for hit accepi tviih the monii.ipatity. Beore June had ton ils tat hoing rutheit ahead . Carper tort pretted the weri, must the t ing rapidîn readied. Within a munih the haten ithoît and the lori moii the teck-up wat teking thape. "The uitile api fur light ill altitrd hot a ditrn jutiy' imates, the Champion r. As the couler days ut taIt tho municipal teei heceme mi In Seplomiser the oponing pote that ttvat tu continue te lise du ring the tahting ut the annuel lion ut inctudling $1,000 tor paym ke t honte mat the tinder that let discussiun, retutaît tu attend mn ut censure. "The minorityeuonsittiog too, McCaitum and Bastedu o taken hp the majurity ut the C crection of the markset houe thuuld h ave tuhmitiod the que tise ratepayert. They agreed t tre ing fur the market hboute un let decided he a voie ufthlie peuple. personal rocriminetion tuok pla Kindav and the oppotitiuon. à Mayor lIad alto a tilt. Mr. Whyiî peaci. emong them, hut nits titi "When tise Courncit was ai milice of the whule on tise St- Freeman made hi-. appearance a committee ut tise mhule 1he upp Contract let to Joseph Martin aîd the.i.ommtteei biingtwiîhout aquoiuni the carit Otieîut tiu5 anîd mue c tpiiii. d eite, sa\. NaN-,-Mcetrs. tok place \Nth a -greai duia et liite ijan b hiîih sides iii ii-aning the que-tion ol peiiiing thi in toting and im- St,000 in the ettimaiet. Tht-item \%a% finatiy patucd, his retignation foi huit eerand the estimate- adoptei. epied. Tise opposition was flot finished ihough, and~ ' oct e over and the a tveek taier \then the minute- et the pierion-. meet- Joseph Martin whi. ing came UIp tor adoption anoiher long discu--ion ut had atso shmii- toltoued on the tegalitv o[tihe pretion-. mee ting"', ' lotion Irom councit miotion. A motiino vas pi-etenieit deearing tiation aneo otract oftihe toriner meeting ittegat, and it \va, tinatit, put and lot. course the project Reciignizing the contlin uing dispute, ttîe editor tes n utnv cult ot The Chanmpion caltoci tir a puici meeting of tone antI timber be- raiepaterstuo diteut- the maitier. "lit ts toscee tîtri-ahie Ioi appeat Ioi the peopte it mvil taise neartv teni starot was fin- the reinainîter oftihe wcar te togatize the bt-toto. If tor the disordertiot anvihing is te he donc in the mateitot rcvl rtures on caci stide thai iittee clone quii.kiv" et protpect for the The ceuni. il nmeeting of Ociober 23, 1865 latce e.corded. to i.ontene"on accout othe want ofa quorum. detcended. tonmesvr, Seren of the cottieittor. wore preseni hot the lat ore heaied. tîvo did not appear ut the majoriiY uftihe fermer volteys of the dit- tive hait tefi". year-end, more fired Tihe "cont out' continued, scutiting time moe estiimates. The que.- meetings oftihe fer teck ut a quorum. ont of the nem mur- Construi.tion ut a drain in front of the nom d tu hourt of heaicd market honte and tomu hall drew considorahte at etings and motiont tention mhen the counicit tinalty muitered a quorum fo ar meeting lte in Novemher. It mes pointed out ut Councillors Wat- the drain had heon ptanned for tome lime and mas ntended the course net dlone tur the hencfil of the nom buitding. ouncit in regard nu Astihe ditcustion more on the mayorcnxcused wat illegal, as they himtott from the meeting "sîating that the staie of A featuret stion to the vote ot hit heatth pretented him trou, havng the ptoasore tif Globe smw nuousty agaînst puy- tiîîing mith îhem the remeinder uftihe evening'. ttega s tuch pavment mat u ego A great amount o f When the couricil resoived iisett into a com- ts *ime. T ce hoimeon Mr. Mo- mitnce uftihe mhute, un the propoted market hy-taist- oti ir. Watson and the Metsrs. Watton, Bastedo end McCaitom rote and ly designe endeavured lu keep tefi the meeting wtihout aqurum. The Mayor, addition ai tlesuces. huritly alter, returned and the committee resumed, Although t tout ta go int om patsing imo readings uftihe Market Bv-lawn Pteased ewnw tlam ut supplies, Dr. mite iheir tui.esst he couni.ît alto patsed a rote utoaf s t 12.10 arn. When in i.vnsoroun thute gentlemen mhu had lot the curn- resovatiou usitin ieft thse room (Continued on Nont Page) ed to tise fountain ct on tise Town of Miltos appeared in Tise spaper in 1899, accompanied by thin lino inq of tise Town Hall as it appeared at hos outdoor front steps and tise istricate- d tower weee stili there thon, but tise tise rear of tise Town Hall was flot shows. he exterior hat changed little since this an mode, tise interior han tees extensive s during tise past year. Everyone sa invit- ,open hou»san d dedicatios of the new ourf this Sunday aftersoon. Adequate Lighting in Milton's renovated Town Hall bas dramatically altered and modernized the building. IT WAS OUR PLEASURE TO BE CHOSEN AS THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ON THIS MUNICIPAL PROJECT. NADALIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING - SUBSTATIONS - MOTOR REPAIRS 24 HOUR MAINTENANCE SERVICE 878-2206