9oth birthday Fred Wrigglesworth gives his recipe for Iongevity iEat three good meals a day, and work liard." Thats the advice for those seeking tb acquire fongevily and i cornes front one who knows: Fred Wriggfenworth, a ifelong resident of Halfon County, said il Wednesdav of lait sscek as hi coclcbrated his fOîih irilidas. Stili hale .andc iîeariy, ho looks iriierd 10 ses. oral more happy birlhdays, >0. About 150 guests, iscluding relatives, neighbors and friends visited the home of his daughter Mrs. Jim Carney on Fise Side- road Esquesing last week tu congrafulate Mr. Wriggfeswsorf h on attaining the milestose. Members of the famiy servecd sandwsiches. ira and birtliday cake lu the guests. That evenisg the enlire family vs-nt to Hornby Tomer Golf Course for a family dinner. Allending to help celebrale tlie day were thrce other gencra- ions of the Wrigglesîsortli fam- ily. Thc four geserations is- cOudes Fred. is son Ciff o> Hornby. liii.daughlcc Mrs. R. (Juan) Macshall of R.R. 1 Mil ton, and her son and daughtec Wayne and Carolyn. Mer. Wrgleuîwelh sias bhu at Asgrove and bas always liv- cdlin ithe Esqucsing-Geocgetosvn arca. lTho home farm sias sshe Hornby Toer Golf Course is located, and it as in the Wrig- gtesworth name I rom t890 un- tiI a fesi years ago \%,hon i tsias sold for use as a golf course. Retiring from farming about 1943, Mr. Wriggtcsssorfb lived at Ashgrove for a wibhles onmus- cd to Gorgctown i-lerc lic spends lis inIers. In tbc nom- mer lie takes trips or lises wi-i members of the familv, and last cear he spent four monthsi n Florida. During hIe years on the facm. he kept fanes show horses and hackneyi. He toved tu shows 30C An off-da bus tour cf pro- ecciv of the Halion Regios Con- servation Auihoriiv - iopped cif by a special beef barbecue and bean bake ai Reivo. vil igli- ligi he flc iilibienniaf confer- ence of the Conservaition Aufli- oriiiciof Ontario liing filc-in Hamilton Wednesdaî ftu Friday 0i fis %meek. Haiicn Regicîî Coîîsrvcficîî Aufliorifsv iv oliici.îi host 1u lie conle rence. wchli s being lield ai tlie Holidas Inn in Hamilton. Business sesions %vil] fake vip mcvi of Wedncsdav and Fridar, boftflie big day is Tlirsdav. si-len an esfimated 300 defegafes lrom ail oser Gntariocvsil] board buses to isif H alion Coonis and a vs dc saricis of proJecis sponîorc-d liy flichostAuflior- if%,. Dr. C. A. Mrin o> Mitonî, sice-cliairman of flic H.R.C.A.. iv cliairman cf flic conierence planning commitece and iv ably asisfed lis a commitece of sis oilierv, inciuding tlie Aullioriiy clairmas Raîpli Shcrmood of Fuvliiecl. George S. Aikins of Brunie and Mas B. Htlierlev of Milton. sîho iv acing aswce iors--reasrer for flic ilrec-day confe renci. About 350 arc es- pecied f0 regisier 1r fic! con- lerenci-. Tliur-.d.cs v lius four- hegins in Hamilon î a9.î.n.and ravers ic flic B-P RelineYPark on fltc Lakeshore cci mlichre Bon- lîngionsM.iior Loyd Berrvnian anîd a B-P repreventaiewl gîecci flicdccgies. aiid speak iii lie co-vperaion beiîvcen in- duifi aisis and conservationi- is. The four contfinues f0 ailile ifur a ccfee break ai Coronafion Park sîlere aliville Mvor F. MeLean Anderson vili greef the guevis. Buses leave there for a viit ose%-riconscrvatiinpîciecis iii Oakviiic. inciuding Ilic Six- cen Valey Conservation Arca, sciecra-I iarm ponds and lie Ageriîcn danisile. Lunch stop iv ai Raifieveake Foint Park on thie cscarpmcn t sesi 0I Milton. Nesi ficy ivill iskif Iîîdian Creek and Mount Nento, tien Carfisle Ccmmunify Pond, flic Muntsberg reervoir cnd flic Buens damîlfe, siopping in mid- alfcrnoon a-f the beaufilul Cram- lords Lke, souriti ai Camipbell- ville fur a cîtleci brak. 'Flic finaliclg orflelitour lakes fdivin fa Daf ciii Quorry aîîd cinser- vation projecs in Northi Haifomi ilien tu Kelvo fr flic 6 p.m. sup- per. Tliroughout flic day ment- bers of H.R.C.A. and siaffers iii gise commentaries un flic places lu bc visftcd. 1%Ie supper, feaiurfng enfer- tainmeni by niaster of ceremon- tub Viocti lsoutord, conbitâ 01 them aI fairs and the Royal Winler Fair and the C.N.E. "Wben yoo have a hobby like Ihal. il takes your mnd off the work, he summed up. His family included Ivo sons and a dauglter, Cliff of R.R. 2 A NAPPY 90th BIRTNDAI oy Fred Wriggieimorih. cdaoghier. Mus. Jimn Cari milli the birihday cake s 0 to tour local Georgetowîn and Mns. J. Carfley (Isobef) of R.R. 3 Georgefomn and o son Howard of George- tows who dicd a few years ago. There arc also eigbt grandchild- ren and to-o greaî-grandchifd- abLef barbecue lis îvei-knosî ci Oaksiiie chef Tom Haves. andc beanvspeciallv roasied bi Mir. and Mns. Jea n Jean-Lou is of the Canadian International Fa- pur Company in Minreai. Chairman Siersîîîod viii> bc iii charge oi lic Fiiday prgiirîn ci hec ici rai iop-nuicclispeal- The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, September 28, 1966 Members of Milton Cousicil met Monday for a reguar meet- ing and: a Learned the present ambu- lance service woutd be continu- cd fu the tosîn. according lu in li rîaiion gven Masoî S. G. clilds ini a1idiscuss ion ivilli Mur- rai MeBelb. operator of the ncm service. Letter of confirma- tion is expecled. e Roerred lu the Reereation Commilîecea request -for munic- ipal recognition of tle Ontario B champion Esso Tykes. e Reqîcsled a correction in Dailv Commercial Nems regard- se a report osnIthe letferisg of the coniract for the cestenniaf spilîmas projeet. Thc report er. î-ed ibie name of the commit- tee chairman and fhe arehiecef. e Approved the proclamation of ire Prevention 'gleekf rom October 9 tu October 15. e Permitted a mater service connection tu Watker property under t he îerms of a previsus agreement mode aitIcheime Ilie %ae-lise ivas instalied ltu the tovln. The Walkcr propec yiy un 10 Sideroad, oulside the mas- icipaflboundary. e Acepted -t he tender of tm- perlil Oin suppfyisg gai for toms vehicles at 22.9 cents a gallon. The company is to sop- pIs and instali tîte tank and pcmp atthîe ile of the proposed wvirki building ai fhe Disposaf Plant site. The 'conîract i. for tîvo pears. e Approved pitrcbase of tmo sircaîbi for the annuat Legion Decurolion Day cvns. st. John recoivesambulne gift of OakviII Milfons newivt-chartcred Sf. Jolis Amibulance Brigade mem becs are nos. fice proud owiners af jused amnbulancev s-hicie srbichlIl assisi lhemr in regu 4"., Ï, t.lai-r paîritis ai Miltîo Arena. a sport s ecen ti and lir grounds dlieis. i- The ambulance. 1953 Port P iac ii ijus(vi38,000 miles on t sias iflorinid tufotieeMilfoni grnup lait sîcek bs the Oaksill Ilivision ol ftie St. John Ambu- lance. The GOakville group cil recvda sess-sebiclc andîde Cddtlet M iff on have ili (AfIvise. compîle iswiti t srec -StffPhoto e. lashine ligbts ond sires. N mas enioyeci Wednesday ofi asi meek The vehîcle w. uriginll ai as open bouse ai the home of is bul as un ambufance, and svl -ney, R.R. 3 George îown. He is shows bceca-s to equip wili a f which was serned 10 quesis.luore rîsenliai s itecsztr%- forS. John %vork. Ti got i i lii ork oîut on flic veend as Si. Johnî vol onleeu-sailesded a scaîka- projects bhoin proicci on Highmay 5. Briad sprinienvieni Diti Mi o i,, of île SI. Johîî gru u, noiention ai the rity hosts m lime ftaonchitriiii wity host amblanc trasportation ver- :onference ci-, v il i acicli cîs lie dîlegcaies. tDr. Martini iili chair ilic opcs- ing oîurciîcn uns thcWcdiies Ill lionlîî. .1.R. Sîîîîîîcî. miii- iici i (AC icigi and Rescîcî-ces na lglelt,%iii c he ma îîinî ,îiîc.îlci ai thi e.:eptiiccandf litiliic cciiiccla ciiig. A MOMENT 0F TRUTH.. DO YOU KNOVc liatin lec--. lihai Ld.clut e Dan. 12: 12, 13) the im-iacli Mcssîah, Jcsu, i Naiti.t, iii iuturnin ciigcai po\iciadnid liii o)icleth Kingdoinîand.> 1h unc ,I Daýidii inJi isti c ii (Lutke 1: 30- 33; Ac[-, 2.30; ici. 3.17) (2>)îubduîe lteilccaicnt and -cibeiinatiioni- Christian,. Coniîîonivl. ec. CFia. 2 l'ia. 24; Re\. 17:1214) ani ( 3)1 îi.ii willi Iii- eloiîilid cie\ui icrithecrniigltiied îaiîd ininciii.î- cd îatiins Ia Tlicuand i,îiiclctn Yvais-,j-. 32:1-4; Dani. 7:18, 27; Rc%. 5:10, 20:4)? DO YOU KNDW halim teClii-iiii Cliici-cli n ii ils k-inîîIncui-d cii li ml-irInnpui-.iiiicct, 1 "BABYI-ON ltiti. (REA1 iRes'. 17:5)>N\110 le Bible Sc,202-0;R \.1 n R1) ANNOUNCING.. THAT RENZETTIS ACCORDION SCHOOL MAIN AND CH-ARLES STS. - MILTON - 878-2521 Hus Added by Popular Request AND THE DEMANDO F OUR MANY PUPILS... Two Additional --~ eachers to Our Staff ACCORDION and *GUITAR These are experienced pmofessIonal teachers and willI bath under the supervision of Tommy Renzefti. NOW OPEN FOR APPOINTMENTS division vice for Miftoni. The neis iv- f ormesi rigade dccis oi bave enicugliniembeis lu f orim a reg- ular 24 houri a clos, ses days asiveck ambulanîce service. os sacli a service vicia ci requit-e about 10i men a- ilabie as drv- ers unshsifts. The vaeh e il accompalir Si. Jobs memnbeis os reguior pairois ai orena o ickes gacnes andîiolfer lca eaI nus. repiai- if ambulantc.e icicc-. ihev have boiiicsediinithe pa.,tfroci icigliboc ig Si.Joh l gîviop Canadians Canadian Ciîizenslîip papers vicie aivorcled Tiîcîsda.N io Mr. aîîd Mns. Joies Friiivis anîd ihir vos Marcel, ai a ceresoiOn c Brampton suies 29 neis Canii- cicni 55 ee simiin iia% citiienls. The Frijiers fisc ai f45 Mili Si.. Acion. Mr. FIi (fers iv mas- iget-i-icciivrer f Hois Ritiai Pîiitl Credtifictnion Lfi.in Mii- ton, Thev crneIo Cainadia i Gifleeijen in flic souih lui n- land iii May, f958. Just arrivodl ofhipmont imported DUTCH BULBS PLANT NOW for a gardon you'Il be proud of I DARWIN TULIPS wiII pro- duce à rich crop of clean trong flowers. CLARA BURR - cfear j-usýy piîîk INSURPASSABLE - Iii OULEN OF NIGHT - dccp blîlckisliîm.ii cci RLD ITT - iriglired SFRING SONG - md YLLLDW GIANT - gldeci 10c EACH SINGL.E EAR LY IULIPS flash- ing colorsalaways makte à striking affect in any gar. den. COUL.EUR CARDINAL - rliiini cri-isnî PRINCE CARNAVAL - e 13c EACN BELLLDNA - pîure goldent 11 c EACH DOUBLE EAf LV TULIPS bloom a l111e 1.1er thon th. single .arîy venellies ELECTRA - carimine red PEACHI BLOSSOM - brul- liantiros iink MR. v. (d. HOEFF - tiale goideii sciiosi 14c IACH DARWIN NYSRID TULIPS CANADIAN CENTENNIAL .-briighi reil 13c EACH COTTAGE TULIPS FRINCIiSS MARGARET ROSE - cilgeci ocalige rcd 1Oc EACN MAY FLOWERING TULIPS CARRARA -vit 10c EACH LILY FLOWERING TULIFS MARIETTE - dcp îink 11ic EACI4 SPECIES CROCUS BULBS- Among the first floseers te announce the arrivI of &pring. MIXLD VARIIIIES 10 FOR 5Oc INDOOR HYACINTHS - Bright cheerful colors. CII[Y OD 1IAARLEM - yel- lic. large sivîii, c'\li a fine; DELFT BLUE - lirigliifpoî cciaiiîbloc. conmpamct ile: JAN BOS - licouilful sean- Ic.e[,v ecriy; LA VIC- TOIRE - brilliani ceci. larîg spike. eariy: LIN- NOCENCE-icry popu- or pure wsihue eegant sile: INE PEARL - l:cp nsfink, ilarge vîikc. cimiî%. 19c EACH DAFFODILS - Among the most popular sprîng floseer KING ALFRED - popolar, ricît godent yeflosv coicr 17c EACH AVAILABLE NOW AT u.C.O. HALTON C RP BRANCH MILTON GEORGETOWN ERIN MILTON DEPARTMENT STORES L END-OF-MONTH SALE 1 THURS. » FR.-» SAT. ONLY 0 SALE STARTS 9 A.M. THURSDAY 0 ALL ITEMS ARE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK PLEASE - No Exchanges - No Ref unds - Al Sales Final 0 9 A.M. SPECIAL LADIES' SWEATERS $ 99 AND SKIRTS $3 Regular $9.98 fa $1498 *BARGAINS IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT@0 0 Ladies' 0 Girls' 0 Boy~s' SLIPPERS Req. $298 - $3.98 $1.9981 0 14 Pairs OnIy LADIES' AND GIRLS' SHOES slpair YOUNG MEN'S Dress Shoos AND Men's Work Shoos & Boots s6 pair Boys' and Girls' Hooded ZIP FRONT JACKETS PRC IN WOOL PLAID AND VELOUR ' RC Sizes 8- 16 - While They Last ------ 9 A.M. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S COAT SETS 10 ONLY 0 Corduroy RE. O 1695 $5000j 0 Nylon Pile fIG. O $165 ~0OWool CHILDREN'S WOOL RATS $29 $1.47 - $1.97 AN ASSORTMENT 0F MEN'S PANTS or SPORT SHIRTS s 2 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS - YOUR CHOICE1 GOOD SELECTION 0F LADIES' JERSEYS1/ 0 ROLL TURTLE NECK PRICE 0 LONG SLEEVES ALL Boys, ODDS 'N' ENDS MATENITYTABLE MATENITY Winbreaers An Assortment WEAR Wnbekr of Items 1/2 PRICE $2.0 25C *WATCH FOR OTHER SPECIALS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. 0 Open Friday Evening Until 9 878-9261 Halton Autho conservationc " LADIES' COTTON GOWNS OR PYJAMAS " INFANTS' DRESSES AND ROMPERS " LADIES' GLOVES 9 BOYS' SHIRTS - BOYS' PANTS $ ----------------- --------------------------------- - ------- $ 1