Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 26

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D6 h Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Sepemnber 28, 1966 A.Johnsen wis top points à Jakr Exhiit Margaret Johnson of Milion won the $5 award for most points in the popotar Junior E\- hibit section of Miton Fair. Mrs. G. H. (Charotte)lrisnside soas judge for the Junior Exhib- it section. 7 Plain tea biscuits, K. Irving, Miton; M. Johnson, Milton; M. Rayner, R.R. , Milon. 7 bran moffins wiith dates, M. Johnson, M. L. Middlebrook, R.R 2, Mil- ton,; G. Ciradietii Milion. 7 oat nieil oiokia, \i 1 Ntidltl brook; Mir. JoiosîGî, i. (î detti. 7 frui t droP .iiikics. NI. Johnson; . Nuse, RR. Geifsý tossn. 7 chocotate broisoies. iicd M. Rayner; M. L. Middlicitrook. M. Johnson. Dite land nui lt M. Raynr; M. Johinson; M. t. Middiebrook. Auget cake. ui.. ed, M. L. Middlebiîiok; M. RaNs ner. White cake sing lelvr iced, M. Ra vier. Chocolat%: laver cake, date iled and chiicil.iie ced. G. Crradelti: M. Ras ii.. A. Malmsii'iim, R.R. 2 Milton.i Cherry pie, M. L. Middile- brook: M. Johinson;, M. R.îsiîi Plate of fuse butter taris, M. L. Middlcbroak; M. Jotnson; K. Iving. One-haîl poond of inapte creato, M. L. Middlebî-oak: K. isiiiui M. Raviti chtie'îItet Itolge, l.LG .cî. NL Joai- soit; M. Raitiier. Haniitîlise sillcdtuso, M .thsoniii K. I- s iit. Chilîls kitt cl iii l c, K. Sntoke, R.R. . But litigiait Lidties'seter cardigan,. K. Sititke. Tzi tptii. lancv, . Il- %il,,. NI.iilisiiWool .kiii, K siloek, XM i,1l'.ci KSiiiiikc, NI. .toltîisoii ,K. l\- upg. L..iie sslms . Coi t. M. Johnisio; K. li rîtof. Cotitn Ps, ont.., K.tîsîîîg: M. Johnont. Drsersatir -set l coid, cc. G. ciiiideltii M. Jol1011 ot1,0; K. I stcg. bloom,, . KSiiiiikc. J. Ntii-, M. .oltnsii: K. lîîîîîg. luble ce te uj, l (i ii i.iiiktgi%- i,NI. johltiisI, .MRuiier, K. 1 \liii Vegetable classes Te vcgetabic exîibit .îî Mi- ton air ws aa.rge onc agoait Iis vear. Wittoers siere: Fise table bets. NI t. Muri el Rayner, R.R. . Miltni. iH. Horniîîg. Bai lintoil. Ge,.W. Morning. W,îlcrdosso. Tuo a\1- oy cabbagc. J. H. Haiiiiig. rssa rcd cabbage. J. H. Hrolof. Tisa :aoitlosver, J. H. Horniii o. Five table c.rrils, lot ti tel Mrs. Mart iJ. Foitetier, Birliiig- tan; Halian Ctt.pier No. 280 .ES.: Mi.. R. Fe,îlhcîsitone. R. R. , Milton. Tsiacîiros, Keillit Le Riche, Goaiîi.Muiel Ras'ncr. Ftte sî%etit ie coii i Harvey Nsrt, R.R. 2. Geai ge- tosvn. Five sweee yllow cocn, Ueo. W. Hrning, Wacîdoîîo; J. H. Horntng. But ingiti. Keitti Le Riche. Fisc tlicittg ciicaiîber... J. H. Horoiog: \Ir. Rat,,Uis rence. R.R. 1 iton;ii, Kîllecîî Irsing, Miltoo. Tsso mîîskoîclîîîî,.. t q.e W. Morn, J. H. Hiiiiing; ît N. R. Riclî.îdso. RRR. I But- Uogion. Tsîaripce1.irulcai Mýrs. N. R. Riclî,îdsoîî; Hai\vs E. Nursc. Fis e scîosýion,ît frnt ed J. H. Harîîig.Fte \%,ut ep- pers, Mis. Ma.r\ L. Fîîîî,ee; Tîsîîpimpkiilt.Qîti. Sctîoîît toi lie Dea,l.Mitn;KciliîLe Richie: N. R. Richiardtson. riNt iOit tcs. ,iinilii .'Mi. 8ssSitike. RR.Bicinitia lseititLeRîcîte. Mi,. Rots, Lii- Twu pepper squash, Miss Mtan L. Fai-t eir. Miiel R.îî- rccc. Keitti LeRîcîte Tîs u - reser: ios Mci ii.R.R. 3. Mi;lton: Keilli LeRiclte. L.îîfesli iit pkîîî. O S.D .Niliîîîî, Euh- Eleccîlquartli tikei u.iittlei pîîloco. . HHoiiiiig. Lu\lesi sui i.iil keat itîe pîîi.îiîcs,. . Hl. Hiîtiig;,,îMatnt.îî i t es ci. Dîspîa ts i eîîs.îîteliicsl \cýela.r:itri- miiiîîîîi, N.î NR. Mît-s L. Fui-eici. Jusge %a touicraIigiiCîL IttC Scai t elis ori sali .clai ,i, U I lit-1 ,il o e tii Nu îîî,îiîe ii uilaîîîî ii, ,uteii\lcti s lt- la \ u Itelit i, poeiîtcîl. il, Four residents over 90 Combined ages total 370 years He caoi remember sshen prb- ces were a toit omer-a dozen eggs for a dime buttler for tclght cents and a p-nn of steak for 25 cents. He is the oldesi membcr outhie loal Msunic Lodge. Misas McPhail, aunt ut' Mrs. G. W. Goidtraw ot Campbellvilte, ires ai te Goldslraw honte. SIte is aretired tctcter andsvts bartniirit-fc aI mpbn1lell- tille. Site t.aglii tIl lie Mltoni Model Scîtîtl titan ini Camtpbell- ,ille area schools, hieu io -is wite moved te Milton where slIe operalcd a nursing home. Allter hi.. wile's dealfi a year ago le returned au Rf bride area la liav %vi!h bis son. Aint lits memoi es aree lite .îI.îvt ,Iten hii .îîî l ut. iti aliv lsaiea l'i 1Il îîîîîliî,an asrail lise Kilbric alaI u. r R.isbciyicntiemhers atiiof up il 230 ,îîuî. or uthe it ,îanduc liait ioui tip iko i, s1il' i i l e .îîîcl i f .il 1111 lii l L'il l i iie ilizit2, l Kilt îîcic. CHARLES rEATIIERSTONC. ta Allii 11(il ste li tC.itg.iî. Slîcspeutl 20 ol i. Ilii 1937 slit id id e u i viNidt..ilfili's o fui5 lit t111111 a i il l 5,ul 300 l) i ltiislitgeus. Mc. Rasbrry sIlci, 9i si)lii thlit' uii ils, ail [lite honte1f Isit i l s' ill t e 1Kili u ,îl I .leuîîîîs'î '?i l i , il .36 î s tgoi, % îîl he le BOB RASBERRY ultliouglt beitig bonîîi inIllie ii,;ti ofSeîîieîîiîer i, nu utart. c tt liitifesitt' . ioit Milto itici residictîlsIta celebr-ate 1111" l tend tIý.l .ut ilva00 i 1 l Iîîîî-- \. J. '1i11' Hatnp. .ire \%iis o t odas (Sept. 28). t lî.îlet Featllesianc tî,luas 93 oit Septiîtîer 21, Miss E. .faite McPitail \%hi ltutieebrate ber 921dl an Sept. 28, antd Rab- cil Rtberrs sî%ha %vas91 aot Salpt. 15 - biaie cambincdtie [tiltiitg 3711 tetîs IJespite the usual plis sis.îi sel- ti.ikst tîi accrts tit aild age, tuttli, are sit iii rltl ii1lL ihc.lllî and ,able ta be tip andiroundIoitacletîrale flitir otitlt.Aller 90, thet're i Nu . Hamiîpshirte. t ailiii Sptid i ,î .io. tlis lii li te Relis' uriîrtg l uic i i'nIl e is Aii.iicttIl !,i, iiait ici.pv tfor i.ictils. j, lie Iccît simokinvi, ..lit)iiii'-%% ltack itilie'ts moked silice ttc \%it 16 anîd :tilt cniovs a pipe. He i, a formîer Hatltt Coii- t\ iherif, tcbtîol tristec..activei cliiictîauirkct. Federaltl ectiîîn candiliidtc, cioonti' ociu jî,icîîî rboxser and t tiîteîtpubtlic. tliii.Bol-i ii Frf;pt, ttci ,ii Sp,!te s a.t îbits îand ,pîitiitt.i' cmiii ,iiiida ils ile Chai-tes Feaihcrsiunc. m li, lis t iiii iitulîiiofMiltonîîson lîlîîî23, s\%a' aîtiresîter ini ili lui)%I.r30ti. .. j 'm,.tietiich litiBut- iifitil i i. e Bî,îîî Si. tusý E. JANE McPIIAIL N W. J. IIAMPSIIIRL -------------- ------------ A NeW WVe of NeW~rIdeaS !We like to make waves at Ford . .. stir up new ideas ... a whole new wave of fresh ideas that more and more people have dis-- covered-and switChed to. The new wave from Ford keeps growing. Now it hits a new Crest. .. starting 1967 with an unsurpassed Extended Warranty: 2-Year, 24,000-Miles- 5-Year/ 5,000-Miles* Wde 67",sfrom ?ô0rdi THE KINSMEN CLUB 0F MILTON lauti idil, 196667 soson wîtiîatii nsî.îllalîoti îîqhî ai Hornby Tower GoîlCir'lf i t? n2mdid ir firsi gencral huies ri eutmiq ai tilit t Ili ii i Sept. 19 Depily Goernra Houp (Cap ait Georgetown,. ssitoîsîlled te ollîvors. i shomn in front oulS presidertl dROitOliî tritr-, .11 il ies taî,.dI rsl rouBennnett, rîigt. hii ir 'ronîl oti oin, druttcoî Keîli Darnaît, Ar.'îr ut Mu-l.triîssî, rast presulertlDri l'rtjiiî, Iîaî Roli, lieett..antd dîrecloir Bitl lTylorî cit try Joluît Chesînat and dîrevînîs Bill Dieîty oîd ESiny Hall were absent witoî livc uta oads akot. SHOPPING CINTRE MILTON " Loblaws " Plaza Motors " Smoke & Gift Shop ID Fabian Furniture 11ILaundre-Eze 0 Pollock Shoes *b De'aths Hair Styists " The Lori-Ann Shoppo " Saveway Tti te Teens " Stopp's Cleaners & Tailors " New Style Barber Shop j * Caravan Restaurant '67 Fords 'm Outer because ilhey ce sf conger . . . stronger because fhey re beflfer but '67 Falcons tha limousine of ftie Compacts. Boy if for is Iuuy ... .- and lot ifs aconorny corne as a bonus. Peiornrance-packed middlaweight champion. Touigh, torrid, stire-fiooed like a sports car. '67 Msag Bred fhrst-f o be rsft Answeer the caI ni tire Mustang-if Ieads fo at/penture. Il cars like these make you vou 9m aheaidin a think aIl the new ideas are - corning frorn Ford ... FORDf aF81d's ensurpassed Etended Warranty; Full car-2 Year/24,OOO.Miles; Panet train connrpnents-5-Yea r/501. 000-Mi es. Se saur Dealer for flli details TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 Main Street E. - Telephone 878-2369 a- GIVE YOU'RSELF A TREAT ... 0 PHILCO *ADMIRAL * G.E. Special From OnIy $399-00 FREDEMONSTRATION 0 Easy ta Buy - On Easy Terms 0 RICHARDSONS RADIO & T.V. 878.6949 201 MAIN E. MILTON What's the - First Important Step in Permanent Waving? An analysis of the hair before the wave is begun and only an expert cao do tha. ThaCs why you should... CAIL US FOR AN APPOINTMENT ggFushion iBeuuty Louagve At 171 Main St. Phono 878-9533 MOTOR COMPANY STANDARD SAFETY PACKAGE - llttttioitiflîilîPa,iltti l'itiliv, Ii Lc u ttonsv Chagiii Siual *flIliuili ,ýcd G'l s Oi',ýsif itl 1),ii * Paîti W rii i uiliiltilai e"l"ilf iii' *raddîd Iitriiii'auit 15W liii lt.5 0 111tinO riiiist oui1, dlii- tti iup u,ql iew Mitor Wttllivisi aliEs Grime dons flot pay - espec- inside and out. This ls partlcially on a car Windshietd. Scee arly important for night dris'fur safety. Keep your glass clean ing.

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