The Canauian Champion, Weduesdajs, Septenîher 28, 1966 D3 Milton now bas 17 aII-electric homes, 34 suites Milton is ragidîs beenming a cummunit ' i modemn, ali-ele- trie humes, apariments and sommes-ciaI buildings. Milton now lias aItogether 17 total leelie dwellings. The communits made a laie start in Iis fieid. The firil al dcc- t-je homes did nul appear untl about 1962 in Milon. but ai- readi% 14 ne,, al-elecîs ic humnes hase becn u bosanid ibicculdcs tu nitai edctii, liatiina h i esgeeîed t o\ i, lîiian ,sliciecc trie subdivision %sel be sîarled ini the near oitue. Manager O. L. Mil- ton Hydro said, mnueh inieresi lu all-electri liiving bas becu ceatedi because home onr eau becat thir toial elecîie dineiliigs ai tbe ins-end dmý tic ratie iiionue centi icikilussîi baur. I-e added liatoi ucî aleleetrie homies are as en- ibssiastie aboutitbe xsiai o utti lortI. lîeedom itomidsallsan ina %I]l'as!t, lIsit, i' A ttew tond i îîîgs, anid ileîc îîss netsrt u il al1 siacci\%asic niesias sio sst i suites beesmne as ailabie. The lii'get' ni lie isu hartintt'ii WIIO'LL BUY SOME fmnîh fruit. Loupy Connue, Ken Cunnur and David Williams sile, as ibnp dlisplap som e ni the lîesb fruit un sain ai ihue buildings is Magie Glen Apart- socils on Ontario Siree, wieh is 30 attractive suites inelcîd- ng une bacheini; h0une bed- oin) and If-inn bedrisoin suites. liiiibii'tsis'c basebord ennilece- sic ndhall n ut l iis tou- s-liii alas mtientbuilding. BtnIdsnthos17 tiai lcii ho it asin -Nj il, l as4 icL[I i i c sl hIil Lmts l0s,' eI \'.ssi i li", bL Liiii,;il ta1'.a1lcle i ca l heateL. 1 c , ae Ile ic tlisi I\l ol t l icv 'oiii l ieli euii iî u-i LaroisPoiiicoýilPolice lsecd uiicsloi. [lic Miliion ILui iiiiiei-40 lb fa i Soi' e local sunie, ccp ui nuladuaniiaq ni IlinIfarto se-5 OWc r oiduct5. 69 entriez in Cuerseys J. H. Cameron dlaims major awards T'le Guet uss bei d niJ. H. Cum. mn ni sors ai ciimed mini niutite major aisards ,Sal- ids iinte t'ltinnansiPc'l 7ue ruses Shun hld ai Miltonu Fatir. Causcrnsinon [tise PIic iecciet'and Picemier Esiibsi-i in flicljuiond assit o cia aud ibe iand chaumpionleniiale Enhtbiturs J. tH. Cliuci o, Wtt iantBootutniRR. i Miltai, Es ascout H. Dhacphersonuut RR 2 Gorgeio\nu.Meteso McCut- nogi f RR 2 Acionu i.L. Cbis bolm ni Milton, Reg Back ni Moift, John Y. hiebabli ni R.R. 2 Geuretosso and L. S. Piclice iug nifN..i1 aRvilte tlacosi 69 entries tiiiflie G crluse Judgc uias Jack Maekiiiini Kiu. Winstcs s ni the top lii e r!iaccicu s ,i ecdi c \ci , : Bull eaul, Clissilit. (Caictisti MoCuioungli. Yeariiug bull, Mc- Nahbb Caniorsan, Bn-ails. J ussîsî champiîo nmale, (bîsiol u;so- seist-e, Mcbabi[i. Bull Inno seis and user, McIePtci son. Gr'and s tasittiiiniai-, Mciiessis - ses s, ('its-linitu. flotter cat, McCl ugliigt.Mc- \aib. ,Back. Ycarlinglbcicsr, Caniteonu, McNabb, hiailici -astiI. Jusio'cbamipintcrmic',Cnuci- ni-' tcscssc, ,Nabii. Tisi seau'Ad sisi csi, hiCaII- isingli, Canii'nsib'tlaciisit. ThitcecNcai nid (cois -McCullisiplt (aines iii. hctu itsugb . Fnonr %car nid (cois, Cansecion, Back, S DRIVE IN A SAFE CAR. . THIS FALL * Coma in Now for Safolys Saka DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE Millon 87"4741 Ontario Ne. 10 Slderead Open 7 am. lu 10 gm. >Sunday 9 a. lut 10 g.. ('uneiio.tise \i--n nid - su is ', <eictUri, htcpiscsooUl lt i hobltri. ScniornsChamionsiiu ens, ile.tan CrUi retsC. Mh(i Joilsis (eenrdC inuIlison l iassi test cIii, tete ic. uliîsl Bent uuîdoer, hisMii taS s coniCCiss ,ssWr d>stMa, ilc 5 Gleeson rabbits win London awards toui liiiii'li a bl lisn îiist Scc, i sîîs ( ,i l i'li him tei tlil s i ta ili ssliii mcsîis sii c tili', tbit i l h lsis t ,ist.i i ' it.-ts, i c t' 1/ Tisco lie Cîtcscd lic-i i h ili s a t Itise ,iii ts, i l litelii sis i ioc ii a ii ii'-utiti ill id thilti ii i P eii.'i c 1- tle it' a3? l i'- i I lic l bi,'ui29 î,ssai itis B,ý l , i Ptîssîn I',Il tit, h1 1 or 1cci il s s , lt" l ot 4 1- a ila' iitttt s- tis l I m - il' hi -tsi uits i 's' 1i i ici i 'lt icj ' lii ti i. i lio ic' iss hoîiic 1c - ii l îiolddoi A. T. MOORE INSURANCE CAMPBELL VILLE j 854-2271 c right in this locality, eleetrie heating is low-cost heating" Right in this locality, the coat of flanieless electrie heaUn4 compares very favourably with any automatie fuel system. Andl clean, safe, quiet electric heating offers you many more ail. vantagea! To learn more about the low cost of electrie heating -and its extra benefits-cail a quaiified electric heating ci>, tractor, or MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 254 Main St. E. O.L. 4ADLEY, Managar 879-2345 Corne Win Your Thanksgiving Turkey M1L TO0N FIREFIGHTERS' THÂNKSGIVING B-I-N-G-O WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5 AT 8. 15 P.M. * DOOR PRIZE ------------- 0 CHICKENS 0 TURKEYS