J im's Jottings b y ji m di1l1s e A speclal supplement silb Iis îsek's issue cuver', 1he open bouse and dedicalion of tbe tounlain court scbedul- cd fur Sunday uftlernuon. In luuking for- wa~rd lu the eseni %eefet, i The Champ- ion. the renovalion ofth1e toscn hall ws untique .and ues', anttd oui- recogn iion of it ioc in 'îîtîtrl *îîîun'que. Theiscitinut.s tiroiîled. tsiîig jaîilicret'ciîlroccs 10o tormal p rîîtîîîg nîttoîl.aiid we' l bc in- tcresled in aîîy comments ram readers. e Researehlng local hlstory is a bit ut Li hobby vilh ie but unferlunaicin 16e lime il takes te raîber bard tu corne by. Tbe lois-n bail histors' in the special sec- tion is certaintu nul as etîniptet as1 csould ike il te bave been, but limc rail ouI, Four ext mpte the brick addition un te rear of t6e 10550 bail is undaled anti iflcr scarching locs'n minutes and Cham- pion flies, in ikelu' priods I gave op. Sumeeshere, someone must knoîî uhen bhat brick pitice stas put on te baek ut te tossît hall, 0 In any earlier wrlllng on the luisi liaitlte conraciors ivere Llasus ere lu as Peter Ban Zimmernian and another individuji, The genera I coîtrjeor lins'- ever ciai Joseph Maieneho also douai- cd t6e lantI, Peter Bain Zimmerînan uîay cccii bave hten the elunemason on the prtjeel though. e One olher fact thal continues lu etude me lu the histur v oeth1e lown hall cs the location antI i/e citectriginial i tii lil.t Ivs',itpateit ii iciticitlie' ic ietn, janl ,îionec point ii inte hitii huul it per'mtissioîn iij',giattei to1 niove il but lie ejrts records dont idi- cite frum ehere lu suhere. e Sunday wil also seS the dediejiiti et the tounlain court, The miii stune lhat tarins the nectufouetain is thouglîl lu date bactlu1820 and .10 6e ut Frenîch urigin, Il icîsin tise tor inan' , cears ini Mitont anti is reting place iii front ufth1e oecn hall n riesieau inteîcsing auhniqule liîîk citlbthe pasl. e Be sure Iu elsit th e ut halthIis Nwkeud, The tr-nsformation in the ii- leior bas been quite siarttin'g. Citizecîs dont ofect icilmunicipal offiec es eepi le pai laescr tir iberale enunits and it îîîîîîd cccii ftiling tbtal c s lrn oeîcu ousce evrîneîs'oîtld have ait op- psotits iii cit tecouncit citambers and ciliter ofices. ~DownIs] in this Corner wmiltb ruo ydow nes 1 th 1e luii Hait, Mitons ceni- tut-atodi nîuîîîip,ît admîiniisiationîcentre, lu the heurt of doceutoen PMilon, Athough 1 ,am oid. I aîm beautitlî, mc cluId ',tee uallc selneTil ffasajsifle- turc ut dienits înd siîîcerity, caud mc u t-ior lu bîtutîlnets' 1 base oserseen 16e altairs of Ihi', toit utfon 10%cars . . . atching Miltonus ehiltîren growi lto adulîs, and the comiîîg and goluf et thaîustnds uousthousýandc ah Mittunitus. t hveuen ihe jos' cnd the bearlaclies eh mv ciliLeus, 1 have no- tes th1e progreus of mv l,îmitieu, hase uelcouîed the nescemers and bld adieu tu Ibose teaingth1e tossu, Looklug out frmm te c'ate point ut mp toer,i1bav'eseeu Iis tln sgrowe front the village itce'as in the 1860's ta te bustling tocn oftiodas', and 1 lok for- ciard te anîber 100 sers of walcing Miltur, progreus. i esecn thie giossitig centmerce judi ducstus. 6te uce' subdiisiens. the ecnging maie ttîorouglare . . . 1 havec saetuehbe eisjppeaurance oh 16e mud- ivstreetu, and buarfiealts and doîsu- loun cra nduliu and tiîchîng pnstu and tâe ccinuioclpaieme-nt judcon-' e rele îî,îtks,îuln tpd cciestore frouts anduel tcîinciLit, lu Wllblo my wals, 1 aie hosted a coni- olihettrigs tuai aiigcd 'sithe cti,,ttoi bonud eîîlcrtaintnetttu itu tcIci ullcthegiiltc'ulttu rtniRedi (l'ils, lucein3u i-i public cpuakiiig dom- petcii.i'tuuclecLi-ic tu:al M\t cdi'tî in s'luttle (l 1't, il ert- cdilton îu eliand icptace'.l uitu a beîtuulu! c liuncil clisutuer.Lusb lune c-tupc-hep, ucoii tic cc'lisg uuin!poilîcît deslsuauws'tndcibhcre once thiepeuplecof thc'toutn gaîlcredt loi spechles, dauce aîîd meetingsu. 1 remember the wmuruis, te polit- cal rallie,itheimarket bouses, tli clecî ut, lute basketbail gaittes,. be ctîuîchl îc,:ath,:dauinchoolotprttgranu.thie civ- îeeuao'i' thle seliotl Empire Dax pituraînls, lte Lod'e di nncr, ite teuse'en parades, and te Chu stas pur- tics teat bise tkc'îîpace lure, t i-,'mcuîlethe l î, %% îîheu the ibratu' occupied vmeaiun iser, theu uîîved lui isba,cmentrcmoiusisttc-reonutet dus [lie libu iais î%%ore i ubbî'r boan iti uî cd boukst,'l higlier andîd trier 1îics reicm tîcn hcr 16 e' Mclinic< Iustiiulc', tua i uni leuding ihrrîusAuJ 1rI e ber flit e erts couucil nectiniugecen te on atiers tîudttlctt curtidite ccii' ire- lu ke-p earni as thec pondeteit the animtal budett Nnw the enuncIl htî,îc ltsîtecl it',in Iri or, lui beiler eîîîip netue li tcette necdc (Ath1e grtuetng utunicipalatmnu. sraincentre. i front cisilinrae -il niglît te chotw titinie' beicîls', ,ud i louitîn court hbi uen attted Io ecurnu- age totinstîtk and vstitis tetop, dinktu,, and-rei a\uitile ini nvi'thdouu%, rejîvt teserce. Meli rcîccutuc bus lîccît a andlitgttt cios,îbte otte- cîhît lies led-Laîiuti tcithscen. This redil purchaslng busintess s gel- tut8 oui of hand. Notced anu ail in a piper- latsleeck thal îîuged ladies lu have theur ileuerlietd suite reeuvered tr rebut, The loltoicing quoeeis [rom the adl caps: 'Dont pas' aîi ,t once. Tîke tbîce nîonvihu îîni, extra charge.' Notice bouc îhev san "dont pas ' Whal is a mIfe, suîuîîeîuc once' ,',,cî. Astile is parit c uth cotd crcunuuuu lirfae ignovi\01 il i dîh mîp in ter and \tidoi iuiill tiuiitolan~ice Ile lîîusce-bulîtbudget. hridge pirties, roducin, stuuîs, lasîtitui patadcs, lîcîîuu partors, haigatut b,îcc net,,. i i hîtir, on ,'tutiiliî'ttit', tuttiud ipack-,,. naîcîni u' monts, and go- iug ithrîîîîglî sutr pockcts. Muoters lueilitent,tuiîes ii tolcrilIem, ,pinster.s civte Iicii,hbu- bands lear tîteun, A cite tues charge ccountco- hiles, babies. soap opera,, dicis. prescilt, gtsulp, ciait uaiiines, uintccat, bre akfasti n bcd and othcrîmen. bite itts Cuistsl', ii-ouitg, heinp ccci 30, budgets, cigais, the neighbccs, eý cr ter busbuuî's ,sccta ry, and otiersvu- Nobtili uî bc osuttogical, ci s sutcon-u ip the punchifine ofa goodstirot- fll. But c, ii%îîe(I ilitut tin? HORNBY SCHOOL, JUNE 16, 1899:u This tutoie mci, oaned hp yMis. A.Pt, ou, svlo-c idlite t s Jlllotlq lin ciijui shomu tmih i ioehir J, J.Smîats. hu the ontirom,cft Io10rglil ae Frosier Braim, Brt Ricards, Ted Robinsonî, Etun Coi, Charlotte Brain, [hsie Grant, BecI Mach, Alice Mac, du Boliln, Brie King,, A. Nuilon and Stan Coman. Second rom, Franie Burdiail, Leslie King, Jue Ander- sun, Isobel Tbompmun, Brt Andersun,, Dewart Lidsa, Sait Lermun, Mayi Grant ond Ollie Galbraith. Third rom. Mabel Adrcutu, fric Douglas, Atuti' Gi- chrs, Srtiit Mç.cuueun, Illie Brotk, Mowit i ids«i, M tinBulirîsMahet Camupbell, [va Lartîtoît, Eiip Cowmî, Almta Rolainson. Forth rom, Vus Kinq. Andy Brooks, Arnold Gabraith, Gardon Chuehouni, Albert King, Ted Cowun, Sep- mour, Brt Doughas, Frank Cumun, Archie Kng and Tum Larmunt. Il s bliened 15 of Ibume n the photo are stui living. #4 ec As a trp lu lait wee'î Champiun hinted, il eumm quilu dutfinilu t6e pru- vincial ogriculturat muîeum iii bu l- soied on land adjacet te Klso Causer- nation Aiea. No oee iii cop so for cure bel Halion M.P.P. George Kerr, in upeniug the Miltun Fir Sturdop, con- tudently prudictud ucb a muve, And it Geurge cuntidnntlp prudicts sumeîhing puu sun bu pruulp sure il's wuil along iu bue works. Iti te ncouraging 10 heur -there le a glinîtîter of hope in the dspute buimnen the furmier Hlton public health nuises and the county. Onu ufth1e musi nuas- perulînoepuriencus mas lait Tesdlap vehen the nariemure preseul lu hnar discussion ut Counlp Council un the cula- eccl The desire turngliottuns mus spelled out bp the countp mhitn the nur- ses reeîined itent. Wbeu lhep lef the chonîbers lhep mure plind mth quesliuns bp repurters. Thep indicted the somu desire lu, ment as the cuutyhod and Ibot thnp had advisud ufficiasof thIis desire, le a'4ôet A provincial agrîcultural moseam us possible in eacb provine ut Canada, There witt uaturallp uulp 6v onu in On- ario and thenar-Milionlocdaiou clos,- la higtiwap 401 an'd a beutitel ceuser- vation orna senis utoît dusirablu. The toit exleut ot sucb a musnum te net s'ar but men il is realized tbot abocut BD acres of tond mure probublypupocbacud for il pou cou gui sutne duo ofthlb-sccpr, involved. Su hèeuon onu sidu ofthbu dour is une sîurp white un the thur side another storp. Frutraled bp the dispute and put the clusunes utpusitions une reporter sîurnnd in lu urge the couricillors lu meut the nurses hèen d uw. Councîl mas in recuis and by the ime thep had rucuuvennd and pascnd a resotution to permit the nurses lu spnak the nurses had luit the building. A meetng dîd recuit, bucunnur, atid nucu bulb sidus smuni lu bu lalking up- timistically. r/ai 40, o r/air Mltun Fair wae plagued wilb a ltile ciprediclable meatber Ibal mop have delnrred sonîn ul the crumd but theeu- sbînn acleolllp eld mel, Il mac about 6 p.m lanturu e t inst drops uf rain fli, alibocgh buere mas a spot or mu n the icorniug. Tbere appeared lu bu ani ncrnasud tic ber otfetîîbiturs ic t anp classe 7Ae a le - Stencu is Golden". sutîteune unce s.îd and te ntent to mbîcb nîanp peu- pin bave adupled thîs ouulook becoîrtes trîgbîeniug os eacb nem înruad ut true- dont, on murais, and un unerpdap living s carvnd dueper. Speakîng out requires innolvnetnt. Il luqures fornmaton ot an opinion, it requtres somu îbuougbt proses', bal de- e ande innlvemeul. But nu one monts lu lacoreiteîvolnud, Ctizenn tudoy pop their taons aI îrî',s lenglh. Manp are paîd lbîoegb a r-urgagn conpaup Ibat ceilets don lhlp pu pvenls tionith1e boîiecacer. This wayiti doenet evn n loe a trip Io lie tnvicipal ottîce lu pap the taons. Ciienes ldap are mllîeg and abtie le speak about civîs altaîrs on the crent cerner, at the club meeting or te a lace eînp discussion. Bt such cunversations rarelp gel lu the forumofutguernment tocallp aIthe locun bal becouse Ibat would require nvlvement and the ld adage about ilence bing golden lnups lu the loin, The lucal theatre operates un Sundap and il seumnd lîglîl lie susiiigchi bu nîahîng a coinielack aiter a desine tel- luwing thn utlîlîatîoe uftractoîs ut' tarms. 'flîru liane beeii cou tiles', trends, tiowuer, durîîîg the 1 14 geais of toit loirs and îbnre cill eidouulludlp buetore in thu puais ahnad. rn t ffiti a lthougb il te rnpoîtecdlp ugiesitheci c' and cerloivtp agaînsi the enpresud iches of a u'aorilg ut voler', in the lait plebîscîte un the subleel. The nionu s ratiunalieed hp rutereuces lu whal peu- ple munI, aîîd the need lu provide corne activitp for puung people. The lac t i s againsi thu law t', glessed oser. 'Silence ie Golden'. At mbat point do wmn(litdi nlîîalîe iiig, quit leiîîg pascinnlp quiet, chit mlispeîing un the Street corniranîd gel îvvolnnd. Deiiocracp catîlet long sel- vine mbere acs are clii lleged aliiîsl 'ueeklyil n eîp phase etfle fhotflice itîucions ofttbu courts Io the sperd ii', et'flielîîgbwaps. Alsoeepoint sevîvotreacîlli eîîungb slîeeglb mîtl gel involned and tbal inclîidualincp lac ilu teîested etiongl lu make a carner ont oh dîrectiîg elîtur people utll c 11ci lîîr curseines bctig directed even mure exo lensinelg lbou n presentllpare. The end ofth1e rait, diclatureliip, mn ap coeld nener bapputi bure. Couldul til? "Silence is Golden'". CENTENNIAL REPORT 1)y 0hp n t fitt w s hc r 1867/1967 c oitnt llce tii', tte t1 te it t fic' Le-titi uti'.tl 'uîîîisu i idbmi ,c't tnttIlleitelutt' tIjie titi' cullie!-,rcti ini Canada ~tIi sic t;pu 67 seul'ar.Huit I juisi otiu ba iiteItle budtîget lut duthli. Milions of Calluîî,uliîîuioti seclhut tt i', t1ci ttutteit'hiutettt t nucke ilI M utîthtcit utiile aulle lui sec soute Cclii Ic'ti.i a speclicutiarin Ille' teariest cic,. letutu iup tet tartuestiaredt tus .1 pa is fIlleite t *y Illuhu d lpe'u'h tutu utce eutftitiCli-i .îutiîAtmcîl Foi-'e,'Tatittt. ueoutflite îsi elspectaceoi is kittu cicr hum bc pucýcutc'u iii Nîtritu .iittutstc,. Il eoîîtdlire lite titiring Cc'ite-tuti' ir hv,%il lii tug Ilisiug liv flite Forcs' or'matilon tcoatetan lpiltulsspeciatis ulekeit hurIt'le 1967 ceehijitiotis, Ihuse living on r near [lite cîî,îssantt wae w v il lie aille tIutsec' liimu csite itiiii ,',',cniblie',ofIlile' itiieslie ships ut (,iutjt,folries andIlle lt uceis oh t cuLe- te o ilterici' tîmti -ls, lut1Liajlotr cuies ilitetwcill lire' ulingt pvlotittalcecstutustage 6i;lup a,riits inuit1 Canada ada tl~btiidtu. lhere vciliie'Iret thv u ud itcu- iill bc.spotiiig Cesetuts cu1itl ate Pcari Almerican gaules ait Wiîî- iprp antd flite iii er punies ii Quebe,. Proposed Inernational cucuslsii Cen- mua lice I ecr tetude: a baltoomu race acnuss' the priie's; corld suomebue clucunpimusuips; a Nurth American ski ehaitapionsutip mccl and internuationual ski iumuping compeiiuns ucar Otacwa; cti intenational cir chose cul Abboisfurd B.C.; tuti uaLi>lOutjt uli'cycle-races riecurrt- ottt)u; suil.t l i t îîî ltî' ile ciilli tS utcei i1,litle'ltt,.O..; adtutil î,t'îSki. ing ututîhut lt,îiittiîîtioiil)inmcc't il bluet tîm'omt,.OF., lut tmentiont.tleu 'Tlic'int 1il tiube is tliuuîou îuc elui clitalr utsîpuutîsilutit uttetttim t'ut', irîsumppiue it abot m s e ialYir (,ttulialiîcitv. Thte nsal townusai' iveil, me i iisi tIlit e tomituf tigCtttctttualiiutts, itu' tnpvi tii oiiti iiîsîiuiii t,,tttiliutti tutti muil itiIe eus'm ttacthnmu uuuuuu1967. muor toseuumttcleIt cv lcr(i tututis - c'i'c'itithut tic lle- ucaut'190b îti1iibc i specicu t otti. 9ili utti'cimisi lu tuons oilîlîv allil mebh6e ulle I cii lits' ort micarCii cuteiuicu t lieu h uu'mue'îs, tuti utsIlle' 4,000 tmile culoe c 'e' iii lmet, testui le utle 10 iii ii111.1itN. ittl flit'c'ui 1 ien tionitc ti' ehYcleet rofmumue' muN l'le Ccuuucmîiuum roicitusittCopoato pa icleutlutliii' (t eliitiii'ti'vet',gi' sut No ihav' lite! uu uimsait l ius pt,rsni Caniaa Ils golng lu bc a bip birtldurctub, tutun aii nuoiite is giug lobec lftcul oh IlIte pîrîs'. Ttrc-uîuil c lutittiimg turi ce/ione - s'eîng nor otd - 10 uo, t sec an uluie hacppy'abouct. NutIlie tst importamnt esenut toile hippv abotols thcul hi',suuumîg, viguoiîs ciiîntriv s mocing mb o ils second cen uiv cul Caulederation mi 111 a briliulfuu'e jlicad, Sugar and Spice by bill smiley A clîup called Richard J. Needham munolith. What do. pou do wtth 6,000,000 write-,il daily newspaper culumn in Tor- kids? Sliove them int the streets Io learn unto. Quality and content range Irom about LIFE? But it', far tram soul-less. high-class lu hug-wasb, but ilis emineniIy On the contrary, it", composed of men and i adable. womnen witF intelligence, goodwill and uindcrstanding, who work tirelessly lu im- Nehiij no a ajrtite burtoii, but pîiive the syste in fr 6te benefil ut the l, t la p ittii c ii',i. î ilIIinmagiina- silu c îil. tit', i \o uni- tîntaI, social, poiticat and Sure, teaciers are duli l odb. Somne ei.nuic lairyliaes, ufth16m. iust as somne doctors, lawyurs, DuýIite he learviev, b is ministers and cotumnisîs are duIt clods. DesîtetIt,'ctvr Vci'. e a"O in- But the greal majoritp work their heads ro iebtt iinaitit, a 1966 mnode] DonIt o flitc bue, shoving, urging, exhorting, UJiiecw ho tilts ai windmittc ctîilb a encuuraging and leading the poungslers 10 li-cres tiorner', on straege la- acuthood. deandt tinks tf iflie and tove in capit- aliiIe, i', j ltierzarv burglar and a, Aîd 'the studeen s? Arc tlîey a sud, I)lltîîîîiîg nn-conforinist. Interiisting Ici- ticaien crow-t, cnwed by juthority, cager loti. for seccritv, afraid to think for tbern- 14,1 le hs acimle 1 bindspos. selves? Tha t is wiat Mr. Necdham, wilh ljti te î', a itupte e btind spas.his Viciorian siese tif scliools, esoutd bave ablllat,îicutitempi for lodays s'ung L. eiv.Hh I.'ol,. Souiis psycbtitogical. Peî'haps li %sliîretioui et schoot, or dropped A ît arc. [Bui flite ntajorilv are jost ouo ii uverotîicn tejch-cts. But lie the opposite. TheN are rebellous, dariog, (cp,,fle ic iine business. îdven tureus, and just basting to bave a uitiri ai lufe, as inulitgsters tave been Fîor hM, the educallunai s vstem is silice tbe lrne of Socrates. %;s[,.wIk:,ionittib.ittose sole Loinî i, ,ci esît the spirit of vsutt, indoctîlît- Righi flots'env son, sebe s 19, is eîber ,,iteîi il \ihai[lite iîi'ing idcjs, and tailto10 tiicti-bilting jero',' Canada, un bis way ivchîcil tus bing abouti LIFE. [les great hume, or lîeading for Mexico. We're nol oni LII E. sure. Righi nue, ni', daughter, cîho is 15, s beiie,îot folk sengs ci'bieh sie ivrota FwIii tti. ,tejci', are j bunch et ierceti. iii heep lier mind off 6cr sure tutu cltds. ci luise tit sdcsiie is te stuit cr,. Slite tad tlitent pieîced yesîcrday, for tI sqtiecl tussign fus iinitialise or crce- Aîîd t gît t tut, ail erer totri, 1,200 k:d, iront oui- igb sciient are igtioring tir Ilîiînmodetru studetis tire il sert-*v itîir lirecwe , and watebieg TV, or lot, uniiietiirotý,is, îrîieuîaîe, wecurity- ,sotîeing pool, or gassing on tbe phone, or 1idc, ud tiiaand liii.lalîttin leoieor ridiiîg mitor-evetes, Thes 're ce raint seut eoo'ed bs -auiboril'i, \vcl'ititi lîcre Io tel] bîtier Necîl- or squetcbed bu te sYstem. or indoctrin- luit l'inie ic eloflutote lientiethit îtd ilis'jtNliiitg. escepi buntan înjture. celîtiit. Hi, ittc,îsjre pure pîppseîîck. Situic he uc,îaiîotat sc stent is a v',t Do*ti lie ntis'e, Mr. Needbaîi. .Pages of the Past f r omni c bamnpio n fil e s 20 years ago 'Iabeis froitste %Ise outhlIe Canadian Champion, September 26. 19M6. 171idîîtl\.,Ocutoler 4. has beecuosen to. ireîbalîuîîî.l Fielîd Dc' ai Milton Higli Seliootl. Tut tîtke Ilte etitipelilion kecuer, te iutdent butls' s i, 'iîled inttuthrec iuuuiouu, iute't'tuiau'lce d senior, -flic i ctittic ,ssci, itle tp o u tudcieet' 14 ici', tut ,and utîtler:tbe iteimetiate li', . il tIandcti ults jIl lIe senior ,i'.cil),ttttd eolt lb16or oser, itflic liitg i'eeiit us uillie lfcld t tic i lShu ciut (utpts ajuilel includec îIleRtiiiiiireltu, ît ttuttiip, Sttuittg[lreit J1tutu lî htl Fui, f)i,iicc' Tlîîuîee'iig sitht ;luttilli ttti\speetnus irlgus, tuuutîuut g iul iskctlbail fcr idisitnec, lieut lti ce llikv t"F,'ic l ie'imiuututci't ltc l tîke place t Ileic tgicutuial Groic Tht. ie prcgrattt î,uk-'ciii Ilus 511 surît îlsiîli-gir lu.Interi" lii c l.%fiiilt, n untlr theîoustIlle tli. 20011autti4009 ijui tli tir ail lasses; tati tuticmile pe 'teae: ,aîîttrelu' race. 1 clic ltt, utR.R.I Camhibell'ilte, is il îî,lîiîict lis Irade anud ili ct\ect t 1m anîîîtu' lutsud sîelliug pipe, lie has ut iilcl oI tt i iii', sbood amtbition. tHc luist, tsi'i il î ininia lire cî'rkiuup ii((ý lii , icatin elgitt'cuit bislitilers Luintt . lkin, ite ue,îrc 10comtpteeil, Mrc.l ltîte îiittsttttitc îî,etiued and ccpatlu ilele. Coumplo'te- uitt cut ý\i ttîeuclc, il tccts125 pîîuîîds lThe iilitu cilngine s t oncusih :scale et d Ioleit -.i - tutu etuaiie tut Itu','watelt'i Imli luis .19 iîctes t]ong audl23 iitctîcu uti iIle ilut Illte cutobe iact L te grmd .tutl Il itticItpu uutequrter' iersc- e-l'ut lîcît ie',uîueî î. lThe boitercarc.t- li, 125Ilii,. pîtu'c'ssu'c'letc'ainte îpressur'e .1 Ile clipic u' 'ui te ich l t s i d ll Iliii ccc %\(")(1 ort'cuti Ititttit,îbc'sa-ll tut fiultu luitilîttu ili Ii essIe, ,50 years agio Icikeis Isu IslileIsue oftihie Caiadtiai Chsampnîîs, Seîlenîlîer 2f, 1916. Ililtuîî ,î\\ce], ago lat,îiSaiuî'îl.v eue'uiuup thr \ it i, ttcctt eu'et ,AIt ai thliolîtlîls hav'c'tainttouit stanîdard' fltIe eot heu' tti' .blici- itcgc'tti"t 'îpuuutc'u'îiitcîl tout iln Iii i tii.tute Iiteut tc iti brtenîîl' ol(itltut tutlIle cilicri lu ic' ut ,cone. huit thtiti iti ntuucli ut(ti c 'tu tllti'ttp Iete i im in iiiofllei'repoter.i lThe tenderc'ts 'us lec \, oici îtc'i forut lu'le tutu andî on allicr-t cc' licl'. Thlus îitlcueuc'e bluticl il tatdti tcul licol i, tooiti ii ukeît, Bars'c tuti i uuis'tic kt 1opuenu ait11 til., iictîiuugStnîîs,, tutuN s but t ilt1 ot hetît. Iliaii iec'ciii TI.cstljisete atitt TUier icc'tise' ttcii'u fronil t tuu$40 Io >50.iThl'île le'1 utusautluci t sutl iiv lte ut' t iti icut uaie'e'ss in iicir'rlitsc hui itc'cîîuttuttîîît)l,î u hutiierl t'ilc's'ntt s Itle iti iluttutlotutu' ii\i u ibu- ,i - \ i t t, l uighIlle t iti ' uu" , ' it îuhbusiucss lii iti s tt t eactlisy a dru' imi.Illuc'ctu iit,'betti litge tut poltathi', i uouîuuulut Ciiectîs îuî'inîpfic' tact uit' diclu Ili refltacittu il 6v ou'îtriîug frontu Qiet tec e îilet's.Il ',s id tutti il catiîlie pol fi- wolesae ra tstad evetu allet te'vintexepr'ess charges, ci-lit 6c heaper tbuîî t uuu'uuîer fi lu bcuu6edetiscreti, toit, hot011)stocks loî'ed i Ontio.u 100 years ago l'akese front the issue outhtIe Canadîaus Champion, Seplember 27, 1f866. '.L. White. enlerprisief tuercuantlou Kitbride, anti nonces in titis issue Ibal by lis energeticexeertions lie uil soou bu utt,.'uin Kiticride i lui lhautagain. lu th, uîeantiiuue the public areinvi-led nu gel bargaînseof 1he damtaged gcods ut bis brîîueh establishmieut in Dacotah. uiler flue captuen 'Business Energy', tue Netlscn coitespondenit of Hamtilton Specictor, sais, "Il s pteasýing lu note fluitftue site ul lue store, uasîne'd b' T. L, Wit e et Kitbu ic',anti uthili ceas tately cosul ed h ite, is agaitu sccopied 6v lue nucleos ci 't umore coutumodions boild- in, fitnte ormueruone. TIl s tultv olcelil iittlîle' eh lieculîing business tuttieolds t ui iise, ttoute ssci-t,',,. -Thi, tle',tscIle lui'eisatid te s eut h ieul, for ilitecîttsu der filait [lietareitls liîueblttPMr, Whitle tor g uti ale tut talntton gît t îHtîti lIon pricecs iltlusirîîus'uuduîuus. Nuttuitihstand- igceritiinalieiu n 'uitîui'c uticit i'ci' aiitut Ioset jlitjic tîtcuîiuug theu sur tuclite, ie uai tuossbenun reasouabte du tai Mu'. White tuas a oser lu the esîcul iof soute ilicti satud.s aidollars by Ilite' couil agiation.' Il ZIIO, i ,N I' luit ini ou'runoticer ofIle Nciicr lbe' ullr li', hut'liertî,d auu hiidi tle illuit,, ac lit es'uce bcth heu t ouidl tuve puec'nued il. Mu. McDer- tut l esr, ointinitie t liuelitad tit conutîcelieut uitbil asc pe'peutcuigt st Irluise li-tii i', ttiialu etintia, No roernc tuiu's ilieuudeîl THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Publl.sihrd6v lthe uIs PrlsIIng and FublishiIsîg CouLtd. Mauaging Editor - Taies A. Dilis Necîs ldiluur - Ruts'17. Dotîs Adv-crisiuîg l6gr. - litîcParker MainiSI St.tten, D Otario. Metulber oftIlue Calaitaiut MekisNr\s-s palieres Assîciationî atd Ile Dii- lat'io hctvNeut cpaipes Associa- litn. SîîhscrPip liteus tpayable i aitu tce, S4.0 niiiCactila; $7,00 iniilaucauiîîuî'cs otiter flaitî nouuîcuiutrerltae- ite rettite tuti lt etti eetlIn reu e- tof.t.'etuîilermr, ut tirin acnu it-utu e ut'1ttin, d,,(>.".,',I, tt ttt Ptuv tr ti» l it- utttittetrruuuntr t,t'îuw, Inrfre. Itn, ,"f. t Ili t cne e May fe eit.ueiai m my uime, Aullmrized as Secondl Class Mail by lise Post Oltice Dcparlîuicnt, Ottawa. iiqa 4mm apapt IPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST I -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------- 1 ýi