Ihusiag shortege affects touchers At the Septembor meting of Milton Soparalo Sehiool Board last îreck. trutstees learnedone00 non tachrîva-, travoellng lta Milton tiailv iront Tittinta. Tlho inarrioti teache-r, liter hîtîhatît andi two chiltiron hail hooi tin- able tai finti stitattlo accitttno- dation in 11111 attor nî.îKttt1 caonre t ot t.ttla u i. il îruttoo inticatod the wcii attplied fot- an apotittoat iniiit Truntee Angein Toneli notott ir a- liti anottot indicti on ot tho tratîîc tltatiago aihui e., anti ttpacttnnt-. it An invitatioît ttc-. cevv fron t he Rotîary Clb ai Milio iti attentd a -pecial tlimieri itîo t- ing wiitro W. t1 Clatrke, he Ad- ininktraîoî tfotr te Sîtocial Schooti -tttt Sotrtices Bt ittoal * the Dpartmonî tîltib te u, spoaketr. Soctr totarrR. W. Clarko w1î- in-.î 'tclti tu en- qiro to seo haw ittîanibar momhrt anti 1eachot-.wt-ltcti ttt attentd. The ecretary -tretîstrer ro- paortid net tichi Mro,Mtatii i Dumoas, farmor[i Nov Siti ii ia, hogan toacling Mtîîtdai\ Fli as ooidait Caîtîtti catIt- ers ompîtîoyethe hoa lîia hc ogrooti tu attendt a ý"a chotical -îninaî" A- l stook, thoto %ver -t-o idii rogiteroti at tho schîîai. The oci-otarv teaîtror liai in tîrtîcîd la sond a luttro th:tnK. to Miltaît Hiîti lot viding a io antt tcttigcrttoi foc homo conanîlci pirot îtc-. Mr, Tonlli inqtiredttou tîheî paih hall anti ivnieîdct i hctt t might ho roatit Io itt- a, a- school gmnasiim. Tho Ioair'- tico-chairman Roi, Faîlior J. . Mirphî- irai dlogaitd ao lootk in the cosiq ol oqiippiis- lie hall for a-kethal ni io sportý i tc h ai lbadmîitn. Hassard Milton% ncllot1iuaaomolîco sales anti soi-iice agoici orficiaI- lelîtîor-. it otit t i llait-cKot oi iil itti lv .tIe. teri p Mlian Pîce7a, 'l'lie lit-in i It -tllttt t M li t i iit i t o i iii t 110 P[ho îtfîîr itoi okîîii il!,i 1.. li o c i li 1 lho a to mile itttl ýt - i Mi ic , con- ic a0lind t-Oi taltI îiali, cutI -I11t I Ci hoil c io altttl'o[i i lansltlfor ~ iIle wetIi', iiicitli la lt 110 da\ 17 tiltpîli lo oIeho Il vdn or lt on nd ii Ilita- li c atîtL 1l'011 ini, IoO tl iwer and t .iili litai l ndin ta o l A ii liitt ii iwtn Titti-o lil n liiiiii ril terooii Iiii ci il A1 ichup iithh oo andii i- t cii1 u i i Sil, R.PIGîî 130bîî,-Ii Tii tIi-ti land iiî A it . lPi)"Po lc I n i il. li Ki ulc u1 it b i i 11-0111ilMititit in dav, r tiI ii i. I) L) imt ri li Cttt il.i t i Illg :1.111.tîlh t1 titi- .lr da 1,1i'iil'1pf i SIll iii ltîît- oiici'la l- ing1 I m- ît4îl uitl District president speaker for Mountain Union women af Atîtmil' tiotht VIti l'I ic IlI mook o a Maiicii , tthe i nit inotitlo t ic iiio\o Mc. Ohm nHomo But lingti,. Pîcîlîloni Mr,F. Filiit prtoîiloil atîdithînketiM ii . Homeofilîîr îaîîînLa the 211ien heIi l ho tme again. Minutesno'fte prcvotatî nîcc ho licaittrot -- tortciMisM. Hutme aiKnaîî loigi-ttih' gei- itoit cr ntniicihî tho tîtîti- tite. Th.tnk ilto co iitîelo i alilmheci %thît hoipoîlMi,.- F'. Clmenti îî 1h hr qtiliiiing, cipetitlI Xii'. Maituto Rcdl heatiandi Miis.i\V. The molt "1-.(,k - Liti 1oau'n'stionmi'iiciiirlinol 2ici L,Ciol-.aAîreportîîîîîîhc Ai acoCîncnîîici of \..wspv en hi Mr,Sac A ote of condilence %li,- ris- toit la Roc Co cile a(in lic10 tl of hîî wilo Mîctil cuitit, %vspcesiîlcni iofScotcih Btck Wlai tho urne of' h ec teath, A card igneJ d b% nx'tii.i il iiisent lit Mr. Krii Gust ncck-ci\Ni, Mci, WV Webh, Distîrict preîlioeni. Alter heaing hert iîcîtîlîîîîlo i% MI - Nîîccî, Mi,. Web hlt ttifcthli a l'ci , iii ,i 1 i , t ', lit, il .t i tn, itî'i i e il i 1- 1 ici jo ,, iii pu1 igp. " A ne lo itiod aieL iit,1k ililt.i. t ci .1. Sii ît ill 1 o ii ît l ii 1 c i k 11 ie i il i 1 l' .ii e 1 Mci,\\11B. 1.cIu it ýcn I' Mci, Langtiii,tandiliadiîîl]ii îîhîî hadti tKn part. [,înîh lai trt i%lt . ). FSXILY SAFTY 'av'i, î îîîîliKo tceiiii, 1 cnt . 'FiLIi -0 >1i Iccî l hotu t'itiiih a , - ic' îî, i lt i thi-ni -- lii l i t ii i' - Iî I Iîî'î tehi- hotu iicmptht u i ciii i g i i i ci i hi%, -t liaitii Si, aictig udt i lîKocatiliîg da\iici huildK Ti t li r, tlt'.it lit-n h Merci tiici-, xill ho giiing avay free b. [ooi oithe childioen andt Kil' cases tiîi. dli-. Musicîtîlli lie îtîlîllit lcaltiti nteriti- et-r, Tttiii Roiveolii. liasard Merury Mteor ill lite 4ilîîti ftithelt otmplote tie ti Miii tti ,Mottai prît t- TýIt.iiolii lianillo Falcon, :iLmlile I ti ti liirilMiiir to tiiiik,. iitî%%,-Ill Paîtliciiro'unîit-r ortho luoaci, tpened ir Ie tialoî'îlip lît-utîlo KnaiiTtirTîe itaa %,ccttiticitl hi, oat' and Ille'IaIt love itilor This For Mr. Peper litîcî Mcti-.tit a pî iitac',Thte til ed pthlic aleso rgniza ion tii ii'tvltsa.le, rî'ipîohî- ,jiv iiîîî CilîlitoantI Grait MilîMler.iold .ti.fti, ili I)zte ad vice ii per- lit i ii, Ii, - a-1iisiitiii-uMiin Lily aîiditing ilepa t0 join thea wtt hockitt in )946î, tith ment. Ficom lie remained j lino and îî'o Ford, Conocai sIvr prodn"t-. lait itti. rM 111- il1toi - ii Il ilt t-t ail d F nti liitl 1 it'. I it a ii i 19 1 1 %%iîh 1h li v- W intiii)v, itti'ng ait ilirili i t ho le an Ili- illii' t1iti l an BOB IASSARD artent. e lf[onegrndcild yar nda hllago h wsplae-nitou motiecn oqoipmotqThoe 10rop ln tht. weéendanse tcmp-t'n 1943 antI Mr. Pepler starled îîaciîîg it oibt he ho Frd Company wiih a licmitthe. uniy Pordi deaier i0 aur nom homo," parinors Hai- h Pond ai Windsîor the chomictîl antd paiticindusî- lorge Tîtronto doalor, ipocializ- Canada Io hano an Allen coton- sorti anti Pepier urge. We are ho ilei lopri- cc fiorNava tevtceltt ing lit ruck ialos. Ho joinedtdi tio re oanalyzor scope. The very ihappy to ho in Milton anti 94 thentaleslai voar iltotfier va.soralicamo r Mi', iatiartl ina Opacineriitip 1 iîapleqtippod wiih front enti this open houso b otir way of in he nioiolve nangerofa lrgeplaticJcon- yna iedan is f or Holr atifttment faciliiet, îwo hoistîtthanking lte people of Milton [kd n alto atitOn htr iianagorli lar Itaiit tmottîrltini iinfouiihilr n cut artîaîing anti ohrication anti district who havo made us il Majors anti Chrv.c- stru ction equipmont lino on ilaacti dMrccori- Moteo tr real, beel to moîrome hero - ;, tnil ho decitît-t stales, anti licameOn(ttario saletslbuilding footicots a lurge car anti ie firm iniMiti i nutmauager tor ilieoj atridi tur-tsttrock torv-ici ra- ci-.tîtplotie,3 r. Hatiarti l mat- oqîipmonlt iutriltotor. Alutt a oqtîlppod with thoeles anti Thr Canadian Chîamîpion, Wetinpsday, Sepiember 28, 1966 New '6 7 cars..new '6 7 showroom-i See the exciting new Cougar# Meteor. Mercury, Cornet and Falcon at Bob Hassard Mercury Sales Ltd. MILTON PLAZA TELEPHONE 878-2815 Herets your invitation la drop in and see Bob Hassards new premises. He and his staff are looking forward la giving you a friendly welcome and a four throuqh Iheir new showroom and service area. Corne and see the big new '67 Meteors, liixirious Mercurys, Comets and Falcon, the leader of all ie Compacts. Don'f miss Anqîla and Cortina, the oufstanding economy cars. And in the lrucking world, there are some real workers available . . . from lighlweights to the biqgest of the big ones. Bob Hassard's courleous sales representatives wîll be pleased to assist you in buying, leasing or servicîncj cars or trucks. Brinq a friend, take a lest-drive, qel bt know Mercury products from the vuelîîs li) Sce the new '67 Meteor! 'cc OIARý METEOR' MER CUR Y' FALCON* (OMET *ANGLIA &CORTINA *MERCUR Y TRUCKS ONLY SHELL STATION IN MILTON FREE BALLOONS and KEY CASES THURSDAY - FRIDAY OIL - SATURDAY LUBRICATION FOR THE FI NEST PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HASS-ARD 878-2815 MERCU RY MILTON PLAZA METEOR 878-2815 THE SELL GAS --------------------------------- -------- -------- 1 iq E ELL