C2 1h t inartiian Champion, Wprlnpîday, Sp'ý1pmbnr 19, 19066 Ha/on edration reporter attends workshop on wri"ting A press'.toint t (Il onirot tiape'. o!fchieî îne-a imitar the tu ,,- ai' î,i't'iîn prutect tor Nova Scutia. made ieu a Wrriterý' Wakhop The wotkshtap ia'. organizodt Iniii îa . Kr-.. tiid i enc ro iinptrve fatm report,, ani oft Mian, trî, tirepin- articles. sent tnia tarin majta- trtri ted-tanoii iiiArard ,-ine., andi tu'pvpii- tir itik.tati î"1110iii'icw witrqamngi iThe '.ea e 'i i- r adori aria pe-opte, and pertiaps tii ta-k ir Iita uir tiut j, i- t ii. iipiavc thi-e ai i m a ltge ini 1. I I I rîrrjou ii ' .r tiia i l «) I . tte cvci-ni the rconsituîer puici. t-tiî'.îrr 11 iîtri r I t.iire, Ari 1t igiti hatîri'îii ai prined \or' loipubic-dcing. I tuber re'iteiioftO.P'.A., \\il, Silier-rt' teginiitite public %vrk.hop ro -ordiiaor. Mrs. tir'.'. s tir' l.ittiedr o nit irgtî Iriti Siiir, e'.eeiive i ri iiet', î,t~a'.kiir". .andi rttueti'.\%ho igave cor iioau' assistanc e tino! trioi.ait!tie ipiic-tutiei-rt tiroghoti. \v.ýiliiiikir. A ltîtndreti ýI'. ý,. 10i.trrttl' LIII tIII W0112 ST. JOHJN ON JOB \i't'a, tilotutti ala -r j ' tqittt embers'.oniSi. Johin un P il, )daý li'.1Ambulance Britade iravel'e ait tit trru1 rt'.1,1 t.tiin -t c "ivih 800 high '.etîoi andiritg nuo Ii igiti ta ri'.ti ltt-i.k itidrents vn a fond-rai'.tng vatk- t i, ic- ui'.'rt îi r tich asi 11iton Satttrda.v. The' '.titîettt' ltnin pi.. atitiit, '.ti ie '.tatkecit tram Torntot t Pii". ii t.gttiaI i lit ii i Cornet'., anit the Miton brigadte tvritttt' pitii' gu'.. .ti-aînpante t hcm un tite'Pati-r. Mr. Sihratir îîîii . ti-iodtihe montaIci tppi ait sectionn of titi 3tt todenrt,' ,ilt iitrtg ltrIti lle itn it o ttt J tii'ii- t fl u It, itittit I lle'.i'. t tli jIt'.11 i IýI andrgtrli ii'V R iiittilo , at Rwio , al on tii îttglai the titi i pIltittitru w ic'iii".i [tic titi -t 'ti- r' itttiat, i rttla rît i' rîtîtt ri-rtîr '. tnt ii fuý it t1- ta li IlcnIi assard can'i the lme,"IN1 inntatii.giinginstructian un repotitig I(r 'TVandt 'adio.iti Liain taitrite a'. tait ak- ivan tatkng ta îaitr'.atias o yti"ha :antintid. 'Be atr alt andJtienntit'.. Itiniarvicng pav attenttiont tuat vaur u, '. aving to pick ip îtuei[o m.iii-nexiqttat "Mn lr n at- gae t-p in tt'ing tpe piili l aii h iaelsO A K V II en'. NJami-'.Gaitne-r, Ft-nir[!i i %%hot gave the instruc-tio in Bin ph.loaa.plit' tithi- titi-'. B sln 1hui tadîri t' .tiîttti titi %uirk'hiptfrontiail titi- Ontairi, '.ith a ut-cialttguet tu-ut0 proi-- ini train 'hua Ruoina.She t\t'., iit'eiiti iti tit ,tnî i Iiii HASSARD MERCURY METEOR is a fine new addition to aur area and we gladly loin in wishing themn EVERY SUCCESS Harris Stationery and Office Supplies 182 Main F. Milton 878-6962 GOOD WISH TO Mercu ry Meteor THEIR NEW BUILDING THE MILTON PLAZA ILLE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LTD. Milton 878-2305 ---e TRADERS GROUP LIMITED W.ish to Join in Offering Our CONGRATULATIONS TO HASSARD MERCURY METEOR UPON THE OPENING 0F THEIR NEW PREMISES i Traders Group Limited - 347 Lakeshore Fast,I Ca kvil le it was a pleasure ta participate in the construction of the HASSARD MERCUIY MMTOR NEW BUILDING lll' ROOFING BY EDWARD IRVING ROOFING RR. 3 878-6020 MILTON 0 AS SUPPLIERS 0F BUILDING MATERIALS We join in wishing every success to HASSARD MERCURY METEOR 0 &W LONL L-UNIBEFP' CO. LIMITED1 It was gratifying to have participated as suppliers and sub-contractors in the FINE NEW BUILDING 0F HASSARD MERCURY METEOR in the Milton Plaza WERNER WEBER ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS 136 MARTIN ST. 878-6034 RED-D-MUI( CONCR~tU tLtfl. Bronte St. NMlton 8782113 offer CONfiG'RitTTUt ÀlON S HASSARD MERCURY METfOR We are pleased to bhave beehi ielected as one of their suppli ers CRIESCENT FINANCE CORP. LTD. 1a1 MAIN E. MILTON 878-2113 are fiiay th participate ihiiwifihing a full measure of success to HASSARD MERC URY METEO R JOHN TAMAI, President WOODTOWN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. OWNERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS TAKES GREAT PLEASURE IN EXTENDING OUR SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS TO HASSARD MERCURY METEOR UPON THE OPENING 0F THEIR BEAUTIFUL NEW BUILDING IN THE MILTON PLAZA ------------------------------------------------ - ------ .............. 1