a$ The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, September 28, 1966 Fish and Game News b y a rn co u1sso q By Arn Coulson This monih the dock season opens aod ,o tar itlolks like a good fail foc the dock hunier. Thc hateises aie moeh ahove nolotttt attci Sottiset sOn- mure rt atttthn \%e hatvetctosst - Eatst ,ancd t,creportsîtshos li dock population is aiso op ont temc. Tiese vasons are mcch the ame as ast vear. Octcsua- son opens nestsn'eekend i24tht ctp norts ,nd a lttle later doms in Hatton. Titere is one dii- fecence ts ec mentioned before: you must base a Migratori' Bird Huoting Licence hetore v00 start and titis tppiies tu ail of Canati. Now for a sory thticettttever he toid ton uitîo. To tii cou met, tnd scomen, sho are stan.- ing oui toouse a shoigun or ille for ano ther season 'Neyer point your shoigcîn or ile ai sormce lhing voo do toi sstî 10kilt." Lasi Sear ther irerc 10 faal humnîg accidents and 100 nos- fatat. Tha t irer, had bt hîisten yo cnder tain 1960f, just 3h ttal accident, and fi8 non- fatîal. Dur- honier satet prograun is payîn, off. Aso in those lîve ecars the unîiter of huniers on- creased hi 21,480.. Thitis rallher iardo tu eiteve su it hw o the increaed pressreontnur gamte animai, and irds s, hich. heties e i or not, under pioger itoantiýettarc itcreasttsgin The sitot gunins sil ihe hig iilendier in htttting, accidents. Herc are te percen tage, tait yeai: Shoiguins 39 per cent. .22 rifles 38 per cent. high powered rifles -12 per cent, ait onthers 2 per ceiit. Ain n thte age group who caosed the accident s serc': 15 sears fo 19 %sears35 per cent, 20S282 per cent. 3039 10 per cent 40 to49 9 per cet.50and oser 6 per cent. The gamne that sias iteing itunted shen acci- dents occured: Raitits 22 acci- dents,.Groscf12. Deer 19, Dscks 15,. Moose 5, Groundhng 16, Pheasants 2, Squirrel 6, C row 5. The Haiton Sportsmen', A,- soction heici if s annual lc tion onste fini Thut sdav nifte sionth. Hard - tsorktng J i i Montan is stiflthtie presîdent fur anotiter sear. Nearis' ait the ottice r, s rre rclected lor an- other fersi,. ecepi Ken Lewis %%ts replaces Dan Kidd as Gun Director. Th ite P,iîc'îîf s\.as ihanked for hi, gond îsork dur- intcaser t, PuntitCoutisun. Titcrc ha,, ieen ,a lot toi sork dure ai tecludurding te pa,,t sc.,ýthst:sthe one main ohijectit eitin,, compleird, te insftai,n ot,,n fecîrîc trap. The pcnic andcrcnnmoasîsvas hic utd ai ,rt ,lt iis ser and %sasc'Nul]aftended. Wayne Auckland oi Lovviiie, aiong wviih Jim and Ronnie Coul. son jusi returned from aweek's iront fishingign the Gogama district. The ýboys camped and enjoved fine wed ther. Thev b euglit hontec'uieitit nut i n the57 Ili. ca George Robetstonout Kihî de lisnot re turrd irom hi, isunt- ing trip t the Rockies as yel. Lait wotd Irons George he was jusi ieaving tu go into the Rock- je, for isco weeks. Ti-out season closes in monst areas thi s %,tek and ail in ail il iaeen a iairly gond season for the Tr-out lishermen. The record so far-ive ihink j, the 18 Ili. rainibow caoght itv t Hamil- ton angier on the Meaford dis- The Moskies are hitting like craz % n the Si. Lawîrence ae ni the lvs Leai Bridge. Thts oeckend. Sept. l6. 17 'and 18, ihere %e re eighl Moîkies caoght ihere ail] over 25 lbs., one tip- 'ping te ,caies ai 34 lbs. Thai's a lt ofotighting fish. Anone witolha, neyer had one of lhese on the end ol hi, fine ha, yet, on ni%,estimation, tuoexperieoce the thriit nf a lile-titon The wtraer ha, cnoidcdowyn and the Lake Tt-oot ate hegtnntng tu hit .ngaio in mosi areas. The ncsi moth t s aisoa,,.er,'vpro ductîsc one f loticWalcsc tish- -At erman. Dennis Sincair and Terrs SimpsonofniZimmerman ovn n a fr't-n fishing trip f0 somne înfand fakes iroint Tit,,5 anti i Lii recentiv and returned s, it pile in te 15-20 Ifit ls t Dennis Sinclair in photo). Also fom the Lake of Bass Dstrict ai Dorset, csmes the targesf ale tnut otft e ai00: Jatck Browsn ofiTorotos%%asîîf o ginLake nf itB%, , trolfing ut t itaiJohsotn Sisc Sptonn sihc'itite foked ,ancf anded a LaIse Tiout ssigftt, n t f35 lits . gtit2712 incites. fengfh 42 iicite,. on a ten-lh test iv Bits. th,î tfakc, unme fishiîg to lada iltitt big on fighi tachle. Ntce got ng Jackt Dusty rmdws,speeders ktlwrEsqueshi, Te wnshiprutepyers Esqoesing Township- council- lors were ail chpked up sitin chiot on Monday. Sepiemiter 19, s, ien irale mtepayers swarnsed intio te meetinsg raisins a storm regurding donty coud prdhiems. Mr,. J. D'Heurs and seven de- legaies fromt the eighlh lise were soos io lers anoiher de- legation of three headed hi' C. A. Maiher, al rom the 22nd sideroad acea, wecc also present to complais of dospolems. Defore the entire group wun finished compliing of heuvy t rocks, speeding und dusi prob- lems, counicilloco mece aIl cho- ked sp and nytopthelie iowumd the nuisance being encounieed hi' ratepuvers. However. cooncillor Pal Pai- ternon ceminded the delegalions ii coud hudget was hardiy ad- eqoatte to last ontiltîihe end of te yeam. Thtis mus leemncd ui- ter Mr. Mulhmms siuied calcium had only been npeud tioce titis year. Reeve George Leslie mnmided the delegaies i would cons cous- cil unoîher 110,l00 lu spmeud calcium on te 142 miles of oud ihroughoui Esquesing. Mr. Patiersun ssggesied pehaps sent year's couscil should set aside $30,000lifoc ihis purpune. Mrs. OHeara told councl some tmcks were drlving ut ex- cessive speedo. claiming noms wece doing itieen 70 and 80 miles per hour along tise oud. Sh. wosdemed if te ouds couid soi he ponted with sign icguiuiing speed limits. Themreee noted ihai igns could onu' he posied in built. up areas. Cooseilior Putiemson was of te opinion if Smcks 88 msî Ob F REE PARKING *0 Open Thursday - Friday to 9 p.m. CHASElS HOME APPLIANCES 181 MILL ST., MILTON 878-3221 sonne driving ai speedn enSimaS- cd by Mms. OlHern, il was a malier for the police. Councllor Tom Hill soggesi. cd pechupo lte Depurimeni of Higitways ho asked lu look ai lte area and sec if sigos coold be authorized regardioz speed limnits. Beforc ihe delegaies leSt, couscillor ýPatterson said he feli ratepayers wosidoýt mmnd ravin g an exir a miii or lwo Lu0 gel good ronds. Reeve Leslie remarked, "This [Hydro Spoecial A Fres EI.ctric Blanket When You Buy a New Electric Clothes Dryer. ils what we want ta lenow.0 Aller &mofathe retepayens preseni said îhey wouldn't mind' an iserease is the milI rate if ihey goi good ouds, Reeve Les- lie reminded ihem to recaîl îhcic sintement ai the nominal- ton meeting or sohen they re- ceived a bill showin a en or Imeive dollar in ~n1 taxes. In conclusion, the eeve saidl he coutd promise noihing until the rond commiliecehud as op- porîuniîy 10 cesiew the siluai- Westi nghouse FAIR T' E BLUE RIBBON SPECIALS PRIZE WINNING WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES ARE YOURS AT FABULOUS ""FAIR TIME" PRICES -- HURRY THOUGH -- THEY WON'T LASI nnerWESTINGHOUSE WINNERS HEAVY DUTY LAUNDRY "THIS ONE TURNS" ""THIS ONE TUMBLES#" -GIANT 15 L.B. CAPACITY- - GIANT 12 LB. CAPACITY - )RWITH WATER SAVER CONTROL WITH WATER SAVER CONTROL v ~277?1L turi *L02 ,9- - -. The Blue Ribbon Wii -BIG BEAUTIFUL 13 CU. PT. "FROST FR11" REFRIGERAT( FREEZER LOADED WITH PRILE WINNING WORK SAVING FEATURES AT ONLY TROUT FISHING FIGHTING RAINBOWS UP TO 17 INCHES AVAILABLE TO ANGLERS UNTIL NOV. 30 Fishing ih Rates $1.00 ADMISSIONt $1.25 FER TROUl oe11nrnr'" OPEN DAILY DIRECTIONS -1s, an Rainbow Ranch PhonoM-.7 1NO MONEY DOWN - EASY MONTHLY BUDGET TERMS 1 HEAVY DUTY HIGH SPEED DRYER 0 Smooth Porcelain. Tub Won't Snag Clothes, Rust or Corrode 0 3 Temporatur. Selections F R E E FARTERE DEERY 11 SERVICE