Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 15

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Lau weeb we det sd the1 original act flndîag iaîm ron-( vention. Tht riBackwooud" con-1 vention is ta mel l nowa anti1 so univerialîn used bhal il i nul necessars t ltif atîtop- ponts Ihai cati tse i. Ailtubt- er coemionmutlie aiii iee i.,iaviaion ia aithe Blaris ttiil inthu lion .ihai i mittulîlke tlaInnorme dan if I couîflgel mv pattiensIo agret. Perbapi nuaîtand yuur favorite porînen %vulad fike ta innv il. Il's part ai the Roaun Club Syitem pla vtd bn tomre Ilalian pairs. Tht luliznave bitte t qîite surressflilanhe Warfd Champioesip bridige gameiý The Sami as king bld is usmd - thati s, itourb noump asks purîner aboul tutti.acs,îtuttht epansti aire dili ent. 5 clubs shaîs-aîî acs or 3 5 heui s shosws -_2_ace fle 5 spacles sbowns - 2 ares viii mairhtd. Twio tires the tome un mach mdi meant bth minor, hoth ma- jor, bth red an bth black. Hence lwo ares nt malchmd can mean unir tht arts of clubs and hearli on Ibe arts ai dia monds and spades. Usualiy the persan whsb bd jFod, Thomnson .ruh, wiwe Alrd FrdaofRR4 Mion ad Gortdon Thampian ai R.R. 2 Milton, dominaiedth ue graa classes au the 1141h annoal Mil- tou a PliFain. fHem are the etuts: Ont uhtseI RutsellQit, A. Fard: Gordon Thampton. Ont bushel tarit or medium oals, Gardon Thampion; A. Fard. Ont hoîbel isiner icheai. Gar- non Thumpion: A. Fard. Ont bushel bantty, sxowtd Gor- dan Thompion. Ont busbtt lat Rodntv ati, J. C. Marihall; A. Fond; Gordon Thomptun. Ont 'nushel st aabbambarttv, Gardon Thampton. Ont hushtt Red Claver, A. Fond; Grdon Ibooepson. Six itlibietsilage cura, W. J. No- rngtoa, R.R 6 Mlon; Gordon Thomptan; Mrs. Robert Miii' fat. R.R. 3 Georgetown. Willmott cattle top Angus class CaIlle awned hn J. H. Wil- mtl and Sont of R.R. t Milton picked up six irsîs, a second and a third la the Angus comn- peilions ai Milton Fai. Included lu the pines ent aards for tbe Grand Champ un Angut Bull; Reterse Grand Champion Female ad bts t breeders' herd. Gladmrame Angos Fanm af R.R. i Fergos owned tht R1serve Grand Champion Bull; a third la tht femnale bora la 1965 rfats; the Grand Champion Pemale and second pize la tha brerd' crs' herd clos. et's Play Bridge by bill coats forlotir falmp wiii have an ace or lwa, sol the response miii pin point exactly which aces the parinership bas. If voue tide has ail four aires, voti can check for kingt by itiitiing lite no irtlmp. Tht res- sones are the same as Ifor aces bt ie ti lîîgher. Another ac askng uanvea' lion %%it ch is airîn popular in Northi Arntri'ea s the "Geils)er" tonnenlion. Thet"Gerber" con- %enîton is a variation of Biack- wood detigned la permit ace- shaiîing below tihe game level. A bld aiflfotir cluîbrequires pantner Io show the nu mber of his aces as foiiaws: 4 diamonds-na ace or 4 ates. 5 hearis 1 iace. 5 4pades- 2 aces. 5 nu [iomp - 3 aces. Theililttîlv'wiih Ibis con- vent ion is n deriting wlien the feur cltub hidik la tirai andi oAhenil ik ronveiîiionai. Til t bel it t' se efour tclubs as a cotnenioonit tsliii ilîisaà iiimp hbol If the partnershlp bas all four ace,, Ibm the ilotir elti hidiier tan fmd the atimber ai iigs lth% iîfiîîg lite clubs. Tue atîmber ai kingts sshott jîus[ as the ates are, bti ont round hi" ber. There ts a variation of Geaiher ie wbicb volutan ask for-kings bY hidîiing the nest i.bihesl suit allertrhie ace sbawing respanse. A step response is tised. This reqtîre s goud parlaersbip an- tfersianding sinice il is tain la hecame eon[used. Here is an esample of Roman Blackcoad in vshich oper lînîfs bis parla er sîilh ti the righ tacet. North S-A K X H-G i x x D-X X C-A X XX West EFut s- x xxXx S-0oJx x H-X x 11-X x D-A XX D-IOXXX C-K XX C-Xx x Soîuth s-X H-A K X X X D-K Q J X C-Q J 10 South West North Est 1 H Pass 3H Paît 4NT Pass 5B1 Pass 64 :" AIl Pass Uaâeag Roman Blackwiiîîti North's fine heart bld shows two aces bhal are maichet. Since South huldi Ithe heani att, North must have the chlb att and une other. This la Important informaI- ian for South since -the club ace i, essenîlal ta tht ibam. South hnoîcs bal aI the worst he will have a finette and slams sbauld bc bld un an even chance. Il North did nul have tht club act, Ibere could bc two quick club lottes. If yo ou d like ta leara 1ahboui contract bridge, tube f essons ibis fait. Firsit esson Wednesday. Oclaber t2. Cail Bill1 Coals ai 853-2225, Arton. for mitre information. 1 Lastweeka wlnera werc: lied for finI., Kay Harmer and George SalIn, wilh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coats: third, Cam Sinclair and Bill Barbour. WORKMEN EGAN LAST WIEK ta, instali ihe Martin St. end oi the 10 acre lobe, whnre an $10,377 spilimay ihai miii drain the miii pond, ovnflow spilimay iii ha construcied. Tht ipili- Multons centenniai projeci. A thovel t tshnwn may iii afia have a buried 18 inch pupe caiiing a haie in the îouth pondbank noathe tbrough which the pond tan ho drained. Peacock, Patterson Shorthorn winners R.R 4 ,, onan AlanP k tc- ii ,ndfias huit h ite lu t soit, R.R. i Mitoin daminaled l tr tamise lirin Peitock aci thetdual iptopose shrtlharntlas i,-ial ttis uiree fisis. six sec- ses iii Miltoin Fair on Sattitias. itît and bite ibhircîs. Pttt, icck aoiiiais %ton the sen-. An entiri hi' LA. Ferrier, RX. ior andfgrandfcamnpiun maie 1lMiltoniitaimed a iidin iivu ille, o ile Paiicsin eîirie, i blit alCa î.iaiiiietitht jaînior, seniiand grand champion femafe tilfes Ca, ti ii'îîmakts fiaiticin- velas a uiri it'e graded bei ti ersaiti - boli aiL alone ,ri tismpetiiiissant i letee* n iiioliAActiiiprolittiandtpi e- iiies inthe enioirand graind i s-eu.aiati'iieiatmiî champion maIe classes, file. Cinsrsaionioia iii % The reueve junior, rescrît' able nalurai resaurtes i s etit. statut anal reserve grand te' had's responsihiii. A buraed malies titre 'rt-m tht Ptcaob ser toi-esti s a moînumenîtiio berti assteiliastasecond ia the di saster. A careesslstiist.îrtfet gtadtd herd tompetitian. - . .mateb ia cigarete ccîîî aiss Paliersisa animais rolieti a i t'Bc tiieltil. We take special cri of your OId Favoritesu Yoai don't have ta diacard jDadas faoiechair because it saga more thon a lttiol WelI repair and r.build lt ual like eew .,., and, our work la gu.ranteed. V. Sowerby, Fatroh lead goat classes Tagerrhurg goaru exhibittd by V. E. Soifiay, R.R. 3 loger- toit helcl a ilighl edge la the cf ises ai Miltan Pair Soi trday, wiflie te heitIaf Mis. Jeannte Farrutu, R2(R. i Paris îftiainaied flic Sa.aneîi anditi Nîiaîî classet. Inte Tiiggehtrg classes [i Soweî'by enlîles claimed six finits, four secondt and Ima flirds. Eniries by Mns. G. M. ScuIl, RR. t Milîgrove wrapped oîp lrt inl lotir classes, seconîd n tce. ilirci itoanad fiutîah li ibret. Farrun entriIn leS.u.îîîeand sevoîî secotntds, bieiii il's n imtîrfîils. Mrs. Cara IBriantd, Otiida, claiiiuedl t ena iirsis, iliree secondi, a third ami tw louîîîrihtn the same classés. Mrs. R. Ormerud, RAR, 4 Ojuidas tok a fir-si, a seontd, Iwo thirds and afourth. A spécial for the best udcler- tii dat mas mon hn an enlry frn rtiihe herd ar Mrs. Clara Briandi. Tieavt'ragfe miik eîîw in Cois' atia pittiaces tibret tons oliii ilku pluis 363 ths.lper vear. L. W. EMMS ELECTRIC Contracting and Servicne Phone Milton 878-9731 The Cenadieb Cheapiofi, Wednesday, S«pterhbt28, 1966 ~ Ayrshire champions to Sutherland, Carke ln Ayrihire clattes ai Miltion lair tii Saltrtian, ilegrandi chtampionit uif wa.s sitîtean 1fi* Alex Sutherland, R.R. 2 Paris anti tht grand champion lemale hy Clarke Bras., Narval. Tht Sutherland enîriet also oLite reteintechampion fe- maie whi'ie a Clarke animal toak tht reserne champion bail. Win- nersinithe breeder't ietrtitse te Clarise ifitîs Win. Rvlu; Aies Suiiiil.eiti.andlW i i.i1. c oni, 1.1. 16Millin. la the claia ae ompetitiont Stîlierfan a iaos îtvtn iree lrsis, tIno seoncls, a third, a liaurîiiandl îwa lifîhi. William Reid entrini ob Ibret firstî, a second, tbret ihirds, a iîîarlh and a fifih. Animais front tht bard of C'larke Bras. tob a finit, ibret seeonds. IwoîtIhirds, Ima ioarihs and a 'ixth. W. J. Nor- linfluin animais huis a socunti, a hri 1i iif, lii ce iih, a ith andf a seni i. TIME TO START YOUR FALL LAWN CARE. . This is the Season to Start a New Lawn or Revitalize an OId One.. GET YOUR SUPPLIES HERE ... " Grass Seed (Good Assortment) " Fertilizers (Your Choice) 0 GARDEN TOOLS 0 RENTALS M~ILO HA~m:RDWARE'f~ i Announcing the Toronado-Inspired 6 7Odsmobile a lot cf new ways ta express yourself NINETY-EIGHTeTORONADO * DELTA 88@*DELMONT 88-*CUTLASS SUPREME CUTLASS 0 EarI Power B.A. Service LICENSED a"Aa" MECHANIC FOR SERVICE AND REPAIRS. PICK UP YOUR "LUCKY BUCKS" Base Lins and Ontario Street 878-3415 NEW OWNER AND MANAGER OF TH4E STATION Bailey Fuels, FURNACE OIL - STOVE OIL BURNER SERVICE AND REPAIRS Bas. Lins and Ontarlo Street 878-4821 SAMI LOCATION AS BEFORE I1I Longer, racler haods Sporyrerdek Fasback flair. The dasig Trndo npirdte Oldsmobîf n look for 967 And Ofdsmobîl in g ig w moohem t ener. New ride ipînîp s ad egi relînements stentctat.Frntwheldisc nu are avoulable. Yo a cperoaieby hoig irom the huge îeiectino xrsad uryotns Add pour imagintoî n d ocahveht on car in a milion. '701d A loi of new ways 10 express yourself SEE THEM AT YOUR LOCAL AUTI4ORIZEO QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALERS' TOMORROW Authorized Olcitmobilc Dealer la Milton R EE D REDFERN L1M 1T E D MIlIeu, Ontarlo - Piton 878-2393 Leg ion Euchre League BEGINS OCTOBER Il TÉAMS AND INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS ARE WELCOME Register at Milton Legion or Call Jim Johnson, League President at 878-9898 - ----------- -----------

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