24 owners, 98 animale Another excellent Holstein show Anoîher excellent showe of Holsleins ai Milon Fir on Sol. orday sasi 24 exhihilors bring 98 animaIs aid ieake 150 enîries in thie shiow', 15 classes. Wiliian J. Bnînett of R.R. 1 Burliîîgionî son the Premier Breeder assard. ishile George and L. H. Leavr of R.R 3 Camp- helîville 'were iamed Premier Exhiiior. Cbamplonnstipn ent io six cxlhieis Leisers îîoîî iunior ,eiiadýanid iiaiepiiiiships ini tia bull ci.seleiiiois. How-' ard Tarzvsal'aI R.R. 2 George- towniîclaimed the senior aid grand champion lemale classes. plis resarve senior aid reserve grand champion in the bull classes. Barbara Y. Royle of R.R. 1 Oakeille had the resarveoeior aid reserva! grand champion (e' maIe. T. H. MeGec o R.R. 1 Norval -,von the juir champ' ion temale. siih A. G. Hunier of R..1I Brlinglon claiming the reserve junior teinale aivard'. Ashville Fanon of R.R. 6 Milon had the reserve junior liîll in lie show. The same exhiitors shared the specal prizes olfered, Royle won the Dr. Paul Beer liemorial trophy (or the besl udder class; Tarzwell the Bank of Montrait special or progeny of dam. and the 'ank of Nova Scoia special for snior g-ol sire; Ashville thie Masier Feecîs irophs for hreeder's lird; Bennet ha Hal- ion Cuo'peraîive Supplies spea' ial for premier hreeder. aid Leaver the ýE. J. Meagher mem- orial rophy for premier eshibit- Oîhers eîhibiling in the show included: 'Hugh Beaiy, ES. 4 Milton; John Brander, R.R. 1 Norval; Allen Bromwnridge, RR. 2 Georgeown; Ward Brown- ridge. R.R. 2 Georgeown; Arn- old Fish, RR. l Oakville; Ralph Ford and Son. R.R. 1 'Milton; George Howard Liusland, RR. 1 Milton; Wilfred Leslie, R.R. 4 Geoirge ose:; McDoîîld Bros., R.. 3 Georgeown;"Keilh Moore, SE. 1 MoItaI; Claude F. .Pickell, R.R. 2 Georgetomn; Vernon Pickeî, R.R. 3 Georgetomn; John Popp, R.R. 2 Rockseood; H. C. Reid, R.R. 6 Milton; R. Segsworlh aid Son. RA. 2 Bsrlingion; G. R. Sinclair and lSonîs. R.R. t Bue- lington; and lWillri d l.eslie. R .R. 4 Georgeowni. Here are the inners oftIhe classen, wîlh Ihe top lhree sii- ners 1isled: Bull caît, Leaver, Ashvlle. Bennett. Bull yearling, Gow laid. Claude Pickell. Sinclair. Junior champion mole. Leaver; renerve, Ashvii-le. Bul Io years or over. Leme- er, Tarzwell, Leaver. Senior champion mate, Leaver; reserve. GRAHAM AND EVELYN GILLIES of Milton won champion female ol the show, and the caIt several awards in the Hereord section at Milton which mith the csw won the cow aid clt Fair. They are shown here mith their grand clans. Tarzwell. Grand champion mnaIe, Leaver; reserver Taremell. Yealng ielfer, McGee. Huit- er. Taroseell Junior champion l'einake, 'McGee; reserve, Huile:'. Heiler. dry, :Iwo aid ihree year old. Bennett, Leaver. Ash. ville. Cow, dry, tour yearn aid over, Tara.well. Lesie, Brander. Two year oId heifer, Claude Pi- ckei. Taizeecl, Bennett. Three s eur nId rom. RosIe, Tarzwell, trvacer. Fuiurlly npeclal, Royla. Four year old cas:, Tarzeal. Leave:. Tra,7swell. Fiee yeac old and 0V' er. Tarzwell, Ashville, Claude Piekei. Senior aid grand cham- pion temale, Taremell; resarve sînior and grand champion te' male, Royle. Besi odder c las. Royle. Breeders bird, Ashville. Sinu clair, Bennett. Senior gel.ot.sire. Tarzmell, Ashville, Claude Pick' et. Progeny of dam, Tarzeiel, Sinclair, Bennett. Grir.use wiyaae Sherthera classes InSlîîîrihorn conpeiiioî ai Milton Fai-iio Saisrdav R. W. Gardhouse eniî'ies trou Aer- !edl Farms îook the Reserve~ aid Grand champion amards in the bull and tamale classes as mlt as eshibiiig the champion market sieer. Goardhoose enîries also regis.- iered seven irsis aid Iswo sec- onu. in tha individual classas. Ian M. McRae. R.R. 3 Ayr eshib laed eniries to0 daim tour sec- onds, Ico ihirds, a tourlh and a sisih. Hendersale Farns. R.R. 6 Mil- ton look a second, a bhird. a toarih aid a fiftî. Eniries (rosi Merrshraek Fit-nis . RR. 5 Mil- ion placed twoisaiirds. imo tonrîhs. a ixth and an eigbib. R. C. Sianton. Dakvilte placed a loorib aid Is: sevenihs. MARKET STEERS Guar:thiiise eiiries ilook the champion market sieur cluss vs ih the reerse awiard gong tu (ladmecre Aiguis Fani. R R. t Flora. Oiier c în,'-rs in he markt sleer classsi'are D. Sss!eeiman, R.R. 1 lornhv; Wm. Jackson. R.R. 1 Mona Road: Gladmere Aigus Farm; L. Gardhouse; C. Martin; Donald Hlarris; C Sîsect' mna J. Thompsîîn aid C. Mc- Cain. KILIRIDE The Canaèlian Champion, Wei Sunday school attendance -awards presented1 Dy Mra. Wllamt Watsoni Mrs lie:Heaîherîngion, Sunday Schoiil Sopernotenden: and Doniald C.oilsotî, assistant superi:ieideiisvere assisled hv Mr. Phil Fisher, secrelary, ini onaking the preseniaiioo el ai- ards lor laiih[ol aileedaîce aI Sunday School. The awards were as lotîmes; pins, Bohhs% Bye, Graham Bye, Sîsa Bve,iJanet Coiin and Sh ia o iii ii S iiili,,I i- Sauili .iid D lie sailîli. I îîîii year, Ricky li, i.SiLi scar, David Fisher'. Seveiiihyvri, Bruce Corman, Beverlev Coi' man, Onyle Heaiheringiiin anid 'Ronie Crmai. Eighih vezîr, Jim Goi-er, Ken Gaiter, Lviinie Fisher and Lee Fisher. Niiiii year, B: ian Smith, Daîîîy Smîith, Linda Smith and Peggi, Aine Smith. Diplomas of meril. Bah' be Bye, Graham Bye, Ssai Bye, jaiel Corman, Shieila Cor- mai, second year seal, Timmv Fisher, David Sauli, Dehhie Satli, Diane Sacli. Fîîîrllî ser Filih yeir seai. Piiy Coilsii. seai, Ri.kiTaslîîî KaihvTalor. Sixili vear ,eal, DavidI Fisher, Anne Roherisîîîî Seveînih %a Cuiiiaii. Roii:iiiie (î,îiii .î, a ne Willshei. Rs vWiiliî'i. Doris Robiertsoni. .igliiili sii neal Omyle Heailîeîiîîgîîîîî fini Gorîe, en. ai îrier. Lsiiii..'Fislii ci*, Lee Fisher. Niiiliyvearî al Brion Smith, Daîîîy Sîiniiî Liii- da Smith, Peggy Aine Smithi. To mark tleenmd of lthe bh,s hall season, awee o' rct hy Cordoni Harris anut Gary PIETRO 7onelIi PEU CONSTRUCTION Building Contractors *RESIDENTIAL '0OMECA *INDUSTRIAL *MASONRY *STONE * RICK *BLOCK MILTON 878-2294 R.R. 3, MILTON to deserving Sa iurdav altainoon hy al l18 plaii sai lie lHarris homne. A(i ilis lime Biabbv Iiigli.. aid BilIy Watson pi'esenied Mr. Har. ris aid Mrs. Twiss each with a vval1let on behaît oftIheir iteamn, a gilI in appreciation oft heir juiidance and leadership during bhis pas: season. Mr. aid MIrs. Ken Boillard of stiihiiis andclMis. (aIjiaiill.iid ~Svpîiîîher I8. ai ihr LsiLiiii,- ai Bai'lingteiii in lhoior ut Mr'. Geoirgetown wliîo were relebral- iii, ihieir silver wedding anniver- sar.. A icimber of people from the village calîrd on Mr. and Mn,. Mellord Colling. Guelpb Line, Saiurday aven ing ai the Estam- i ai Burlingion where they reielsraled their golden wedding anniversaî'y September 17. Mr. and Mes. Ronald La Salle aiiciided the Gowland-Healh. cate sîeddiîg ai Freeliiii United Chu irch, Sixa: day, Sepiembeil Ri'ce-pliifiilliiwed iii lie Car- lislv Coînînuîiiy vhait. Mrs. Eva BdaI:h of Simcoe lzIsiîsrek cisitiig wiib Mi,. Viîîii MMiilleii, R. »3 children' Mr. aid Mms. John Pegg and tacîily have soîd iheir home on Panlon Street to Mr. aid Mes. Bruce Hamilton and family, 'ormerly of Milîgrove. The Peggn are nom reiding at 3177 Oakhurnt Road, Burlingion. Me. ami Mr. Barry Losh and family, tformerly of Kilhride, are now residing at 251 Plaies Rond, Barlieglon and Sur. and Mrs. [laiîîjlc Deiiiiin aînd laiiiils'liis dnesday, September 28, 1966 65 formerly occupied by tbe Lunb fornnBy. Mrm Elota Bollard cof Kilbride Street and Misi Mary Evans of Georgetown travelled by plane lait week 10 Sudbuny wbere ilney visiled wilh Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bollard. Dr. andMrs. H. R. McDonad visited wi triendsin10Peterbor- ough (ast weekend. Mra. Fred Tuck of Kirkland Lake is spending some time wilh ber. sister, Mms. Francen Tuck, McN'ivemn Road. *Mrs. Murdock ot Campbell- ville spent the weekend wilh Mr. anid MNs Janmes Parchem aid l.ns ii, puteo hW top bull, Gillies champion femuale àa fuir Hereford contest C. F. Palierson. R.R. 2 Norval eshihiied the grand champion bull in the Hereford cîass dur iîg Milon air on Saturday. The grand champion lemale n'as eshihited hy Graham Gillies. R. R. t Milton. Resersea asards for the cham- pion hall aid ihe champion fe- maIee n ani 0James MeCarlhv, R.R. J Georgeowni who also look second iii the breeders herd. The Poil erson enîries lok irsti n ihe breaders herd. Bull. horn May-Dec. 65, C. F. Patierson. R.R. 2 Norval; Frank Hasilar, R.R. 2 Sirecisville; J. McCarihv. R.R. 3 Georgeown; McCarihy; Hasîler; Cecil Mc- tan. Milton. Bull. hum Fchb.-Apr 65, J. Mc Carihy. Bull horn Jan 64-ian 65. C. F. Pallerson; G. Gillies. Female borin s19%5, C. F. Pal' lerson; J. McCariby; McCarlhy; Palierson; C. McCann; Frank Hasîler. Female harn 1964, J. McCariby; C. F. Paierson; G. Gillies. Cow. hors 1963 or car- lier, caît after Feb. 66, G. Gillies; F. Husler; C. McCani; McCain. Population rise for Burlington A figure equal 10 more Ihan Millons tol population repre seniad the Town of Burlinglons popslalory increase f rom Sep temher 1965 10 lune 1966. This startling (ici rom ihe Dominion Bureau of Siaiistics in Ottawa mas presented 10 the Barlingion finance commiltee hv tosen resurer Don Frmer. In the eight yeins sunce the losen snaîched up norîheri ter riiary lpreviously Nelson Toswn- ship) up Io and iîcloding much ofthIis localile, population has doubled. There are nose 65,507 miles of land. The 1965 popula tion mas 58,452. UpALN ELECIe INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTRACTIMC SUISTA'TIONS Matai REPAIES 24 HOUR EANTNANCE IERVICI LEUS NADALIN MILTON »OX 8E8, MILrom, ONT. 878 -2206___ SOLD BY EVENUNG! THIS SMALL CLASSIFIED AD APPEARED IN THE CHAMPION SEPTEMIER 14 S GARAGE, 12' x 16', longueanid groove lumber, new roof, $25. To bc removed. Cati afler 6 p.m. > lcl9.1382 Within five heurs the garage was purchased and 25 CALLS were yet to corne. WêIEN YOU WANT TO SELL S ERVICEABLE BUT UN-NEEDED GOODS FAS'T ..n CALL 878-1341 o pchne5 ah 8%lt ptw arc*~î wuntIt jtiese %, 1, at~l Canna10 * 5S Seo the New 1967 Chevrolet 0 Chevrelle 0 Ch.vy il 0 Corvalr S Corvette & Cer. Tomorrow et your Chevrolel Deuiers Aulborized Chevrolet DenIer in Milton REED REDFERN LIMITED Mlton, Ontarlo - Phone 878-2393 Be sure to ee Bonoîza aid NFL Football on the CBC-TV network esch Suncday. Check your local listing for channel & limne. HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " Ail Surical OPertiona Individusl or Empioyee Groupe * lioctora' Cails PaEd fron oiay enrol ai any time of tiie Pleut VIit year. " Confinements REVISED RATES " Anaetbetlata' Services Monthly - $.73 Single " X-rays Mnnthly - $11.30 Couple * Alan Major Medical Monthiy - 113.25 FamlIy Yearly Plan, Drugs Payable Quarterly or Yearly RALTON CO-O MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Box 474, MuItin - DMal 878-9712 Please send me information. (No obligation). Naine..................... Address .......................... DON'T MISS Georgetown Fai Fair THIS FRIDAY & SATURDAY -- SEPT. 30 - OCT. 1 F EATY U R I N G ONE 0F THE FINEST HORSE SHOWS IN THE DISTRICT Something New .- Bg Quarter 'Horse Show JUMPERS -- CARRIAGE CLASSES -- WAGON HORSES' HARNESS RACING 11 M I D W A Y EXCELLENT HALL EXHIBIT - OPEN FRIDAY EVENINO AT 7 P.M. GEORGET'OWN GIRLS'" PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE &dmission 75c Students 50c Cars 50c 1NTEREST PAID ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES AMOUNTS $100 to $100,000 TERM 1 ta S YEARS ENQUIRIES INVITED HALTON & PEEL TRUST &SAVINGS COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: OAKVILLU Offices: Brapton Igs ae . UE Coakella Mlle.. *a O.ogewn